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Fiona's had a rough time at life. Despite some success with her career and other boring life stuff, she's feeling stuck. None of her relationships seem to last and, though she's afraid to admit it, she feels like something's missing between her legs. Her human body just doesn't seem to fit her in general. All these feelings are what have led her to sign up for a "Transformative Experience" at a bizarre farm out in the middle of nowhere. Though she's very skeptical at first, she soon runs into a nine-foot-tall horse-hung dragoness that lifts her off her feet and makes her wildest dreams come true, quite literally.

###This draft likely has a few bugs. I'd love to know what they are. Also, the attached page sketches by Purmoral are for the comic that's going to go with this story. The comic y'all voted on. ^_^##

DRAFT - A Beacon of Change
by Zmeydros
(with many of Purmoral's characters and ideas.)

May 2nd, 2015

It had just rained and the streets of downtown Philly were aglow with glossy reflections from neon and LED signs. The beauty was lost on me as I stared out the window of Tim's tiny second-story apartment. My own beauty was lost on me as well. Why Tim would want me with my flat butt, petite bust, boring brown hair, and lack of a physique was a complete mystery. Maybe it was the sex, how I was willing to do things to him that most women didn't do to their boyfriends. Tonight, however, both of us were too inebriated to have sex for the--I'd honestly lost count of the number of times.

Tim's curly blond hair and light blue eyes made him look like a surfer, even when he was wearing a collared shirt and slacks. He was standing on the other side of the window frame, staring out with me while just as bored as I was. His toned, lightly-tanned forearms looked gorgeous against the light teal of his rolled up sleeves and his ass was so round I was envious. The things I wanted to do to that ass...Actually, forget what I said earlier, I wasn't too hammered to have sex, that was just an excuse.

"I'm not sure we've celebrated your promotion enough. Maybe it's time to break out the feeldoe again." I grinned at him, feeling a confident warmth from the tall glass of mead I'd had.

"I wish we were celebrating your promotion. What's it been, five years since you started with International Poly whatever? Time to move up any way you can." He swirled the mead in his wine glass.

"Guardian. I know it's Chinese-to-English word salad, but could you at least try to remember it? Not mad, just tired of reminding you."

"They're making money hand over fist on every continent and they can't pay someone to come up with a better name?"

I sipped some mead from my wine glass, giving myself a moment to calm down. "Can't we just focus on you tonight? I don't want to argue again."

He scoffed. "I don't get what your problem is with the position above yours. So what if you'd have to wine and dine rich assholes? At least you'd be paid for it."

"I want to be a museum curator, not a pretty face convincing rich dicks to sell or buy things that should be in museums. Plus, I'd be terrible at it because I feel like popping valium if a stray cat doesn't like me. Can you imagine how I'd deal with the sort of catty rejections people get from rich a-holes?" I tried to keep my gesturing to a minimum because I could feel the mead sloshing in my wine glass.

"My God you're funny. You should get a TikTok and just rant on it." After a brief pause where he went from chuckling to a thoughtful expression with pursed lips, his eyes went wide. "Wheeling and dealing with rich a-holes is kinda your childhood dream, isn't it?"

I laughed. "That's like, the worst part of being a secret agent: billionaire babysitter."

"That always seemed like the best part to me: getting to spend time in their comfy posh bubbles, experiencing the finest things in life."

"Really expensive things are not much better than things that cost a moderate amount. If you want accurate timekeeping, you want a quartz watch. Really pretty ones cost maybe a thousand dollars. Mechanical watches can sell for hundreds of thousands, or more if they're especially rare. I can understand the fascination with the engineering that goes into them and such, but the only people that get to appreciate it are so rich they don't know practicality. They're the same people that will buy a top-of-the-line BMW never having to worry about the fact that they could buy someone a brand new Hyundai with the first ten years of repair costs on that BMW."

"Wouldn't it be nice to be rich enough to not have to worry about that stuff? Like just for a day?" He smiled. "I'd want that for you and if you get into a high enough position, you'd have money to waste on things that aren't worth the price and not lose half your pay to your rent."

I wanted to throw my wine glass at his face. Did his ears go deaf every time I opened my mouth? Were we even speaking the same language?

"Fuck you're hot when you're angry." He turned his ass toward me. "Do I need a spanking?"

I took a step toward him and swatted his ass hard.

He moaned.

My pussy twitched as I got a fantastic rush of adrenaline. "You're. Such. A. Brat!" I slapped his ass again with each word.

Rubbing his crotch with his free hand, he said. "What'cha gonna do about it?"

"I think it's time for me to get the feeldoe." My panties were very wet.

"Nah, it's getting pretty late." He stood up straight.

"We don't have to get up early tomorrow."

"True." He sighed. "The time isn't the issue. It's the seam on the feeldoe. It hurts when it goes in."

"I wish I could feel something when I was wearing the strap-on." Something clicked in my mind just then as a thought that had been flitting through my mind over the past couple months suddenly locked in place and made me giddy. It wasn't just a passing thought, it would be amazing. "Fuck a strap-on, what I really want is a dick."

Tim grimaced in the dim light coming through the window. "A dick, on you? Don't be gross."

My chest tightened. "What's gross about it? You have a dick and you don't think it's gross, do you?"

"If I was into trans women, I'd be with one."

"But what if I had both? A pussy and a cock, would you like that?"

"Where's this nonsense coming from? If we were on weed right now, I'd just chalk it up to you being high, but you know I'm not gay and I wouldn't want a real dick in me." He waved his left hand exasperatedly while spilling some of his mead on the carpet. "Shit!" He went and got a paper towel and started sopping it up.

"It wouldn't be gay, I'd still be a woman even if I had a cock. I like painting my nails and dresses and being free to cry or giggle madly. Only difference is I'd have a cock." I was gripping my wine glass too tightly. There was probably some reason an actual dick was a turn off when strap-ons weren't, but I couldn't imagine it in that moment.

He stood up, holding the paper towel in his left hand and pointing at me aggressively. "God damn it, Fiona. Are you too stupid to take a hint? I think it's gross for a woman to have a dick, especially you. Plus, what you want, to have both, is medically impossible. If you want to have sex with me again, stop fantasizing about shit that's never gonna happen."

I was getting pain down my arms from how tight my chest was. I didn't know why I felt like correcting him, but I couldn't let it go and it took everything I had to stand up to him. The result was that my voice came out much louder than I intended. "It's not impossible. Vagina-preserving phalloplasty can--"

"Get out!" He pointed toward the door.

"Sorry, I'll shut up about it," I said quietly, feeling like an idiot.

"I wish I could believe you. Guess what you talked about last time you had too much to drink?"

"I, what?" I had no clue what he was talking about.

"You started going on and on about that same, messed-up surgery and I was up half the night wondering if we were going to have the conversation we just had." He set the paper towel and wine glass down before grabbing my purse and handing it to me. "And I decided if that happened, I'd ask you to leave. So, I'm asking you to leave."

It was such a vague memory. But it made sense, I got rejected whenever I spoke my mind, so I only did it when I was drunk or high and I'd had four mojitos that night. Knowing I had to bury wanting a dick even deeper if I wanted to be accepted by people, I managed to forget about that desire for seven years. It took a mountain of a hybrid woman to drag it back out of me and this is the story of how she changed my life forever.

