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(Part 0) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (------) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Ebook)

To save the day, Pepper's going to have to be patient, resist temptation, and collaborate with a secret admirer on Charlemagne's team.  

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 10
~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~
(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

The moment Helja saw me, her ears stuck straight up and smiled so big that her pointy canine teeth were easy to spot. "I've been waiting for you."

"Aww, I missed you too." I got onto her giant bowl-shaped bed.

She brought her muzzle up to the crook of my neck and sniffed. "Your hybridization has progressed very well. Did you manage to stop the crystal generation-expansion?"

"Yep! I smashed the fuck out of the thing making them," I said.

"Are the other humans aware of my existence-presence as a result of your hybridization?" she asked.

"Can we talk about that later, please?" Even her mentioning it gave me a headache.

"Okay," she said, her roo nose twitching as she sampled the air. "I smell blood and you've been oddly careful with your left side. Are you in pain?"

"Yeah, they stabbed me with a bunch of needles and even scraped the inside of one of my bones," I said.

"Who did this?" Her eyes narrowed and her lips pulled back. It was a vicious look and I feared for anyone who was on the receiving end of her ire.

"Whoa, it wasn't their fault, they're running tests on me to make sure I'm not dangerous to others and evaluate my physical health," I said.

Her look was still a bit severe. "Was this consensual?"

"Not exactly," I said.

She growled. "This is wrong!"

I gulped, realizing that I should've known she'd miss my joke. "It's okay, I need to get medically cleared so I can get back on the team. It can't be avoided."

Her face softened. "That's unfortunate-sad."

"Yeah, and the pain meds they gave me aren't working at all and they don't know why,"

"Your body filters them out too quickly now. You need your nervous system to be dimmable?"


"Allow me to repair-heal you and I'll make your pain threshold self-adjust so that you know when to be careful with a part of your body, but not be debilitated by pain," she said.

"That would be really helpful, what do we need to do?" I asked.

"Lie down," she said, pushing me backwards with her muzzle.

Once I was on my back, she sniffed to find my wounds and then licked at them. As she did so, a fuzzy sensation traveled all across my nerve endings, making my whole body feel like the snow on TV tuned to a dead channel. Her nose tickled and made me giggle a bit. This got her prehensile tail wagging back and forth. Eventually she'd found every wound from my tests and sealed it up.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"There's barely any pain now," I said.

"Your body should be fully healed in a half hour," she said.


She stroked the fur on my upper left arm, petting me. "I picked out these traits with little guidance from you. Are you satisfied with your hybrid body?"

"You did great, but I feel like I'm not done yet." Before I could even continue that line of conversation, my mind jumped to the moment when I caught Boom. "Did you make me faster too?"

"Faster?" She tilted her head.

"Better reflexes, quicker senses, stronger, and stuff like that. Like Spider-man."

"To increase your likelihood of success, I had my builders augment-restructure your entire body to make you more aware, agile, and strong." She looked very closely at my wrists. "I'm concerned about your comparison to Spider-man. Are you shooting webs from your forearms? If so, I did not intend that result and we need to investigate."

I laughed. "I only meant his agility and stuff."

"Good, because his webbing, as shown in those films, is not possible. The tensile strength required to stop a two thousand kilogram car that has been falling for only one second is over forty thousand newtons and even the most high tensile strength materials are not compact enough to--"

"With all your complaints about superheroes, I'm surprised you turned me into one," I said. “Also, that’s why Peter tends to use more than one strand of web.”

"Unless his blood doubles as web fluid, he'd need a backpack full of it to produce enough webbing. But that's beside my point. You're not a superhero, you have no non-prosaic properties. From your description of her abilities, Tsubumi could be considered a superhero. Myself as well." Helja crossed her arms. "But even though NPOs show that it's possible to bend the laws of physics-causality under some circumstances, your entertainment industry's relationship-communication with scientists needs to be greatly improved and expanded. If one does not understand the fundamental parameters of one's own universe, one is poorly equipped to understand things that defy those parameters."

I hugged her. "You're so adorable when you're grumpy."

"I'm glad you're amused." She hugged me back. "I fear for the education system on this planet."

"It's pretty terrible just about everywhere. All built on negative reinforcement." I said.

With a sigh, she nuzzled my cheek. "That's a problem we must save for later."

"You mentioned you could be considered a superhero?"

"Rare materials and NPOs have been incorporated into my body to fight the Heretics. I can defy the laws of physics at times, but only when I'm fully operational," she said.

