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This is a pretty polished draft of a little story I wrote while waiting for feedback from my beta readers on Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 2. It's based on a DnD character I'm currently using in a campaign. JourneymanIK and I are inventing little side stories for her. This one's really short, but very sexy.

Izabel is feeling off today. Maybe it has something to do with that ring of transmutation that exploded when she tried to use it? When she finally falls asleep, she dreams of gaining a big addition and making a big mess all over her taur belly. The dream leaves behind more evidence than expected...

(Draft) Izabel's Wet Dream

by Zmeydros

Echoes of the wind blowing over the quarry left hollow wooshing sounds in its wake. The moon was so low in the sky, our shadows stretched out forever. Everyone was exhausted and I’d just finished healing up their wounds after our battle with skeletal minotaurs: a parting gift from the litch we’d just defeated. The same litch that had left a transmutation ring that had exploded the moment I tried to put it on. We’d been desperate and he’d been obsessed with dragons, so I assumed the ring was one that could turn me into a dragon so I could defeat the skeletal minotaurs, but it hadn’t been calibrated for use on centaurs and it flew to pieces the moment I put it on my finger. Luckily, I hadn’t taken any damage, but I'd been feeling a bit feverish ever since.

I was keeping this detail quiet because I didn’t want anyone worrying about me. Being a paladin, I was immune to disease, so it was most likely all in my head and I was just feeling the summer heat radiating from the red clay surrounding us.

As I laid out my centaur-sized bedroll on a smooth patch of ground, my clit twitched so hard my back legs shook. As I stumbled to regain my balance, my big breasts swung wildly. What was up with me today?

Daymar, the sexiest anthro dragon I’d ever had the pleasure of meeting, was already laying on his bedroll ten feet from me. If he hadn’t been asleep, I would’ve poked him to see if he was up for another round because it was hard to reach back far enough to get myself off. He’d been very helpful the night before when we were washing up at the stream. My pussy winked, making me grunt under my breath. Boy did he know how to use his knotted cock and his tail and he really liked centaurs.

I wasn’t the type of centaur most expected because my upper half was hybridized with horse as well. I had reddish-brown fur that shaded to black on my, mane, tail, long horse ears, the end of my muzzle and the lower third of my legs. According to lovers I’d had over the years, my snatch and tailhole were also black. I later confirmed this with some awkward positioning in front of a very large mirror. Centaurs were flexible, but we weren't flexible enough to curl into a ball and view our backsides straight on. This is why communal bathing was such a big deal for us and why we always tried to find a friend who didn’t mind lending a helping hand when we were out adventuring. Daymar was that friend this time and I hoped he’d stick around.

Damn it, I was thinking about him again and was starting to consider finding a stick, rubbing myself against a rock, or leaving the quarry to find a tree. From past experiences with rocks, sticks, and trees, I didn't want to even try, so I did what I normally did: ignore my horsey libido and settle down on my bedroll.

I made the mistake of looking across the room to Daymar, who was lightly snoring. As I moaned and shivered, thinking about last night again, I thanked Milil that the rest of the party had given me and Daymar a bit of privacy by laying out their bedrolls thirty feet away. I stifled a whinny by pretending to cough. Part of me wanted to wake Daymar up so we could run off and make love again, but his scaly bronze and blue features looked so adorable while sleeping that I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Instead laying on my other side to prevent myself from staring at him, I just moved one of my saddlebags in front of my muzzle so he was out of view. It wasn't long after that sleep won out over my libido.

The next thing I knew, Daymar's lips were on my clit. I knew it was a dream because there was no way he'd do such a thing with the rest of the party sleeping nearby and because I was viewing him from an angle that was impossible for me to attain.

Further evidence I was dreaming came when my clit started filling more and more of his mouth. The longer it got, the more the sensations spread out. Instead of sharp pleasure concentrated on the top of my clit, I was getting ecstatic tingles along the sides too. My imagination was so much better while dreaming than it was when I was awake: my clit was getting so much bigger! Soon, Daymar was having to take it down his throat to handle it all and I was grabbing my breasts because it felt amazing.

Just as my clit passed a foot long, I got a spike of pleasure at the base as a sensitive nub budded off of it. Then something really weird happened: a sensitive, stretchy, and fleshy sac came in blow my bigger clit. It was just like…

Okay, now I was sure my larger clit was a cock and that sac was gonna have balls in it by the end of this dream. I wasn’t sure I’d want to deal with more equipment in real life, but in the dream, it felt too good to want it to stop. Often, when I became aware of my dreams while dreaming them, I had some control over them and they started making more sense. This time, however, I didn't want to control it at all. I was desperate to see it to the end.

My shaft thundered past a foot and a half in length while Daymar took his mouth off of my cock so he could suck on my ball sac. He wrapped his tail around my dick, squeezing it along its length, rubbing the smooth belly scales on the underside against my throbbing flesh. I humped into the coil of his tail, moaning and pulling at my nipples.

His suction on my sac increased just as my medial ring formed. Something slid down the front wall of my pussy as a tugging happened inside me. First, really deep in my lower half’s belly, then, toward my sac. I whinnied and bucked into Daymar's tail, my shaft pulsing like it was trying to cum. My flare expanding wider than my hand, bulging like a stallion buried deep in a mare.

Making things incredibly worse, he wrapped the end of his tail around my sensitive flare, stimulating the nubs that ran around its periphery with his scales. He sucked so hard on my sac that my balls plunged toward it, hitting the root of my clit on the way. I came, my pussy undulating across its entire length as I got the urge to push something out of me.

Grunting and groaning, I pushed as hard as I could, trying to relieve the pressure inside me. I felt my balls move closer and closer to their exit. My shaft was throbbing, my snatch was having a tantrum, and I was wondering if my balls were too big to make it out of me. If I'd be stuck in this orgasm until I awoke.

Squeezing my shaft and roaring into my ball sac, Daymar got my whole body to tremble. I grunted and growled and pushed with all my might, my back hurting from the effort.

I got dizzy and felt like I couldn't go on, but I held firm anyway and, just as I got lightheaded from forgetting to breathe, two heavy thuds and a wave of ecstasy accompanied my balls finally entering their home.

With this, my dick erupted, coating my belly in a monumental amount of stallion cream. It just kept flooding out, giving me this intense pleasure as it traveled it's way up the inside of my shaft. The entire time, he kept teasing at my cock and balls, making me squirm.

As afterglow hit, my dream started to evaporate and the last thing I was able to perceive was my huge dick sitting against my belly and throbbing with my heartbeat.

When I awoke, my belly fur felt matted, so I reached down to touch it. Something slimy, cold, and wet was there. I brought it up to my nose and sniffed. The scent got my pussy tingling and I immediately looked to see if I had a cock, wondering if I’d slipped into another dream, but there was nothing there.

If I didn't have a dick, where had all this jizz come from?


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