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NOTE: The second Sexy Super Short vote will happen right near the beginning of October.

This story won the Patreon Short vote in July. Enjoy!

Alexi’s been teasing Ian for months about becoming a herm. Shi’s been dressing Ian in girly clothes, bending Ian over her desk, and even putting a collar with a bow on him from time to time. Ian loves it so much he struggles to contain himself when Alexi turns him into multibreasted herm slut during a company tour.

Ian's Hermification
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Secretskunk and Tiliquain)

Sunlight was shining through Alexi's window at a steep angle as the sun neared its noontime height. The white hexagonal scaffolding of shelves in front of hir window held herbs and some rather colorful orchids. Shi was sitting behind hir transparent oval desk, with hir purple-striped green scales bared for all to see.

The moment shi saw Ian come in, hir canine ears perked up and hir dragon tail curled. Not a second later, she was up from hir chair and walking over, letting her breasts and balls bounce freely. Alexi wasn't just a herm, shi was an unapologetic herm that had lost all hir shame somewhere in all the crazy sex shi was constantly getting up to at home and in the workplace.

As shi stopped in front of Ian, shi reached up to pull a black and turquoise collar out of thin air, saying, "Here, Ian, put this on and get naked. I have plans for you." The tapered blue head of hir prehensile cock poked out of hir sheath as shi held out the collar for him to grab.

Ian's face blushed as his fur stood on end as he froze for a few seconds to parse what was going on. "I, um--" He bit his lip, his eyes tracking the tip of hir tapered blue cock as it drifted from side to side. When he snapped out of his daze, he put the collar around his neck and clicked the clasp closed.

"Good. Now undress," Alexi said, hir prick now halfway out of its sheath.

As he took off his shirt to expose his white and black skunk fur, he said, "Aren't we supposed to be giving a tour?"


He stopped short of pulling his pants down and looked at hir with one ear folded down in confusion. "I don't really do naked tours and stuff like that. Isn't that more your thing?"

Alexi went over to a closet in the corner of hir office and pulled out a simple knee-length maroon skirt along with a turquoise top that was two halves held together by what looked like a shoestring crossing in the front. The result was a cleavage window that ran down one's entire front. 

"If you don't get naked, how can you put on the outfit I picked up for you?" With hir free hand, shi pulled out a pair of lacy turquoise and black panties that had thorny rose stems embroidered in them. It made them look a bit dangerous and edgy.

Ian's eyes went as wide as dinner plates, until he realized what shi was doing and chuckled. "Nice try. I see you're quite the prankster today." His tail flicked behind him nervously as he spoke.

Setting the clothes on hir desk, Alexi grabbed Ian's belt and undid it before unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down with his boxers. "No pranks here. You asked me to treat you like a girl sometimes and we gotta get you dressed ASAP so the tour starts on schedule."

Ian blushed deeper as he squirmed in hir hands, knowing this wouldn't end without serious concessions on his part. So, he put a leg into the panties, which only made him blush more. His tail was so fluffed up from his embarrassment that it looked like he'd forgotten it in the drier.

As he brought the panties up, he had to take a deep breath as he brought the elastic over his sheath. His red canine cock tip was more than just showing, it was getting harder and throbbing right in front of hir. "Ah, I can wear the panties. But the skirt and blouse? I don't think--"

"Nonsense, you can wear skirts and blouses just as easily as you can wear sweatpants and golf shirts. Only thing keeping you from doing it is a silly idea about what people with your body shape should wear." Shi guided him to put his arms up and then slid the top on him. Then shi held the skirt open a bit above the floor. "Come on, step into it so I can pull it up. No time for random hesitation, girl."

He hesitated for as long as he could before Alexi's charming grin got to him, a grand total of five seconds or so. Tail still twitching, he put one leg into the skirt, then the other, letting hir bring it up to the panties. 

He bit his lip, the skirt was very girly while managing to give his bulge a clear outline and the blouse was a bit loose because it was made for someone with cleavage. "Oh gods, I look--"

The door chimed. Alexi's busty herm hippogryph secretary, poked hir head in and clicked her beak to make sure we were paying attention. "Alexi, your guests are waiting outside your door."

"Thanks, we'll be right out," Alexi said.

"I'll hold you to that," the secretary said, closing the door.

Alexi turned her attention to Ian, "You look beautiful, girl. Now, You keep them entertained while I get dressed for the tour." Shi ushered him toward the door.