"Helja, whatever you do, don't tell anyone else about your NPO-like abilities. They'll either want to use you as a weapon or see you as a threat," I said.

"This doesn't surprise me," she said. "I'm very careful about what information I share, always."

"Can you tell me just one thing?" I eased her onto her back and laid atop her, pressing our breasts and bulges together. "Did your species build this base?"

"No, the Heretics built it originally and every member of my race that was present on this planet, except me, died capturing it," she said.

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry." I said.

"Many of them had mental backups on our home planet, but the Heretics managed to destroy the geodesic that led back home."

"Geodesic?" I asked, trying to focus on anything other than her minty mango scent. As much as I wanted to be here for her, my hormones were driving me crazy.

"That's the most accurate translation of our word for artificial wormhole," she said. "It refers to the spacetime curvature a wormhole requires."

"Wow!" I said. "Can't you just reopen the wormhole?"

"It's not something that can be manufactured-replaced without a very rare resource and a quadrillion times your planet's current energy production.”

"Why haven't they won, then?" I asked.

"I don't know and I'm surprised they haven't," she said.

"Huh." I bit my lip as I resisted the urge to grind my sheath against hers. I wasn't being a very good listener.

There was a brief silence as she tilted her head back to stare at the ceiling. I got the feeling she was trying to put ancient unanswered questions out of her mind. When her muzzle was once again resting against my cheek, she said, "You mentioned that you don't feel 'done' yet. Please explain what you meant by that."

"I thought I was going to look more like you, well not exactly like you, I mean fully hybridized with a long tail and muzzle and...other stuff," I said, unable to ask for what I really wanted.

She grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up a bit so she could look into my eyes. Her face was far more intense than normal. "Do you want to become a fully functional member of my species?"

"Fully functional?"

"There are a multitude of different modifications that you do not yet have and it will take a while to explain them all, for instance--"

I put a finger on her lips, "Do it."

She pulled me against her and squeezed. "I'm honored to be the one to bring you into our ranks, but before we start that process, I need to drink some of your milk."

"What?" I asked.

"It has some molecular information I need." She eased me onto my back and got over me. My eyes went right for her avocado-sized balls and hefty sheath.

"Like, the solution to your toxin problem?" I asked.

"Yes, your scent suggests your builders have solved the problem."

"Wow, I didn't even notice them working on it."

"If you had, that would've been concerning-dangerous," she said as she moved her lips down to my upper right nipple.

I trembled as I felt her breath on my fur and areola, then I cried, "Yeeeessss!" as she sucked at my nipple hard.

When my milk started flowing, the pleasure made my toes curl and my sheath stir. There was something indescribably satisfying about feeling my milk flow out of my nipple and into her mouth. And she was making this musical hum of appreciation as she drank it down, sending blissful reverberations throughout my tit. By the time she stopped to look up from my tit, the head of my prick was out.

Her eyes were distant for a moment until she refocused on me and said, "I'm glad you listened closely to your hunger instinct. Your body has manufactured a large number of uncontaminated builders for me. So, I'll be drinking all your milk to collect them."

I moaned and fidgeted, having no idea what to say to that.

She sucked on my upper left nipple making me thrash and gasp. The pleasure ran deep, all the way into my chest and up my neck. I loved feeling her weighty breasts bounce from my gyrations and my blood was rushing south at an alarming rate. Moving her hand down to my crotch, she offered even greater encouragement. My dick thundered in her paw-like hand as her tongue flicked across my nipple, making me squirm. And the more I squirmed, the more she teased me.

Deciding I needed to orgasm my brains out, she snaked her tail under my balls and into my snatch. I squeaked and my legs fidgeted as she stretched it with her tail. Somehow, the fur on her tail didn't irritate me at all when it was wet. I was beside myself with pleasure, feeling the velvety texture of her fur slide against my slick inner walls.

I was fully hard as she finished with my middle set of breasts and as she drank from my lowest set of breasts, pre streamed down my shaft. Using my pre to lube rougher treatment of my shaft, she just kept me at maximum hardness, never stroking quite fast enough to get me off.

But my pussy? She was trying to get me to scream my head off. Bending her strong tail back and forth, she worked my pussy until I started feeling flashes of white-hot bliss travel up my extremities. I was rocketing toward orgasm and the thrill was like using a jetpack to jump over a building.

On my last tit, as she was finishing up, she nipped at my nipple playfully. The pleasure was like jolt from a car battery. I winced at first only to shriek and grab my furry head as my cunt convulsed around her tail.

