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(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10)(Ebook)

Going Viral at Tomorrowland - Chapter 10

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

 Neither of us was stressed out, but our management companies, even though they were floored by what we demoed for them, nearly lost their minds. They wanted it to happen, but weren’t used to speedrunning bureaucracy. They decided to draw up a contract for only the show we were doing and would work out the larger contract later. The Tomorrowland staff was speechless at first, but our confidence, our damned good music, the fact we’d already worked out details with our management companies, and the fact that Tomorrowland was gonna get to brag about being our debut venue, sold the idea. Not before we got referred three levels up in the chain of command, however.

After that, we spent the entire time up to when we needed to leave preparing. Instead of taking up time worrying about food, we had two large pizzas delivered to take care of lunch and dinner. Everything, even our libidos took a back seat to our music. 

I’d never had something like this happen, had this much momentum toward a goal. Our act was not even a day old and we were going to perform together.

As we made our way to Tomorrowland, I wasn't thinking about how much of a mess I was with my hormones all out of whack or about what the news was going to say about me, and I wasn't worried about how many views the footage of what we were about to do was going to get. All I could think about was how much I wanted to share the beauty I'd heard in my hotel room today with the world.

Security helped bring us in without having to drag our equipment bags through the massive crowd. Adrenaline surged in me as I saw the giant metal dragon guarding the Rose Garden stage open its glowing white eyes with red irises, fan its crest, and then blow fog at the crowd. Behind the dragon, little cotton ball clouds hung in the sky blazing with reds, pinks, and oranges from the setting sun. I figured the sunset would reach its peak right at the beginning of our set. 

Onlookers' eyes spent more time on the spikes coming out of my rave pants than the rest of me. It was my idea. If they were going to take pictures of my lower half, I'd give them something to talk about. Sure, from the side, people might think I had a bulge and I couldn't control that, but these pants were a magnificent distraction.

The closer I got to the stage, the less any of that mattered to me.

When we entered the backstage area, we both used the green room to check our makeup. Then we checked with the staff to make sure this room would be available when we needed it. I'd used the excuse that I was still sick and might need a place to recuperate. They said they’d worked it out so the next artist would use a nearby green room and we’d be able to use this one during and after our performance.

As the previous artist was winding down, Athena kissed me on the cheek, "Time to go get them ready for the big reveal."

I wrung my hands. "I hope I don't disappoint the people that came to see one of my normal sets."

"If you love what you're doing, it's going to be hard for them not to feed off that energy. Tomorrowland is all about seeing new things, having new experiences." She hugged me and then pushed me toward the door. "Now go, shoo!"

I stuck my tongue out at her and then went out to the stage to start setting up. Bending down felt odd with my stallion equipment shifting in my compression shorts and panties. Luckily, since I'd practiced the setup at my soundcheck, I got everything ready quite fast.

I didn't know how many thousand people were waiting for our set to start, but they'd really packed in. Some spots were so dense that the crowd could only move vertically. One out of a hundred members of the crowd was a mosaic, a bit higher than the general population and about the density I’d seen at the rest of Tomorrowland. The deer mosaic whose ass I’d ogled on the bus was near the front row, so was the shark mosaic that had been so nice to us. I tried to focus on them, and other kind understanding faces instead of the entire crowd. 

That old adage about imagining the crowd naked definitely wasn't going to help my situation. My body wasn’t revved up at the moment, but everything was sensitive and waiting for an excuse to get excited. I was dreading the dancing portion of my act because I’d have to come out from behind the waist-high screen that ran nearly the entire length of the DJ booth and expose my lower half to all those eyes. I paused for a moment.

What was I doing? What would I do if my dick grew during the performance and someone got a shot of the obvious bulge in my pants? What if my cock ran up my front and made a spectacle of itself underneath my blouse? My heart was beating so fast...I couldn’t do this.

No! I was here to make beautiful music with my new girlfriend and to go on a journey of musical discovery with all these amazing people who had chosen me over the other fifteen acts they could have gone to. Using my excitement about performing with Athena to fend off my worry, I connected the rest of my gear.

Once I had everything set up, I played my favorite warm-up track. It had a soothing melody, some sparkly glass bell sounds, and a simple breakbeat. I talked over the music, "I need your help. After three more songs, I'm going to reveal a big surprise. I need my surprise to hear us count down so she knows when to come out. Can you do that for me?"