* * * * *

September 18th, 2022

With six silos, five barns, a couple long quonset huts, three farmhouses and various other outbuildings from multiple different eras, this farm was huge. Every outbuilding and farmhouse was a shade of smoky blue, pastel yellow, or stylized light green grass with dark ink outlines on a sage green background, making the rustic red of the barns look gorgeous. No matter how old a building was, it was well-maintained and had fresh-looking paint. At the far southwest corner of the farm was what looked like a mine elevator at the base of an idyllic hill covered in alfalfa.

The small, pod-like, passenger van that brought me here drove west down a short gravel road, leaving behind a thin cloud of dust. It parked in a lot outside the smallest farmhouse, which was a simple A-frame structure with tall windows. Above the door was a black sign with copper letters that read "Guest House Alpha." The driver busied himself with grabbing my luggage out of the back and bringing it inside.

A magenta and cyan figure was running up the road toward me from the main area with the tall buildings. As she got closer, I squinted because I couldn't figure out whether this person had paint all over them or they were in some kind of magenta bodysuit. She'd gotten an amazing dye job done on her hair. It was bright cyan and matched the cyan ribbon dangling between her legs. Wait, it wasn't a ribbon, it looked like the underside of a tail, a lizard tail! My eyes went wide. This woman had two little white horns on her head and her face pushed outwards into a muzzle and she hadn't been painted, I could see the glint of scales as they caught the light. A hybrid? In person? I'd only ever seen them on the news, which was always vague or highly speculative about their origins. And here, right in front of me, was what I could only describe as a petite humanoid dragon woman.

Her hair was disheveled and had bits of hay in it and one strap of her khaki-colored overalls was dangling, unlatched. She'd gotten dressed in a hurry and water, or something else, had been splashed on her T-shirt, just above where the overalls covered. Her feet had claws instead of toenails, which may have explained why she wasn't wearing shoes. To me, she looked like someone who'd just crawled out from under someone else.

Just before she'd walked all the way up to me, my eyes caught a slight rise in her overalls between her legs, which made me wonder if she'd stuffed a sock there or the fabric was just hanging oddly. I had no idea what to say upon meeting a hybrid. All I could think of was the million questions I wanted to ask her while knowing it wasn't polite to shower her with them.

"Hello, Fiona." The inside of her mouth and her tongue were cyan like her hair and the scales on the underside of her tail. Her hands moved to cover her crotch as the magenta scales on her cheeks darkened. "You can call me Berry."

Watching her muzzle move as he spoke, realizing that she was a real-live lizard woman, I got this giddy feeling that made me want to bounce in place. It was so cool! She was so cool!

"How did you end up a dragon hybrid?" I blurted out. "Sorry, it's just--I've just never seen a hybrid in person before." When I wasn't at work, my filter was a lot weaker. It took so much mental effort to keep things from coming out of my mouth, which made work exhausting. Especially since I was always afraid of upsetting someone even when I said completely normal things.

"How I became a hybrid is umm..." She blushed so deeply that her cheeks turned crimson. "Maybe I can tell you later. Maria's expecting you." Turning around, she motioned for me to follow.

As I followed her, I wondered whether her nipples were cyan as well. I had a feeling it would look gorgeous, but that thought felt odd because I wasn't used to mentally taking women's clothes off. "Have you worked here a long time?"

"Yeah, I started as a part-time summer employee, but working here was a transformative experience and I just couldn't go back to my old life at the end of the summer. So I asked to stay on and they gave me a full time live-in position." She started skipping happily as she answered my question, making me feel better about the fact I was quizzing her.

Taking long strides to keep up with her skipping, I tried to keep the conversation going. "Wait, I came here for the 'Two Day Transformative Experience,' did you come for the same thing initially?"

"Oh! I--uhh, I didn't mean, sorry. I used the wrong words. Probably because I saw that's what you were here for. I meant to say that working here changed me a lot for the better. Hope that makes sense." Shy energy was just pouring off of her as she tried to backpedal.

"Do you like greeting new people? You seem kinda introverted and I know that can be hard."

She laughed. "Oh, I used to be a lot worse."

"You were even shyer?"

She stopped dead in her tracks just as she passed the corner of the barn nearest the farm entrance. "Yep, I could barely--Milena! Put on some clothes, we have company!"

After running right into Berry, I caught sight of a woman who had been crossed with a holstein cow, nude as could be. Another hybrid? What? Before today, I'd never seen a hybrid in person and now I'd seen two in less than five minutes. Was everyone on this farm a hybrid? The chances of that was one in a billion, but I was here for it.

Her nudity was unexpected, but I was even more surprised by the fact she had an udder, which hung near her crotch. All of her was gigantic: not only was she over six and a half feet tall, she was true to her bovine mix makeup in being incredibly broad. I'd never thought about a cow woman before, but holy cow was she pretty. Between her and the cute dragon, I was thinking things I'd never thought before. Like, what it would feel like to be pressed up against fur or scales? Did I like hybrids so much I was suddenly into women? Fuck, this was an odd time to start questioning my sexuality.

Milena had such a cute cow nose and I was thinking about booping it while she spoke. "But clothing chaffes my udder." She frowned.

"Just use more udder cream or something. We can't have you nude all the time." Berry turned around to notice me looking at Milena and quickly put her hand over my eyes.

I moved my head down to dodge her hand, saying, "It's fine, she's very easy on the eyes." Had I just hit on her? I'd never hit on a woman before. My heart was pounding.

Milena hugged herself the way people often did when they got a big compliment. "Wanna help milk me later?"

I stared at her udder, blushing so hard my cheeks hurt.

"You can't offer that to random people you just met," Berry said.

"Why not?" Milena was frowning now.

"Because you, well, it's--" Berry paused. "Just ask Maria later. I'm in the middle of something."

"Okay." Milena turned to me. "See you later, cutie." She winked.

My blush was working its way down my neck and I was getting warm in other places too. "Later," is all I could manage to say as Berry dragged me away from Milena, past an emu pen that was opposite the barn. I kept my eyes on Milena for a few seconds and then I stumbled on a rock and was forced to look where I was going.

As I got close to the barn past the emu pen, I heard grunting and then a heavy floomp.

"Maria's unloading hay in there. I'd bring you all the way, but I gotta help Melina with the milking equipment before she creates another scene." Berry let go of my hand. "That alright?"

"Sure, anything I need to know before you go?"

"Nah, I think you'll get along with her just fine."

"Okay, bye." I waved to Berry.

She waved and then dashed off back the way we came while I made my way to the front of the barn, hearing another floomp as I did so.

When I got to the barn doors, I saw the front of a big white pickup truck and a flat trailer with hay stacked four bails high. Grabbing bails off that trailer was a massive black, gray, and blue dragon hybrid in maroon overalls who was tossing the bails a good ten feet to the wall with minimal effort. She had hair white as fluffy clouds spilling over her shoulders and more hair went down the top side of her tail, looking like a horse's mane. Large midnight blue wings were being held close to her back as she worked and jutting out from her forehead was a massive cyan horn that reached up eighteen inches. The tip of that horn had to be at least ten feet off the ground, making her somewhere around nine feet tall.

The moment I was over the shock from her sheer size wore off, I noticed her gigantic tits and a bulge in her overalls that made me do a double-take: she'd either stuffed a couch pillow in her panties or she had the largest package I'd ever seen.

If someone had asked me what my ideal date looked like, I would've struggled before this moment. But I knew, despite never having been with a woman in my entire life, that she was my ideal date and I didn't know what to do with that information. She was an adventure waiting to happen, a sexual hyperbole, a goddess deserving of lust, fear, and worship. Berry had piqued my interest, Milena had gotten me to wonder about my sexuality, but Maria was my new obsession.