"W-wait, no, you can't just throw me into this without--" Before he could finish his complaint, Alexi vanished to the other part of hir office, behind a divider, and the door slid open. 

He was now face to face with four people in formal business attire. The two in back were a pair of well-muscled men, a rhino bull and a handsome buck. Both in perfectly-tailored business suits. In front of them was a short red panda woman in a navy blue business dress. Her eyes burned with an intensity that made Ian want to run as she sized Ian up. Then finally, a zebra woman in a tight-fitting pinstriped navy blue dress pants and suit jacket who was facing the reception desk. Her zebra tail flicked excitedly as she chatted up the secretary, 

Trying to get the tour group's attention, Ian said, "G-good afternoon! Alexi will be right with us!" It was a fight to get all the words out and sound natural while wearing women's clothes.

The zebra turned to face Ian revealing shi had a big bulge in hir crotch and breasts that were making hir button-down shirt do some extra work to contain them. A thin black tie ran down between hir cleavage. Ian quickly caught the scent of hir equine pussy and prick because shi'd been flirting with the receptionist. It was a fresh, enticing scent. Like oatmeal cookies just out of the oven. It had a spice to it that reminded Ian of how Alexi smelled when shi was excited.

"You must be Ian from the Research Department." The zebra reached out hir hand. "I'm Anne Giant from Throndyne Microcontrollers, pleased to meet you."

The rhino reached out his hand to get the second shake, he smelled musky, but not harsh, like a fine tobacco. "I'm Ralph Metzer, from Errol Space Structures, pleased to make your acquaintance." He had a thick accent as he spoke and it sounded like he was from one of the islands down south.

Ian rubbed his thighs together as he shook their hands. His six nipples were tingling strongly and the flesh around them was warming up.

The buck grinned and bent down to shake Ian's hand. "I am Sacha LeVonce, from LeVonce Aerospace. Pleasure to meet you." He said.

The Red panda didn't introduce herself, but smiled and nodded once her intense stare softened. 

Alexi came out of hir office in a formal white skirt and blouse. Every curve was shown off without things being overly tight. It was over-the-top, but rather pretty. "Hello everyone, I'm Alexi Tishen and this is Ian Skunk from our Research Department. Perhaps you've already made introductions?"

"Well, except for one," Anne said. Patting the red panda on the head, she said, "This is Miri Awako, also from Throndyne. She's our head of research. She's pretty quiet and prefers that I do the talking. I'm head of outreach, after all."

Miri's face went sour as her hair was touched, and the moment Anne was done speaking, Miri slapped Anne's thigh. Anne scratched Miri under the chin, getting her to relax. When Anne stopped, Miri grabbed Anne's hand and put it back under her chin.

Ian was glad of any moment where he wasn't the center of attention. His tail drifted lazily around behind him as he almost forgot about what he was wearing. But something was off, from Alexi's introduction of him until Anne introduced Miri, his chest was hot again. Now all six of his nipples were tingling and starting to brush against that top.

After a peek into Alexi's office where shi talked about what shi liked about it, Alexi had them look out over a random assortment of workspaces. One was an old fashioned newspaper stand, another was a treehouse complete with a tree growing up through it, and the most impressive was an entire comic shop with employees playing D&D over their lunch break. "This is our Administrative Department where all our best ideas get turned into paperwork. We have legal experts, graphic designers, and even librarians all working together here."

Ian's chest started buzzing with sensation. Slowly, so no one could see, he lifted his paw and placed it on his chest. His paw pad traced around one of his nipples gently, just to try and figure out what was going on. It was twice as big as before and so sensitive, he had to swallow a delighted squeal.

As Alexi led them to the elevator, Ian's eyes tracked Ralph the rhino's rear end. Ian had to clench his fist to keep from thinking about how hard Ralph could thrust with a muscular ass like that. If Ian couldn't keep his cool, his skirt would put his excitement on display.

When they got into the elevator, Ian was in the back with Ralph and Anne towering over him.

Alexi said, "Okay, now we're going to go down one level and see the Human Resources Department. The whole floor is to help people de-stress and has some of our most relaxing workspaces."

Ian felt some buzzing between his legs. As he wondered what was happening, his balls hung lower on his thighs while deep in his sheath, he felt things get tighter. The buzzing sensation on his chest now extended to his balls and the surrounding area as well. Meanwhile, his nipples were brushing against his blouse.

