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And another Christmas / New Year's present! The human male to herm dragon version! The story has been modified to reflect Purmoral's design choices. This started off as a YCH TF, but then I asked Purmoral to be as creative as she liked have fun! We worked together to design something we both love. There are more presents in store to start off your new year as happy and sexy as possible!

Update: Bigger resolutions are attached!

Your town is going to be sacked and the only hope of saving everyone in it is you summoning the Dragon Queen. Problem is that you have no idea what to do other than blow a very special horn in the Dragon Queen's lair. At least, that's what you were told.

What you weren't told was that you're going to have to do a lot more than just blow that horn. You're going to have your whole life flipped upside down and experience ecstasy you didn't even know was possible in the process.

Your Dragon Queen Hermification
By Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)
(Art by

There's a persistent, frigid wind that's trying to strip the trees, and you, off the side of Mount Chevalier. Your shirt, vest, and riding pants aren't helping much with it and you probably would've flown right off the side long ago if you didn't have a thirty-pound gilded horn strapped to your belt.

It's not your fault you're underdressed and at risk of hypothermia. When the Visigoths sacked the town only eight miles from your home this morning, the duke gave you the horn and told you to run up the side of the mountain. He hadn't thought to give you a coat, or a horse. Actually, riding a horse on this path was wishful thinking. It might've been a path three hundred years ago, but nowadays it was more like a loose collection of same-sized rocks that ran right into near-impassible obstacles.

At a fork in the "path" you try to take the branch that goes up the side of the mountain. You make it maybe two feet before the horn pulls you in the direction of the branch that goes off the edge of a cliff. You've been fighting this horn the entire way. When the duke said it would lead you to the Dragon Queen, you didn't think he'd meant it literally. The Dragon Queen better be worth nearly freezing to death and being dragged around by this deranged horn or you're gonna have some strong words for her. Not that you have any idea who, or what, she is. The duke was pretty damn vague about this whole thing.

When you're twenty feet from the edge of the cliff, it's clear that you'll drop a thousand feet or more if you go over it. Has the horn decided killing you is a higher priority than summoning the Dragon Queen? Trying to gain purchase on the mess of rocks under your feet, you attempt to unhook the horn from your belt. Not only are your fingers too cold for fine manipulation, the hook won't budge. As you get within ten feet of the cliff, you try to undo your belt, but it's like the metal of the clasp has been welded together. You start yelling obscenities and you try even harder to resist the pull of the horn as you slide closer and closer to the edge.

Then you yelp as your right foot slips off the edge of the cliff. As the horn pulls you completely over the edge, you start plummeting. The wind bites more as your velocity increases dramatically and you realize you have thousands of feet yet to fall.

Five hundred feet into your non-consensual descent, your belt gets yanked upwards and you get the wind knocked out of you. Your descent slows dramatically as you look up to see the horn holding you aloft by your belt. It's slowly carrying you to a ledge you never would've spotted on your own. As your feet land on the ledge, you're faced with the large open mouth of a cave which is radiating warmth. Unable to feel the tips of your fingers, ears, toes, and nose, you dive into the cave and lay spread eagle on the floor. The warmth permeates your frigid body little by little as magenta light radiates from everywhere around you. From your prone position, you see that the walls of this cave have all been cut like the facets of a gemstone and in each facet is a rune emitting a magenta glow.

Still cold, but finally having sensation in your fingers and toes, you get up to examine the runes. They're even warmer to the touch, but touching them makes your bones buzz and ache. Wondering where the Dragon Queen's going to enter from, you check the walls for seams and look for passages, but find nothing. Maybe she'll fly in to meet you? Now you're feeling that buzzing sensation when you're not close to the runes. As the buzzing gets worse and you start to ache, you get an ominous feeling that the cave sees you as a trespasser. Perhaps blowing the horn, or the dragon it's supposed to summon, will calm it down?

As you grab the horn, you feel it's warm to the touch. The gems embedded in it twinkle as they reflect the runes on the walls. It seems to fit in with this cave perfectly, like it belongs here, and though it's an odd thought, it comforts you.

Grunting and hefting the horn with both arms, you put it up to your lips and blow. The sound it makes is atrocious, thin and uneven and absolutely not something that would call a dragon. You know the problem is you didn't blow nearly hard enough. Taking a few deep breaths you get ready to blow with all your might. Putting your lips on the mouthpiece once more, you blow as hard as you can. The sound is so deep, so resonant, that you feel it in the soles of your heavily-worn shoes. Just as you're starting to run out of breath, pulses of golden light strobe out from the horn, hit the runes in the walls, and get reflected back at you. As the strobes of light hit you, your bones rattle and your muscles twitch.

