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This is the story and image concept that won the Pumoral Hyper YCH poll. The art is attached as well!

Ezzie's been stuck as a feral dragon for a long time and she finally has what she needs to fix her shapeshifting abilities. A mistake forces her to come up with a spur of the moment solution that leads to her growing her dick and balls to insane proportions and cum more than she ever has in her life.

Ezzie's Hyper Explosion

by Zmeydros

Warm dusty air made my scaly muzzle itch as I entered the University of Wisconsin's old, soon-to-be-repurposed chemistry building. The sun was high in the sky, lighting up the hallway's limestone-tiled floor. Hanging on the wall opposite the windows were news articles about the accomplishments of famous alumni in tacky seventies gold frames. Turning to my left, I took the stairs toward the second floor lecture hall.

For most people, climbing stairs wasn't that big a deal, but doing it smoothly as a feral dragon had taken me a lot of practice. The incredible four-legged dexterity I'd developed was one of the few benefits to being stuck in this form for over four months, but not being able to shapeshift was too high a price. Especially when even Emma, her herm friends, and several weekly encounters with curious students and faculty couldn't fully sate my feral dragon libido. Not all feral dragons had this problem, but something about how sexy I felt when people saw my huge balls dangling from my equine pussy and my massive sheath drove me crazy. Clothing and horse blankets both made me look ridiculous enough that people chuckled and I didn't find either comfortable. Luckily, I had a solution to this whole situation.

As I entered the lecture hall, which had a domed ceiling and tacky yellow wooden seating, I undid the saddlebags I carried stuff in and set them on the lecture hall's white-tiled stage. I'd set up this area as a living room and it was covered with a veritable dragon's hoard of donated futons, blankets, and couch pillows in every hue of the rainbow. Today, however, I needed to clear the space for a very special spell, so I tossed my plush treasures into a far corner until I had a good fifteen feet of open space.

My heart sped up as I set down a large maplewood block that I hoped would help me finally unlock my full shapeshifting abilities. Inlaid in the block were magic pathways thinner than a human hair and microscopic runes that looked like points of light. It represented over a month of work by me and two other magic experts and it had been made to Shelein's specifications. I'd run every detail by a dozen experts just to ensure I hadn't missed something because Shelein was about as trustworthy as an accident lawyer addicted to cocaine.

My phone chimed and I picked it up to find a message from Emma. Thinking she had some last minute guidance for what I was about to do, I unlocked my phone. On the screen was a video of Emma lifting her balls to show that her pussy was so wet that strings of her nectar were connecting it to the wetness on the backside of her sac.

The attached message said, "I took a nap and woke up like this. Had a dream about you holding me against your front and having your way with me. If you haven't changed back yet, maybe you could stop by for one last feral romp?"

I shivered as a wave of heat traveled from my chin, across my six feral breasts, and then all the way down to my equine herm equipment. My sheath swelled as my pussy winked and I let out a whinny. Hissing through my teeth, I tried to clamp down on the arousal, but my broad-headed dick got over half way out of my sheath before it even started to slow down. Deep breaths and a bit of patience helped, but I was fully hard and dripping pre before I had a handle on myself again.

Then I waited, trying to think of something, anything other than Emma's sopping snatch. It had been far too long since I had control over my shapeshifting abilities and I was already out of patience. So I just growled in annoyance, closed my eyes, and focused on creating a tide of magic to fill the maple block. My prick throbbed as warm fizzy magic lapped at my body.

I moaned as pre dripped from my cock tip and my pussy got moist, but I kept my focus. Soon the cube was glowing crimson and purple, the weaving pathways and runes bright enough to cast shadows.

Sensing the cube had all the magic it needed, I grabbed it in my forepaws and let the spell take me. My forepaws cracked as they got smaller and more dexterous as my shoulders popped, reconfiguring to increase their range of motion. My ribs ached as my torso contracted, which made it hard to keep my breathing steady.

My four extra nipples sent waves of pleasure through me as the breasts underneath them retracted. Moving a hand to my dick, I used the pre streaming from it to stroke it nice and hard. I knew I'd only complicate things by jacking off while transforming, but it felt far too good to be changing again. When my back legs twitched, shortening and popping as their joints reconfigured for upright locomotion, I started to buck my hips.

Jolts of pleasure from my balls swinging and tugging on my pussy lips put me off balance enough that I fell onto my butt. As my body shrunk toward my just-over-seven-foot anthro form, the cube started radiating a lot of heat.

"Haaah! AIIEEE!" I cried out as I stuffed two fingers into my stretchy mare cunt.

Gritting my teeth over the immense pressure and discomfort that accompanied my neck and tail shortening, I rubbed my clit with my thumb. Soon I had all my fingers inside myself and my hand was coated in a thick layer of pussy juice. As my jaws and teeth pinched from my feral muzzle shrinking, the maple cube started smoking.

"Oh shit!" I said. At this rate, it was going to burst into flames, or worse.

Slowing my breathing and concentrating, I found the problem: the pathways were being overwhelmed by the speed I was losing mass. The excess mass needed had nowhere to go. As my dick throbbed in my hand, I got a really dumb horny idea.

First, I took my hand out of my pussy and traced magical connections between the cube and myself, bleeding off the excess energy. Ribbons of purple-red flickering magic hit my dick, balls, and breasts. Groaning, I shoved the end of my tail into my pussy and put both hands on my shaft.

My breasts buzzed as they swelled larger and then that sensation extended to my shaft and balls. The stretching of my dick felt like someone with a very tight pussy sitting on it and I squirted pre as it gained inches. My balls swelled in my scaly sac, getting larger than grapefruits and feeling ever fuller. As I shoved more of my tail into my muff, an internal pressure built in my balls and prostate.

