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(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (------) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (Ch.13) (Ramda Dakimakura)

Remiel’s religious upbringing on a puritanical space colony has left him wholly unprepared for Captain Ramda Uweko’s stunning herm wolf hybrid beauty. On his journey to earth, Remiel struggles with his extreme attraction to her and all the things he thought he knew about himself. Enticed by Remiel’s shy lust, Ramda gives chase. And things only get hotter and heavier from there.

Remiel's Fall From Grace - Chapter 6
by Zmeydros
(edited by Tiliquain and Sheera Castellar)

The Anvil loomed in front of us, the largest structure I'd ever seen. Another ship was already in position between the hammers: rings with a diameter twenty times that of the Biome. The rings were about a third of a kilometer wide and had a rounded triangular cross-section. Connected to each of the rings were three trusses that extended out from the thick arms that hung down from the long blocky powerstation and control center that ran everything.

The Anvil Point was the bit of space at the center between the two rings that the ships sat in while those two rings created a spatial vortex and slammed into each other. I would've been more nervous about it if I wasn't sitting in Ramda's lap. Her three sets of breasts and sizable package were distractions I couldn't ignore. Distractions that had me painfully hard now.

Ramda opened the ship-wide channel. "All hands prepare for FTL jump. Secure yourselves and all objects in your vicinity. If the tie-down nets for your luggage have not deployed yet, notify me or Tammy immediately. Artificial gravity will be shuttered in T-minus five minutes and counting."

I hid the tent in my uniform with my hands even though I knew she could smell exactly what she'd done to me. When she pulled the harness for her captain's chair out from slots in the sides, I hid my erection even more fervently. After clipping the two V's of side-straps together, she hit a button and the shoulder straps came down from the back of her chair and connected to the center of the harness.

"Could you get your prick to lie flat?" Ramda asked. "I've gotta connect the crotch strap next and don't wanna hurt you."

My face burned with a blush as I reached into my uniform pants, and tried not to moan from how sensitive my shaft was as I got it situated. Out of reflex, my hands went right back to guarding my crotch.

"Sorry Remiel, you gotta move your hands. I might have to touch you there to get the crotch strap connected without risk to your member. I promise I'll be gentle, okay?" she said.

I gulped and then said, "O-okay," before putting my hands at my sides.

The crotch strap came up from the seat of the chair, but she stopped it short because it was going to go right over my erection. Then, she noticed that my dick was still pushing up and away from my crotch a bit and pressed it down, just under the head, while she let the strap continue on its automated way.

At this rate, I was going to leave tooth marks on my lip. I could feel the paw pad on the end of her index finger pressing against my sensitive flesh through the fabric and I couldn't keep my hips still. Half a moan made it out of my mouth as my pre wet my briefs.

Ramda groaned as the head of her member started pressing against my butt cheeks.

I moaned and started moving more. I didn't know what was happening. No one had ever touched me like this. I was so hot all over, so horny everything looked blurry. All I could do was feel. Feel her continue to get hard against me, feel her paw pad rub against my shaft as I gyrated. And I could smell her getting excited with me. Someone else was getting horny because of me!

She pulled her finger away just after the strap connected and when it tightened, she made sure it was snug, but not painful.

Now that the strap was against my erection and a couple inches of her dick were against my buttocks. When I moved, even slightly, I got pleasure that flickered through me like a strobe light in a hall of mirrors. I was panting and completely unaware of what to do with myself. 

The only thing that made it through the lust-filled fog inside me was a sense of awe at the sheer scale of the Anvil Point as we neared the other craft that had just gotten into position. It was one of Miramanna's bulk freighters that was basically a stick with cargo pods attached along four of its sides making a cross-shaped cross section.

But I could barely think about that; five inches of Ramda's length were now out and throbbing and her nipples were hard and I could smell the turmeric part of her scent so clearly. I started grinding against her and rubbing my cock against the strap. This time, when I moaned, I arched my back and pred hard, just on the edge of cumming. My need to get off had an unfortunate, unstoppable momentum, like a freighter barreling full speed toward a rocky moon.

Ramda had been working with her implant and both hands setting up stuff for our jump, but when I started grinding even more roughly against her, she yipped and her shaft twitched under me. "Remiel, please, I'm going to have to put you in the other chair if you can't stop fidgeting."

