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(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (-----) (Ch. 6) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (Ch.13) (Ramda Dakimakura)

After a rather informative tour, Ezzie takes Remiel to the back for some hermilicious show and tell.

Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 5
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

The first room in the "History of FTL" exhibit was sectioned off by wavy walls with triangular tiles that displayed a starscape. It gave the feeling that someone had crystallized space and used it to make walls. A plethora of industrial lab equipment that looked like particle accelerator parts were strewn about and on the back wall and the phrase "Testing The Limits," was written in letters that bent and warped periodically.

Ezzie led me to a disk the size of a dinner plate with a giant bizarre motor attached to it. Connected to the motor was a cryogenic cooling pack. She said, "This is the first device that produced a calculable spatial warp. The disk is made out of a graphene composite and spun at ridiculous speeds in a vacuum chamber while emitting a magnetic field that could make a nail file go supersonic. The little spheres on the periphery have exotic matter in them that was harvested from particle accelerators."

My eyes widened "Wait, these particle accelerator parts are for making exotic matter?"

She nodded while stepping a bit closer to me.

"How did they even get the idea to rotate everything so fast?" I asked, my eyes darting to her package. From the side it was even more noticeable.

"Observations of spatial curvature around spinning black holes," she said.

"Oh! I'm assuming exotic matter enhances the effect?" I asked.

She nodded. "But it's incredibly expensive. It took the combined resources from twenty-two nations to build this device and it cost over eight billion dollars in materials alone. Future designs used faster spin rates and larger magnetic fields to decrease the amount of exotic matter needed."

"I'm assuming the price for exotic matter has gone down since then?" I said.

"Yes, it used to be seventy-six-million dollars per gram and now it's one point seven million per gram," she said.

My mouth dropped open.

"Don't even get me started on how hard it is to capture once it's created in one of these wakefield accelerators," she said, leading me into the next room.

This room was a bit bigger and had a few more spatial warping machines. But the disks were different shapes ranging from concave to having a small hole in the middle to having spokes so most of the mass was on the outer edge.

Standing in front of the spoked one, she said, "When this thing's spinning, it warps space so bad that researchers could see the lensing effect with their own eyes."

"What does it look like?" I asked.

"Light gets twisted, much like the effect from a whirlpool."

"Did they ever try to toss anything in?"

She pointed to an aluminum can laying at the base of the machine. The can was twisted, but not in any way I could fully understand. The letters were bulging in some places and getting crinkled in others. If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought I was staring at the red and yellow can through a turbulent vortex of water.

"Whoa," I said.

"A week after they dropped that can into it, the cryogenics failed and it blew up the lab. Dr. Prana Bujrati had to get most of her right side reconstructed and replace most of her organs with cybernetic ones due to the shrapnel. She became the first person to be more cybernetic than biological."

"She's very lucky she survived," I said.

"She was very lucky that the University of Chicago's main research hospital was only five miles from her lab," Ezzie said.

"Did she live a long time after that?" I asked.

"Until she was sixty-two, but then she died during The Great Blackout."

"Aww, that's sad."

"Yes. If it hadn’t been for The Great Blackout, we would've had FTL several decades sooner," Ezzie said.

I nodded. "I imagine it took a lot of work to get back to this research after all that craziness."

"Especially when some of the most lucrative stuff the looters could steal was in FTL labs." She started walking to the next room, her hips swaying beautifully. I wished my hips were as wide as hers, mine were far too narrow.

"Can't imagine where they thought they could sell it. People weren't doing much lab work," I said.

She shrugged. "When disaster strikes, the precious metals market tends to explode."

"That's really unsettling to think about."

"Agreed." She pointed at a three-meter-wide disk, with thousands of holes in it, that was attached to a massive cryogenically-cooled motor. "This Taiwanese device destroyed anything put in the spatial warp because the warp was unstable. But it was a bigger warp than ever before."

