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I had to rewrite two sections of this chapter, so things might be a bit rough in those parts. Otherwise, it’s pretty ready to go.

(Draft) Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 8
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

Ahead of me as I walked out of the metro station was a woman shorter than me with long black hair and greenish-blue fox ears and tail. It was Julia, Hosanna's crush. I didn't pay any mind to the 1960's Vegas casino paraphernalia this station was chock full of, I'd seen it a hundred times over, but Julia was staring at it, well, through it. It was one of many Las Vegas history monuments in the Trilliant.

As I approached, she turned to look at me saying, "Hello Miss?"

I smiled really big as a wave of delight crashed through me. Over my lunch break, I'd shaved my face because I'd gotten up too late to do it in the morning. And my shaver shaved incredibly close. But maybe it was also the lighting? Most of the light was on the gilded slot machine under the spotlight above. Another wave of emotion hit me as I saw a trans flag pin on Julia's purple lapel.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Remiel! I didn't recognize you without your beard and misgendered you."

"No you didn't," I said automatically, only to blush deeply as I realized what I'd just implied.

She gestured for us to walk out of the station together and then asked, "A-are you trans?"

"I don't honestly know," I said, wishing I had a better answer for her.

"Just starting to figure stuff out?" she asked as we passed a Roman pillar from the original Caesar's Palace casino.

"Yeah," I said.

"You seemed happy when I called you Miss," she said.

"It's the first time someone called me that in public." Just remembering her referring to me that way was making my heart flutter.

"So you've never gone out as a woman? Like dressed up and such?" she asked.

"No, but I have a friend who wants to help me do that," I said. "It's a bit terrifying to think about, though."

"Oh, I was terrified the first time, but I picked a time when I'd be surrounded by people who were really chill and supportive about gender stuff," she said.

"I've heard Lezveioans are like that," I said, glancing at a fancy roulette table off to the side.

"Oh! Do you know some Lezveioans?" she asked.

"Not exactly? I've only talked to her briefly on video when we got introduced," I said. "I'm going with her to a Lezveioan place tonight."

Her tail started wagging. "Oh my God! That's like the perfect opportunity for you to try dressing up, girl! They are fucking amazing to be around if you're trans."

"You think I should try to dress up tonight?" I asked, my heart pounding.

"You seem to have questions and it's a safe way to answer a lot of them," she said. "So, if you feel comfortable with the idea, I'd totally go for it."

"I'll ask if it's okay, I don't want to suddenly show up as a woman when I met her as a guy," I said.

"If she's like other Lezveioans, she won't care at all," she said.

"R-really?" I blinked.

"Their concept of gender is incredibly flexible," she said.

We passed the original seventeen-meter-tall sign from The Sands Casino, leaving the metro station.

She broke the brief silence with, "Remiel is a pretty name, but you might want to start trying out other names and see if you find one that fits you better."

"Huh." For a moment, I just stared at her. Changing one's name wasn't possible on Trinity Stronghold unless you were a woman taking on your husband's surname. I'd never thought about the possibility of changing mine.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

"No, I'm just thinking. I like the way my name sounds, but nothing else about it is all that appealing to me," I said.

"It might not be appealing because it's a guy's name and you might feel better with a more feminine one. Like Amelia or something," she said.

My mouth dropped open. "Oooh, that's pretty in the same way Remiel is."

She nodded sagely. "I picked it for that very reason."

"I really like it," I said.

"Then is it alright if I call you that for now?"

I blushed as I said, "Sure."

"If you want more help with picking a name or any other trans stuff, feel free to contact me," she said, sending me her contact info.

"I will," I said. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure," she said.

"Does Hosanna know you're trans?"

Julia's eyes lit up the moment she heard Hosanna's name. "Told her that on our first date and we have a second one planned."

"So you two had a good time?"

"Yep! We watched an interactive VR film and afterwards we found out that she's a very good kisser," Julia said, practically glowing.

Warmth welled up inside me thinking about them kissing. "I'm so glad!" I said.

"Me too!" She looked down the street as we exited the station. "Sorry, but I gotta get home."

"No prob, we can chat more later," I said.

"Yes, later Amelia!" she waved.

I waved, smiling. Then, as I turned to walk back to my apartment, I remembered something she'd said. Something that made me blush all over. This was my chance to do something that would answer so many questions and I needed Ezzie's help.

Starting a message to Ezzie, I wrote, *Could you help me get ready for my outing with Captain Aeidou tonight?*

*When is it?* she asked.