Making me feel completely at her mercy, she just chuckled around my nipple as I tried to beat up her bed while lying on it. I was worried about hitting her with my knees or something, but she gently restrained my orgasmic spasming body without any trouble. I saw stars until a bizarre headache hit right as I crashed to the ground from the insane heights I'd reached. Thankfully, it went away as I caught my breath.

She got the last bit of milk and then lay against my side while playing with my dick. "Have you gotten to use this on someone yet?"

I nodded and bit my lip, suddenly feeling energetic. Orgasms from my pussy rarely slowed me down much.

"Oh? Who?" She asked, letting up for just a moment.

"Septimus, the mouse guy I told you about a while back," I said, my prick jumping as I remembered his body bouncing atop my lap.

"Oh, then you haven't been inside a pussy yet." She grinned.

"Actually I have, he's genderqueer." It was like my dick was too hard for its own good, it ached with each throb. I'd been thinking about stuffing it in another pussy ever since Septimus pulled off of it.

"I want to meet-cuddle him," she said, toying with my cock tip. "Any human that defies human gender conventions interests me." Her minty mango scent was getting pretty strong.

"Helja, you have a pussy, right?" I asked. I'd been so focused on her dick and balls up until now that I'd never gotten a good look at her snatch.

"Yes." She tugged on my prick and I moaned sharply. Now I was sure she was teasing me.

"C-c-aaah! Can we fuck before you change me?" I asked, knowing it wasn't too forward for her, but still feeling a bit embarrassed. As an explanation for my sudden outburst, I said, "I really need to get off."

Helja chuckled and then rolled onto all fours. Lifting her tail, she said, "We can accomplish both at the same time. Just enter me and aim upwards."

Her roo pelvis shape gave her a nice big area behind her balls. At the base of her tail was an equine-looking donut of a tailhole, and most of the rest of the space was taken up by a plump mound with a long slit parting it. Splayed out on both sides of the slit were big dark purple inner labia that shaded toward fuchsia the closer it got to her entrance. I gasped at how beautifully her purple flesh contrasted with peach-colored fur. Her thick, fuchsia-colored three-lobed clit was holding her snatch open, as if to invite me in.

It was impossible to focus on her muff for long because this position made her balls look more massive than any other time I'd seen them and I was drawn to them as if by gravity. The fur was so soft, so fine that I couldn't stop nuzzling them. I took them into my hands, hefted them to feel their warm weight against my paw pads, and pressed my wet doggo nose up against them, getting much more mango than mint. There was a gingery undertone as I used my new stronger sense of smell to inspect them.

Helja was acting as if her balls were as sensitive as her prick, gasping and shuddering, so I started groping them more firmly. As she moaned, her pussy started to leak girl juice down the backs of them. I lapped it up as she stroked her dick with her tail.

"Yes! More! Perfect!" she cried.

Putting three fingers in my snatch, I used the whole length of my canine tongue while squeezing and nipping at her balls. I knew exactly why she put up with having them so big as she growled, grunted, gasped, and purred. They had so much momentum, they were ever so slightly soft, and they were unbelievably satisfying to play with.

They tasted gingery and somehow the hint of mint from her snatch went along with that and the mango. I was lost in her scent, her taste, and was fingering myself so hard with three fingers I was making loud squelching noises.

She came without warning, making a lake on the bed while letting out a deep humming gasp. I dove under her to catch some of her load, keeping one hand on her balls. It was clumsy and messy and I got more of her load on my face than in my mouth.

When she was done cumming, she said, "That was astonishing-good," and immediately started licking at my face to clean it off.

I didn't let her finish, I got behind her and put my dick at her entrance with her delicious spooge still dripping from my face.

She shoved backwards onto my shaft the moment I hesitated.

"AH, fuck!" My cock entered a spacious passage at first, but then, because of my angle, went into the lower of two branches that came off of that entryway. This passage was very smooth and tight while still being stretchy. I could feel countless muscles, all pulsing with contractions.

She moaned and then laughed. "Feels very good, but wrong one if you want to be changed more. Angle up this time," she said, pulling off.

I wondered if the wider section at the start was meant for a knot as I pulled back. As I shoved back in, I held the base of my prick to point it a bit upwards. I had to stop as my tip entered the back passage of her pussy due to an amazing fine-grained bumpy texture. The bumps were arranged in a fairly random pattern and came in different sizes, a lot like chameleon scales.

