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(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (Ch. 6) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (------) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (Ch.13) (Ramda Dakimakura)

Remiel’s religious upbringing on a puritanical space colony has left him wholly unprepared for Captain Ramda Uweko’s stunning herm wolf hybrid beauty. On his journey to earth, Remiel struggles with his extreme attraction to her and all the things he thought he knew about himself. Enticed by Remiel’s shy lust, Ramda gives chase. And things only get hotter and heavier from there.

Remiel's Fall From Grace - Chapter 9
by Zmeydros
(edited by Tiliquain and Sheera Castellar)

As her dick retreated back into its sheath, I said, "Huh, I guess I'm gay."

"Is it really that important to answer that question? I'm not offended by you deciding you're gay, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm a woman. What'll you label yourself if you get excited while playing with my pussy?"

"I don't know," I said.

"We both grew up in a place where people were so busy labeling things as sins that it's hard to stop thinking about things in those terms." She nibbled on my ear until she got a moan out of me and then chuckled. "If being gay wasn't a sin and everyone was completely cool with it, would it still matter whether gay described you or not?"

All that came out of my mouth was, "Huh." I couldn't imagine people not caring whether I was gay or not. On Trinity, being gay was a death sentence, sometimes literally.

"It's a good thing to think about because people living in the Trilliant, or in other densely populated areas on Earth, wouldn't even bat an eye if you told them you were gay."

My eyes widened. "Josiah keeps telling us that the armies of Satan haven't won. That LGBT stuff is rampant on Earth, but  there are a lot of good Christians helping keep people from sin."

"News flash: Satan won. All hail Satan." Ramda laughed. "Well, at least Trinity's conception of Satan. On earth, even the Christians are happy to live and let live. Church attendance has been in free fall from even before Trinity Stronghold was founded. To survive, the churches had to accept everyone into their ranks. Lots of churches have gay or lesbian pastors. Some denominations don't even really label themselves as Christian anymore. Having a place to gather and get to know people in your community has superseded Bible readings in importance for a lot of people."

My brow furrowed and I lifted myself off her a bit so I could look her in the eye. "What?! There's nothing about that in any of the materials they gave us."

"I just blew your mind, didn't I?" She nuzzled my cheek and whispered the next part into my ear, letting me feel her hot breath and whiskers. "If you told someone on Earth you were mainly into herms, they'd likely blush."

I buried my face in the fur of her shoulder as a wave of embarrassment carried me away. It was astonishing what she could do to me with words alone. Ramda let the silence linger for a half minute and then a message from her showed up in my HUD.

"Just realized I forgot to give you what you needed to get on the extranet, but that's fixed now," she said. "Use it to find out what Earth's actually like."

"Are you sure it's safe for me to use it?" I asked.

She nodded. "It's a secure encrypted connection. Even your browsing history will be encrypted, so MiraManna will have no idea what you're looking at."

"Thank you," I gave her a hug.

She hugged back before saying, "Hey, we better shower together before the spooge dries."

"T-together?" I asked.

"After what we just did, showering together is rather tame, wouldn't you agree?"

I nodded, pressing my face against the fur of her neck. It felt so safe.

She rubbed my back. "Heh, you're really enjoying yourself."

I hid my face even more, my cheeks burning. For the next few minutes, she let me just stay like that and I took in her cinnamon and turmeric scent, feeling wonderfully calm.

Then she let go of me and said, "Let's go get wet."

I got up, biting my lip at the feeling of her spooge under my shirt. She'd cum a dozen times as much as I had. Why did thinking about that give me tingles?

She got off the bed and stripped out of her clothes, including the neat six-cup sports bra that she was wearing. Now that I was thinking about it, her scent was a bit heavier from exercising, but still nice. Had she been planning to shower at my place? That couldn't be right. It would mean that she was into me enough that she was hoping we'd do something together.

After she'd tossed all her clothes toward the door, she stood there in front of me with her hands on her hips, and said, "Your turn."

Every bit of her was covered in beautiful red-black fur and she had the hints of muscles everywhere. Her large sheath and balls sat nestled between her thick muscular thighs. Each pair of her pert round breasts descended in size, topped with plump, dark red nipples.

Fiddling with my uniform shirt, I got it off and then put it in my hamper along with my pants, which I'd tossed off the bed earlier. Then I covered myself with my hands, getting a chill from the room air as it cooled the thick cream she'd deposited all over my front.

She got a twinkle in her eye as she leaned in, sniffed my hair, and then moved her muzzle down to my chest. Dragging her tongue over my naked flesh, she licked her spooge off of me.

Her hot breath on my skin, the feeling of her wet canine nose, and that long, smooth tongue got me gasping and moaning as she cleaned me. I loved every second of it. No one had done anything like it to me and I was sure I'd be haunted by it later when I was trying to sleep. It was worth it.

