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My semi-vacation for moving to California will last from now until March 1st, but I do not expect much of a dip in the amount of content. Polls will be on hold to avoid creating a backlog while I move from the east coast to the west coast while giving me ample time to put out a bunch of content related to what y'all already voted for.

Should you keep being a Patron during the semi-vacation?

Short answer, yes, I think it will be worth your while.

Writing is what I do to relax and play. It’s why I rarely play video games or watch YouTube. However, there’s a chance that you’ll notice a drop in the amount I post during the move due to disruptions to my writing setup, etc. I will be trying to minimize that as much as possible for both my benefit, and yours.

However, if you want to take a month or so break, I’ll understand.

If you want to stay, you’re gonna have a lot of sexy fun stuff coming your way because I'm more inspired than I've been in a long time. ^_^

Just how inspired am I? Well, I already have three more chapters of "Suddenly Laquine" ready to go up on Patreon and ideas for at least five more stories that I want to write during the vacation, including secret team-ups between UBA and I.

All my ideas are based on how the last Patreon vote went:

18 votes-> Safe as a Werewolf

16 votes-> Suddenly Laquine

16 votes-> Eileen Comes First

It’s rare that three voting options are all this close and I figured I could bring in the New Year by getting you all three!

If I complete all these stories with extra time before the end of my semi-vacation, I’ll write some shorts that I got ideas for while developing details for the tubepunk world I mentioned earlier. (Tubepunk is like steampunk, but uses tech from the 1930-60s instead, focusing on vacuum tubes.)

So yes, I’m going on vacation, but writing is like breathing to me: it’s something that I can’t help doing. I love it, it makes me happy, and it’s hard for me to imagine a situation where I’d stop putting words on the page for an extended period.

Oh, and if you stick around, I have some  news that’s a bit personal and very furry. I think y’all will get a kick out of it. This will drop sometime after “Suddenly Laquine” is fully posted.



I hope the move goes well!


Thanks! We have a lot figured out so far and it's going pretty well.

Arkona Kothe

Good luck with the move. I've helped with 4 cross country moves in the last 5 years, like moving my mom back to Michigan from Arizona last October. Never fun, but definitely worth it! Hope it all goes well! Looking forward to seeing what got come up with during your semi vacation.


Thanks! Super-long-distance moves are not common for me. Last time I moved really far was when I moved to Minnesota from Hawaii when I was a kid. LOL

Harlequin Lock

Welcome to California, I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need the name of a good Augmentation Parlor in SoCal, I can recommend a couple :)


Thanks! I'm really enjoying it here. I've visited for extended periods before and am glad to finally be living in this climate with such wonderfully open-minded people. No place I've ever been has made me feel more safe as a trans woman.