I froze as my ears burned with embarrassment over what I'd been doing. "Sorry."

"It's fine, dear. I love your enthusiasm, but we have to wait till after the jump or we'll miss our embarkation window."

She brought up the airbag settings on the console that was on the arm that came up from the side of the captain's chair. The same one I'd hid my erection with earlier. There were sensors in the straps and the crotch strap had detected the outline of my hard-on. She lowered the force settings in that area and then put in that there were two occupants in the chair along with our weights.

"Wait, it has a setting for two people?" I asked.

"Yep, for the event that there's only one chair and there's two people that need shock protection," she said as she finalized those settings. She opened the ship-wide announcement channel. "Pre-jump safety check: If anyone is unable to get into a safe position for FTL transit, you have ten seconds to notify me."

Ramda waited ten seconds before saying,"Okay, we're all set. Do you want to hear the radio chatter as we get ready to embark?"

"Oh, yes," I said.

"--eploy magnetic harpoons in five. four. three. two. one. Go!" The freighter and our ship shot out powerful electromagnets connected to cables that could steer themselves with little thrusters.

The electromagnets were self-centering, so when they met each other, they matched up perfectly. Winches on each ship pulled us toward each other until we were at the right distance and artificial muscles in the cables tensed up keeping us at a safe distance of two hundred meters.

"G. Pixie, here. Tethering for twin jump achieved," Ramda said.

"Jehovah's Bounty, here, Tethering achieved," a languid drawling voice replied.

"Requesting suspension of artificial gravity and final systems check," a cool nasal female voice said.

"Wilco," Ramda replied as she flipped a big blue switch on her console.

"Wilco," the freighter said.

I heard a buzzing hum and then I weighed less and less until my hands were no longer being pulled down, they just drifted as if I was submerged under water. We'd had to spend time in zero g to prepare for this trip, so I didn't get sick or anything, but I did feel like I was slowly spinning because my inner ears were understandably confused. The waffle I'd eaten was sitting funny in my stomach, not upset exactly.

Ramda's breasts had a more spherical shape when they weren't being tugged on by gravity. In a way, they felt even softer. It was good our boners had retreated because I felt like rubbing against her again. This was all just so cool and I was feeling really cuddly.

"G. Pixie reporting artificial gravity suspension and all systems go," Ramda said.

"J. Bounty reporting artificial gravity suspension and all systems go." 

Looking at space through the ring directly ahead of us was bizarre and unsettling. Instead of stars being points of light, they were little streaks swirling in a vortex of warped space. These rings were always kept spinning at five percent the speed of light, twisting space with the exotic matter inside them.

"Opening FTL corridor to the Trappist system." There was a brief pause. "Connection established. Spatial forging in: ten. nine. eight. seven. six. five. four. three. two. one. go."

Out the window, I saw the ring ahead of us come flying toward us at blinding speed. On the little monitor on Ramda's console, I saw the tower's view of the two giant rings hurtling toward each other. The streaks of stars in the spatial vortex got redder and longer until I couldn't find the end of them. Then the ring seemed to slow and the starlight shifted blue and then deep purple until it was as if everything in my vision had been burned into my retinas. 

I never saw the rings strike each other, instead, I saw us and the freighter become reflected by the vortex, looking as though our ships were reflections in mercury swirling down the drain. My inner ears told me I was getting pulled in a spiral of different directions.

There were no stars, no shifted hues of light, only...wait, I hadn't been seeing our reflections. As the distortion waned, I realized I was looking at the aft cockpit. Fire-orange hair, elf-like ears and elongated features, a confident grin. Tammy looked like she'd done this a thousand times. Space had been fully bent in on itself and we were in a bubble! I never thought it would look like this.

My mouth hung open as Tammy's image became more and more distorted and the purple-shifted star streaks returned. As I watched the ring zoom away from us, the streaks got shorter, eventually returning to their proper coloration.

"Spatial convolution resolved. Please report your status," a low warm masculine voice said.

I felt giddy, like I could do anything. I'd just gone superluminal. The photons that had bounced off our ship before the jump would need over thirty years to reach where we were now!

"This is G. Pixie reporting all green," Ramda said.

"This is Jehovah's Bounty reporting all green."

"G. Pixie, you may re-engage artificial gravity."