Anne's naughty zebra tail was idly patting Ian's ass. Was his ass rounder? Was shi doing it on purpose?

With everyone listening to Alexi talk about the importance of teaching employees mindfulness techniques, Ian took the opportunity to explore his chest a bit more. He let out a quiet yip while biting his tongue because his nipples felt so AMAZING! In fact, even his paw feeling the growing mounds of flesh under his nipples made his whole body tingle with joy. Shuddering as he reluctantly pulled his paw away from his blouse, he tried to process what was happening.

Was Alexi doing this to him? He'd agreed to shenanigans like this, but why would shi be doing it now!?

When the elevator arrived at the HR floor, Ralph's hulking form stepped off making the elevator car rock a little. Sacha the buck leaned back to steady himself, and collided with Ian's breasts. Ian's tail shot up as he let out a moan

When they stepped off the elevator, Ian sniffed at the air, which he regretted immediately. Sacha's crisp masculine scent was lingering on his chest and he had to clench his legs together and clamp his mouth shut to avoid moaning again.

The HR department looked like an old electric trolley station. Perfectly-restored electric trollies from different eras were sitting on tracks that went aimlessly through the cobblestone streets and little patches of green. Offices were in the trolley cars and there were a bunch of restored antique food trucks. Picnic tables and alcoves to eat in were scattered across this entire floor.

"We've found it's hard to get people to be proactive about their HR difficulties, so we made this the floor everyone would want to go to. In addition to the best selection of food and the playful surroundings, our HR Department director is part of our sexual relaxation program. Shi, I, and many of our employees, enjoy taking care of coworkers who don't currently have a sexual outlet. Being sexually active at work has been statistically shown to improve focus and job satisfaction and we want all of our employees to be able to capitalize on that." Alexi pointed over at a far picnic table where a small male ferret was being bent over it by a big herm wolf. "And to that effect, the periphery of this floor is a sexual activities zone. Lunch and a bit of intimacy can change just about anyone's day for the better."

Everyone on the tour watched the ferret and wolf go at it in awe. Then, as the wolf knotted the ferret, all their scents went through the roof. As the two lovers' cries echoed off the trolley cars, the bulges of everyone present got bigger.

Meanwhile, Ian could feel actual weight on his chest and abdomen. His breasts were starting to have a noticeable mass and that area behind his balls was feeling really tender. 

He couldn't prevent himself from sniffing at the air and he quickly tented his skirt. The panties were so tight around his crotch...and that was only turning him on more. Trying not to be seen, he fell back to the rear of the group.

Anne was walking a bit closer to him than the others and each time she flicked her tail in the air, he got a good whiff of her scent. Shi looked a bit hot and he wasn't surprised when she took off her tie and put it in her pocket. Hir bulge was massive, just how big was her horsecock? His whole body ached now and he was waddling as he walked, trying not to rub his shaft on his panties or stimulate that sensitive spot behind his balls.

Responding to Ian's building excitement, Anne's prick started pushing up into hir blouse. Hir scent was getting thicker and more complex while hir tail was finding excuses to bump into Ian's tent.

Alexi's prick was squirming in hir dress. Sacha and Ralph were pitching tents of their own. Miri, meanwhile, was glancing at Ian's growing six pack of breasts while her floofy red panda tail drifted from side to side behind her.

Alexi led everyone to a grey and brass trolley car with beautiful woodwork inside. "Every trolley car here was bought from the local electric trolley museum when they were trying to cut down on stuff that was slowly deteriorating in storage. Building the HR Department's surroundings let us do some historic preservation."

Ian's tits started pressing against his top enough to make actual cleavage in it while he felt a need to spread his legs. A sensitive something was pulsing right behind his balls!

Fighting his urges, Ian kept his knees together and stayed focused on the old trolley. It didn't take long for his skunk instincts to kick in and "help" him out. His tail lifted up higher and higher as they walked through the train car, until the tip was getting caught on light fixtures. Anne was looking at his back end now that his tail was raised. As he glanced back at hir, he witnessed hir erection working its way all the way up to hir cleavage, putting immense strain on the hir dress shirt's buttons.

Acting like everything was normal, Anne said to Alexi, "Your HR Department is the best I've ever seen. I'm taking plenty of mental notes. Do you think you could put me in touch with the head of your HR Department?"