The horn starts to lose definition, pulsing in your hands. It feels warmer and warmer, its features oozing together. Your heart races as the blob that used to be the horn bursts outwards, sticky strings from it hitting your body from head to toe. As you yelp in alarm, the horn is absorbed into your body, going right through your clothing as if it's not even there. It feels like warm honey as it enters you, and there's pleasure, like being massaged by strong hands all over. It's hard to remain alarmed because every bit of chill in your body has now been chased away and instead of feeling raw from the wind, you feel fresh and renewed. Just after this sense of deep comfort settles on you, your jaw cracks and aches as your nose flattens and your face pushes outwards. Meanwhile, your shirt and vest start feeling mighty tight in the chest area and your balls get a bit claustrophobic in your riding pants.

You gasp as your dick suddenly engorges, making things even more claustrophobic down there. Pleasure from your nipples, dick and balls makes you arch your back and gasp in delight. Then, you groan as a sharp and throbbing pleasure develops behind your balls and digs into your flesh.

The runes are now sending out flashes of energy that nearly knock you over with sheer bliss. Your entire body is swelling larger. Your bones press against your muscles, your muscles press against your skin, your skin presses against your clothing. It's a stack of tension that gets so bad so quickly that your clothes are too tight to get off by the time you realize it's a problem. Near your shoulder blades, it burns as two somethings push out of your back, stretching your shirt taut. Only a dozen seconds later, you hear a cacophony of tearing sounds as the seams of your shirt start giving way. Your biceps, your abdomen, your chest, and your shoulders are all too muscular and full to be contained any longer. The seams on your pant legs pop open bit by bit as your pants are destroyed by your growing, muscular legs and ass. Soon your chest swelling outwards causes the fabric itself to tear and only a few seconds later, your pants start shredding.

The pinching from all the ripping is painful, but the pressure is soon released as your dick breaks free of your pants and your shirt loses its fight with your upper body. As your shirt gives way, you look down in shock. Pert B cup breasts are hanging there, growing larger with every breath. Growing larger right along with them is your dick, which is gaining a line of soft half-inch-long and sensitive barbs on the underside. It's already almost a foot long, and hanging below it, your balls are twice the size you remember them being. Even more surprising, there are orange-and-white striped scales running up your left leg to your sac and they're spreading quickly. As you watch a scaly sheath plump up to deal with your thickening shaft, two bulges form at the base of your dick and swell into a nice big knot.

Pleasure jolts through you so hard that you squeak, trying to breathe and moan at the same time. Your nipples, tits, cock, and balls all give you this incredible stretching sensation as they expand faster than the rest of your body. On your back, you feel the twin growths on your shoulder blades reach outwards along with your tailbone. Clicking and cracking, new bones form. When you crane your neck to see what's going on back there, you find wings and a tail.

You stumble as every other sensation in your body takes a back seat to what's going on behind your balls. It feels like the flesh is being pulled inward and it's incredibly close to the sensation of being penetrated. As you arch your back and gasp in delight, muscles twitch inside this forming tunnel. Needing to know what's happening, you reach behind your huge and still-growing balls to find a slippery wet cleft. The whole world spins as you apply pressure and your fingertips slip inside your virgin pussy. Then, suddenly, a sensitive bud of flesh forms at the front and a wave of ecstasy erupts from it.

Girl juice streams down your hand as your snatch clenches rhythmically around your fingers, pulling them deeper. Answering its call, you shove two fingers in as far as they will go. Then you grab one of your expanding tits and knead that glorious pillowy flesh. Your whole body trembles as your tail lashes and your wings flap, caught up in an unexpected orgasm from your pussy. Warmth from your scaly muff spills into your entire being. Your balls and your knot get huge as your dick surpasses fourteen inches long.

After your orgasm passes, you pant and shudder, feeling like you could cum again if you keep playing with your cunt. It's not worn out the way your dick is when you use it to get off. Interrupting your second round of fingering, your scalp burns right above your forehead. When you reach up there to examine the new source of pain, you find two horns pressing out. Then your tongue feels like it's getting pulled on and you move it around in your mouth to try and figure out what's going on. That's when you notice that your teeth are getting sharper. The pressure in your jaws is almost as bad as the sensation of your horns coming out, but neither of those sensations are as strong as the building pressure in the rest of your body.