"Roger." Ramda flipped the big blue switch back into the on position and then opened the ship-wide channel. "Artificial gravity powering back up. Please stay seated until power up is complete."

As the gravity came back, the sensation of Ramda being pressed up against me reached its full intensity. I tried to keep my body still, but focusing so much on that made me twitch and when I twitched, I felt her package and breasts move against me.

"J. Bounty requesting permission to decouple."

"Permission granted." Ramda used her implant to turn off the magnets and the cables relaxed their artificial muscles, becoming flexible again. They retreated back into the ship.

"J. Bounty, prepare for second jump. G. Pixie, welcome to the Trappist System. Please follow your flight corridor to Outer Trappist Station."

"Wilco. Out," Ramda said.

"Why are we stopping here?" I asked, my breath panting a bit from the sexual tension.

"I've gotta pick up some cargo that they need on Earth. They didn't have room to hold it at the Anvil Station," she said, setting us on our course for Outer Trappist Station, which was just short of thirty thousand kilometers from us. 

"That was brilliant!" I bounced atop her, finally able to express how thrilled I was.

"Sorry, all I can think about is how good you smell," she said as she started humping against my backside, her prick poking out of her sheath and throbbing ever larger.

I grabbed at my chest, feeling like I'd never stopped rubbing against her. Actually, the need to get off was even worse. "T-that sucks, having to go a couple hours out of your way." I don't even know why I was trying to hold a conversation.

"It's fine." She unbuckled the safety harness and retracted all the straps. Then she grabbed my erection. "It gives us time to do something about this. No way I'm sending you back to the passengers' section with this thing advertising the effect we have on each other."

"HAAAH! D-do something?" I asked.

"Yep!" Letting go of my cock, she flipped me over and pulled me against her. 

My dick pressed against hers through our uniforms while she made out with me, using my moans and gasps to get her long canine tongue in my mouth. I could feel her hot breath puffing out of her nostrils. All I could smell was the cinnamon and turmeric-tinged aromas of her body. I ran my tongue along the sharp canine teeth in the front of her muzzle, but couldn't reach all that far. Every time I thrust against her cock, I got more butterflies in my stomach. I didn't actually want to do anything with it, did I?

She grabbed my ass and dug her claws into the fabric making me moan sharply. Then she took one of my hands and put it on her breasts. As I groped them, I found her uniform to be rather stretchy. I loved how her tits had some give while being firm and I could feel a rise from her nipples against the palms of my hands as they hardened.

Her dextrous hands grabbed the zipper of my uniform and pulled it down. Then she was undressing me as she made out with me. The air in the bridge was cold, but I was so hot from all this making out that I didn't mind much. Soon she had me in my undershirt and briefs. 

When she started pulling down my briefs, a nervous twinge ran up my back and I broke out of the kiss. My heart was hammering so hard in my chest that was hearing this rushing sound. "Are we really gonna--?"

She chuckled. "Not enough time, I'm afraid. I have to prepare for a meeting and taking on cargo. Plus, you smell like you're going to explode if I make you any more nervous. Let's try something relaxing. Stand off to the side and get in the chair after I get out of it."

I obediently switched places with her and sat in the chair. Looking up at her, my lips trembled. Part of me wanted to cry. I needed what was about to happen so bad, but I also wanted to run and hide under a rock for the rest of my life and never have to deal with the uncertainties of human intimacy again.

"Just breathe, Remiel," She said, putting her paws on my chest. "In," she paused, "and out. In...and out."

I took long slow breaths as she gently stroked my cheeks, my chest, and my belly, slowly working herself down to my crotch. When she heard my breathing get uneven, she brought me back to trying to relax, and eventually, her left paw pulled down the front of my briefs, exposing my erection.

"Oh, how beautiful, and with a nice little curve too." She crouched closer to it and took a deep sniff. "Mmm, you smell a bit like lemon meringue. Lovely. I'm gonna enjoy sucking on this," she grinned as her tail wagged.

"Sucking on it?!" my eyes went wide.

"Unless you don't want me to."

I desperately wanted to try that, but I didn't want her to go out of her way for me. There's no way she actually wanted to give me a blowjob. Was there? Words just kinda fell out of my mouth with little rhyme or reason. "I, uhh, think that--I mean, I've heard it feels really go--AAAAH!"