"Did they just keep going bigger or did they learn to stabilize it?" I asked.

Pointing at a 3D headshot of a jovial-looking Asian woman with an awesome black and white sunhat, Ezzie said, "Hiriko Tseng from the Perimeter Institute of Physics calculated that using two rings instead of a single disk would lead to greater stability of the warp. Then she oversaw the design and operation of this." She walked past the portrait into the next room.

The contraption was the size of a small house. There were two rings a meter taller than me separated by a couple meters of open space.

"This was constructed inside a giant lava tube on the dark side of the moon, seven kilometers from the lunar observatory. Some objects that were sent through this device were never seen again, others were turned inside out. All sorts of things were possible, depending on the settings," she said.

"Things just disappeared?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yep, things kept disappearing and Hiriko commissioned the design of some powerful compact beacons. Then, nineteen days after they started sending beacons, at nine forty-eight in the morning, they got a signal from near Neptune's orbit."

My eyes widened. "They didn't even know they were sending stuff long distances?"

"The whole physics world was in disbelief when stuff started disappearing due to these experiments. Many speculated space travel, but only short distances. In fact, some were worried that objects might pop up in bad places, like in the middle of a nuclear reactor or something. But near Neptune was beyond their wildest dreams." She looked at me intently. “There’s an even more interesting follow up question you can ask and I bet you know what it is.”

I thought for a moment and then remembered what museum I was in. “How long did it take for that beacon to get to Neptune’s orbit?”

“It had started broadcasting only six seconds after they sent it though.”

“Doesn’t light take four hours to get here from Neptune?”

She put an arm over my shoulders and said, “Yep, beacon HL53X traveled four point four billion kilometers in six seconds.”

I hugged her side. “I can only imagine how excited they were.”

“None of them were as excited as Hiriko. She stayed up for the next two days straight analyzing the data until she could confirm beyond any doubt that FTL transit had actually occurred. When they went to an Irish pub to celebrate, she still hadn't slept. There, she had a manic episode where she jumped up on stage and shredded electric guitar until her fingers started bleeding.”

“Whoa, was she bipolar?”

“Yes, but she only got the mania part.”

“I didn’t even know that could happen. I guess it’s good she didn’t get the depression part?”

“Not really, the decisions people make when manic can really screw things up. Imagine if you decided you could afford a house while manic only to discover you were very wrong once you came down from it.”

“That would suck,” I said.

“Yeah, and Hiriko refused treatment because she thought it would destroy her genius. So she ended up in jail a couple times.”

“Dang, did she ever get help?” I asked.

“After the second jail sentence, she did.”

"Why was she in jail?" I asked.

"That's a long story with some very... human behavior," she said. "I'll tell you about it later."

“I’m guessing she wasn’t right about her genius being destroyed?”

“Exactly. If you ask me, she did her most impressive work late in her life surrounding the question of spatial convolutions and how the universe avoids causality loops,” she said.

"How does the universe do that?"

"Very carefully and in a way that isn't fully understood, but we can talk about it sometime after a good fuck." She was grinning ear to ear.

With the way she was looking at me, I felt naked and covered myself with my hands while blushing all the way down my neck.

Ezzie laughed and clapped her hand on my shoulder. "The tour's almost over. Just have a couple more things to show you."

"S-so, did they keep sending stuff to see where it would pop up so they could refine their model of what was happening?" I asked, desperate to change the subject.

She grimaced. "Yeah, but they soon regretted it. One of the beacons appeared in a giant tank of rocket grade hydrogen peroxide. The chemical plant and most of southern Albuquerque had to be evacuated due to the fire that broke out."

"Oh shit," I said.

She nodded, "Six dead and eight wounded. It was a dark day for physics. While watching the news report, Hiriko decided to close her lab."

"Ahh, so that must've been when Dan Seidel started figuring out the rest, like how to send things to specific locations," I said.

"What?" Ezzie tilted her head.