My heart was hammering in my chest and blood was rushing southward. I wanted to be under her, on top of her, beside her, whenever she'd let me be, frankly: I had so many questions that could only be answered by us having lewd shenanigans.

Knowing she had my attention, she grinned, grabbed another hay bail, and swung it around before grunting as she let it loose from her beautifully-muscled arms. The hay bail tumbled through the air before landing against the wall, neatly on top of the stack she'd been making.

Dusting off her scaly hands, she turned to address me. "You must be Fiona?"

She could've called me "Maybelline" and I would've still said, "Yep, that's me." I didn't yet know how to disagree with someone who weighed over four times as much as I did.

"Nothing like some physical labor to get one's blood pumping in the morning." She tossed one more hay bail and then hopped down from the back of the trailer, her huge breasts bouncing just as the bail landed perfectly in the next slot on the stack against the wall. "Looking forward to your Personalized Transformative Experience?"

"Yeah, umm, just to be sure, it isn't some sort of hazing ritual or something? On the ride here, I realized the wording could mean a lot of things, some of them scary. Like the part about possibly needing living space adaptations. That could mean I'm going to get so badly injured and will need a cane or wheelchair." I fidgeted with my hands as I spoke, lacing and unlacing my fingers.

"No, hazing is built on discomfort and what we deal in is pleasure." She said "pleasure" slower than the rest of the words and with deeper tones in it that vibrated my chest. "And the adaptations wouldn't be due to becoming disabled by the process. They'd be for other reasons that you'd enjoy, but would have to account for in your daily life."

Even though I was relieved, I was a bit light-headed. My blood was rushing everywhere now as I tried to process and seeing so many hybrids in one day and lusting after a woman who would have to pick me up to kiss me. Wait, if I was into women, why hadn't I noticed it before? Maybe I was just so into hybrids that it didn't matter what gender they were? I really should've gotten over myself and watched more hybrid porn because wow, had I been missing out.

"Only pleasure, huh?" I pursed my lips as I tried to think. "So, I'm going to be wined and dined, get a spa treatment, and then have some guided meditation?"

She laughed, a sound that I could feel in my bones. "People always assume the language is figurative." A wry smile sat on her muzzle for a moment. "Come." She held out her right hand.

I took her hand, noting that my hand basically disappeared into hers. The feeling of her satiny-but-somehow-also-grippy scales was enough to send tingles down my spine. As she led me to the third barn, my eyes darted to that package jutting out from between her legs. Her balls bounced as weightily as breasts, enthralling me even more. Bits of hay were stuck to her scales and overalls, some of it floating off in the slight southwestern breeze.

She stopped at the side of the barn in front of a pipe that went eleven feet up to a showerhead. Just under our feet was a square patch of smooth rocks about an inch in diameter that sat six feet to the left of an ornate twelve-foot-high version of the sort of door you'd see on the front of an old house. Between the shower and the door was another door that stopped two feet off the ground and it had this little horizontal handle. Was it a cabinet of some sort?

"The goal of this whole process is to find out who you'd be with no filters, no denial, no hiding your deepest desires or wishes, and no cowing to the restrictions reality has placed on you. We're going to remove all the walls that have been placed around you by inner and outer forces so that you can frolic like a horse in freshly fallen snow." She let go of my hand.

I looked up at her with a grin, feeling like I'd finally figured it all out. "I've never done anything harder than high THC pot, but I've always wondered what it would be like to do LSD or peyote. Sign me up!" I bounced on the balls of my feet.

"Fiona, dear, if it was simply drugs, we wouldn't make claims about life-long positive changes. In fact, it's important that you're stone cold sober. You're going to make some decisions today that will affect every day that comes after." Her face held no smirk or sign of mirth. If she'd spoken louder and faster, I would've assumed she was mad at me. Instead, this read as a grave seriousness, like a doctor about to deliver bad news.

"Okay, I really don't understand, but I'll try to give things a lot of thought from here on."

"You're welcome to think a lot, but the most important part of this is that you are completely honest, even when the truth embarrasses you. Otherwise, we won't be able to move forward."

Now my chest was tight. Was this an intervention of some sort? "Okay, I'll try."

"Let's get started then. First chance to be honest with me." Her smile came back, like the sun breaking through the clouds. "I'm itchy from working with all that hay and want to rinse off. Now, tell me Fiona, do you want to watch?"

"Watch you wash off?" I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Let me guess, until me, you never really thought about watching a woman shower. Is that right?" Her voice was like aged bourbon and brown sugar.

I nodded, wishing I could think of something, anything to say back.

She unclipped the straps on her overalls. "The moment I met you, the way you looked at me, I knew you wanted to see what my bare scales looked like."

As she pulled the upper part of her overalls down, I said, "Is this part of the Transformative Experience?"

She unbuttoned the button just above her tail. "It's part of yours, for sure. The first step is for you to take ownership of your desires."

Normally, blurting out what was on my mind was too easy, but right now I was like a fish out of water. "You're totally okay with a random stranger ogling your naked body?"

"You may be a stranger, but you're not random. What do you think the background check was for?" She clasped my shoulder with the end of her tail. "Plus, I'm not the sort of girl that offers things I don't mean to. So, what'll it be? Are you gonna tell me what you actually want or just hide your desires out of shame?"

The feeling of her tail on my shoulder somehow made her more real and my nipples started to ache from being so hard. "I want to watch you shower." Saying it aloud helped me relax a bit. My cheeks were probably wine-colored with how embarrassed I was, though.

"Now we're getting somewhere. I could smell you getting more and more excited this entire time." She pulled the overalls down and stepped out of them, her boxer-like panties swaying slightly as she did so.

Probably just to tease me, she pulled off her lavender T-shirt and took off her very-supportive bra, both which seemed complicated to get off due to her wings. There were buttons at the top of her shirt and her bra had straps that could be unclipped. Then she pulled down her stretchy boxer panties. My hair stood on end, not out of fear, out of immense awe. I'd realized her balls were probably nearing the size of cantaloupes while her breasts had to be as big as watermelons. And her breasts were so perky, jutting out from her chest despite their size. What I wouldn't have given to look like her: I didn't even know large breasts could do that.

My eyes fell back to her balls as she lifted them up higher and higher until I saw a huge mound with beautiful, scaly labia. "Both? You have both?" Now my panties were wet. I couldn't stop thinking about putting my face up in her balls and running into her pussy. I had no idea what I'd do when I got to her pussy, though. My brain was misfiring.

She gently let her balls down. "Yes, I'm a hermaphrodite or herm for short. Best of both worlds and all that."

"Do you like being a...herm?"

She turned the knobs on the shower to get it started. "I experience things most people can't even imagine and wouldn't have it any other way." Water poured over her, wetting her wild white hair.

"I can't believe how beautiful you are." Words were starting to come out easier, which was good, but now I was worried I'd make a fool of myself or that I'd just be repeating compliments she heard all the time.

"Finally speaking your mind, I see." She turned off the shower and then shook off a bit, her breasts and balls undulating attractively as she did so. "Grab me a towel out of that cabinet, will you?"

I went over to the cabinet door and had to reach up to my head level because the handle was at a convenient height for Maria and not people shorter than her. I turned the handle the only direction it would go: downwards. It swung open revealing a half-inch lip with a weather seal and shelves going up higher than I could reach. On the bottom shelf, which was at waist height, there was a first aid kit next to a couple sets of clothes, shower supplies on the second shelf, and sticking out slightly beyond the edge of the third shelf was a fluffy white towel. The third shelf was just above my head, so reaching it wasn't a problem. The fourth, fifth, and sixth shelves could've been full of sex toys for all I knew. I'd need a boost to see any of them.

