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I've written the entire rest of Pepper's story and the editing process is going pretty well. When I set out to do this story, I didn't realize that it was a whole 200+ page sci-fi novel. I'm hoping to get all the rest of the chapters posted by the end of the month.

This month has put me in a very weird spot. Due to multiple factors, my move to LA is being pushed forward by a couple months and I've had to figure out a bunch of fiddly RL stuff right in the middle of writing probably the funnest long piece of fiction I've ever done. Like, I loved writing Pepper's story so much that I was continually waiting to get back to working on it as all the other stuff was going on.

When I write a story, I usually have a basic outline or loose notes about what's going to happen. I use this to figure out how big the project is gonna be. I'm also a very organic writer that lets characters and plot threads grow like a root system. This means that my outlines often die fiery deaths and are completely wrong. This is what happened with Pepper Vs Temptation. It's both frustrating and beautiful to watch and I always feel bad when it screws up the schedule I lay out for y'all.

All I can hope is that the stories that break the mold I try to make for them and blow up schedules are enjoyable and worth the bit of chaos they cause. I apologize for this month/story not following the plans I laid out and I'm very thankful to have your support. Writing is a very difficult craft and I am still learning new things with every story I create.

Here's my plan for the rest of this month and next: 

(Comments are encouraged! If you are enjoying what I'm doing or if you're feeling like I'm not meeting your expectations, please let me know. I will take all of it into consideration moving forward.)

#1 I will post the rest of Pepper's story as fast as I'm able given the limits of my beta readers' time and the time it takes me to complete any final edits. Then I will update the P&T eBook to include all of Pepper VS Temptation.

#2 I will run a vote for one more short sexy story including some options from the previous vote that didn't win.

#3 I will write the top two winning stories that you voted for earlier this month and the single story you vote for in the vote I mentioned in #2 giving you three hot shorter stories as a break before I do another big project.

#4 I will spend the rest of November writing as much of Remiel's story as I can. It won the vote for me to work on this month without me realizing how big Pepper's story needed to be to reach a satisfying conclusion.

#5 I will continue work on the Dakimakura project.

#6 Later next month, I'll run a vote or two to see what you want to see in December.

All of these goals will be completed mostly  in order and I don't know exactly how many will happen before the turn of the month. But I will be sure to complete them all.

If you are unable to afford to be a Patron next month or drop out for some other reason, I still want you to have the full updated P&T eBook. So, if the eBook isn't posted until the turn of the month, message me and we'll work out me sending it to you.


Door matt

I am loving the story’s you are providing. They are very fun. I also don’t have any complaints about doing stuff out of order. Some stories just need to evolve as they are written. I feel it makes them more organic/enjoyable and less predictable. Although the sex seen in the last chapter was very much expected😋


Haha! Awesome to hear. And yeah, I was a big tease leading up to that one.

Reid (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 17:45:32 Don't feel bad about writing a great story. I'm loving what you've done so far and I look forward to reading P&T's exciting conclusion 👌 And I'm very excited for that bonus sexy short you plan on doing too. Honestly I'm pretty pumped about all the stuff you do, so you don't need to worry about me Haha 😆 I'll be sticking around 😎
2020-10-27 19:30:38 Don't feel bad about writing a great story. I'm loving what you've done so far and I look forward to reading P&T's exciting conclusion 👌 And I'm very excited for that bonus sexy short you plan on doing too. Honestly I'm pretty pumped about all the stuff you do, so you don't need to worry about me Haha 😆 I'll be sticking around 😎

Don't feel bad about writing a great story. I'm loving what you've done so far and I look forward to reading P&T's exciting conclusion 👌 And I'm very excited for that bonus sexy short you plan on doing too. Honestly I'm pretty pumped about all the stuff you do, so you don't need to worry about me Haha 😆 I'll be sticking around 😎


Yay! I'm not gonna have all the chapters up by the turn of the month, but I'm gonna get the spookiest chapter out there. 16 pulls no punches. Muahahaha!