*I'm meeting her at 7:15PM at Tev Auritoa,* I sent. "Sorry, I didn't think this through.*

*Don't be sorry, today's perfect, the last bit of stuff I ordered for you arrived this morning. What tipped the scale and got you ready for this step?*

*I don't know, I feel like my time's limited because they're gonna make me cut my hair eventually and every time I've done something to explore trans stuff, it's felt incredibly good. And I've spent so much time doubting myself that I'm afraid what'll happen if I slow down or stop,* I sent, my eyes widening at what I'd just said. I hadn't even given myself time to think about what I was doing, which is probably the only reason I'd been moving forward.

*That's very relatable. Feeling good about oneself for a change is kinda addictive, in a good way,* she sent back. *I'll be at your place in twenty to thirty minutes, depending on how long it takes to shuffle my schedule around. Use the time to shave any part of you that needs it.*

I wanted to ask her to forget it if there was a conflict in her schedule, but I knew she'd come anyway. So I just sent back, *Okay, I'll set the security system to open for you in case you arrive when I'm in the middle of shaving.*

*Good thinking, see you soon!*

The moment I got into my apartment, I stripped down and headed for the bathroom. I washed myself off a bit and then got to shaving. When I only had one leg left, I heard the door open followed by furious beeps from Cuber. The last time I'd heard her  that upset was when Daniel had kicked her.

Ezzie's voice rang out, "How can you still hold a grudge? I was just doing my job! I swear!"

I got out of the tub, shaving cream still on my leg, and stumbled to the bathroom door.

"Fuck, you're strong! REMIEL! A LITTLE HELP, PLEASE?!" Ezzie cried out.

Peeking through the door, I saw Cuber scolding Ezzie while trying to pull Ezzie's carry-on bag out the door. Ezzie was hanging on to the carry-on bag and being slowly dragged back out the door.

"Cuber! Stop that!" I yelled.

Cuber turned toward me and Ezzie stepped fully into the apartment.

Cuber sent, *She bad!*

"No, she helped me a lot," I said, my brow furrowed in confusion.

Cuber gestured toward her and then let out an annoyed beep. *She not let me fix FTL assist pakage. Dangerous. Kick me out of engineering. Bad!*

"What's Ramda's lead maintenance bot doing here? It hates me," Ezzie said.

"Cuber got herself into trouble by picking a fight with a really annoying guy who kicked her and Ramda had to get her off the ship, so she gave her to me," I said. "She says you stopped her from fixing the FTL assist package and kicked her out of engineering."

"A-are you communicating with her?" Ezzie asked, one eyebrow raised high.

"I taught her some English and she can send messages," I said.

Her eyes widened. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Well, before she had language, all she could do was gesture and beep and figuring out what she's been up to is a bit impossible with only those," I said. Some of the shaving cream I'd had on my leg made it to the floor.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense, but I'm still a bit concerned. She's a bit of a rascal," Ezzie said.

"Yeah, she gets up to some mischief, alright," I said, purposefully leaving out the part about Cuber stealing the watch. Ezzie seemed stressed enough as it was.

Cuber beeped and got between us, waving her arms.

"I think she's telling us it's rude to talk about her as if she's not here," Ezzie said.

With a beep of agreement, Cuber crossed her arms.

"Sorry, I got distracted, I was actually about to apologize to you." Ezzie knelt down in front of Cuber. "I'm sorry, hon, like I told you before, I had to troubleshoot the safety interlock after the firmware update."

Cuber turned away from her and sounded the wrong answer buzzer.

"Come on, Cuber, Ezzie wouldn't do anything simply to upset you," I said.

Cuber made a beep that sounded a lot like a sigh and then walked away from Ezzie, toward her pile of components.

"I think we have a truce," Ezzie said.

"Yeah, seems like it. I need to finish shaving my right leg and then I'll be ready," I said.

Ezzie pulled out a chair and laid her carry-on-sized luggage on it before opening it. "I'll get my stuff out while you're doing that."

"Okay!" I said and then went back into the restroom and finished my shaving.

After I was done shaving, I put on a pair of boxers and came out of the restroom. I wasn't sure what Ezzie was going to do to me and felt odd about just walking around naked.

As I got up next to her, I tilted my head. "Are your ears more pointy?" I asked.

She nodded and then turned around, pulling the back of her skirt down. A two-inch-thick scale-covered nub was sticking out from the base of her spine. "I took your advice and got my full-body mod started."

My mouth dropped open, "Y-you did?"

Turning back toward me, she lifted her blouse, showing her belly. There were green scales spreading upwards from her crotch. "Yep!" Pointing at her nose, she said, "Take a close look."

"Oh! it's wider and a bit flatter!" I said.

"Muzzle is starting right at the beginning because changes to the face need to go slow. Lots of nerves, bones, and teeth," she said.

"Does any of it hurt?" I asked.

"Not really, it aches a bit at times, but things are being done very carefully. They fully imaged my body and got lots of lab tests before they even started." Ezzie pulled off her shirt and then her bra, revealing some green scales just above her cleavage and that her breasts were a bit bigger. Her nipples started hardening in my cool apartment air as she said, "Some places have been really sensitive."