When she finished, she said, "You're a lot of fun."

I furrowed my brow. "R-really?"

"Yeah, once you get into something, you put your all into it. A very good trait to have during sex," she said as she led me to the shower and turned it on. The fine mist poured from the specialized nozzle that maximized the surface area the water could soak per drop.

"You're..." I tried to form a compliment. "Very good at telling me what you want."

She pulled me in with her, saying, "Took a lot of practice. I was as shy as you starting out."

The shower was cramped with the two of us in there. I was against the wall the shower head came out of and she was against the opposite wall.

"You were shy?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah, very shy," she said. "I couldn't talk about sex to save my life."

"That's hard to believe," I said, looking at her amazing body.

She smirked. "Yeah, I know. Stark comparison to now."

I nodded.

Once she was thoroughly soaked by the shower mist, she turned off the water and said, "Lather me up, dear. You can touch me everywhere."

My heart sped up as I got shampoo on my hands and started lathering her head. I scratched at her fur and scalp making her let out happy groans. I rinsed off the shampoo to prevent it from getting in her eyes before moving on. As I did her neck, shoulders, muzzle, and arms, she just closed her eyes and leaned against the wall.

Then, as I got to her uppermost breasts, I said, "Back home, I would go a few days without food for this."

Her maw hung open for a moment. "You'd go multiple days without food to touch someone's tits?"

"Punishment for the sin," I said.

She nuzzled the top of my head, saying, "I know exactly how that felt and I'm glad we're no longer on that ghastly planet."

"Me too," I said.

Her uppermost tits weren't too big for her frame, but they were quite large. I was having trouble wanting to move on from them because they felt so good in my hands. When her nipples hardened, I pinched them a bit, getting her to gasp and roll her hips.

"Are you getting horny again?" I asked, wondering how that could be the case.

"It's been a long time since I had someone touch me the way you are. Last month, I was constantly busy. Plus, my pussy gets jealous when only my cock gets attention," she said. "But don't worry about that, I can take care of myself and rinse off when I get back to my quarters."

Her middle pair was a really nice size. They were more than a handful and had some heft to them. The bottom set was the smallest, but something about them fitting so perfectly into my grip was amazing. Any time I brushed or otherwise manipulated a nipple, she moaned and rocked her hips a bit. When I rinsed her chest off, her left hand went to the two inches of cock that had pushed free of her sheath and started stroking.

My own prick was getting hard again even though it was a bit sore. "You look amazing."

"You're not so shabby yourself. I can see how much work you put into that curly hair."

"I would love straight hair... But straightening it would raise more questions than I want to answer right now." I gasped as she massaged shampoo into my scalp. "How do you manage with all of your fur?"

"Well, I love your hair, so I'm pleased you decided to grow it out. Shows you're not afraid of looking a bit feminine to the Trinnie's narrow view of gender." She rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. "My body drier is a truly wonderful thing. It's not all that hot and does most of its work through air pressure. I also use very efficient shampoo and conditioner so I don't need tons of bottles on a trip."

"I'm not sure I'd want to be covered in fur, but it's good to know that it's pretty easy to take care of." I reached around her, grabbing her firm buttocks in my hands as I lathered her up back there.

She humped the air  and growled as more inches of her cock spilled out of her sheath.

I got shampoo in my hand and crouched down lower, accidentally hitting her prick with the side of my face. Then I started lathering her legs.

She slowed her teasing of her prick as I did this, just relaxing while keeping it half hard.

Then her legs were clean and I had her turn around to get her tail and back. I massaged her as best I could, trying to show her how much I appreciated her being so open with everything. She relaxed so much that she was barely keeping herself upright.

When all that was done, she turned around and said, "Now it's time to wash my fun bits, if you're still interested, that is." Her dick swelled larger as she looked into my eyes.

Still half-hard myself, I knelt down in front of her and carefully touched her balls. As I lathered the short fur of her sac, I cupped her balls and shivered a bit, feeling their weight in my hands. They were the size of big apricots.

"Doesn't it feel uncomfortable with your, uhh, stones pressing against your womanhood?" I asked, feeling a bit dumb.

"No, it feels good. Too good, oftentimes." Her tail wagged as her prick reached out further from her loins. "They press against my canine clit if I don't get things arranged properly or I get in certain positions."

"Wow," was all I could think to say as I got so hard it hurt. "May I look at your woman parts?" I asked.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want down there as long as you're careful with your fingernails," she said.

I lifted her balls and immediately smelled the cinnamon coming from her sex as well as felt the heat radiating from it.

Her snatch was somewhere between canine and human, triangular with long sides going front to back and a short side along the back. I was in awe of how swollen it was. Its dark red color matched her cock, and it was glistening with her wetness.

"I-is it usually like this?" I asked.