"You know, Dan Seidel, the person who formalized the mathematics behind FTL travel," I said.

Ezzie put her head in her hands and sighed. "I can't believe Trinity would stoop so low. Of course only a man would be allowed to take credit for FTL travel."

"So, I'm guessing he never existed?" I asked, embarrassed about my strange cult-influenced education.

"He did, but he was her assistant and specialized in exotic matter handling. A really talented guy who regularly baked goodies for the lab, but not the person who formalized the mathematics of FTL travel. Follow me." She led me to the next room, which was four meters by four meters and the walls were filled with lava lamps. The shelves alternated between blacklight fluorescent ones and normal ones, creating a rather spectacular display.

Looking around the room, I wondered what this beautiful display was doing in the middle of the FTL museum.

There was a twinkle in Ezzie's eye as she said, "Hiriko was on vacation in Las Vegas at a retro hotel that had this lava lamp display in the main lobby. While Hiriko was staring at the lava lamps, she got an idea that changed everything, forever. Instead of globules of wax, she saw bubbles of spacetime that had broken free of the universe only to recombine with it in a different location.”

"Oh wow! I'll never look at lava lamps the same way again," I said.

"Neither will I," Ezzie said, gently hugging me from behind. "After that, Hiriko went back to her room and started laying down the mathematical foundation for traveling to different points in space without traversing the space in between."

I relaxed against her, watching colored globules slowly rise and fall for a couple minutes. The whole time, she just swayed slowly back and forth with me, rocking me. It would have been more relaxing if I hadn't felt her sheath and balls bumping against my butt cheeks. By the time she let go, I was half-hard.

Leading me into the next room, she said, "We're gonna skip the whole saga of setting up the FTL transit network because it's a lot of history and drama between space colonies that's worth its own tour."

"Oh okay," I said, following her past a bunch of Anvil Point equipment, diagrams, and maps showing the growth of the FTL network.

Then we were in a large domed room with tons of glass lenses pointing inwards. The moment we were inside, the lights faded as an intricate hologram of the FTL network flickered to life. Every color of the spectrum was being used to encode information about the routes and locations. It looked like the branches of a gigantic, asymmetric tree where the highest volume routes had the thickest branches. Whenever I looked at a solar system, images from various bodies in it would come up. If I looked at an Anvil Point, it would tell me what ships last went through. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen: an intricate dance of infographics and art.

Noting my awe, Ezzie just tossed an arm over my shoulders and stood next to me while poking at the hologram to highlight different routes and locations. Eventually she used both hands to zoom in on Epsilon Eridani which was almost as well connected as Earth.

"A bunch of native Hawaiians got Taiwanese billionaires and Japanese resort companies together and made a 'Hawaii in the stars' which has been a very big hit. The other main industry is nature conservation and there's numerous different rotating habitats with different biomes. Many of which are open to tourism making the two main industries feed each other a bit." she said. "If you like herms, you've definitely gotta visit Double E. Largest concentration of herms outside of Lezveioan space."

"Why all the herms?" I asked.

"They set up the best protections for sex workers ever devised. So lots of trans herms paid for their transitions by going there and performing on camera, making adult virtual reality content, or taking real live clients," she said.

Looking up at her I asked, "Wait, only trans herms took advantage of that?"

"There were other people that paid for their mods that way, but the herms outnumbered them because the doctor who developed the first genetics-based herm mod procedure set up shop at a modding resort in Double E."

"That must've been a long time ago," I said.

"About fifty years ago," she said. "One thing you might want to prepare for if you go there is that Double E also has a ton of clothing optional areas."

"People just go around naked?" I asked, feeling warmth in my crotch and butterflies in my belly again.

"Yup! Ramda and I fucked on a beach in one of the rotating habitats while half the beachgoers watched. It was delightful." She bit her lip and shifted her stance.

