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[Yes, my girlfriend wrote this story and I asked her if it could be on Patreon. I have a feeling she's gonna write more and she's excited to see what y'all think of her story. This draft is pretty polished, but there might be a couple tense errors and such lurking in the shadows.]

Sarah enjoys getting out of the house and rollerblading. And what better way to rollerblade than to play some street hockey. At the local YMCA, she meets a fellow player who will discover her secret and spark something that may lead to much, much more.

DRAFT - Roller Hockey Love
by Sarahvixen
(Edited by Zmeydros)

The clatter of sticks and skates on the concrete echoed off of the wooden and plexiglass boards as a shuddering impact slammed into one of them. I grunted, absorbing the impact with my shoulder and quickly looked up to see where the puck had gone. I let a foxy grin show through the wire muzzle cover of my helmet as I saw that I had gotten it to a teammate in time. I pushed off the boards, moving across the blue line, positioning myself toward the front of the goal, but my teammate had problems of her own.

Out of nowhere, a small female form seemed to zip into the line of the pass, taking the puck away before I could react. I wasn’t stunned for long, pushing off, following her until I could completely make her out. Shorter than me by almost half a foot, with a wiry frame to match, blunter muzzle guard, and two long ears secured with a safety strap. It was a rabbit, albeit one with an impressively long and thick tail. I grinned again, my legs burning as I pushed harder to catch up. This rabbit was going to learn why foxes hunted them.

My tail swished behind me as I pushed and strained my legs, slowly gaining on the rabbit in front of me. Just as I thought I was going to catch her though, she put on a burst of speed and swerved, catching my goalie off guard as well. A slapping sound and a thud signaled the sound of a goal, for the other team. I growled a little bit, watching the red light go off as our goalie looked behind her to find the offending puck. I couldn’t be too angry, but it was annoying to be so thoroughly outmaneuvered.

I was picked to face off for our team on the next puck drop. Just my luck, the rabbit was facing me. I took this time to look her in the face. Pretty standard rabbit colors, white fur with black patches, especially short hair, almost mixing with her fur, but her eyes are what caught my attention. They almost glowed under her helmet’s muzzle guard, the most enchanting shade of violet I’d ever seen. I gave my head a small shake and got back into the game. Now wasn’t the time to be admiring someone else’s eyes.

For some reason, the rotation of the players meant that this was the first time the rabbit and I were on the rink together, and I was eager to show her exactly what I could do. When the puck dropped, I lifted my stick and actually took it away in mid air, shoving it back to one of my teammates as I moved forward, moving around the rabbit before she had the chance to react. She wasn’t far behind though, turning to follow me, hot on my tail.

I had to pause to let my teammate carry the puck across the blue line, and that rabbit was all over me. I had something on her though. She was quick, but I had reach, being taller than her, and my longer legs allowed me to start off faster than her, which gave me a critical second of being open for the pass when I finally did move. She caught up faster than I would've liked, but I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of stealing the puck again. She seemed fixated on me, so with some stick work and a sly shift, I was able to set up a perfect drop pass for the teammate behind me. Before the rabbit even knew I didn’t have the puck anymore, the shot was already taken.

The opposing goalie wasn’t a slouch, but the rebound went wild and I was able to scoop it up before anyone else could react. A quick second shot and the goal was made. I felt pretty satisfied with myself as the coach called me out of the rink to rotate. I shot the rabbit one last look, meeting her eyes. I gave her a wink to show there were no hard feelings, and she smirked back. I could tell she was looking forward to the next time we were in the rink together.

As fortune would have it, we didn’t get rotated into the rink at the same time again. The game ended and everyone shuffled off to the locker room. I lagged behind a bit, as usual, gathering up and packing some of my stuff before heading in. I wasn’t ashamed, I just didn’t want to make the other women uncomfortable. Or at least, that’s what I kept telling myself. After getting a few of my looser pads out of my jersey and into the bag, I couldn’t avoid the room anymore.