"When I'm with a hot guy like you, yes," she said.

I bit my lip, blushing. "Can I touch it?"

"Remiel, close your eyes and take a deep breath."

I did so, releasing a bit of tension I didn't know I had while still holding her balls out of the way of her snatch. Their weight was so reassuring. Did I wish I had balls that big? I blushed at the thought.

When I opened my eyes, she said, "Do I want you to touch my girl parts? Hell yes, I do. Just wash me off gently and then go to town down there if you want!"

That time, I heard her and put a bit of body soap on my hands. The closer they got to her canine pussy, the faster her tail wagged.

Her prick got to full size above me as I carefully put body soap on her big puffy labia. Then she handed me the nozzle and I rinsed it off. I was just going to wash myself off and be done with the shower, but it was time to make up for writing that message to her. And thank her for being so amazingly patient with me.

My hand shook as I reached toward her snatch, its heat permeating my fingertips. Then I gasped as I made contact with her feverish slick flesh.

I felt around until I touched the nub at the top and her pussy clenched as she yipped in pleasure.

"Yes, that's it, you can rub at it or stick your fingers in there. It's really inviting inside."

I circled her opening with my fingers, before gently sliding my pointer finger in, having absolutely no idea what I was doing.  The feeling of her inner walls made my dick ache and my whole body heat up. It was like hot, slick satin inside her and she could grip me harder than I expected.

"Hnngghh!" she groaned as her hot needy snatch twitched along my invading finger. She stroked her cock harder, panting and moaning as her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth. "Yes, more!”

Her walls relaxed and I pulled my pointer finger almost all the way out so I could add my middle finger. As I slid them both in, her left hand started flying up and down her dick while her right toyed with her middle left nipple. When I wiggled my fingers, she shook her hips, yipping.

She panted out, "Try using all your fingers and moving them in and out, like you're fucking me with them."

I tried to look at her face as she spoke, but her shaft was directly above me, blocking a large portion of my vision.

Taking her advice, I added my other two fingers and started moving them in and out. Each time, I went a little deeper, seeing how much of my hand I could fit in. I was careful as I picked up the pace because I'd once heard that going too deep was painful and didn't want to do that to her. It was soon clear that her pussy was meant for cocks her size: my whole hand was nearly slipping in. There was no way I was going to hurt her, either. She kept toying with me because her muscular passage could stop me in my tracks whenever she wanted.

Her furious stroking got some pre to drip on my back while she panted heavily and moaned from me going harder.

Being so caught up in the moment, I'd almost forgotten about the huge cock above me even though I had her balls in my other hand. Something about the way she was moving now was more desperate, more frantic. Her voice was hoarse from all her moaning, growling, and grunting. My heart started pounding in my chest as I realized she was going to cum from both parts at once and that I was helping her do it.

"Mmm! That's divine. Stick your whole fist in there," she groaned. "I-I'm close!"

Blushing deeply, I took my hand out, made a fist and tried to press it back in, but it didn't quite work. After a brief moment to think, I decided to try something tapered and made a beak with my hand. My eyes widened at the sensation of her pussy lips spreading over my well-lubed skin. Her cinnamon smell was intoxicating and stronger than ever. She yipped and ground her sex against my hand, forcing me to go faster than I'd planned.

Then, at my knuckles, she got impatient and squatted a bit.

She howled as my hand popped in so hard I jumped in surprise, planting my face in her balls and bonking her swelling knot with the top of my head. As I attempted to pull my face away, I instinctively tried to move my right hand, but it was caught in her pussy and didn't budge. Scrambling to reposition myself, reached up and grabbed her shaft. I realized what I'd grabbed onto and let go only to get a face-full of her balls again. The turmeric scent from her male equipment gave me an odd horny calmness. I breathed it deep, grabbing my dick with my free hand. I had to get off, the aching in my shaft now encompassed my entire groin.

Her hot tunnel spasmed around my fist, squeezing so hard it almost hurt. There was also a rhythmic twitching behind her balls, at the front of her snatch. Her breath caught in her throat and she squeaked before moaning so loud I felt like covering my ears. One powerful contraction traveled up her prick and then another, and then I heard a hard splash against the shower wall as droplets of her first jet of jizz rained down on my hair, shoulders, and back.

The whole situation was too much for me, I'd only just started stroking myself and was already tipping over the edge, feeling sparks of pleasure flash all over my body. My prick jumped in my hand as it spurted onto the shower floor. I moaned into her balls while her prick kept spasming atop my head, getting cum everywhere.

That moment stretched on long enough for me to press my face against her balls and take deep sniffs of her scent, causing tingles in my arms and legs. I was too caught up in the moment to think about why I wanted to do it or what it meant.

"FUCK REMIEL! YES!" she cried as she ground her knot against the top of my head, pointing her prick at a steeper angle so the shots splashed down on a wider area.