Taking the towel I could see, I closed the door and then tried to hand it to her. "Here you are."

Instead of reaching out to grab it, she said, "if you're up for it, I thought I'd let you dry off the parts of me you can reach."

My hands shook as I got down and started drying off her right leg. Her scales shed water so well that it was very easy to dry them and I was up to her thigh in no time. The whole time, I was noticing just how thoroughly muscled she was underneath those scales. Even though she was nine feet tall, I suspected she could jump pretty high. I should've technically reached between her legs to get her fully dry there and I switched to her left leg as a stall tactic, but I was soon up at her crotch area again.

"Go on, I knew what I was asking you to do. So, if you hold back, it's your choice, not mine." She stepped wider with her foot, making more room between her legs.

Those words: "Go on" rang in my head like one of the service bells that were often found on hotel counters. It had been ages since anyone ordered me around and I got this happy bouncy rush as I took her balls into the towel and dried them. Each of them weighed about two pounds and, as I rubbed them, she let out a long, contented sigh. Then I dried off her sheath, noting how stretchy the flesh was around there while wondering how big the prick hidden inside was when fully deployed. I got tingles up my arms and throughout my chest as I reached behind her balls and dried her labia.

"There you go, don't be shy." She gently put her right hand atop my head. "If you're gonna feel around, just do it with your hands."

Pushing against her hand, I moaned, thinking about what I was about to do. I took the towel into my left hand before putting my bare fingers against her mound. Thoughts I'd long forgotten came flooding into my head. I'd never touched a pussy that wasn't mine before and I couldn't stop thinking about having a dick and feeling her passage part for my dick the way it was parting for my fingers. Until now, I'd never thought about how incredible cunts were. They were the softest place imaginable and I wanted a cock so badly I ached in my abdomen. Pangs of nervousness made my chest tight as I remembered Tim's disgust at my desires. Here I was fawning over a woman I could never be, wanting to fuck her with a cock I didn't have. What was wrong with me?

Pulling my head closer to her sheath, her scent started to make me tingly. "You're staring at it like you want a taste, go for it."

My pussy clenched and I moaned as I obediently put my face against her scaly sheath. It was so big around it was touching my cheeks and I put another finger in her as her plum-like scent got me to moan.

"Use your tongue. Don't worry, if someone sees us, I'll tell them you were too cute for me to resist."

Being called cute helped me ignore the fact that someone might see us and I just gave in, licking into her sheath. She gasped as the broad head of her prick pushed out to meet my tongue. Then, as I licked, I discovered the head was like something you'd find on a stallion. It had a flare larger than my hand, which I explored with my tongue, and a big cum hole near the center bottom. When I flicked my tongue over it, she pred right in my mouth, giving me a taste a bit like plum sauce. I licked more, her holding my face there, nearly smothering me. I slipped my free hand into my panties and started rubbing at my clit as her cock head cleared her sheath. I licked and kissed and sucked on her cock, wanting to see and feel every inch of it. Her ball sac bounced on my arm as I fingered her faster and faster.

She panted and moaned, bucking her hips. "Oof, you're really getting into it."

In that moment, I realized what I was doing and pulled my face away before pulling the three fingers I'd slipped into her out. "S-sorry!"

"I wasn't complaining. Quite the contrary." She rubbed the five inches of her cock that had cleared her sheath lovingly while her wings fanned out.

I'd been too preoccupied to think about it before, but her cock wasn't what I would've imagined a dragon's junk to look like. "A horsecock?"###

"Yep, bigger than most stallions." The pride in her voice made it even sexier.

I sputtered, imagining how much cum her humongous balls produced. "All of you is really big, do you even notice normal-sized cocks?"

"My pussy gets regular workouts, so I can make it tight for any size dick." She grinned, an inch of her prick now clear of her sheath. "Why do you ask?"

"Sorry, was that too much?" I bit my lip.

"No, I feel like there's something more than just curiosity going on and I want you to say it out loud."

Pain in my neck, pain between my shoulder blades, and a tight chest made me wince. There's no way she'd want to do sexy things with me once she truly knew me, everyone abandoned me once that happened. Tim was only one example. Others had left because I was too clingy, not attractive enough, or had the wrong words make it out of my mouth at the wrong time. Maria could easily decide I was a creep for wanting to be like her, so I said, "Just curious, you know?"

Her smile faded as she grabbed the towel from my hand and started drying herself with it, starting with her hair. "Remember when I said you need to be honest? I've heard it all, hon. Whatever you're holding back won't even cause me to raise an eyebrow."

"It's nothing, really. What's the next step in this Transformative Experience?" Being very into her and terrified at the same time was making me feel sick. I couldn't stop thinking about having a dick and she was the most likely person on the planet to be okay with it. The problem was I didn't know for sure and the anxiety was crippling.

"The next step is for you to tell me what unfulfilled desires brought you here. Why did you come here?" She was now drying the white fringe of hair that ran down the top of her tail, her breasts and ablls swaying as she worked.

"I just felt stuck, you know? My career, my home life, and my lack of a stable love life... None of it is what I envisioned when I was working on my degree."

"So you came here hoping that we'd help you mix things up? Knock you out of the rut you're in?" The mane on her tail ran almost all the way to the tip and she had half of it left to dry.

"Exactly!" The tight nervousness in my body was starting to wane.

"We can't offer much help with that, not in two days, not in a month. People who get truly stuck need months of counseling to make the changes needed to change their lives." She was now drying off her breasts which had midnight blue nipples with cyan barbell piercings that matched her cyan eyes, cock, and horn. "If you'd only put that on your questionnaire, we would've turned you away. What we look for when we decide who to take in is a specific kind of dissatisfaction. A more personal kind that we can actually help with. Tell me, Fiona, why did you rate your satisfaction with your body so low?"

"It's a silly reason, really." I laughed so fake even I was embarrassed for me. This was it, I was going to say something wrong any second now.

"Stop deflecting and answer my question." Her gaze bored right into me.

"I don't spend enough time working out, I'm chubby because I can't motivate myself to eat proper meals and end up snacking all the time, and I am horrible at maintaining my sleep schedule because I don't want to get up the next day so I always look tired."

"So, all of this is your fault? You came here hoping we'd help you develop new, better habits?" Her eyes were narrowed and I had the feeling she didn't believe me.

"Of course it's my fault. I screw up everything I touch and I pretend that everything's fine twenty-four seven because I'm a coward and don't want to make someone else have a bad day." The pit of my stomach felt sour.

She shook her head. "You're still not being fully honest with me. Your dissatisfaction with yourself is too generalized to be completely your fault. Something's eating at you. Something's been eating at you for most of your life."

"Weren't you listening? I'm the common denominator. I'm the fuck-up." I caught myself yelling and then said much quieter, "Now I'm dumping all my problems on you. This was a mistake."

Hanging the towel on a bar next to the shower, she said, "I'm going to try one last time. What don't you like about your body? Not the stuff you did to it, things that you can't change with habits."

"What does it matter? I'm stuck with what I got and it's never going to fucking change. I was a fool to come here." I winced as I realized just how much I sounded like Tim.

"I'll refund your Transformative Experience and you can enjoy the bed and breakfast part of your stay until you depart. Sorry to have wasted your time, but if your mind is that closed, we won't be able to facilitate changing that which you're dissatisfied with." She started putting her clothes back on.