Seeing her get excited, I rubbed my thighs together. I couldn't help thinking about people just happily watching women with dicks get it on. It was so beautiful and hot to think about. My pants were starting to get tight and I couldn't help but glance down at Ezzie's shaft as it started to lift her skirt again. She'd been so open about how interested she was in me, now it was my turn to return the favor. Compliment her on her tour? No. Mention liking her bulge? Too embarrassing. Mention how much I liked the idea of her and Ramda getting it on? Too creepy and indirect. Maybe I could come up with another comment based on the scene she described? Hey, I actually had something!

"I bet they liked the view, y-you're gorgeous," I said, wondering if I was flirting correctly.

"My, my, Remiel, are you trying to flirt with me?" She looked at me with a grin as her skirt was lifted up farther by her pole.

I nodded.

"If you keep staring at it, I'm gonna get to full mast. Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Umm, would that be bad?" I asked, forcing myself to look at her face.

"No, but I'd expect you to take responsibility for getting me that hard." She made a dominant-but-playful chuckle.

The way she said "responsibility" nearly caused me to lose my balance. As my eyes fixated on her clothed erection, my chest tightened and my prick ached. I had to know what was under that skirt. Her cock wasn't human or canine. Just what was going on with it?

She rolled her hips back, lifting up her skirt so much, I could see her knees. All that cloth was being supported by her dick. "Flirt with me again. Tell me what you're thinking right now."

I stammered, not used to saying lewd stuff aloud.

She just waited, hands on her hips, prick still rising. "Better think of something to say before this gets fully hard and I have another use for your mouth."

Goddamn was I hard. This was my chance to forget my crappy work and feel the way I did with Ramda again. It wasn't appropriate to be so obsessed with her already, was it? She had to be placating me, trying to make me feel better as a favor to Ramda. All I had to do was look away and put her dick out of my mind. Then I could tell her that she didn't have to keep acting like she wanted to have sex with me. That I'd be fine.

Wait, how could I put her cock out of my mind? It was only the second girl dick I'd seen and it was...my eyes widened as I realized something. "Is it even bigger than before?" I put my hands over my mouth and looked her in the eye with my face blushing so hard it felt like a hot summer day.

She put a hand on my shoulder and turned me toward the exhibit's exit. Pushing me ahead of her, she said, "If you'll just come with me to the back. It's time for the show and tell section of the tour."

Adrenaline surged through me as I stiffly walked ahead of her, her hand still firmly guiding me like I was a misbehaved tourist. Rooms whizzed by without me paying attention to them. The only thing on my mind was the way her cock head kept bumping into my ass through my jeans. Just before going through the double doors into the back, she sent a signal to them and the thin strip of light at the top turned green.

As she led me into the break room, she closed the doors behind us and then said, "On your knees."

I knelt down as if following the order of a commanding officer. There was no thought of disobeying her. Instead, all I felt was awe that we were in this situation at all.

She stood in front of me, her prick pointing at my face. "Everyone who's caught sight of my dick can't seem to leave it alone. You still sure you want to see it?"

I gulped and nodded. Other than sucking on Ramda's dick, I couldn't think of anything I wanted more than seeing what lurked under Ezzie's skirt.

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you." She pulled her skirt back and then pulled down a pair of soaked panties. Panties that were stretched so taut that her prick jumped out when she pulled them down. As her cock flicked upwards, a bead of pre got launched into the air, hitting my cheek. I froze in place as I stared in wonder at her black cylindrical cock which had a medial ring and a flat head.

"I'm literally hung like a horse," she said, giggling.

I whined, my brain having no idea how to process the fact that her cock was easily as thick as Ramda's and more than eight inches long. The balls hanging under it were the size of apricots and covered in smooth, shiny black skin, just like I'd seen on a stallion.

While I took in her equine equipment, she exposed her full-figured bust and tossed her blouse and bra to the side. Then she moved the cock head closer to my lips, saying, "Want to make this a full sensory experience?" Pre was beading at the tip, about to fall to the floor below.