Your muscles are bulging, pushing against the scales above them as your bones gain mass under them. The ground is farther and farther from your head as you gain height. In your back and tail, you feel a tugging sensation while your breasts, dick, and balls, get even heavier. You can't imagine why any creature would need to be this hung, but the pleasure from the size change is fighting the discomfort from your growing pains, so you welcome it.

Instinct grabs you as your horns push out fully and your body reaches its full eight plus feet of height: you start yelling. You think you've gone crazy, but then a deep rumbling comes up from your chest and you let loose your first roar. The sound is so intimidating that you flinch. During this thunderous roar, your balls and cock get even larger. Your balls become the size of melons while your dick reaches a ridiculous eighteen inches out from your loins, each lobe of the knot at its base the size of a fist.

Your pussy clenches, dripping wetness onto the cave floor as your cock drips pre freely. You feel so empty, so hard, so fucking needy that you can't think about anything other than cumming. You grab the end of your tail and shove it in your pussy, moaning as you spread yourself open. Your fem sex is so wet, so silky smooth inside, and when you grab your tail with its muscular walls, you nearly cum from the luscious tightness you can create. Moving your hands back to your dick, you concentrate, undulating the muscles in your snatch to pull your tail deeper. This makes your cock beg even harder for attention and you grab it with both hands. As you stroke it, your balls and prostate feel more and more tense, like they're full to bursting with your seed.

Getting closer to release, you reach up and grope one of your massive tits. As you play with it, your ears, fingers, abdomen, and balls tingle. When you take the nipple between your fingers, you let loose a lusty growl and squeeze your tail with your pussy. The hand on your cock toys with the soft barbs on the underside, making you twitch with passion. Your knot swells, as your heart pounds. Your whole body is aching to cum, and you feel like a Dragon Queen: the most magnificent woman in the world.

Folding your tail in on itself a bit, you manage to rub your clit as you make waves in your snatch. Instinct, a deep feeling that you need your knot to be buried in something to cum, gets you to let go of your breast and grab your knot. And the moment you do, a surge of ecstasy explodes from your cunt and dick. Sliding one hand up and down your shaft while the other fondles your knot, your dick lurches until thick, softly-glowing cum jets out in massive spurts. Your jizz splatters against the far wall as you shake your hips and roar from the intense release. The muscles in your pussy milk your tail for all it's worth, pulling even more of it into you, as you flap your huge wings, stirring up dust in the cave. It's so overwhelming that it feels like when you fell off the cliff, but with all the thrill converted into ecstasy.

The amount of cum is unbelievable to the point you're blushing even though you're still moaning and shooting ropes of it. By the time you're done, your spooge is dripping off the walls of the cave, forming a river along the back. The scent is delicious and you bring a hand up to your muzzle to taste it. It tingles on your tongue like electricity and you're suddenly able to read the runes.

An innate, draconic understanding of magic allows you to figure out their purpose. A lot of them are devoted to the spell that turned you into your new Dragon Queen form, but there is a statement on the back wall just for you: "Go forth. Turn both friend and foe into more of our kind. Then take your rightful place as their queen. In this way, your town will be protected and our race will live on."

You chuckle. Who wouldn't want to feel the way you do right now? That was the best orgasm of your life.

Wanting to get started before more blood is needlessly spilled, you turn and run toward the cave's exit. The bouncing of your still-half-hard prick, your breasts, and balls bothers you little: this is what the body of a dragon matriarch is supposed to be like. Instinct gets you to spread your wings, and before you can get any second thoughts, you leap into the air.

Terror, exhilaration, and determination flare in you as the fire in your belly lights. The membranes of your wings catch the wind, stretching them a bit. Your muscles twitch as you try to find the right angle and then voila, you're gliding. Energy flows to every part of you, like your will manifested into a physical force. Flapping your wings, you gain altitude and turn toward the direction of town.

Now you're soaring, the wind blowing over your scales, the ground far below, and your fear of falling replaced by a bird's sense of freedom.

As a bead of cum drips from the tip of your dick, falling thousands of feet to the ground, you smile to yourself. You're about to have a lot more fun.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

Click here to check out Purmoral's Patreon!



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