Of course the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen could only stand me for twenty minutes. That was par for the course. She got dressed in silence as I fell to my knees, dizzy with emotion. Tears beaded at the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists to keep them from falling. I wasn't going to cry in front of her. She clearly didn't want to put up with my bullshit. This was it. My last ditch effort to change had failed. There was nowhere to go from here but down.

As she walked away, I was filled with rage at myself and Tim. That moment he told me what I wanted was medically impossible was stuck in my mind in an unending loop. He was no medical expert. Why had I latched on to what he'd said? Why couldn't I get my brain to stop for two seconds? Just as I was on the edge of a panic attack, I remembered the last line Maria had said to me. "...facilitate changing that which you're dissatisfied with." What had she meant by that? To find out, I had to answer her question. Plus, she was already leaving, it's not like she'd leave faster if me having a dick was disgusting to her.

Getting to my feet and going after her, I pushed all the stuff Tim and others had said to me to the side. This was it, one last attempt to change at least one thing in my life for the better. "When people tell me I'm pretty, I always feel like they're talking about someone else." I sighed. "You ever thought about how limiting it is to be human? I feel like every single thing about my body is an unfinished project that evolution handed in at the end of the semester hoping to pass the class. When I look in the mirror, I see this odd hairless face that has no pleasing angles to it. It doesn't feel like me. It feels like I'm looking at a misshapen container for my brain. I kinda like my breasts, but they're pretty small. And my ass has a bit of fullness to it. But it's not the right fullness, it hangs without being especially round. I'm not even athletic. When I put on weight, it goes to the wrong places. And I've got this skin all over me that's not as protective as scales or as warm as fur. It burns in the sun, coarse hair grows in it that utterly ruins its smoothness, and it gets unhappy and leathery in almost every environment on this planet needing skin products to constantly pamper it. I wish I was born a hybrid, not a primate species that lacks a tail."###

Turning around, she clasped my shoulder with her right hand, completely covering it. "That's a very good answer. Now, are you holding anything back? Any other way your body is lacking?"

I had to tell her. No more holding back and fuck Tim! "I want to be a herm like you. I want both." I instantly felt lighter despite some lingering fear.

She took my hand and led me back toward that barn. "Now you're ready. If you remained closed off to your desires, we would've been unable to help you."

As we got near the shower, she stopped next to the cabinet. "Would you prefer me to be naked?"

I bit my lip, bashful after what I'd already said, but then I mentally kicked myself and blurted out, "Yes," resisting the urge to ask her if it was okay for me to ask for that.

"Then get undressed with me." She stripped quickly.

Every time she said something that sounded more like an order, it felt damn good to just follow it. I pulled off my shoes, socks, top, bra, pants, and panties. Then I handed my clothes to her and she put them with hers on the outdoor cabinet's bottom shelf. I'd never been outside without any clothing like this and feeling the air currents on my breasts and nethers got me to shiver. But it was a hot shiver where my snatch got wet and my nipples hardened. This was, of course, partially Maria's fault. Seeing my tits and her balls were the same height, I blushed deeply.

Watching my eyes dart back and forth as I made that comparison, she stepped toward me, pressing her sheath against my neck while her balls pressed against my boobs.

I moaned as my nipples hardened instantly and my cunt quivered.

She chuckled. "Never seen balls larger than your tits?"

"N-no." I squirmed.

"Smells like it's getting slippery between your legs."

I moaned. Being teased this way when my breasts were up against her balls, it was flaming hot. I could feel the warmth of her sheath on my neck.

"I'm glad you worked through that rough patch because I'm looking forward to what comes next." Pulling away and walking over to the twelve-foot-tall door, she opened it and stood to the side. "After you."

She flipped the light switch with her tail as I walked in, the few LED lights in the ceiling providing a cozy amount of light. The first thing I noticed was that the floor was springy, like that recycled tire stuff used for playgrounds. It felt really good under my feet as I turned to take in the walls, which were covered in corkboard with a clear sheet of plexiglass in front of them. Pinned to the corkboard were shots of animals from all over the world, fur and scale patterns, very detailed art of mythical creatures, and anatomical drawings of things like bat wings, digitigrade feet, and prehensile tails. For every species that was depicted, images of subspecies were also included. For instance, when it came to foxes, they had everything from red foxes to fennec foxes to island foxes.

Just inside and to the right of the door was a chin-high table with two thick binders and an ancient brass signal lantern on it. The lantern was about the size of two coffee cans stacked on top of each other and had a huge lens mounted in the front with an oval handle at the back. At the top there was a pointy bit that looked like two solid brass coffee filters stacked on each other so the folds didn't match up. Each place where the folds were convex, they formed a D-shaped airhole pointing downward. It was a rather ingenious way to make sure that rain couldn't get in and as I was wondering how air got into this lantern, I noticed stylish X-shaped holes around the bottom. It looked like something that would sell well in an auction and I kinda wanted to grab my phone so I could research what it was.

The sway of Maria's balls as she walked to the table managed to pull my eyes away from the lantern. I was relieved when she closed the door because I didn't want more people to see my thoroughly unimpressive naked body. Why Maria was still interested in me after I'd taken off my clothes was a mystery, but I wasn't going to second guess it because I was hoping for my first lesbian experience. There's no way her dick would fit in me, but I really didn't care what we did.

Grabbing the binder off the table, Maria handed it to me. "If you had a dick, what would you want it to look like? Hold that question in your mind as you flip gently through the binder." She picked a tablet up off the table and started doing stuff on the touch screen while she waited.

I stared at the binder, which easily weighed over three pounds. At first, I was flipping page-by-page, but then I thought about her question and the pages stuck together oddly, almost as if the binder was flipping itself. "What the hell?"

"This entire room is enchanted to help you get ideas for your Transformative Experience before we introduce you to the lantern's light." She patted the lantern with the hand she'd been using to type on the screen and sparks flashed across its surface as if an invisible sparkler had been lit. Was Maria an aspiring illusionist who charged for people to come experience some sort of lewd magic show?

The binder didn't disappoint as far as dick variety: horse dicks, knotted horse dicks, bumpy feline dicks, canine dicks, prehensile dicks, bumpy canine dicks that looked like a fusion between the canine and feline ones, and fantasy dicks that defied classification besides many of them looking like they belonged on a dragon. There was so much creativity in this binder, dicks from many different artists, even a few I'd seen online when I'd turned my safe search off while curious late at night. One design had two knots stacked right on top of each other and I wanted a toy based on it. My cheeks were burning with embarrassment as I imagined what having each would feel like. Wetness started to trail down the insides of my thighs. Just what was the goal of all this?

I handed back the binder, having seen more than I could even remember. "I like a lot of the hybrid ones. They look like adult toys I've seen on the internet."

"Don't worry, the right one will come to you." She gestured toward the wall. "If you were a hybrid like me, what fur, scale, or hide pattern would you like to have? What shapes are most appealing to you? Bunny muzzles, dragon muzzles, canine muzzles, or maybe something that's a mix of more than one possibility? What about paw pads, do you think they'd fit you?"

"Are you going to make me an NSFW fursuit?" I tilted my head. I'd heard stories and honestly they sounded fun. I'd just never had the courage to try adding sex to my social life. It was good I wanted Maria so bad, because otherwise my nervousness would've won out.

She laughed. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But that's not a bad way to think about it. If you had a fursuit that could be as detailed as you wanted it to be, what animal traits would you like best? Think about that as you look at the walls."

Before, the number of options on the walls had been a bit overwhelming, but as I thought about what appealed to me, I kept switching between tigers, dragons, and foxes. Eventually, I turned to Maria. "Well, I've narrowed it down. Do you need a specific answer right now?"