Alexi responded, "Absolutely, I'll connect you two after this tour."

Ian's rack grew bigger, filling out his blouse as the space between his legs started feeling wet. A little nub that had grown in now had full sensation and he couldn't move without stimulating it.

His prick was straining his panties to near breaking and his balls were so heavy that they were hanging on either side of the stretched fabric. Miri was eying Ian's breasts, seeming to want to ask a question, but too shy to do so. Ralph had a twinkle in his eye when he looked back to see Ian's tent and cleavage.

Ian gasped and let out a feminine moan as he felt his panties tear. Goddess, was Alexi making his cock bigger too? Worried, and not thinking clearly, Ian's paw went under his skirt to check to see the damage to his panties. Ian rubbed his balls gently. They were huge! Much bigger than his other skunk friends! Had Alexi added a bit of horse to him? 

What made it worse was what happened as he cradled his sensitive sack. Just for a split second, his blunt claw tip brushed against something. A throbbing point that made him shudder as he bent forwards. He quickly fell onto a trolley seat, squeezing his thighs together as if the pressure on his paw somehow would slow his lust. He clenched his jaw to keep from moaning as he reached for the new sensitive spot behind his balls. A single touch from his paw pad to his clit pushed him over the edge. Squirting his first female orgasm into his panties, he shuddered while struggling to avoid making a long, pleading moan.

As he recovered, he realized that everyone in the group was transfixed by something Alexi was showing them just a few rows of seats further up. Gasping to catch his breath and thankful he hadn't been seen, he got to his feet and walked toward Alexi.

Alexi was bent over a little table that was between two of the wooden benches. It had a wonderful flowing woodgrain and was a mixture of red, yellow, and black. "This wood comes from a tree that's nearly extinct because it was the gold standard for guitar bodies for over a century. Conservation work is very slow because this species takes a very long time to mature, but we've started a project using magic to increase the growth rate. Initial tests have been very promising." 

Ian's thighs were burning. His orgasm had given him nothing and he desperately needed more. He placed a paw on Alexi's shoulder, and looked at her intently with his tail up high. His scent was powerful and needy, and pussy juice dripped down his inner thigh as he said, "Alexi, I need you. It's urgent."

Struggling to keep his composure, he didn't dare look back at the others in the car.

Alexi stood up and addressed everyone. "And now we can start the tour's scheduled lunch period. Go explore and find something tasty to buy with your meal vouchers. Then bring your meal to the white trolley near the center so we can all meet back up. It's the trolley that's gilded with a gold leaf pattern. You can't miss it." Then shi turned toward Ian and said, "What do you need, dear?"

Ralph and the buck left together, chatting about high-energy electronics while Miri stole a glance at Ian's tent. The moment he met her eyes, she turned around and started walking out of the trolly. Anne was hanging back, reluctant to leave.

Ian pressed up against Alexi's side and gasped as he released some tension in his legs. "I-- I need to be fucked...Please. I need to be fucked... and--" He tried to stop himself, but the words just kept coming, "Can you ask Anne for her underwear, please?"

"Guh! Fuck!" Anne's buttons started popping off of hir shirt, clacking against the wooden interior of the trolley car. Then hir massive blunt-ended prick was free to be admired in all its glory.

Shi walked up, grabbed Ian's head, and shoved it into her crotch. The heavy pine scent of hir pussy and ginger scent of hir balls filled his every breath. As that was happening, Alexi got behind him, lifted his skirt, and pulled his torn panties away.

Then Alexi lifted up hir skirt and shoved the end of hir dick into Ian's brand new snatch.

"How's your pussy feelin'?" Alexi asked as she drove deeper, hir prehensile prick making slow waves that hit Ian's clit perfectly as it entered.

Ian gasped as he pushed his muzzle further into Anne's crotch. "Muahhhh--More.... Harderrrr!" he moaned. 

Each of Alexi's thrusts pushed Ian into Anne's bulge and he was already swept up in her equine scent. His cock throbbed under him as a wet spot formed on his skirt, and his pussy clenched around Alexi's shaft each time shi worked more of hir dick into him.

Pulling hir crotch away, Anne dropped hir pants and herm-friendly panties. Grabbing the fur atop Ian's head, shi pressed his muzzle into the space between hir legs until his wet skunk nose parted her labia. With hir free hand, shi grabbed hir prick and started stroking. Hir heavy balls rested atop his head as he drowned himself in hir scent.

