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One of these three stories will get most of my attention next month. You get to pick which one. I want to write all three of these quite badly, so they will definitely return for voting and I may work on ones that lose in the background. But the one you vote for will be first in line.

The Impossible Automat - Dangerous items are disappearing from Roosevelt Roads Naval Base and Persephone's been asked to use her master thieving experience to get to the bottom of it. Tritonia needs to have her new naga body's capabilities tested, but she's more worried about intimate details she's too embarrassed to bring up to Percy. Tsubumi's inability to control her transformations is running Percy ragged and every scientist on base is stumped to find a solution.

Percy would have enough on her plate helping her friends and finding the culprit, but the moment she's on base she becomes obsessed with an automat from the sixties that's stuck in a time loop. Can Percy handle this case and help her friends? Will she have to forgo learning everything about this automat and the people in it? Or is the answer to embrace her obsession and unlock the mysteries of this impossible automat?

If you like nagas, AIs, awesome herm hybrids, out of control transformations, puzzle driven action adventure stories, and time loops, read this one!

Remiel's Enlightenment - After departing Remiel settles into his new life as a Miramanna employee. Struggling with loneliness and his recently unearthed attraction to herms, he tries to keep his head down and weather his intensely religious workplace. But now that he knows more about himself and the world outside his cult-owned home planet, it doesn't work.

Haunted by questions about his sexuality and identity, Remiel seeks out Ramda's horse-hung-herm friend who works at the FTL history museum and gets his mind blown yet again.

By the time Ramda visits him, Remiel's starting to ask deeper more terrifying questions about himself and his life. Does he want to try to play nice with Miramanna and work on his career or does he want to rebel and take his chances?

If you like slice of life, explorations of sexuality and identity, thoughtful science fiction, and hot hybrid herm on human sex, read this story.

Laquine on Fire - Talyn takes Elara on as a bodyguard after getting a death threat. Nothing seems out of the ordinary until a molotov cocktail is thrown through Talyn's window. Acting fast, Elara saves Talyn from the fire while she hears another molotov cocktail thrown into the guest house.

In the aftermath of the fires, Elara's forced to deal with a very thankful Talyn that wants to seduce her, facts that don't add up, and a century-old conspiracy that could throw the world into chaos.

With clandestine forces trying to hide long-buried secrets and Elara quickly falling into a herm romance with a dragon twice her size, Elara's in way over her head.

Read this if you like mysteries, hand-to-hand combat, magic, size-difference, very hung herms, and dragon taurs (It's a surprise!) .

Vote for as many as you like!


talk show ghost

As much as I absolutely love Persephone and her sexy shark butt, Remiel's story just tugs at the hearstrings too much. I just want to see him happy as a herm eventually!

Door matt

I still hoping to see a story where pepper gets to use her hidden gills. but I love all the stories.


Yeah, he's got a long ways to get to go to figure himself out, but he's gonna have some good people in his life.


Good memory on that and I do have a future story planned where she'll get to use them. ^_^

Door matt

I just re read part of the story.


I just did too. I read the part where Pepper first drinks Helja's milk and starts transforming. I'm posting it on FA and Sofurry tomorrow and wanted to make sure I included the right tags. It was fun re-reading it. haha!

Arkona Kothe

All of these are solid choices!!!!