The animatronic dragon that the stage was built into dipped its gigantic head down and looked over the crowd as if to emphasize my question.

The crowd yelled, "YEAH!"

I held up three fingers and the crowd yelled, "Three!"

The first song I played was my second most famous one. It had birds chirping in the background and seemed chill, but it quickly started to come apart running the chirps in reverse and turning them into a surprise drop that was almost a cacophony. Some people said it sounded like auto-tuned birds laughing. The drums had an odd sixteen bar progression that kept the crowd on its toes. Then there was my voice soaring above it all only to crash down and get tangled up in the bird calls until it was unclear which was which. It was something I thought no one would want to hear, but Ted and Neon had pleaded for me to release it.

As the song was winding down and I was crossfading to the second one, I held up two fingers and the crowd yelled, "Two!"

The second song was a remix I'd done of Avicii's Levels to commemorate his death. Near the end of the song, I grabbed the mic and sang the main melody along with the crowd. As I brought in the next song, I held up one finger and everyone yelled, "One!"

The third song I played was the song I'd had trouble finishing until a few days ago. As the deep bass hit my clit and prick, I remembered what had happened during the soundcheck.

Since I'd already started the song, I couldn't switch off of it, so I stood there blushing more and more as I got hard and wet. I hadn't done anything sexual since very early that morning and it was coming back to haunt me. 

As the drop hit, I groaned and rubbed my thighs together. My clit was excited and rubbing against the back of my balls. I couldn't tell if it was how horny I was or more transformation, but my balls felt heavier...sexier.

The beat was too danceable for me to remain still and I bit my lip as I shifted on my feet and bounced. I would've resisted the urge more, but DJs dancing to their music helped sell it even more to the crowd and getting erect felt so so good in my compression shorts. It was getting squeezed between my leg and the fabric, almost like getting shoved in a pussy. Fuck, I wanted to try Athena's mare pussy!

The crowd was dancing nice and hard. As expected, it was just the right energy to bring Athena in on. I held up a circle made from my thumb and index finger and the crowd cried, "Zero!"

I started playing something that started with Athena’s most famous songs. Its slow, expectant beat soon had the crowd on edge. All eyes were on me, wondering what was gonna happen next.

Speaking over the beat, I said, "I was so sick this week I asked for some help doing my set. But when I was trying to teach her how to use my equipment we made incredible music together instead. You should know who she is. There's a twitter hashtag about us." I'd never stood in front of a crowd with a boner. Even though it was hidden by a sturdy waist-high wooden wall and a screen that displayed music visualizations, I still felt naked standing in front of the crowd with a boner.

The herm shark mosaic was the first to yell, "Katehena!"

I put up my arms to let them know I wanted them to chant and they did. "Katethena! Katethena! Katethena!" The dragon dipped its head down and unleashed fog from its mouth, further adding to the giddy expectation as Athena made her way to the stage. 

Raucous cheering erupted as Athena walked on stage and kissed me on the cheek. I said, "Let's introduce each other." I wrapped an arm around Athena. "This is Athena, she likes to make demonic sounds that some people mistake for music."

Athena took the mic. "This is Kate. According to twitter, she likes bass drops and ducks."

The crowd laughed as I hit the button on my launchpad that queued the rest of the song, something Athena and I’d finished just before dinner. At first, it still seemed to just be Athena’s song. But ten seconds later, it started getting glitchy. Eyes widened as the glitches destroyed the song until only a simple drum pattern was left. I filled the void left by the other instruments with my mellow voice, "What can you do?"

"When you're standing in fire?" That part echoed a few times as if waiting for an answer. It was very weird to be singing while I was hard as steel, but I worked to focus on the crowd instead of my own body.

"And no one is the-ere to lift you up?"

"And no one is the-ere to lift you up?" I sang hopelessly.

A bunch of hollow howling synth pads filled the air with a sense of quiet desperation. Like being stuck at the bottom of a dry well and hearing the wind blow overhead.

"Surrounded by demons. Out of ammo."

"Nowhere left to turn. Nowhere to run."

"You drop all your weapons. Inches from death."

"One final option." A light hopeful, but deranged, melody started to play. "Breathe in the darkness." A bellowing angry bass started up sounding a bit like a motorcycle.

