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The linework for the long forest pool TF is being finalized and coloring will begin soon. Remiel's next chapter will be out tomorrow or Friday.

I need something I can work on when I'm recovering from the emotional and intellectual labor of writing Remiel chapters. I love writing it, I just can't speedrun it, especially with the trans feelings I need to dig through and the intricate sci-fi worldbuilding I'm doing for it.

If this vote is really close and/or I get a clear indication that people want to see the other options too, I'll probably bring them back in a later poll.

Here's three ideas that I've been playing around with:
#1 Quick story with a TF sequence by Starvinartmajor.
---> A woman gets fucked by a hyper herm and when that herm cums, there's so much it makes her belly very round. Then the cum in her belly fuels her growing a hyper dick and balls of her own. Transformative cum inflation where you get to pick the species!

#2 Interactive TF experience with a TF sequence by Starvinartmajor.
---> You are a researcher working with an NPO that's basically a big dragon egg for all you can tell. Soon you get an uncontrollable compulsion to strip naked and sit on the egg. If you're male, you grow a pussy as it starts sliding into you, if you're female, your pussy gets scaly and stretchy as it starts sliding in. The more of the egg you get into you, the more you commune with the entity inside the egg that has chosen you to be its vessel. It wants to share your body and give you power beyond your wildest dreams.

Meanwhile you're changing from:
M to F or M to Herm or F to Herm or F to M (Whichever one you choose)

Initially, you would be an anthro dragon at the end, but I'd be happy to expand  it to have a feral and/or taur option if people really like this interactive story and want that. I can always add other options too in the future.

#3 Small interactive TF experience with a TF sequence by Starvinartmajor.
---> As you enter the Fey forest, you introduce yourself to a beautiful herm centaur. Not knowing the danger, you give your name when you introduce yourself. Suddenly unable to remember your name and wanting it back, you chase the centaur deeper into the woods.

The whole time she refuses to call you by your original name. Instead, she calls you by a new name, a name that feels more like it belongs to you more every time she uses it. And each time you hear it, you take on animal traits as your gender changes. 

Eventually you're a herm like her and don't need your old name. Because the forest is your home now and you've found your true self.

Can expand this idea to include M to F and F to M easily. I'd just start with herm being the endpoint.

Pros and Cons:
#1's advantage is that it's very simple, quick, and straightforward. I'd have room to work on something else after it and you'd get to vote on the species/body style the woman TFs into.

#2 would start out being rather self-contained and more choose-your-own-TF than a full-on game. I'm happy to grow #2 into something big over time if people really like it. It's the sort of project I can come back to and add stuff to as I get ideas. Would probably lead to more votes.

#3 is between the two extremes. It's not as long as #2, but would definitely be more effort than #1. The advantage of it is that it is a type of TF trigger I haven't seen a lot of and it would give a really nice personal TF experience. You'd get to vote on the first species included in this one and I'm happy to do anthro or taur. I could add more species later. The first species you vote on is the one that will get art of it.

The last thing to consider is that this vote will solidify which one of these options definitely gets art with it. #2 will eat up more of the art budget than #1, so there'll be less art of other stuff. But the advantage is that multiple types of dragony gender TF will be depicted. The art of #3 would only be a bit more than #1 and would feature two versions of the TF. One F to H and another M to H.

So yeah! Vote for your favorite ones and let me know in the comments if you definitely want to see an option return for a future vote!


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