She took my cock into her mouth and started sucking on it, using her tongue to rub along the underside as she bobbed her head.

My hands grabbed the fur on her cheeks, trying to get some semblance of control over the situation. It felt good, way too good! I was already trying not to cum. She was making extra effort to stimulate the head of my cock with the back of her tongue. I could feel the slight brush of her teeth, not enough to hurt, but plenty to make the combined sensations soar into the stratosphere.

Her muzzle was long enough that she was having an easy time going fast and hard. Then she started growling and sucking harder. I moaned so loud my voice broke. My legs were visibly shaking and I was gripping her head fur so tightly I was worried I'd pull it right out. Her saliva was soaking into my crotch, providing more than enough lubrication for how rough she was being.

None of this slowed her down. She just kept sliding that hot wet mouth over my entire length over and over again until I felt a familiar surge of pressure behind my balls and a tingling at the head of my shaft.

"I'm go--FUCK!" I said the F word out loud for the first time in my life as my seed splashed on her tongue.

She took in to the hilt and sucked down every drop of jizz, making me groan and gasp as I saw stars in my vision and felt my entire body fill up with hot fizzy delight. 

I felt like I weighed ten thousand pounds by the time it was over. The afterglow had put me in an actual stupor. All I could do was stare at her, muzzle still around my cock, tail wagging furiously, and wonder how this was possible. How feeling this good, and having someone like me enough to give me head, was possible. 

I had no answers as she pulled her muzzle off my prick, licked my mess off her lips, and then kissed me on the forehead. "That was delicious. Enjoyed yourself?"

My admission came out as a happy groan.

She chuckled and pulled me into her arms. She cuddled me for the next few minutes, her dick half hard.

When I had my senses back, I asked, "Do you want me to do something to you?" Instantly, I was jittery as a live wire. I had no idea what I'd do to her. There's no way I could provide as much pleasure as she'd just given me.

"Sure, if you're up for it. But I don't want to have pussy juice soaked into my fur for the next couple hours while I get stuff ready, so we'd have to do something with my prick. But we'll have to be quick, okay?" 

"I-I can try," I said. There was no way I was going to leave her hanging.

"Well then, I suppose I should show you the goods." Her cock was now climbing up her belly, poking up between her first set of breasts. She let go of me and started unzipping her uniform. As she dropped it to the floor and stepped out of it, her dick was sitting there making a gigantic rise in her boxer briefs and undershirt.

My jaw was hanging open, and my dick was tingling even though I'd just gotten off. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle the moan that came out of me when she pulled up her undershirt and exposed her deep red canine length to me. It was over a foot long and thicker than my wrist, even just a couple inches below the tapered head. Then it got as thick as an apple in the middle and tapered a bit in until the swell of her knot which was almost as big as my fist even though she hadn't cum yet.

With her tail wagging furiously and a confident grin that made me swoon, she said, "Touch it all you like." She let go of the base and it flopped forward, angling up at a forty-five-degree angle and nearly touching my chest.

My hands shook so much as I reached for it, that I had trouble aiming them. I didn't like cocks. There's no way I liked cocks. It was just simple human curiosity. As my fingertips came into contact with the head of her cock, she gasped and got pre on my left hand.

"Keep going, Rem, use the pre to lube me up," she said in a breathy, excited voice.

My member swelled to full hardness just from me doing as she asked. I could feel her heat, her heartbeat through her erection. The turmeric smell was strong and I found myself leaning toward the tip, to sniff deeper.

She moaned as my face moved toward her hard-on and grabbed her middle set of breasts. Then she started thrusting forward suddenly and preed right on my lips, yipping.

I licked my lips, in a trance caused by her scent and this situation. Her pre tasted a bit like curry with a hint of cinnamon. As those flavors filled my senses, she gently pressed her hips forward and parted my lips with the tip of her cock.

"Mmm, so eager. I love it," she cooed.

What was I doing?! I wasn't gay! I let go of her dick and jumped back, yelping. Then my eyes widened as I realized my shaft was dripping pre onto the deck. 

She walked up to my side so her dick wasn't pointed at me and hugged my shoulders, "It's okay, Rem. It's totally understandable that you'd be freaked out by this. Remember, I was just as inexperienced as you at one point."