"No." She grabbed the other binder from the tabletop. It was a bit thinner than the cock one. "Last step is for you to think about what body type you'd prefer for yourself."

Grabbing the binder out of her hands, my brows furrowed. "Can't see how this is relevant, but I've come this far."

Flipping through this one, I saw all sorts of body types and the pages stuck together only showing me male body types briefly before focusing on various fit women and then voluptuous women. Eventually, I handed it back, saying, "That was the hardest one. I've always wanted to know what it feels like to be truly fit, but I've also always wanted a soft cuddly body with a ton of curves. Do I need to make a decision now?"

"No, you gave me an idea, actually." Setting the binder down, she put the tablet on the tabletop too. Then she tapped the lantern again. The sparkler sparks went off in every color imaginable, spiraling across its surface. "This is your last chance to back out. The moment this lantern's light hits you, you will never be the same. You may not only have a different body, you may have different abilities. I'm not being figurative, I am being direct. Before you answer, think about how thorough the liability paperwork you signed was."

"Okay, you do have a point. That digital form had so many fields for my initials that I was using copy and paste." I grimaced. "Am I going to end up like people who do too much meth and burn out their brains?"

"No, but you will be different in ways that people will notice, that you will notice every day after today."

"Are you giving me full-body laser surgery or something?" I tilted my head. "Is there a plastic surgery boutique at the bottom of that mining elevator?"

"It's kinda like that, but without the need for your body to heal. This lantern is a very powerful artifact that brings people's desires into focus and manifests them. For instance, if you desire being covered in scales, it will happen."

"Oh! This sounds like guided hypnosis! I bet that lantern emits some trippy light patterns and helps with the process. If that's what you're going to do, sign me up. I've always wanted to try it with someone who knows--"

She held up a hand. "Stop. It's not something you'll be able to guess. What I need from you is for you to answer the question as to whether you're okay with your body being changed dramatically in ways that may make your life more complicated. For instance, if you were to suddenly have a tail, your skirts, dresses and pants would need to be modified and you'd also be getting it caught in doors at times or knocking things over. Would you be okay with that and other changes that might make you unable to wear standard shoes or have difficulty due to drastically heightened senses?"

This had to be the strangest performance art I'd ever been in. I was starting to wonder if I was a contestant on some sort of adult reality show. "Now I want to see what's going to happen even more. Yes, I would be okay with that, as long as I could still function in my day to day life."

"You might have to make adjustments, for instance, if you were to get tall enough you'd hit door frames, but other than that, you'd be fine." She held up the lantern, pointing it at me. "Ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready for the spotlight, Maria!" I stuck my chest out theatrically, like I was in a melodramatic porno.

She flicked open the shutter behind that lens and a sound like a thousand resonating wine glasses filled the room while a beam of light impacted my head, neck, and shoulders. All the images I'd been looking at started swimming in my head, tigers, foxes, dragons, and fit female bodies as well as voluptuous ones. The light looked pinkish-white, but I saw flashes of cyan and orange along with feeling a searing heat. I yelped in surprise only to find that the heat wasn't injuring me. As my hands flew up defensively, the light was exerting extremely uneven pressure: my jaws felt like they were getting sucked toward the lantern while my ears were being pushed away from it. Then my nose flattened into my jaws as they extended outwards, shifting my gums in the process. It pinched, but the rough prickly sensation encompassing my face and hands was even stranger. The palms of my hands and undersides of my felt like they were getting tugged on in specific spots and when I touched my fingers against my palm, I found what could only be paw pads. And there was fur!

I touched my face, finding a muzzle pressing out with fur growing in on it. "Whath sha sluck?" My face was way too screwy to talk.

Moving my hands to my ears, I felt the points developing on them get more and more pronounced as fur spread up my cheeks and then up my ears. That fur spread down my shoulders as my face finally stopped pushing out. I touched it with my hands, feeling canine lips and sharp teeth at the front complete with a cute fox nose that I booped before feeling very silly. That's when I noticed that the fur on my arms and the backs of my hands was tiger orange with black tiger stripes. The fur on my front was white, but it gradually changed to a pinkish-white as it got closer to my neck. I was some sort of tiger fox hybrid and that was perfect, melding two things I loved into one. No dream, no puff of high-THC marajuana had ever come anywhere near this. I hadn't ingested any pills or anything since I got here and the air in the room was free of any smoke or unusual scents. And yet, these sensations were beyond my ability to imagine, making the whole "magical artifact" thing more and more believable.

Feeling the fur come in was two parts cozy and one part itchy and it was the strongest wherever new fur was appearing, just at the edge of the lantern's beam. Maria was gradually moving that beam downwards and it was like the light was going right through me: I could feel fur forming on my back as well.

My breaths became shaky as the light encompassed my chest because my tits started growing toward the lantern, getting heavier. Looking down and seeing them actually stick out made me smile, which pulled at the corners of my new muzzle in an interesting way. My smile got interrupted by my tongue stretching longer. After getting a burst of euphoria from licking my canine nose, I hefted my breasts with my paw-padded hands, gasping at how sexy I felt. The moment the light was on my lower abdomen, an ache developed deep inside and then, lower down, I felt things press out in two directions, my tailbone and my clit. I was going to be a hybrid in no time and I was going to be gorgeous! In my excitement, my three inch tail wagged. I giggled before yelping as my clit was pulled toward the lantern, hard. It throbbed so intensely, I felt it in my toes. With each throb, the light flickered, showing me color combinations that reminded me of looking through a kaleidoscope. My clit gained inches, feeling like it was getting stroked from both inside and out. Almost as if an invisible tube had extended from the lantern, latched onto my clit, and started sucking it in. It felt so good, I was moaning constantly and I could see Maria's cyan stallion cock pushing out of its sheath as she watched.

The ache in my abdomen now had a direction, from just below my belly button, down toward my snatch. As my clit reached out five inches, a new bud of pleasure formed at the base and I came instantly. With every undulation of my pussy, I felt that ache move downward. Not too painful, more like that feeling you get when you're at the edge of an orgasm, but can't quite get off. I'd only ever felt that during failed attempts at masturbation and that had been more frustrating than this. I was desperate to know what this sensation meant because I have a very good feeling about it.

As my tail lengthened and started to cover my buttocks, my ass, hips, and belly all felt like they were being tugged on. Reaching to my backside, my fingernails got pointier and more claw-like as I felt muscle fill in and push back against my paw pads. At the exact same time, my pecs, biceps, abs, and other muscles I didn't know the names of, all bulked up, lifting my breasts and sculpting my body into something I never thought I'd have. My larger, perky breasts felt less cumbersome as my back strengthened. The best thing of all was happening between my legs, however: a sac was swelling just under my original clit that was looking more and more like a cock. With a shaking hand, I reached down and grabbed it. I thrust into my hand, my new larger tits lighting up with pleasure as yelped in surprise and ecstasy. I could actually fuck with this thing and it was incredible. As my new, toned abs flexed to help me thrust, I grunted, following an instinct to push to push whatever was moving down the front of my love tunnel out of me.

"That's right, push those balls out into their new home." Maria stroked her cock with her free hand and it reached out even further from her loins. It was going to be humongous once it reached full size. Her other hand was on the lantern and she tilted it so my legs were in its light.

Just hearing her refer to my balls got a moan from me. I grunted, pushing hard because I wanted this so badly and I felt them move swiftly toward my sac until they hit some tension just before they got there. I took a deep breath and then pushed once more and they popped into my furry sac.