It was almost too much stimulation and it would've been hard to get in if she wasn't so wet. My nipples were tingling, my prick felt like it was being fondled by a thousand tiny fingers, and I was in disbelief of how much sensation there was. I couldn't stop gasping and she seemed to want me in there faster than I could handle. I had to put my hands on her big round ass to stop her from shoving backwards. I couldn't even compare the other passage in her pussy to this, or Septimus's pussy for that matter.

She was making humming growls that were mingling with more of that deep purring that shook both of us. No more holding back for her, I think this was her letting all of her alien side out.

When I finally got every inch in her, I was shuddering. She could vibrate the entire tunnel. And not just vibrate it statically, no, the vibrations pulsed up, down, and around. When she made it feel like a spiral of vibrations was moving around my dick, I clenched my hands into fists to avoid cumming.

While my fists stayed clenched, my prick reached further into her without me thrusting! My instincts raged as my whole body worked to thrust into her anyway and I yelled nonsense as I felt her pussy stretch for my growing cock.

"HAAAH-how big do you want to be?"

"Muuuuhh! More!" I yelled, unable to think about anything other than pounding her cunt.

She stroked her big beautiful cock and made these really cool musical moans as I fucked her. Every bit of my body had this odd trembling warmth and my balls felt really odd, like someone was sucking on them. Initially, when they smacked against her balls, they had barely any momentum, but as I felt the increasing pull of gravity on them, they started making much more satisfying impacts.

Swelling larger, my breasts dripped milk and tingled fiercely, but not as fiercely as my muzzle. It was stretching out, blocking more of my downward vision. Even though my teeth were pinching my gums as my jaws changed, I didn't care. There was too much pleasure for it to even fully register. But nothing could distract me from what was happening to my tailbone, I could feel the skin stretching and changing to add more. It felt like pulling a suction cup off of my skin, but scaled up dramatically. And then there was the tickling sensation from the fur growing in.

The tips of my ears burned as they stretched out further and further, fur growing in thick and long on them. There was fire in me, a burning deep in my balls and the area just behind them that made my nipples and the pads on the tips of my fingers ache.

Then I gasped, "I"m cuuAAAAAHHH-ming!" and jammed my uninflated knot into her. My balls were half the size of my fists and, due to the fact her juices had soaked our fur, they made a satisfying clap against hers as I hilted myself in her alien cunt.

Despite the fact my knot didn't expand and my cock pulsed without shooting its load, my vision was suffused with bright flashes and I yipped in pleasure. I was in a hot wet vibrating tunnel that was tugging on all nine inches of my prick. Being that deep inside someone was crazy, and even as I was cumming, I could feel my dick thickening to match its length better.

She came, grinding her big clit against my crotch and growling like a cat in heat as her snatch's movements went from calculated to tempestuous.

The moment I was no longer staring off into space, she started bucking back against me asking, "Would you like--"

"More of everything! Please," I begged, not caring my length was getting disproportionate for my size. I wanted it all: a tail I could jack myself off with, a cock long enough I could easily suck on it, and balls as huge and sensitive as hers.

Something warm and cool at the same time was flowing down my prick, into me. I'd felt something before, but I'd been unable to disentangle it from the vibrations. I felt my dick reach further into her as my balls hung lower between my legs, tickling the space between my thighs. I growled and started thrusting as savagely as she'd done to me when we'd first made love.

She tilted her pelvis to make it even easier for me to give it to her hard. I grabbed the base of her tail and went into a frenzy, jackhammering her pussy despite its texture. She was so wet that it felt fucking amazing. So much sensation that my cheeks were burning.

My muzzle looked very doglike now, at least as far as I could tell, and my tail was growing so fast I could hardly believe it. It was gonna be four feet long in no time. I put it to use by clumsily reaching around to Helja's front and wrapping it around her shaft. Her tail was far more experienced, but the addition of mine got her rumbling louder and shoving her hips forward harder. As my hips widened, I kept thinking that someone was giving me a deep massage. It was easier and easier to thrust with those new muscles and I noticed each inch as it was added to my prick, ten, eleven...My balls were two-thirds the size of my fists now, bashing at her furry sac.

Our breasts were flailing, our breaths were ragged, and I was feeling a tightness just behind my balls. My ears flopped over like doggo ears as my pussy thrummed from the mound to deep inside. Six more throbs from my snatch were accompanied by my clit and labia feeling like someone was pulling on them. Then my knot expanded as my pussy came, catching me completely by surprise.

Just as my balls reached the size of my fists, I was able to make foot-long thrusts with my prick without falling out. Even with my pussy cumming, I couldn't stop bashing at her entrance with my knot.