"Clothe yourself in flames."

The dragon covered the crowd in fog moving its head from left to right.

I hit a button on my Launchpad to pitch-shift my voice so it was very low and sinister. "Become a demon. Become the fire!" Then I turned that effect off.

"Remake the world to your desire!" The stage went dark and a roaring swell of noise built up as prerecorded clips of my voice singing the lyrics, the bass line, the drums, and the haunting synths in the background started to glitch. The decomposition of the song went until me singing, "Become!" faster and faster was the only sound. Then, as the lights were brought back up, that word-turned-musical-note was pitched up and down until it was a whole new melody. Instruments came back, one by one, to join it until an uplifting song with a demonic underbelly had been created.

The tension and building energy had the whole crowd dancing and they kept dancing as Athena slowly cut in with a new hopeful song that soon lost its hope. I layered a soft melody over it as if to console it for its loss. The melody ended up even more sugary than normal because the bass was going right to my crotch and I was feeling ridiculously alive. The only sad part of it all was that I wanted to dance, but my engorged genitals would make it impossible. 

While I had to keep my hands on the controls, my prick pressed up past the waist of my pants and made a clear outline in my blouse, threatening to be caught on tape by the cameramen documenting our set. I played chicken with my anxiety about exposure and was about to run backstage when I got to the end of the song. Just as Athena took the reins for the next song, I turned away from the crowd. Then I crouched down and undid my pants so I could aim it down the side of my left leg. 

Athena was biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together. I could smell her excitement building as we played our next few songs. The last one in that group was the track we'd pre-made for this performance: our remix of her most famous song. Not needing to do anything but let the song play, she grabbed me and started grinding against me to the beat of the music. 

The crowd went wild. Some even cheered, "Katethena!"

She smelled amazing and, as we danced, I felt the head of my cock creep down my leg. It crested eight inches by the middle of the song and then just kept going. My balls were stretching my compression shorts. The bigger my package got, the more excited Athena got until she was shivering and working to suppress whinnies as we danced together.

All eyes were on us. Even though the crowd was unaware of what was happening to me, I was blushing deeply and feeling very shy.

That blush got worse when Athena grabbed me and pulled me against her so she could grind her cock against mine. When I moaned, she turned around and twerked her ass against my package, which got the crowd very excited. But they weren't nearly as excited as I was. I bit my lip to avoid whinnying as I thought about Athena's mare cunt. The fabric between us was really cramping my style.

Knowing she couldn't take things too far, Athena stopped and danced with me in a more relaxed manner as the song came to a close. Then we turned back toward the audience and started making music with each other again. 

My prick wouldn't quit, it kept shoving farther and farther down my leg, each inch making it more tempting to grab. When I started grinding against the side of the DJ table built into the stage, I pred and shuddered. Our scents were driving each other crazy. Every puff of air I took in got me hotter and wetter. A whinny was caught in the back of my throat and it didn't help that Athena looked like she was holding back a whinny too.

Athena looked into my eyes, her tongue licking across her lips. She was gone, her expression held no professionalism, only lust. Before I could try to bring her back to her senses, she grabbed me and shoved our pricks against each other. I could feel the heat, how painfully hard she was, and her flare was expanding.

As my eyes widened, her mouth flew open and she whinnied. That was all it took, I was whinnying right along with her as she came, cum spraying down her pant leg and into her shoe, some soaking through my rave pants. As this happened, she clung to me and erratically bucked her hips.

My body wanted to join her, my flare was getting larger, but I couldn't forget the crowd the way she had. As we stopped whinnying, a bizarre idea popped into my head. I thrust my microphone toward the crowd and looked at them expectantly.

Thinking it was part of our performance, the crowd whinnied back. 

This turned Athena's look of worry about what she'd just done into one of delight. I kissed her and then brought the mic up to my lips. "Athena will be right back. Meanwhile, let's see if I can ruin one of her tracks!"

As she left to wash all the cum out of her pant leg and shoe, I pulled up one of her most somber tracks and whinnied into the mic. Then I turned my whinny into a parody of the melody and got some good laughs from the crowd. I held the mic out to them toward the end and got a nice whinny, ensuring no one would forget this performance. As far as I was concerned, we’d meant to add whinnying to our set all along and we’d likely take the secret of what had actually happened to our graves.