"Haa! HAAAAH AHH!" A rope of cum shot out of my dick, feeling like an ecstatic pressure wave from the base to the tip. There was a bit of relief, but it left me wanting more.

The cracking and popping of my feet and ankles echoed throughout the room as I lost my balance and Maria caught me with her tail. My toenails lengthened and changed shape, causing pinching at the end of my toes. Paw pads swelled into being as tiger striped fur spread across the outsides of my legs and pinkish-white fur spread on the insides of them. I started standing more on my toes. My stance felt springy and I bounced a bit on my feet, causing my balls to sway enough that I remembered I had a prick and started stroking again. All I could do was pant and moan and thrust. My shaft was like warm stone it was so hard.

"Would you like some help?" she asked.

"Yes! Please, order me around more." I blushed, impatient for this metamorphosis to be over so I could play with her.

"Safe word is Feudalism. If I ask you to do something you don't want to do or you need us to course correct. Okay?" She gave me a beautiful, toothy grin.

"Ngh! Yes! That's a good one!" I'd never had to use a safe word or even talk about them, but I was delighted to be in a situation where one might be required.

Her tail made its way up my leg as my prick got five inches long. I trembled as her scales wrapped around my shaft and started stroking. "The way you've been looking at my package, I can tell you want a nice big dick that'll satisfy even me. Focus on that."

"Fuck yes!" I jammed my hips forward, imagining myself with a big, dragony dick.

It had an immediate effect, my balls got bigger by the second, while my dick gained soft barbs along the underside and around the head, and ridges on the sides, becoming a cool combination of the dragon cocks I'd seen. The barbs and ridges were sensitive, letting me feel the smooth, hexagonal texture of her scales. Her hand moved down to the base and squeezed. My flesh bulged in her grasp, feeling tender. When she pulled her hand away, there was an uninflated double knot like the one I'd seen a drawing of. I reached down and felt it in my hand, moaning loudly as pre spilled down my shaft. I needed to be inside her. I needed to see what it felt like when this knot inflated to full size.

Closing the shutter most of the way, she set the lantern down. Then she watched for a moment as she kept working my dick, one hand slipping behind her balls to finger her pussy. She was so wet that I could easily hear the sloppy sounds between her legs. Her prick was all the way up between her breasts, the size of a draft horse's cock. When my cock was over ten inches long and my balls were the size of limes, she walked behind me and lifted me right off my clawed feet. I felt like a toddler getting lifted up by a bodybuilder.

"Time to give you the best seat in the house." She chuckled as she dangled me over her cock, which was as thick as one of my thighs. Then she set me down atop it.

My head rested between her breasts while my cunt kissed the top of her dick. Feeling my wet pussy lips spread open as she let more of my weight be supported by the base of her dick, I moaned loudly. She moved her massive tail under my feet so all of my weight wouldn't be bared my snatch. I could feel her wonderful balls against the backs of my legs and my muscles tense against them as I stood atop her tail.

She put her hands under my breasts and hefted them, saying, "Earlier, you gave me an idea where you can have both the body types you like, but it might be a bit hard to control. Do you want it anyway?"

I squirmed atop her dick, rubbing my snatch on it and gasping at her touch as my tail wagged. "Haah! Yes! Do it!"

The lantern's light flickered as a cyan glow suffused the room along with the smell of ozone. My mouth dropped open when I noticed reflections of Maria's glowing cyan horn and extended wings on the clear plastic protecting the walls and in the dark parts of animal photos that were behind that plastic. The glow traveled down her arms, tail, and up her dick. Then I got hit with this wave of tenseness that made all my muscles clench and a pulsing pins and needles sensation that radiated from my snatch to the tips of my ears, fingers, and toes. She started thrusting, rubbing my pussy against her humongous length and pleasure from that mixed with a feeling of fullness in my chest, dick, hips, thighs, and balls. On top of my toned muscles, a plush layer of fat filled in that made me thicker. Now I was moaning not only from feeling her shaft under me, I was moaning from seeing my body gain curves. My breasts went from D to E cup as my dick neared a foot long, getting even thicker. One of her hands toyed with my growing breasts while the other teased my cock with slow strokes as it kept growing. My balls were the size of plums now, dangling on either side of her dick.

"I don't think you're big enough, I think you need even more curves in this mode." The deep tones in her voice vibrated my back while her horn's glow waned momentarily.

"Haaah! More!" was all I could manage to say as I rolled my hips, stroking my clit with her shaft.

"Time to turn you into a herm pornstar." Her horn's glow went back to full intensity, overpowering the lighting in the room and giving everything a cyan glow.

As my thighs and buttocks got even thicker, hips widened, breasts went from E to F cup, and cock reached thirteen inches long, my pussy came, convulsing against her dick as my fem juices poured out of me, making a stream run down either side of her girth before ripping to the floor. Chuckling like someone who was getting to play with their favorite toy, she teased the ridges and soft barbs on my dick, getting sharp moans from me. I writhed between her breasts, rubbing my furry cheeks against them. My orgasm stretched on as my breasts made it to G cup, my dick got even bigger, my balls expanded to the size of nice big peaches. When I was done cumming, I hefted my breasts and then my balls, noting how wonderfully heavy they were. The afterglow was thick as could be, bliss holding me tightly. My buttocks felt plush as hell, and my dick was not looking nearly as small in comparison to hers. It had to be fourteen inches long and it was gorgeous.

"Playtime is over. I'm gonna put you on your back and you're going to fill me with this monster." She stroked my cock slowly, feeling every little detail with her hand.

With my new canine nose, I caught a tangy scent of fresh plums, but there was a heavy undertone to that scent that made pre dribble from the end of my prick: my instincts were telling me that she needed me, badly.

"I can't wait!" My cock twitched.

"Neither can I." Picking me up off of her prick, she laid me on the floor. "But a tiny bit more anticipation won't hurt." She turned around and sat down on my face.

My peaceful afterglow was disrupted by her snatch coming into contact with my wet canine nose. I felt her folds part for it as I licked into her, getting lost in her scent. My tail wagged as I shoved my tongue into her over and over while she ground against my muzzle and used her tail to help support herself. Her balls were so large that they were resting against my neck and shoulders, the scales on her stretchy sac so wonderfully smooth. I felt my pre dribbling down my shaft, wetting the fur on my sheath and the area around it.

I cried out into her snatch as she leaned down and took my prick into her mouth. Her tongue wasn't forked, it was long and bumpy, a bit like a cat's, but the bumps were smoother. When she wrapped her tongue around my shaft, I screeched and lost control of my hips. Her tongue was so long that she was able to slip the tip under my balls and lick at my pussy while she gave me a blowjob. I felt heat blasting through me as my heart pounded and I started panting. Seconds later, having gotten me so excited I could only think about being inside her, she turned around and sat on my dick.

"Oh my GOD!" I yelled as my sensitive draconic cock head parted her passage. The wet warmth was far more satiny than her mouth and far more erotic.

She bit her lip as she moaned and stroked her dick, which occupied a significant portion of my field of vision. Her pussy clenched along with her stroking, making it so she fell toward me in increments. Each time more of my cock slipped inside, I groaned in delight, overwhelmed by the way her snatch was interacting with my ridges and soft barbs. There were little criss-crossing bands of muscle inside her and folds of flesh that added texture and, with all those sensitive spots on my shaft, I could map out every detail of her tunnel in my head. It was everything one would expect from a dragoness sex goddess like her, as unique as the prick I was using on her. Pride welled up in me when I realized I'd rendered her speechless for the first time since we met and then even more pride as she was forced to slow down for my uninflated knot. She wiggled her hips, breathing deeply and slowly to relax herself and then it started to slip in. We grabbed each other, my hands lifting her balls, her hands grasping my big round tits, which were now the same size as her balls.