Helja lunged backwards and yelled, "Knot me and CUM!"

I shoved forwards, screaming as my knot popped inside her. Then, as it expanded, my entire shaft jumped from base to tip and a couple seconds later, a deluge of thick jizz burst forth from the tip. The thrill was like doing a backflip on a moving bicycle. Bliss pulsed up my shaft, into the depths of my pussy, and out to every extremity. I was dizzy, I'd never liked my body this much, I'd never cum this hard, and every part of me was locking up from the overwhelming pleasure.

Helja added to the lake she'd made on the bed as her snatch wrung every drop of cum out of my dick. She snarled, yipped, thrummed, and gasped as she came.

I dug my claw-tips into her ass as I reached the peak of my orgasm where I couldn't stop moving.

We were panting to catch our breaths as our shared ecstasy abated and I just stared at her tiger-striped back, blinking. Had that all really happened? What was I going to do with balls nearly as big as hers and an erection that would be visible through the cleavage window of my blouses?

My vision flashed through a mixture of the entire spectrum. Now I could see textures in the bed, on Helja, and on my own fur that I hadn't before. I could see hot and cold spots on my arms, on Helja. Every time Helja or I panted through our noses, I heard a tiny whistle. Had my heartbeat always been this loud? Wait, I could hear Helja's fur rubbing against the fine-grained foam the bed was made of. That shouldn't have a sound, right?

What had I done? Was I even human anymore?

No, I wasn't. I had fluffy, folded over doggo ears that reminded me of an Irish setter, six breasts, balls that were as heavy and round as apples, a foot-long canine cock, a doggo muzzle, and a dragon-roo tail. My braid was draped over my shoulder and I was astounded by how well my golden-lab-like fur went with my red hair. I had tufts of fur here and there that were a bit longer, like on my ears, knees, and elbows. I couldn't wait to look in the mirror because I knew I was fucking gorgeous!

A flood of warm fuzzy feelings bubbled up from my core and I started giggling. Ever since I'd seen Percy, I'd wanted a cock and ever since I'd seen Helja's balls, I'd wanted a big pair of my own, now I had both and so much more! This was me, everything I wished to have, plus stuff that I would've wanted if I'd known how good it felt.

"Are you okay?" Helja asked.

Having to answer her finally defeated my giggling fit. "Despite all the shit I know I'm going to have to deal with, I've never felt this good," I hugged her against me, reveling in the feeling of my six tits against her back and my knot lodged in her cunt.

She purred, making her voice shake as she said, "I'm overjoyed." Falling to the bed, she sprawled out on her front and then rolled us onto our sides.

I moaned from being tugged around by my knot. Then I was spooning her, nuzzling against her neck as I marveled at the sheer amount of jizz she'd deposited on the bed. We were lying atop her lake, not caring that her mess was soaking into our fur.

After a few minutes' silence where we were drifting in afterglow, I kept noticing new smells, and details in my vision and hearing that I couldn't fully process. "Did you enhance my senses?"

"Yes, I had the materials necessary to give you structures that greatly increase your acuity-sensitivity. To avoid confusion, focus on specific aspects of your sensory information and not all of it at once," she said.

"Umm, you realize you gave one of the most distractible people in the world more stuff to get distracted by, right?" I said.

"As a result of your distractibility, you are more aware-observant of your environment than others. This makes you a prime candidate for sensory enhancement. You're used to parsing dense sensory streams while doing other tasks." She patted my side with her tail.

"Yeah, but I'm sometimes very bad at it," I said.

"If you find it overwhelming-distracting, you can switch to your previous sensory state by lightly biting the end of your tongue three times in a row," she said. "Same to turn it back on."

I could smell a familiar dusty scent now, it wasn't unpleasant, it just got me thinking about how long the hoard knickknacks lining her walls had been there. Gently biting the end of my tongue three times was like magic, all the extra information went away. Since I was addicted to the complex scents coming from Helja, I immediately turned my enhanced senses back on. I leaned in and sniffed at her shoulder, was I getting some eucalyptus? She smelled so damn good! Fuck, I was falling for her.

"I tested it and it's working just fine," I said. "I honestly can't think of any other reason to nip the end of my tongue, so it's a really good way of switching back on forth."

"I thought so." She groped my butt with her tail.

I groped her tits. "Are you feeling better?"

She gasped and clenched around my knot before saying, "Yes, for now, I'm hopeful that removing the toxin won't have harmful effects and that I don't have other damage that puts my existence-functionality at risk. As I've said before, you've been an immense help and even if I cease to be, you made my existence vastly better."