I teared up. I was useless. She was going to be left wanting after giving me a blowjob and I wasn't courageous enough to combat the warning sirens going off in my head. Were they from my upbringing? Or were they from me acting contrary to my nature? I couldn't resolve that inner puzzle and now I was going to make her late due to my indecision. Now I was shivering and starting to sweat.

"Just take nice slow breaths like you did before." She guided me in calming down again.

Her boner didn't wane as much as mine. I felt like my brain was going to melt trying to figure out what I really wanted. Eventually, I was just staring at the captain's chair blankly.

Letting me go, she said, "I'm gonna get myself off because I gotta get going. You can either watch or you can go, but I gotta get started now." She climbed into the captain's chair and leaned it way back.

I stood there watching, part of me wanted to leave, another part wanted to stay and help her get off, and yet another part just wanted to stand there and not make a decision. That last part won and I stared at her as she grabbed the backs of her thighs and then pulled her hips toward her muzzle. Then she had her mouth around the end of her cock.

My prick tingled sympathetically as she moaned around her own length, bucking into her maw, giving her own cock the wonderful treatment she'd given mine.

I took one step toward her, then another, and reached toward her lowest set of breasts. Her tail wagged as I did so and embers of the joy I'd felt earlier grew hotter.

She stopped for a moment to say, "I see you looking at my breasts, go ahead and touch them." Then she went back to sucking on her shaft.

My hand reached out and touched her lowest set of breasts, being careful not to brush her cock. She moaned louder around her erection and started thrusting faster, making her huge balls slap against her snatch. I noticed the nipple under my palm getting harder, so I squeezed it through her undershirt and her knot started to swell.

She was going to town on her shaft. I wasn't even that exuberant when I was stroking myself. Her hands were flying up and down it, slicking everything up with her pre as she sucked. I couldn't help but get hard remembering the way her mouth had felt. When I grabbed a nipple on her second set of breasts with my other hand, she yowled and slid her muzzle as far down her shaft as she could.

Then, I watched her grab below her knot with one hand as her entire shaft lurched from base to tip. The knot swelled bigger than my fist and so much cum came up her shaft from those big balls that I saw it swell rhythmically as she delivered her load. Her cheeks puffed out a bit just before she swallowed, each time interrupting her howls of pleasure.

Pulling off her prick, she licked her lips and panted through her wet canine nose. Then she laid back with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. "Thanks!"

"Sorry I didn't do more." All I'd done was touch her nipples and she'd had to do all the work. What a terrible date I was. And now I was hard again undoing the whole reason she'd given me a BJ in the first place. I didn't even know why I was hard.

"It's fine, Rem, I got too excited and pushed you too far outside your comfort zone. I'm just glad you stuck around instead of running for the hills." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

Tears started welling up in my eyes. I was such a crybaby and if I let her see me get all emotional, I'd put her even further behind schedule. "Thanks for today, I'm glad I met you." Then I let go of her hand and started putting on my uniform.

"I'm glad I met you too." She got out of her chair, grabbed a towel from a cabinet behind it and cleaned herself off efficiently before putting on her uniform as fast as she could.

"Have a good rest of your day," I said.

"If you want, you can sit in the copilot chair for the next jump in about four hours," she said. "I won't be up against the clock then."

"Maybe," I said as I walked toward the bulkhead door that led to the bridge. This was never going to work. If I couldn't deal with her having a dick, I couldn't give her what she needed. And it was unfair for me to keep leading her on. As I walked past the cargo containers, I started composing a message, "I'm sorry I don't have the courage to say this to you in person, but..."


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (------) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (Ch.13) (Ramda Dakimakura)


Todasul .

uuuhhhmmm isnt this a copy of chapter 5?


Repost of ch5


Thank you! I really appreciate it when mistakes like this are caught and mentioned. Good catch!


Rem no, don't do it! 😭 Poor Rem is so confused, I really hope Ramda can help him figure things out. Amazing chapter! I dig your visuals for the FTL travel. And oh my, that make out session was so good! 👀💦


That bit of sexy time is gonna be hard for Remiel to forget. And he's got a lot to work through. He's very lucky Ramda is so emotionally even-keeled.

Todasul .

I actually loved that Rem retreated a bit when Ramda pushed too hard, its logical that even with the interest he is already showing there are still hard barriers that stand in the way, for now...


Yeah, I enjoy getting to write the interplay between characters like this. XD