As we moaned from her stretching her snatch over my knot, we looked into each other's eyes. Her smile had a bit of a smirk-like curve to it, like she was both proud and delighted. I got butterflies in my stomach from the way she was looking at me. The fact that I had a dick alone was unbelievable, but having one big enough to satisfy a nine-foot-tall dragon? I was over the moon. She towered over me, her horse dick dick the size of one of my legs and her powerful thighs protecting me from the full weight of her body. When my knot popped in, her dick landed on my front, going all the way up to my neck. I ran my hands over her cock as relief and excitement reverberated through. Ever since I'd seen her, this is what I'd needed and it felt incredible. She'd made it possible for me to enter her most intimate place and now that I was stuffed in there, I was in love with having a dick. It had been an idea, something I thought would be cool, but now, feeling her cunt twitch around me, how wet she was, how supple and stretchy she was, it was beyond my wildest dreams.

She booped my nose to get my attention and once she had it, she said, "Put your mouth on my dick."

The moment I looked down toward her cock, it hit the underside of my chin and I realized that she hadn't asked me to suck her dick because there's no way the broad, saucer-sized end of it would fit in my mouth. Instead, I craned my neck a bit and started to nip and lick at the end of it while stroking it. She grunted and shoved her hips forward, making us both gasp by popping my knot out. Then she slammed back and we gasped again. Wanting to impress her, I pressed my breasts up against the sides of her dick, finding I could give her a very nice tit fuck now that they were so big. She growled and thrust harder, before humping backwards to take my dick in to the hilt. Feeling my barbs and ridges drag against her passage, especially her entrance, as she rode me had me yipping while I lapped and nibbled on the end of her prick. Her pre was delicious, tasting a bit like plum sauce, and I swallowed it without a second thought.

Her clit was as big as the rest of her, digging into the base of my sheath every time she rolled her hips. My balls ,and the space just behind my cock, felt tense, like there was something stuck in there and it needed to come out. Maria probably knew I wasn't going to last long my first time and was just going for it. She was moaning so much that I felt like a champ.

I took my mouth off her dick. "Hard to find dicks big enough, isn't it?"

Her horn started glowing bright cyan. "Yes, but I want more!" She let out a lust-filled snarl. "And I want you to cum as much as I do!"

My dick grew two more inches, getting even thicker. I felt her snatch stretch even more, making the entire experience more intense. Now, my soft barbs and ridges were popping in and out along with my knot. As my balls swelled to the size of grapefruits, I lost it. I thrust wildly into her while she bounced on me vigorously.

She pulled my hands off my breasts and then pressed them harder against her prick with her hands. I moved my hands to her balls and she growled as I fondled them, the flare at the end of her cock expanding. Suddenly, I felt this searing hot flash of ecstasy that had the same eerie warmth as a light sunburn. It spread to every inch of my skin, making my fur stand on end. My shaft burned in a way that was overwhelming, but not painful. Without me having any way of stopping it or even knowing what it felt like to make a mess with my dick, I was powerless as my cock tensed up at the base in a wave that traveled all the way to the tapered tip. And this happened over and over as I grabbed my head and wailed at the top of my lungs as I felt thick fluid make its way up my cum hole. The feeling of inevitability, of losing the fight to hold my seed inside me gave me a rush of adrenaline. Then I felt it, something hot and sticky exploding out the tip of my dick. She kept riding me, just short of sitting on my knot making me have the best kind of meltdown. I could feel my cum dribbling out of her as instinct kicked in and I jammed my double knot in her, layering another two orgasms on top of the one I was already having. One where my breath got caught in my throat as the upper part entered and then a yowling second orgasm as the bottom knot popped in and the whole thing swelled inside her, locking us together.

Roaring and flapping her wings, her scaly snatch came, trying to pull my dick right off. She gyrated madly, tugging my knot in many different directions. I screamed as I kept shooting jizz, not able to grasp the meaning of her dick lurching against my chest. Her first volley of dragon cream splashed all over my chin and snout with great force while her cunt clenched that from the base of my dick to the tip. She ground her hips, making me screech in ecstasy as she used my knot to give us both more pleasure. I kept cumming in her, my eyes widening as I noticed a swell in her belly. Even though I was still oragasming, I managed to get my mouth over her cum hole and start swallowing her load. And I kept swallowing until I was full and we both slowed our movements.

My tail was constantly wagging as I worked to catch my breath and, for a good couple minutes, she didn't do anything other than pant. Then she leaned down and started kissing me. Her long dragon tongue and my canine one entangled, her slowly licking the cum off my muzzle, me just barely aware of anything other than how amazing I felt. It was like I'd been pent up my entire life and I was finally able to relax. Kissing with a muzzle was probably one of the only things interesting enough for me to want to put effort into. The ridges on the inside of her mouth were fun to poke at and her teeth were sharp in the front, but more like human ones in the back. The bumpy texture of her tongue was also really cool and she used it to give me an entire introductory course in animal hybrid kissing. She even tilted her head at different angles so I could experience the amazing variations having a snout added to making out. During this kissing, my knot popped out and I felt a gush of my cum flow out. I blushed deeply, still kissing her, feeling her boobs and dick against me as my huge boobs jiggled from our motions.

Eventually, she broke the kiss. "So now, you should have everything you desired. You'll have an athletic body in both your tiger fox form and your human form most of the time, but if you get lustful enough, you'll be able to activate my lust magic and become bigger in every way like you are now. It's going to be hard to learn to control your transformations at first, so I recommend being careful how much you go out in public and other things like that. Also, if you manifest any special abilities, you need to call us immediately."

"Special abilities?" I tilted my head, having trouble talking because my tongue was tired from our make-out marathon.

"Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, super strength, invulnerability, stuff you'd see in a superhero comic." Her eyes twinkled. "That lantern often makes life even more interesting than simply giving people access to their most desired form. The people who first discovered it thought a god lived in it that gave those extra gifts so they could help protect it better."

"Wow, that sounds kinda cool, but I think I'm special enough already now. I've never actually liked my body and I'm honestly a bit in shock right now despite having the best afterglow of my life." My heart was a bit tense because the implications of what had just happened were starting to buzz around in my brain.

Cupping my furry cheeks, she looked into my eyes. "Don't worry. We'll be here to help. And if you fuck me like that again, I'll make sure you get my help personally whenever you call." She chuckled, the deep tones in it vibrating both of us.

Thinking about leaving made me forget to breathe. I felt so safe here. "Can I stay like this until I leave?"

"Over the next forty-eight hours, I'm going to show you how to transform back and forth. But yes, you can stay like this as much as you like otherwise"

"Am I going to see a lot of you?" I asked, not wanting to be presumptuous about me having her full attention the whole time.

"Hon, if I didn't get as much out of this dick as possible before you leave, I'd be doing both of us a disservice. Even if I'm busy, you'll get me during some of my free time." She kissed my nose.

I blushed hard. "D-do you think there's any way you could try fitting in me?"

She laughed really hard and then grinned. "What's the point of having magic if you don't know the spell for fitting big things in small holes?"

I squirmed under her. I'd come here with one goal: to change my life into something better. Now I had a lot more goals, most of them erotic, and even more will to see them through.




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