Walking into the room, I had to divert my eyes down almost immediately. There were more than a few undressed anthros and humans in here already. The worst was those who were stripping down entirely to use the shower or brush out their fur. The whole room was a sea of breasts, tails, hair, and butts, both clothed and unclothed and it was making things difficult for me down below. I moved to the furthest bench, facing a wall and started to brush my tail. I was trying to calm down, to focus on anything other than what was going on behind me. Fortunately, my usual technique was working and some of the women were already working their way out of the locker room. I started slipping off my jersey and upper body pads, going slowly as I packed up.

A few minutes later, a few women were still working their way out and I could hear water still flowing in the showers, but I was starting to feel safe enough to work on my lower body. I loosened a buckle and undid a few snaps, and now I was finally able to remove my pants and the leg pads. Under all of that was something the other women didn’t have to deal with. I pulled the cup off of my sheath and balls, allowing them to finally breathe after a long game and lots of action. I let out a sigh of relief and stood up to take it all the way off. I had been so focused I hadn’t heard the last shower turn off, but a sudden voice pulled me back.

“Hey, you’re that vixen. The one who pulled the drop pass on me.”

I froze. The voice had come from behind me, so I should've been safe, but I kept one hand cupped on my hanging scrotum to hide it as I looked over my shoulder. It was the rabbit, a towel wrapped around her body and her fur still matted and wet from the shower. Even a good five inches shorter than me, she still looked cocky and self confident. I could now see her arms and legs clearly and the muscle that showed under was well toned, but not overly bulky. I could almost imagine the smooth stomach that was under that towel, though she had smaller breasts than I did, they fit her frame perfectly. Her thighs were especially nicely toned, and even with the towel I could guess she probably had a really nice, firm ass. I shivered as I realized I was undressing her with my eyes and I turned to face the wall again, trying to act like I was still getting ready to go.

“Yeah, that’s me. You’re that rabbit who was zipping all over the place. You move well on those skates, though your stickwork could use some refinement.”

I heard a scoff behind me. “Trust me, I can handle my stick just fine. Though it does sometimes get away from me.”

I could hear the cocky smile in that sentence and had to turn around to look. Yep, cocky smile alright, with those beautiful purple eyes sparkling with mischief and… something else. Something that made my tail twitch. Part of me wanted her to just go away so I could finish getting undressed. The other part of me wanted her to stay because she seemed so confident and enchanting and I could already tell we’d have a great conversation. Something about her resonated and while I couldn’t quite tell what, I really wanted to know what it was.

“But you did manage to steal the puck nicely during that faceoff. Your stick handling is superb. I was wondering if you could show me a few things.” she continued, still standing behind me.

There was that tone again. I swear there was innuendo in there, but it didn’t seem to make sense. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down, and FINALLY caught it. It was nearly drowned out by the heavy scent of sweat, shampoos, and perfumes from the other women, but under it all was a faint, alfalfa scent that I could tell was coming from the bunny. It didn’t take much to realize that yes, she was hitting on me. Shit.

“I mean, maybe, but this probably isn’t the best place.” I managed to stammer out, still trying to figure out how to deal with this new development.

“Okay, my place or yours?” the bunny asked, leaning forward with that damn, cocky, attractive grin. I couldn’t take it anymore and my stomach quivered softly as my sheath surged, the tip opening as the whole thing got plumper. I moaned and a wave of my own vanilla and toasted cinnamon scent began to fill the air.

“L-look, maybe we should at least know each other first? I don’t even know your name.” I said, desperately trying to regain control of the situation.

“Oh, I thought you would've seen it on the team roster. Name's Elara, I play at the YMCA across town. We were opponents, now we’re friends, and maybe later… who knows?” Her nose was twitching as she sat down on the bench next to me, she knew that I was into her as much as she was into me. I couldn’t help but wonder if she could smell THAT too.

She put a hand on my shoulder and leaned in, lowering her voice a bit to not be overheard by the other women still in the locker room. “Look foxy, I can smell you’re into me and you can smell that I’m into you, so what’s the hold up here? Why not just admit it so we can get to the fun part?”

I shivered from her touch, but my pussy was only getting wetter and my sheath was only starting to get thicker as the opening started to widen around the head of my shaft. Fuck I really did want her, her confidence alone was attractive. Unfortunately, she seemed to take my shiver as a flinch and almost immediately pulled her hand off my shoulder. I could see the concern on her muzzle and I had to say something.