With my pussy leaking wetness on the floor and my whole body burning with desire, I thrust my cock into my hands while squeezing my growing bosom between my arms. My whole body was aching to get off. My dick was thicker than my fist and was extending up into my cleavage.

"Fuck yes! AHH!" I cried out as I positioned my arms so that my dick was getting squished between my tits.

With my whole body shuddering and my balls approaching the size of melons, my prick extended past my collarbone and started lurching. A wave of bliss hit me so hard that I screamed as my twin knots swelled and jizz shot up my shaft. Out of habit, I put my mouth over my dick to stop from making a mess.

My roars of pleasure were drowned, literally, by spurts of cum that a team of stallions couldn't have produced. Making it even harder to swallow my delicious, sticky load, my pussy came around my tail. As I moaned and writhed in orgasm, I quickly realized that my shaft was growing to the point where I had to crane my neck to suck on it and, on top of that, there was no way I'd be able to drink down all my cum. Converting the mass I'd lost into cum was a ridiculous idea and I was going to have a legendary mess to clean up if I didn't do something quick.

Pleading with my body while closing my eyes, I clamped down on my jets of jizz until they stopped. I wobbled to my feet with my dick and balls lurching as they enlarged, feeling like they were going to burst. My prick flopped around, growing even larger as I desperately padded over to the box of XXXXL condoms I'd special ordered to help deal with my feral dragon issues. Walking got even harder as my balls reached the size of cantaloupes. When I plopped back down on the puddle my pussy had made, I accidentally shoved another two inches of my tail inside myself.

That set me off instantly. Moaning and screeching as my snatch came and my over two-foot-long dick lurched and flared, I grabbed a condom and tore open the wrapper with my teeth. Then I rolled it onto my shaft, fighting the contractions that were running up it. Just as I got it unrolled down a third of my shaft, cum gushed out of me.

"Ahhh, NGH! HAAAH!" The head of my shaft was as wide as my entire face, even more so with the flare!

At first, I felt like I was floating through the air on a cushion of bliss, but then I felt like I was getting struck by lightning over and over. Every single explosive gush of cum was like its own mini-orgasm. And stacked together, I was overcome with ecstasy.

Spurt after spurt filled the condom while my pussy kept cumming around my tail, my clit digging into the underside of it. I moaned louder and louder, my breathing so chaotic I could barely keep up.

When there was about a gallon in the condom, I started to worry and I fought waves of orgasm to pull it off and tie it, my spooge gushing everywhere as I did. Then I rolled another condom onto my shaft and collapsed onto my back. My tongue hung out the side of my mouth as I gasped and roared and moaned. When that condom was even fuller than the first, I struggled to even focus enough to tie it off and get the next one on. Meanwhile the lake of cum I hadn't been able to catch was spreading across the floor.

I got the third condom on just barely before I collapsed onto my back again. It felt so good that my hands went up to my shaft and I started thrusting. Soon I was screaming and yelping and fucking myself with my tail, completely lost to the pleasure. During my frenzy, the condom slipped off.

Watching it fall to the floor and start spilling its contents sent a jolt of adrenaline through me. I got up, nearly slipping on my own jizz while still shooting jets of my thick cream. Then I got the fourth condom on. Shuddering and twitching on my hands and knees, my whole body was devoted to cumming my insane load. I nearly fell face first onto the floor when I had to tie that one off. The fifth and sixth condoms, I filled on my side, fondling my big sensitive breasts while my eyes went out of focus.

Then my orgasm stopped long enough for me to catch my breath and make sure everything was tied off. I stayed on my side for a while before I got up and found my dick was still as hard as ever.

The cube was starting to smell like a campfire, so I put another condom on my prick and sat up. Then I stroked slowly, rumbling deep in my throat at how wonderful my length felt in my hands. The medial ring, the twin knots, the meaty veins that added a bit of texture, the flared head, all of it was a work of art I'd made when I created this body and I was proud of it. It was even easier to appreciate my workmanship with it being utterly humongous, my shaft now thicker than my legs and my flare higher than the top of my head!

I shoved a bit more tail in my snatch and sped up my stroking, feeling like the most gorgeous dragon that had ever lived. Fuck I loved my cock, my mare snatch, my mane, my breasts...

"NGH! I'm so fucking sexy!"

My prick came like a fountain, twitching powerfully as that condom filled with another gallon and a half of my delicious cream. Crying out in high pitched moans, my eyes locked on the head of my shaft as my powerful spurts of spooge made the condom jump. It was hanging off my shaft, a teardrop-shaped reservoir stretching downwards like a partially-filled water balloon held between two fingers.

As I shot my last few volleys into the condom, I flopped down on my side. Even though I was a bit satisfied, Emma's wet muff was drifting through my head. Honestly, this was partially her fault...

A confident grin pulled at my lips as I picked up my smartphone and sent a message to Emma, "Come over and bring anyone who's up for some sexy fun, I have something I'd like to show off."


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ supporters, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other supporters as well. Every one of you rocks!




'I got a really dumb horny idea' Well, it made for a great story so, worth it! Great job on this one zmeydros! (as usual) Truth be told I actually did not vote for this option on the poll, but I am in no way disappointed. Still fucking wonderful haha


Haha! I'm always super happy to hear when people enjoy what I make despite the vote not going their way. I honestly had no idea the Ezzie story would turn out this way from the prompt that I had for voting. I'm glad this story got voted on because it let me play around with the condom-filling kink from an angle I've never seen done before.


You actually did that part super well imo. Its not usually like, a huge (haha) thing for me, like still hot but not like the most hottest. But I really enjoyed that part of this so 🤷‍♀️👍


Yeah, normally condom filling is pretty uninteresting to me. I challenged myself to make it interesting and boy did I enjoy it too!