Without really thinking, I reached out and put my hand on her left breast. God she was gorgeous and she seemed a tiny bit taller than the last time I saw her. Her hefty tit felt amazing under my palm.

She gasped as a bulge formed in her giraffe-patterned black skirt.

I pulled my hand away.

"I'd ask you to go farther, but we'd never get around to dressing you up," she said, putting her bra back on and then her reddish-orange blouse.

"True," I said, looking at her bulge as I remembered drinking down her cum. My boxers started getting a tent in them.

"Hmm, you seem a bit distracted." Ezzie pulled down her skirt and panties, revealing three inches of her horsecock. "Do you need a drink first, hon?"

I got on my knees, getting eye level with her shaft and grabbed it. Then, I started stroking and she was fully hard, thrusting into my hands, within a minute.

She threw her blouse and bra off, grabbed my hair, and shoved my mouth onto her prick. I moaned, grabbing onto her shaft for support while she fondled her breasts. Not caring about lasting, she just went for it, fucking my mouth as fast as I could tolerate. I made sure to use my tongue to give her flare extra stimulation while I slipped a hand behind her balls and stroked her wide clit as if it was a little cock. As her pussy juices coated my hand, I was rewarded by her shoving forward, and cumming right down my throat.

I shivered and squirmed, my dick aching as she came like a stallion, her cock flaring in my mouth.

She tugged on her fat nipples while crying out, "Ngh! REMIEL!"

When it was over, I fell backwards and her thick flare popped out of my mouth. As I panted to catch my breath, her dick dripped cum on my leg.

"You need me to help you get off, dear?" She asked.

"Nah, I'll be fine," I said, not sure if I was right. "Plus, we don't have much time as it is."

"Alright, let's get your face washed off and then get this show on the road," she said.

When I got back to the dining table after washing up, she opened a small box and pulled out two breast forms that looked bizarrely real. "Want to wear these?"

I stared at them, blushing and trying to stop myself from squirming. The thought of having breasts on for the date was destroying me.

She started putting them back, "Maybe too much too soon, I get it."

"No," I said, blushing more.

She stepped up to me, holding the flat sides toward my chest. Then she slowly put them against my skin, saying, "These automatically attach themselves to you and there's a bunch of little electrodes and such that stimulate the flesh below, faking some of the sensations of having breasts."

My breath caught as they attached to me, sending tingles all throughout my chest.

Ezzie poked one with her finger and I could feel it, like it was my breast! The sensation was slightly hollow, like not feeling a lot from inside the breast, but it tricked me enough that I moaned and pred in my boxers.

She giggled, "Pretty great, aren't they?"

I looked down at them as they changed to match my skin color. They were pretty big, like at least high-C cup. Just seeing them there got tingles all throughout my belly and crotch. Their weight on my chest was like getting a perpetual hug. "They're amazing!" I said, not quite having the courage to touch them.

"Stop hovering over them with your hands and give them a squeeze, hon."

I steeled myself for what was about to happen and then grabbed them with both hands. My knees buckled and Ezzie had to grab me to stop me from falling to the floor as I forgot how to breathe. They were warm and so close to the real thing, the nipples even started hardening as my palms slid over them. Somehow the sensation of touch was getting to my actual nipples, making them harden too. More pre leaked from my dick, making a bigger wet spot on my boxers.

"Okay, I'm definitely letting you keep those." She giggled.

I blushed bright red, taking my hands off my tits. "You don't have to let me keep them."

"I was saving them for a girl who needed them and now I've found one," she said.

My eyes darted back down to my synthetic boobs and I felt weightless, like giggling for no reason at all. "They're so awesome!"

"Yes they are, but we gotta cover them up so we can get you dressed," she said, grabbing a skin-colored bra that clasped in the front. She handed it to me, saying, "Front-clasp ones are way better for beginners. Just put it on like a shirt and then secure it in front."

As I grabbed the bra, I squirmed at the thought of putting it on. I'd never worn women's clothes and it felt forbidden. My stomach clenched as I put it on, then my heart raced as I clasped it. I bit my lip at the sensation of the bra pressing against my breasts, especially my nipples. Luckily, the longer it was there, the less distracting it was.

"Okay, take off those boxers and put these on," she said, reaching into her bag and pulling out pink panties with a white rose mosaic on them.

Now my heartbeat was pounding in my ears, and as I pulled my boxers down, the butterflies in my stomach escaped to my entire body leaving me a bit dizzy. There had to be some catch. There's no way all this was actually happening. My hands shook as I took the panties from Ezzie and then they shook more as I stepped into the leg holes.

"Gently angle your cock down and back as you put them on if you want to go out with a less obvious bulge," she said.