“It’s… not that, I just, I’m not used to being hit on so openly. I don’t really connect well with women who are into WOMEN.” I tried to emphasize the last word, hoping she'd take the hint. Instead, she looked me up and down.

“I don’t know, you look all woman to me, and your scent doesn’t lie.” She moved back though, looking disappointed. “But if you really don’t want to, I’m not going to pressure you. Just, think it over, okay?”

I felt terrible, not really leaving her with a proper explanation. I grabbed her arm, desperate not to let it end like this. “Okay, just, please… don’t freak out, okay? Look.” I took my hand away and slowly spread my legs, allowing her to get a full view of my sheath and balls. I expected her to recoil. I expected her to slap me. I expected her to call me a freak. What I didn’t expect was what I heard.

“Oh, you have one too, huh?” she said.

I blinked and looked at her. I was so stunned I didn’t know what to say, but she apparently took my staring as an invitation to clarify. She unhooked her towel and opened it up. Just as I had suspected, she had a nice, flat stomach with just the right amount of muscle tone and a pair of moderate breasts that fit her whole frame perfectly. But what really drew my eyes was the huge sheath and hanging scrotum below it that seemed to dominate the lower part of her body. They would've looked big on any horse anthro that I knew, but on such a small bunny, they looked gigantic.

“So yeah, you can see why I don’t exactly mind a girl with a little bit extra,” she said, cocking her hip to one side as she spoke, making her scrotum sway against one thigh. “I have quite a lot extra and I really would like to get to know you better.”

My brain was completely shot, trying to think of something, anything to say. I KNEW she was expecting a response, and so I said the first thing that came into my brain. “Sarah, my name is Sarah.”

She grinned that cocky, sexy grin again and held out a hand, letting her towel fall around her feet in the process. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Sarah. It's always awkward randomly meeting another herm, but I know we can push past it. And maybe spark a friendship.”

The way my sheath was plumping up, I wanted us to be more than just friends. Meeting someone like me was extremely rare, hitting it off with that person even more so. I took her hand, shaking it gently as I continued to stare. She was still grinning, gently pulling me toward her. In a moment of sudden panic, I pulled away, turning to sit on the bench again. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her grin drop, a look of concern replacing it.

“I’m sorry, I just thought… well, we seem to be hitting it off so well, I’m sorry if I moved too quickly. I’ll leave you alone if you want.”

Seeing her so crestfallen pushed me to panic again. “NO!” I shouted before realizing my voice was echoing off the cold concrete of the locker room. “No, I’m sorry, I just… I panicked, I’m not used to women actually hitting on me. Usually it’s men that hit on me and I just don’t have a lot of experience overall.”

Her expression softened, and she sat next to me on the bench. She didn’t reach out to touch me, but she was physically close enough to make my cheeks flush and my nipples harden. She was so damn beautiful, I wanted to just fall into her arms but my damn hang ups were getting in the way, AGAIN.

“I’m used to people wanting me, so I’m sorry if I went too fast. We can slow down, do things at a pace you’re comfortable with. What do you want to do?”

That question. That damn question burrowed into my brain and brought so many pictures into my mind. Without even thinking, I cast caution to the wind, feeling my body move seemingly on it’s own. Before I even realized it, my face was inches away from hers, looking into her lovely eyes, and then suddenly my lips were against hers and my whole body flushed and I moaned as every muscle seemed to relax. I was kissing her, I had done it, oh fuck I had actually done it.

She seemed to be more in control of herself, kissing back gently, but with a subtle undercurrent of passion that thrilled me to my core. I could tell she wanted more, but was holding back, making sure to be gentle and let me take the lead. Something about knowing that, knowing she was doing everything she could to make me comfortable emboldened me and I pressed my tongue against her lips, almost immediately being allowed entrance as I moaned and ramped up the passion of the moment. My hands went to her upper arms, hers resting on my sides, our bodies slowly sliding closer and closer to each other as the kiss deepened.

I vaguely registered the sounds of the last few women leaving, apparently only giving us a slight glance before heading out of the locker room. It wasn’t long until we were completely alone, and part of me was glad for it because my pointed, canine cock was emerging from my sheath with a vengeance. My nipples and cock throbbed in tandem and I could feel my pussy getting moist between my legs. Fuck I was so horny and all I had done was kiss this girl.

