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One of the main characters for the novel that I'm gonna be working on eventually (the one based in Henry and Elara's world) will have multiple forms. It's something you voted on a while back. Well, I got an idea to make this character solve some problems by shifting into other anthro/taur/etc forms. The question is, what form, other than dragon, does this character have early in the story?

Because the most common furry species have been getting a lot of love from me in stories over the last while, I tried to do a list that mostly consisted of less common species.

Now, when you're considering this list, I want you to keep two things in mind:

1. This character uses different forms to solve problems. Many of the species below offer advantages like endurance, holding one's breath very long, flexibility, climbing ability, natural armor, reflexes, night vision, olfactory sense, cold resistance, desert survival, burrowing, etc. Species with clear traits that can be applied to problems are going to get more screen time in the actual story. If you can think of a way one of these species solves a problem, it's a good pick.

2. Out of the ones you think might be useful, pick the options that you would most like seeing the character TF into. The ones you like the most aesthetically or think are the coolest.

Once you've voted, if you don't mind, please PM me or leave a comment posing at least one problem that could be solved by an anthro/taur/etc. form based on one of the species below. Basically match up a problem and a species, explaining what animal trait would solve that problem. Got more uncommon species real or mythical you'd like to see in future polls? Put that in the comments too.

They're listed alphabetically. Vote for as many as you like!


Xaziana Tenebris

The world's cows have gone all but extinct, but this main character has their own solution for their community in the form of a hyper-lactating cow

Lorien Ophilia

Yes. And when I say yes, I mean all of them.

Esten Rye

When you put up this poll my mind went immediately to this character from BNA https://brand-new-animal.fandom.com/wiki/Michiru_Kagemori


Thats a good association. Pretty sure thats exactly the right kind of 'useful species' thing (though, in this case, itd be their whole form? As opposed to michiru's partial tfs)


I wish I could write about all of them for one character, but dang would that be complicated and have some overlap. XD