I wiggled my fist inside her, extracting every gasp and groan I could, feeling on top of the world.

The moment her twin orgasms came to a close, she panted out, "That was something else. Fantastic."

I let go of my prick and hugged her leg while my fist remained stuck in her snatch, a strange pride swelling in me. I'd done this to her. I'd made it so we'd have to get clean all over again. And that was awesome.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (Ch. 6) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (------) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (Ch.13) (Ramda Dakimakura)





Its nice seeing Remiel enjoying himself here (and who hes enjoying himself with definitely helps the 'niceness' of this chapter a ton given how hot she is lol. Really love how you write Ramda tbh. Shes very realistically believable as who she is currently and what she has come through to be herself)


That shower scene was amazing! 💜 I love how Ramda just lets Remiel explore her body as he washes her, and that ass grab was a very nice touch 😁 Great chapter! 👌


Parts of this series (and also the Naga Pornstar series) have hit notes that have been uncomfortable reads, because some of Remiel's thoughts mirror stuff I have thought about and struggled with in the years after I graduated high school. The whole thing of not really knowing yourself because you never got the chance to think about some things, especially involving sexuality and gender identity. For me I guess it has always been in my subconscious. Been really into transformation stuff since the beginning of high school and didn't really know why, besides the whole wishing I was in a different body a lot of the time (and not in an entirely sexual way). Back when I was really into writing my own stories for fun I always ended up writing in a representation of myself as a girl and along with always preferring to present myself as female when it came to avatars and presenting myself online, and thinking that I was doing something wrong and that I couldn't let anyone find out or else I would be made fun of or shunned. Around that same time I ended up meeting a girl who I fell in love with, who when I expressed this stuff to made it immediately clear that I wasn't allowed to think like that, and me being a stupid 16 year old chose to believe that it wasn't acceptable for me to think this sort of stuff anymore and repressed it. My life kinda fell apart after graduating high school, me and the girl broke up, in a very one sided way with me destroying myself because I felt like my whole world was crumbling. Spent a couple years depressed and then started thinking about myself. I don't know if I have really come to terms with who I am, and still really don't understand a lot of the whole gender identity and sexuality stuff. I started going by female pronouns and identities online and that made me really happy, like I was finally being myself again. I have no idea if that makes me trans or not, and I don't know if anyone can really tell me what it does or doesn't make me. Sorry for the wall of text that may not be appropriate for this settings. Just honestly feels great to read about characters who seem to go through similar very very uncommon struggles as myself, even if reading about it is hard for me sometimes. And it's great to know that these sorts of thoughts and wants aren't entirely insane. And even as far out of reality your stories can be sometimes, they still have something I can relate to.


Yeah, that ass grab was something that wasn't in my original plan and ended up here because of Sheera. We worked out this shower scene together and then I tweaked it.


I had to take time to think about this message because it really resonated with me. You're basically describing me when I was in high school and in my twenties. Always having female avatars, feeling like a girl, but being shunned when I expressed it. I started living as if I was an actor and my life was a movie. Though, I somehow fooled myself into thinking I wasn't acting, that the pain I had in me was from just a general sense that I didn't belong. That I was just a bizarre person that other people couldn't fully understand. But the lack of understanding was partially due to me being terrified of what the truth about myself was. People around me trained me how to better act like a man, better play the role in the movie that was my life. That led to a feeling of emptiness that wanted to swallow me whole, but settled for chopping off bits of me. And this went on where I just kept living, but trying to patch the holes from the bits of me that got cut out. Unfortunately, nothing really fit in those holes and the satisfaction I was seeking was always out of reach. But then, through an accident, a new group of friends I met online while presenting myself as Ezzie started referring to me as female. I felt unusually happy and fulfilled and the longer this went on, the more things started making sense to me. I remembered how hard people had had to work to get me to act like a guy. I realized that I'd actually been listening to my mom every time she explained stuff about makeup. And I figured out why I liked wearing my kilt or skirts so much. Other details about myself all started making sense and I started to actually understand myself. I experimented by having those closest to me call me by a female name and female pronouns in RL and found that the void in me was no longer actively chopping out bits of me. That I felt whole. Then I went to counseling specifically to talk about the possibility that I was trans and got a trans diagnosis. On paper, I'm a trans herm now, which is still kinda amazing to think about and makes me smile. I went in for laser facial hair removal and have plans to change my legal name and the gender on my license. I'm gonna use female for my gender because third gender options aren't all that available from state to state and female's close enough for me. My advice is to experiment and get a therapist to talk to if you want to think through this stuff. I am really glad that my writing has been so supportive to you and it's a big reason of why I write what I write. DM me if you want links to resources and other stuff that might help. I know what dealing with all this gender stuff is like and am happy to help if I can.