It seemed she shared my feelings on the subject. While I could tell she was holding herself back, her body betrayed exactly how much she was enjoying this. Her own blunt head had emerged from her sheath and her thick equine cock was growing inch by inch. Her tongue hungrily pressed back against mine, both drawing me deeper and exploring my own muzzle in turn. Her hands weren’t idle either, though she was very careful with them, moving across my sides, shoulders and back, careful to avoid any erogenous zones for now.

I wanted more, I NEEDED more, but it was all so vague, so unfocused. I leaned into the kiss, pressing my tongue against her lips and then into her mouth, caressing her tongue and inviting it back into my own. She moaned as the kiss intensified, our tongues pressing against each other and switching which mouth they were in every few seconds. I pressed against her more, slowly leaning her back until she was laying on the bench. I had to break the kiss for just a moment, but just as she was about to say something, I straddled her and started kissing her even more. I just couldn’t get enough of her, and my whole body was burning from being this close to her.

I was so lost in the blissful surrender of kissing her that I didn’t notice what else was going on between the two of us. My own shaft was hard, digging into her fur as I pressed myself against her firm stomach. The tip of her long tail was wagging, having been pushed to one side so she could more comfortably lay on the bench. What really captured my attention, though, was when I felt something warm, thick, and dripping suddenly pressing up against my pussy lips. I froze, realizing that her cock was pressing further and further out of her sheath until it hit directly behind my balls.

Seconds seemed to drag out into eternity. Was I ready for this? Was I moving too fast? Oh fuck I only just met this woman, but she’s amazing and hot and was clearly into me and holy shit I wanted her so badly I could barely think. I froze, forgetting to even continue the kiss, but keeping my mouth firmly planted on hers. I just couldn’t make a decision about what to do.

Suddenly, with the clarity of a thunderbolt, I realized that if I didn’t make a decision, it was going to be made for me. That blunt cockhead was pressing harder and harder against me as Elara became more aroused. All I had to do was hold still and I'd get exactly what I wanted. If Elara didn’t want this, it would be easy for her to move, and in some strange way this thought calmed me. I could choose not to move and leave it completely to her. With that comforting thought, I went back to seeing how far I could press my vulpine tongue into her muzzle.

It seemed that Elara shared my thoughts, her hips barely moving as her cock grew, throbbing with her heartbeat and pressing harder into me. I twitched and quivered, feeling it rub against my clit until with a shuddering gasp, it finally got hard enough to stretch my pussy lips over her equine flare and pop in. It slid a few inches in just from releasing the pent up tension, forcing me open further and then slowly going in bit by bit, though it seemed Elara was getting hard faster now. I finally had to remove my lips from hers, a cry of bliss escaping as I gasped for air.

“Oh fuck, you’re so tight, Sarah. Please, be careful, I get really big,” she said, looking at me with concern as I squirmed and yelped every time it went deeper. Right now it was like my brain wasn’t even working. My thoughts seemed to swim through molasses and eventually I was able to answer her.

“I want to try… I promise, I’ll let you know if it hurts, but it just feels so GOOD!” I gasped as the cock surged forward another few inches, pressing against such lovely, sensitive spots inside me. I could feel the shaft suddenly flare wider and I realized her medial ring was pressing against me. I was past any feelings of not wanting to make decisions and I slowly lifted myself up, moving slowly so I could position myself to sit down on this glorious shaft. I very gently worked my hips, trying to see how far I could slide down as it felt like the cock was STILL growing.

“Just…mmmmmm, don’t go too fast… I really don’t want to hurt you,” she said, but it’s clear she was enjoying herself as she started to gasp and moan as well, moving her hands to my hanging breasts and gently caressing the nipples.

I whimpered and rocked my hips more as she pinched my nipples, making my core shudder and my pussy flutter around her shaft. Fuck oh fuck, she was getting bigger, how big was she going to get, how much was I going to be able to take? I always liked being stretched out a bit; just because I’m not great with people doesn’t mean I don’t own some nice toys, but it already felt like she rivaled some of my toys and she was only getting harder, longer, thicker. Suddenly, to my complete surprise, my hips meet hers. My sense of relief was only temporary as she moaned and grabbed my hips, her cock growing more inside me.