My tongue lapped across her flat cock head, feeling the little nubs that ran around the periphery. She tasted piney, like spruce tea, and salty with a hint of sweetness. Feeling feverish and utterly obsessed, I lapped at her dick until she was moaning and getting pre all over my lips and chin.

As I licked her mess off my face, I took in her pine forest-like scent. Unable to look away from her beautiful erection and the heavy balls beneath, I blurted out a question that had been in my mind from the moment I saw her, "Do you have a pussy?"

"Lay back on the couch and you can see for yourself," she said.

I felt like I was floating as I got onto my back atop the couch cushions.

She pulled off her skirt and panties fully, then straddled my head and lowered herself. The black horse flesh from her cock and balls ran all the way back to her pucker, which was more donut-like than a human's. Between that and her balls was a mound of flesh equally non-human. It was slicked up by her excitement and had been forced to stretch into a teardrop shape by a swollen clit that was wider than my thumb. As she brought it closer to my face, she squeaked out a gasp and her clit pushed out towards me a half inch, making her pussy open wider as her wetness dripped onto my lips.

"Sorry, it winks when I'm excited," she said.

"Winks?" I asked after licking up her delicious piney nectar. Her scent was so strong that it was making me wet my jeans with pre.

"It's a way mares tell a stallion that they're ready," she said. "Essentially, my body really wants you."

Her hefty balls were dangling right in front of me, so I grabbed them and groaned at their weight. It was like being with Ramda all over again. Except the smooth skin and amazing mare pussy.

"Gah, fuck!" She shoved backwards, planting her snatch on my face.

My tongue slipped into the center of the teardrop while my lips kissed her clit. I licked at her as she winked over and over again, slathering my skin with her wetness. My dick strained in my pants.

She pulled her muff off of me, saying, "I wanna play with your cock. That okay?"

I nodded.

"I can't see you, hon," she said. "Was that a nod?"

"Uh-huh," I said, trying not to think about how much I liked her balls rubbing against my chin.

She planted her pussy back on my face and started undoing my belt.

Her wetness was practically drowning me and her muff was a lot plusher than Ramda's. Not better, just different in a really enjoyable way. Her equine pussy lips were stretchy, smooth, and easy to toy with. They had a clear edge to them where her plump labia gave way to her velvety folds. Along this edge was a set of muscles that let her open or close her sex. Muscles that twitched with each of her gasps and groans.

Her hands freed my cock from my pants and then my undies. I lost control of my moans, crying out into her folds as she ran her fingers along my rock hard shaft. Pre from her cock dripped on my belly and her hips ground her pussy against my face as she figured out how to hit all my buttons.

Soon, she leaned forward, trapping her shaft between us as she took my dick into her mouth. I pred on her tongue while focusing on her clit. She moaned and humped back against me, bobbing on my shaft.

We just kept going like that, me feeling more and more pressure behind my cock while trying not to burst too early. Other than that, not one worry was in my head and I felt like I was flying. This was exactly what I'd been hoping for: to forget about everything that was bothering me. Her thick dick was rubbing against my chest, slicking it up with pre. Soon our pace was fast enough that my tongue was getting tired and I was openly thrusting my hips into her mouth. Our moans were getting sharper, we were so close, just about to burst.

Pulling off my cock, she said, "Wanna cum in me?"

"Mmmhmm!" I nodded eagerly against her pussy and then felt embarrassed as she got off my face and turned around. I screeched as she took my whole length inside. Her muscular walls were so slick and smoldering that I forgot to breathe. Her plump pussy lips smacked against my groin, her wetness getting everywhere. I had to control my breathing to stop from cumming.

But I'd miscalculated. She'd been right on the edge and her walls started undulating, tugging on my shaft. Then she arched her back and cried, "Ngh! CUM REMIEL!"

I couldn't cum with her. I'd just put a damper on my orgasm and needed to work my way back up. Even thrusting into her over and over as her orgasm lingered didn't work.