Athena came back with a towel and kept herself low so no one saw her as she wiped up the puddle of cum she'd made. Then she tossed the towel backstage and creeped up from behind the DJ wall. Looking at the crowd, she held a finger up to her lips to signal to them to keep her presence a secret while she trolled me by adding musical moos to the music.

I pretended to have no idea what was happening and the crowd laughed really hard as I struggled to find the source of the mooing. A minute later, I looked at Athena as if I'd just caught her and pointed at her accusingly. She held her hands up helplessly and then I pretended I was going to smack her. When she closed her eyes in expectation of the smack, I leaned in and gave her a kiss. We got an "Aww" from the crowd for that.

Athena’s pant leg was soaked from her having washed it off in the bathroom, and all she had on her right foot was a damp black sock. I tried not to think about that or how it felt to have her prick pulse against mine as she blew her load, but it was legendarily difficult. We soon got into a groove with our music that had me grinding against the DJ booth wall again.

My balls felt huge and my compression shorts were getting uncomfortably tight. I could feel them pulsing, filling out my crotch more and more. I couldn't wait to show Athena, to feel them slap against her ass...Realizing I was on my way to cumming in front of the crowd just like Athena, I stopped grinding and focused on making the best music I could. I used my love of music and my love of performing, to pave over my lust. I told myself I was a professional and that I would be able to fuck Athena the moment the show was over. Keeping my composure while performing was a habit, second nature.

To my surprise, my cock behaved itself and went back into its sheath. Sure, I felt twitchy, and like I had an atom bomb waiting between my legs, but at least I wasn't erect. Athena and I had learned our lesson and avoided doing anything lewd.

Twenty minutes later, however, that atom bomb between my legs had escalated to the fucking Cuban Missile Crisis. My dick, the area behind it, and my abdomen were sending aching waves through me. It was the same ache that I'd gotten from trying to hold back on masturbating many times this week, but it was way way worse. I looked at Athena with pain clear on my face and she motioned for me to go backstage.

She addressed the crowd. "Kate has to step out. She's having a blast, but she's sick as a dog and I'm surprised she lasted this long. Let's give her some love before she goes!"

The crowd cheered along with Athena, "We love you Kate!"

I blew the crowd a kiss and then rushed to the green room. There, I practically leaped out of my clothes. That's when I saw myself in the mirror, mottled sheath and balls looming large between my legs. Fuck, they were gorgeous.

I walked up closer to the mirror and marveled as the blunt head of my prick poked out. Then I groaned as I started running my fingers over the head, enjoying how sensitive and springy it was. Inches of my shaft spilled out of my sheath as I wrapped my right hand around it and squeezed. Moaning as pre beaded at the tip, I cupped my heavy balls with my left hand and pulled them up against the base of my shaft.

Pre dribbled down the underside as I kept stroking, gripping, and tugging. When I felt like I was going to cum, I let go of the shaft and just focused on groping my balls. The sac was so smooth, they were so wonderfully round and they were so big only one of them could fit in the palm of my hand at a time. If I put the palm of my hand on one of them, the other sat against my wrist...Fuck, they were huge!

I started stroking again, shivering at how good it felt. My dick was pulsing the way it did when it grew, but I didn't care! It was already almost ten inches long, it was going to be near-impossible to hide and my whole body was burning to find release. Plus, it felt so good to finally show it the appreciation it deserved.

As it passed eleven inches, there was a puddle of pre on the concrete floor of the green room. I started stroking faster, wanting to find relief, but it was being stubborn as it grew. Before I knew it, the damn thing was over a foot long and releasing another gush of pre. It was as big around as a water bottle.

I let go and looked down. Big Tony was enormous! My balls felt heavier too. Did I dare encourage it further? With a pang of desperation that made my stomach twist in knots, it got me to wrap my hands around it once again. It took only a few strokes to feel the pressure inside me explode into pleasure. As I whinnied in ecstasy, I painted the mirror white. My right hand held my balls, my left hand gripped the base of my shaft as my flare got bigger than the palm of my hand.

As I nearly lost my balance, my prick gained another two inches of length making my orgasm seem to last forever. After I'd shot my last spurt, I looked down at my horsecock with my jaw hanging open. It was bigger than Athena's!


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Ebook)


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