Not ready to go out as a proud herm like Ezzie, I used one hand to position my dick and then pulled the panties up my legs as my entire body got warm.

"If you want to be even more sure no one will notice you'd have to tuck."

"What's tucking?" I asked as I got the panties fully on, shivering at the perfect way they cupped my dick and balls.

"It's a way of trapping your cock between your legs to make sure you have no bulge, but comes at the cost of possible discomfort. I never got into it and we'd have to look it up if you wanted to do it."

Having to lean forward with my head to see past my cleavage to my crotch made me want to dance around with happiness. My bulge looked so good in a pair of panties that I couldn't help but smile. "I think this is fine."

"Oh, it's better than fine, you look adorable and sexy!" she said.

I giggled and bounced, getting my breasts to fight the bra's elastic. Moaning, I arched my back as my prick swelled in my panties.

"Damn, if you don't turn down your girliness, I'm gonna need to get off again." Ezzie chuckled, her prick just starting to harden.

"Sorry," I said.

She kissed my forehead. "Never apologize for being girly. The world's made you do that enough."

Instead of crying in front of Ezzie, I followed my second impulse, which was to kiss her. As my lips met hers, I pressed my boobs up against hers, gasping and grabbing her around the middle.

She kissed back, grunting as she pressed her huge bulge against my modest one. The moment my prick started straining in my panties, she pulled us apart, saying, "We better get your makeup on. Otherwise, you're not going to have all that much time to try on outfits before you have to leave."

"Okay, is there anything else I need to do before we start?" I asked.

"Sit still while I get out the stuff for putting on your foundation. I used the facemap you sent me to pick out the right color of concealing  foundation in case you decided to try makeup," she said, grabbing a clear plastic case with a bunch of small rectangular bottles in it.

Cuber came over and pulled a chair out from the dining table before hopping up onto it. The chair complained because she wasn't exactly light. Staring at me over the edge of the table with her sensor cluster, she made a soft beep.

"Hi there, Ezzie's about to put makeup on me," I said.

Cuber gave the wrong answer sound.

"If I don't put makeup on her, she'll have a bit of a shadow on her face and will be sad when she goes out," Ezzie explained patiently as she pumped the foundation onto a fine-grained egg-shaped sponge.

As she reached for my face with the sponge, Cuber jumped onto the table and growled while sending me a message, *No me. I fix. Not her.*

"You don't know how to put on makeup, Cuber," I said.

*I learn fast. Show 3D video. No mistakes. I am robot. Can do better than Ezzie.*

"What's going on?" Ezzie asked, looking wary of Cuber.

"She wants to put on my makeup," I said.

"Does she know how?" Ezzie asked.

*Show me 3D maykup video. Then I can do.*

"She says she can do it if we show her a 3D makeup video," I said.

Ezzie thought for a moment, looking at Cuber.  Then she reached for my face with the sponge, saying, "How about you watch me and then you'll know how to do it?"

Cuber grabbed the sponge right out of Ezzie's hand. She was so quick that neither of us noticed the sponge was gone at first. Then Ezzie was just staring at where the sponge used to be while her hand hovered in midair.

We both looked at Cuber, who cheered, holding up the sponge like a prize.

"Let Ezzie show you how to do it and then we'll let you do it," I said.

*No,* Cuber backed away.

"Cuber, I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier, but I'm not trying to trick you or manipulate you. How about I just show you the technique for each part and then you do the rest?"

Cuber made the wrong answer sound.

"If we just get random videos online, they won't be tailored to Remiel's face and she won't be as happy with the result," Ezzie said.

"You can call me Amelia, if you want," I said.

"Ooh, I like that! How did you come up with it?" Ezzie asked.

"Julia, a trans woman I know, came up with that name," I said, smiling at the memory.

"I'll be supportive if you try out other names, but boy is that a good starting point," she said.

"Yeah," I said, smiling so big that my cheeks hurt. Being around people like Ezzie and Ramda made me smile a lot more than I was used to.

Cuber made an annoyed beep, waving the arm holding the sponge.

Ezzie turned to me and said, "Can we pull up the makeup edit of your face that I sent you the other day and send it to Cuber?"

"Yeah, one sec." I found the file using my hud and then dropped it into a message to Cuber. *This is what Ezzie's planning on doing to me.*

*Good if want look girl. I try.* Cuber sent back, getting closer.

"Give Ezzie the sponge so she can show you how to apply it. I won't let her do more than show you, I promise." I reached for the sponge.

Cuber let me have it, sending, *Okay. I watch.*

"With your advanced motor skills and memory, you'll probably be even better than me at doing Remiel's makeup. I'm looking forward to teaching you. Truce?" Ezzie held out a hand.

Cuber shook Ezzie's hand, grumbling softly.



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