"When you talk like that, I always think you're expecting to die," I said, giving her a squeeze. "No dying!"

"I'm not expecting to die, I'm giving uncertainty the proper amount of...room."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense," I said.

Neither of us had much to say after that because the afterglow was still pretty thick. About ten minutes later, Helja's ears perked straight up and she said, "We need to get you cleaned up and then you need to go." She started working herself off of my knot.

I gasped and groaned until she got my knot to pop out of her. Seeing my cum flood out of her got me to blush bright red. It was like a dam had burst. Staring at my thick, foot-long canine prick and huge balls, my eyes went wide.

Ignorant of my being frozen in awe, she started licking me clean.

The moment she was done making me moan and gasp, I said, "Did something happen?"

"Transmissions from outside suggest something important is happening," she said. "I'm not aware of the context, however."

"If you tell me what they're saying, I can probably figure it out."

"I don't need to tell you." She turned her head to the side and then grabbed mine and kissed me deeply.

I made a "mmmph!" sound, completely caught by surprise. When she ended the kiss, I heard Abrams' deep voice over the intercom inside my head! "Charlie, did you figure out where it was going?"

"No, the bogie caught on that Tritonia had a visual on it and retreated," Charlemagne said. "I'll be coming through with Tritonia in two minutes. Any movement from the bulkhead door?"

"Not a millimeter," Abrams said.

"The fuck? How am I hearing them?" I asked. Before she could answer, I said, "Wait, don't answer that, I gotta get a move on. Charlie will probably want my help if I can see Spectral Thieves now."

"Yes, their chatter about needing multispectral imaging is part of why I decided to give you that ability."

"Wow! That's great!" I scrambled to the end of the bed and grabbed the disk that I used to open the door. Then I tossed it to Helja saying, "Can you open the door for me now that you're not asleep all the time? I don't want anyone to get their hands on this."

"Yes, but I'll open the door for you and only you."

"If something happens to me, you can also open it for Septimus, okay?"

She nodded, "Sounds good."

This was my chance. I'd had my fill of lying. It was time to unfuck everything and start my new life as a sexy hybrid by introducing everyone to Helja without risking her life. But first, I'd gain some goodwill by finding the Spectral Thieves. Surely that would earn me a lot of points with Charlie.

I dashed toward the door so fast that I heard wind in my ears. It was a bit funny because I couldn't seem to run straight ahead. I wasn't used to having hips this wide.

"Hopping one leg at a time is more efficient for your new body," she said.

I tried it and, yup, it was even faster and took less energy. My ankles and feet were more digitigrade now and I could store tons of energy in my tendons and boy were my legs strong. I was leaping from leg to leg, getting noticeable airtime. It was really fun, like doing the long jump over and over and using one jump to power the next. My tail helped me stay balanced through the whole process of landing, tensioning my tendons, and then leaping again.

My ballsac had amazing shock-absorbing qualities and also held my balls close to me when I was trying to go fast. My breasts automatically firmed up so they didn't flail too much. I doubted I'd need a sports bra for running anymore, which was good because I'd never seen one for six tits.

The door was opening on its own. "Close it behind me."

"I will," Helja said.

I slid under the door on my back, finding that my fur had even less friction than I thought. As Helja's door closed, my footpaws collided with something, bringing me to a stop. My eyes moved up a pair of muscular legs clad in POSC dress pants until I was staring up at Charlie's face. In her hands was a PIKL unit and it was aimed at my head.

Charlie stepped back so my paws were no longer touching her hooves. "Officer Mint, you're under arrest."


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks! 

(Part 0) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (------) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Ebook)


Arkona Kothe

Has it been covered before that her name is Pepper Mint? Lmao. She's definitely got her work cut out for her!


XD Yeah, it was mentioned a while ago. From "Tritonia's Team - Part 2" "Officer Mint, if I have to remind you about decorum one more time, I'm going to put you out the airlock." Charlemagne glared.


I guess there is no hiding what pepper has been doing. Also, her changes are all hecking hot, and I'd love to see art of her in her new state!


I'm hoping she wins a vote sometime soon. I'd love to see her new form rendered too!


This was a smoking hot chapter. You did an amazing job on this! Pepper was past the point of no return the moment she drank the milk, but now she's decided to jump right off the cliff head first. And that ending, damn that is rough. I'm glad I held off on reading this one for a bit 😆


Yeah, it's good to have some time to read the next chapter if you're gonna read this one. Haha!