When she came down from her peak, I said, "Sorry."

"It's fine," she said. "Anything I can do to help?"

"I-I don't know." Then I remembered where I'd put Ramda's toy. As my face flushed bright red, I asked, "C-could you put your prick between my legs?"

"There's no way I'll fit, hon, unless you've been practicing." She chuckled.

"Doesn't need to go in," I said, wanting to hide my face.

She pulled off me and then put her face between my legs. Before I could ask what she was gonna do, she licked under my balls, right across the area I'd put Ramda's toy on. I gasped so hard, it hurt.

"You're girly in the best ways." She licked me a few more times, leaving me unable to draw a single breath the entire time.

Wetness between my legs felt unfathomably good as did her pretending to lick me out as if I was her lesbian date. Then she stopped, moved my legs, and pressed her erection between my thighs. I instinctively parted my legs and she lifted my balls as she shoved forward. The moment her cock head rubbed at that space behind my balls, I squeaked and fidgeted. Stroking my dick, she thrust against that spot, smearing her pre all over. The blunt head of her dick was making me feel hot flashes in my extremities and the tips of my ears.

When she grabbed one of my nipples gently, I screamed and writhed under her. She fucked along the insides of my legs, whacking my magic spot over and over with her prick's equine head.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was breeding your virgin pussy," she said as she stroked me faster.

Hearing those words, the dam in me burst. I clawed at the couch, arched my back, and groaned as my cock fired its payload all over Ezzie's tits and belly. She laughed joyously as she watched me, amused by how far gone I was. Then she started grunting and thrusting harder, her prick flaring as a bulge developed at the base. Before I was done cumming, she growled through her teeth as her spunk flooded out. I screamed like a woman possessed and ground myself against the end of her lurching shaft.

Feeling her hot sticky mess get all over my sensitive flesh, bliss flooded through me, making every part of me burn. It was almost too much because this bizarre joy was also mixed in. Like I'd stumbled into a beam of sunlight on a dreary day.

A couple minutes later, Ezzie wordlessly got off of me. I just stared at the lighting strips on the ceiling, barely aware of her wiping up our mess. What the fuck had just happened to me?


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ supporters, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other supporters as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (-----) (Ch. 6) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (Ch.13) (Ramda Dakimakura)



wondering if remiel's gonna get modded


Well, Remiel's on the path to self-discovery and getting modded isn't out of the question. Next chapter is gonna give more hints at Ezzie's trajectory as well as his for the rest of this story.

Arkona Kothe

I have to say, you're my favorite sci-fi author, hands down. The way you explained the development of FTL travel seems so realistic that I can't help but wonder if it's been tried! The sex scene at the end just added icing on the cake. Excellent chapter!


I love the idea of scientists discovering FTL travel completely by accident. Physics suddenly explodes because someone was just tossing stuff into a machine to see what would happen.


Also, “How does the universe avoids causality loops?” “Very carefully.” is hilarious to me.


Main problem is that physicists don't know how to make or work with exotic matter yet. It's proposed, it's talked about, but having it and using it would require us having some and it not being theoretical. I'm so happy that this sci-fi setting feels real and works well. I spent a lot of time thinking about it. Remiel's world had a long development cycle.

talk show ghost

I gotta agree with the other commenters, your description of the discovery of FTL is shockingly believable, and as an idiot with a BA in physics it really made me remember why I took all those classes to begin with even though I barely use what I learned after graduation. Also, if Remiel gets a pussy and becomes a herm he will officially be living my dream 😭


This comment makes me so happy! I was studying to be a physicist when I was younger, but all the anxiety from not knowing I was trans and my need to be taught math a very specific way made it very difficult. But I've always known more than enough to read very technical physics papers and understand concepts like spatial warps and stuff. And don't get me started on Materials Science. That's what I was actually training for. Basically, writing sci-fi and fantasy to some degree allows me to take that love of science and thought experiments and do something fun with it!