"Lick!" Anne commanded.

Alexi wasn't holding back, shi was now over halfway in and stretching Ian's cunt nice and wide. Grabbing his tail, shi said, "Take it all like a good girl!" With one long thrust, shi drove the rest of hir shaft in, stretching Ian to his limit with hir uninflated knot. Then hir hips were on the move, slapping hir balls against his while making a long corkscrew with hir cock that continually stirred up his passage.

He moaned into Anne's mare muff as he licked and licked and licked, reaching further into hir, tasting more of her without ever being satisfied. Anne bellowed as hir pussy gripped Ian's tongue. Shi was on the edge of orgasm and hir clit was rubbing against the top of his nose. Shi rode it out and managed not to cum, but hir juices were much more plentiful. Ian's need to taste more of hir got him to press the end of his muzzle into hir snatch as he grabbed onto hir muscular buttocks and pulled hir toward him.

Anne was stroking hir prick hard and fast while pressing the underside of it against his back. It was so heavy, so substantial and hir pre was dribbling onto the striped fur under it.

Alexi's tail found Ian's prick and coiled around it before stroking it in time with hir thrusts. "Fuck, you're so hard! Enjoying being a girl, I see?"

Ian let out an embarrassed squeak that got muffled by Anne's snatch before going back on autopilot. His tongue knew exactly what to slurp up and what to rub. Fuck, did his pussy taste as good as Anne's? 

As Alexi pulled out and shoved back in, Ian felt hir knot popping inside him. YES! Finally, he felt full! He clenched and tugged on Alexi's knot as he moaned loudly into Anne's clit, slurping up hir equine juices and getting the end of his muzzle deeper inside hir wonderful stretchy pussy.

Hot flashing tingles were shooting out from his snatch to the paw pads on his handpaws and footpaws. There was no way he could last much longer, not with Alexi popping hir knot in and out of him and swirling hir cock in his depths. When hir knot popped out and didn't make it back in, he knew he was done for. The moment shi forced it back in, he was going to explode.

"You ready to take my knot, girl?" Alexi taunted.

Anne's pussy was trembling and while hir stroking was utterly frantic. "I'm about to--oooohhh!" 

"Yes, PLEASE!" Ian cried before sticking the end of his muzzle back into Anne's mound.

Alexi's hips lunged toward his. Hir knot stretched his virgin snatch wider and wider while he squealed into Anne's cunt. Then it slammed inside him, giving him a feeling of complete fullness, utter satisfaction that made his joints ache with ecstasy. His prick jetted spunk so hard that it stung a bit. His pussy milked Alexi's flailing shaft inside him, clenching rhythmically around hir knot as it expanded to lock them together. 

His girl juices dripped from their junction, as Alexi roared and flooded him with hir thick dragoness cream.

"Oh Fuck!" Anne gasped as hir pussy came, giving Ian a tasty treat as hir prick shot titanic spurts that hit Alexi's front so hard, they splashed onto Ian's tail and back, utterly soaking him and his new blouse.

"Yes! Take everything you pretty girl!" Alexi cheered as she continued filling him.

Ralph showed up with an erection that was testing the seam of his pant leg while Alexi was still cumming. His right hand clutched a gigantic burrito as he stared in wonder at the herm threesome playing out in front of him.

A few seconds later, after Alexi's prick finally calmed down, she looked at Ralph. Bending forward and resting hir breasts on Anne's cock and Ian's back, shi lifted hir tail. "Pussy's free if you need it."

Ralph tossed his foil-wrapped burrito onto a beautiful wooden table next to Anne and pulled down his pants to reveal his incredible rhino cock. Then he got behind Alexi and eased himself in, saying, "Mmmph! Best tour ever!"


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!



An excellent horny romp. It's always a good time when clothing shenanigans are involved (looking at you Anne 👀💦). I enjoyed this very much! 😄


Anne just kinda ended up in the story and I was like...Oh! Wow! This is perfect.

talk show ghost

This is amazing, Ian is a very lucky girl! I just signed up for your Patreon because I couldn’t take waiting to finish Peppers story, and this is an excellent bonus. Love it!


I'm so glad you liked this one! The Hermification series of stories has been a blast. ^_^