Seconds dragged out as I sat there, slowly rocking my hips, my hands on her chest teasing her own nipples with soft brushes of my paw-pad-tipped fingers against them. She seemed to be rather sensitive there as even a light caress made her moan and caused her cock to throb in me. It was getting so BIG, so close to being more than I can handle. Oh fuck, I might have made a mistake. She was going to tear me open. I had to let her know before she gets…

“Oh fuck hun… I can’t believe you took me at my full size,” she said, just before I was ready to ask her to stop. I realized with a sudden, elated breath that I did it, I took all of her, and it was amazing. She was JUST the right size, bigger than I’m used to, but not too big to hurt me. She stretched me out enough that we could feel each other throb and her medial ring was pressing on some very nice spots deeper inside me. I knew I liked the bigger toys more, but damn, this was something I never thought I’d experience with a real, live person.

With a very careful movement, I slowly lifted myself up on the shaft. I couldn’t help but lift my own scrotum out of the way to take a look. The flesh of her shaft was glistening, dark maroon color, nearly black, with an intricate pattern of veins covering it; it was beautiful, and as I drew it out of me, I already felt like I wanted it back inside. I kept lifting up until the medial ring popped out, stretching my pussy lips just that little bit extra that made me coo happily. I eased myself back down, taking it slowly, being careful to make sure that I wasn’t going to hurt anything. Elara writhed softly under me. I could tell she was staying true to her word, letting me go at a pace that I was comfortable with, but still getting a lot of pleasure from it.

I slowly worked up to a good pace, feeling that huge cock slide in and out of me. It was so damn good, I could barely think, I just focused on how good it felt and kept moving. I started to whimper and yip, letting out some foxy cries out of instinct as I started to get closer and closer. Feeling that medial ring drag through my pussy was so intense I could barely handle it. It kept hitting what HAD to be my g-spot, sending shocks of bliss right up my spine.

“Fuuuuuck… Sarah… you’re… you’re making my knot swell,” Elara gasped under me, and my brain slowly processed what she said. She… had a horse cock, but with a knot? A real knot? I gasped as I started to feel it, making it harder to draw myself up and then go all the way back down again. It was shaped differently than my own fox knot, which was roughly separated into two halves like a peach. This seemed to have three nodes, three hemispherical bulges at the base of her shaft that pressed and rolled my pussy lips in such interesting ways.

I could tell if I didn’t do something soon, that knot was going to be too big to go inside me. I thrusted down with my hips, grinding slightly and even gripping the bench and pulling. I could feel my pussy lips spreading; they were made to take a knot, I just had to encourage them. Suddenly, with a wet slurp and a jerking feeling, my hips were pulled down onto the knot, which seemed to swell even larger as soon as it settled into place. My whole body started to twitch as instincts kicked in hard, the knot pressed right against that button in every vulpine that says “CUM!”

I let out foxy squeals as my back arched and I started to cum, my pussy throbbing and milking Elara’s cock as I writhed on her shaft, unable to pull off even if I had wanted to. My tail was thrashing back and forth, my breasts bounced on my chest as I wiggled around. I planted my palms on Elara’s chest, squeezing her breasts as I spasmed and moaned.

“Fuck, hun, I’m gonna cum, I can’t hold it back!” Elara cried as her cock swelled and throbbed. Her medial ring got bigger along with her flare deep inside me, stretching me even wider before a surge of hot cum rushed up the shaft. It burst inside me, making my core quiver with its heat, then another surge, and another and another. I was filled up after the first few shots, but the knot kept it from escaping and instead my abdomen felt swollen and heavy, practically sloshing with how full it was. Elara had to catch me before I fell to one side, dragging her with me. Luckily, her arms were nice and strong, even for her small stature.

“Woah, careful there hun. Are you okay?” Elara asked, clearly worried about me. I didn’t reply right away, simply laying myself on her chest and murring gently. She seemed to take that as a reply that I was okay and gently wrapped her arms around me, holding me against her as we laid on the bench. The afterglow had completely washed over me, leaving me fuzzy and happy; a tingly, blissful feeling radiating throughout my limbs and back into my core.

Slowly, I started to come back to my senses and I realized that I’d been laying naked on a bench in a public locker room for several minutes, but I just couldn’t seem to bring myself to care. I didn’t care if someone walked in and saw me and Elara, because we were both women and this was where we belonged. I smiled softly and kissed Elara’s collarbone and neck before slowly lifting myself up.

“Mmmm, that was wonderful. You really filled me gooooood.” I giggled a bit after I said that as my voice sounded almost airy and empty to me, like I was drunk or high. I could still feel her cum sloshing inside me a bit as I moved and I couldn’t resist giving a slight wiggle just so I could see if my belly jiggled. I could see Elara blush through her fur and she just looked so cute when her tall ears laid down like that.

“Yeah, well, I've always been pretty… productive. We’d better move this to the shower or we’re going to leave a huge mess when my knot pops loose. We can continue making out while all afterglowy in there.”

I nodded enthusiastically, still not quite trusting my voice as I was still in a fog of just feeling GOOD. It was a bit awkward, and resulted in more than a few moans and near close calls as we managed to slowly work our way to the shower, but eventually we found that, despite my lack of strength, Elara was able to hang off my shoulders while I walked to the shower. Every jostle moved her shaft around inside me and made me have to stop to steady myself as my knees felt weak. That knot was still pressing right against some of my most sensitive spots and fuck she was going to make me cum again from pure biological hardwiring if her knot got bigger again.

Just as I went into the shower is when things got complex. The floor was still wet and with the extra weight on my front, I had to be extra careful. Moving toward the nearest showerhead, I went step by step, but just when I reached close enough to grab the shower handle, I slipped on a patch of soapy floor, one leg sliding to the side. The sudden movement caused Elara’s knot to move around inside me just as I was spreading my legs extra wide, squeezing her with my insides while reflexively pushing her out. I gasped, shuddered and then started to tremble as I felt it coming, just barely able to get Elara to the floor as her knot popped loose, my pussy quivering as I came again. I collapsed to my knees, moaning and shaking as cum began to pour from my pussy and onto the tiled floor.

“Oh fuck hun, are you okay?” Elara dropped to her knees next to me, the worry on her face fading as I nodded and she figured out my moaning wasn’t from pain, but from pleasure. “Damn girl, you really are something. Taking all of that, and cumming from just having my knot move around inside you? You’re the sexiest herm I’ve ever met.”

I didn’t know what to say. I honestly had never had anyone tell me that before. Most people stopped pursuing once they knew I was a herm. I’d been flirted with, I’d gotten empty praise, but never had anyone seen all of me and continued to praise me like Elara had. She seemed to accept that I needed more time to recover before I could respond and turned to get the shower going. Soon, warm water was washing over me, pressing down my fur and washing away the cum that had pooled between my legs. Elara had cleaned herself up and was kneeling next to me again, gently offering me a washcloth that was covered in soap.

“Hey, Elara?” I finally said, gathering my voice for the first time in a while, though it felt weak and vulnerable to my own ears.

“Yes Sarah?” she responded, slowly starting to work the washcloth across my back, soothing me as I felt tears start to come to my eyes. I turned to smile at her, ears laid flat as I spoke.

“Would you want to grab some coffee some time?” I was still crying, but they were tears of happiness as she continued to gently wash me, being careful not to get me worked up again as she made sure to clean the cum from my fur.

“Of course, that sounds great,” she said, smiling back at me before leaning in and kissing me, the shower washing away our tears of joy.




Is this your two sonas meeting for the first time? That is so cute!!! The story with Sarah in the wall fucking story did also hit different in hindsight, at felt like there was a lot of emotional connection even when doing something that by all means would be smutty as hell. Is this because it was your with your real gf? I think it's really cute


Yep, this is the first time our sonas met. Sarah got an idea for this story during one of our random conversations and just had to write it. She's got ideas for more now. ^_^


I love it, especially the emotional stuff at the end. “Most people stopped pursuing once they knew I was a herm.” Their loss, fox herms are the best.


Oh, and Sarah is going to squee when I share this comment with her. <3