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"Thank you for choosing the deluxe package. Are you ready to test your new form using a companion?"

You make a circle with your hands.

"Amira will arrive in sixty seconds. Do not be alarmed by her shape-shifting abilities. The acoustic levitation will experience a slight disruption as she enters, refrain from sudden movements."

The door opens slowly and you hear a whine mixed in with the other frequencies holding you aloft. You bounce ever so slightly in the air as a five-and-a-half-foot tall woman with a wide-hipped muscular stature enters. 

Amira takes in all your features, one by one, as the door closes behind her. Her short black hair recedes into her head as her face pushes out into a muzzle, and scales the same color as yours spread across the skin of her crotch and thighs.

Hopping into the air, she gets caught in the turbulence you're suspended in and begins to orbit you. Her breasts quickly balloon to your size as her whole body becomes thicker to match your voluptuous proportions. A tail bursts forth from her back end while her toenails become claws and scales replace the skin on her legs. Every revolution she makes around you puts her closer and now she's only a couple arms lengths away.

Biting her lip, she rubs her hands over her groin just in front of her pussy. A sheath forms in seconds and a pointy draconic prick pushes out of it. While she strokes herself and grabs at her huge tits, a scaly sac forms below her sheath. A spurt of pre fires from the tip of her dick as balls pop into her sac and then swell to become the same size as yours.

She grabs hold of you and presses her boobs against yours while her muzzle continues pushing out from her face. Taking hold of your nice round ass, she grinds her lengthening shaft against yours.

When you grab her ass you find it every bit as marvelous as yours. She kisses you and runs her quickly forking tongue across your lips. As her prick matches yours in size and gains ridges, she sticks her tail up between your legs and prods at your desperate snatch before shoving it inside. She takes your gasp of pleasure as an invitation to kiss you deeper.

You instinctually spread your legs and pull her more tightly against you as you're penetrated by another person for the first time.

When she breaks the kiss, you see a mirror image of yourself, not one scale or curve out of place. Even her horns have the exact same swoop to them as yours.

Both of you are hot as fuck.

Taking advantage of your moment of awe, she loosens her grasp on you and pulls her tail out. Then, before you fully realize what's happening, she spins you around and shoves her prick into your pussy from behind. You can feel each ridge pop inside you as her tits and fat nipples press against your back. Only three inches of her length is inside you and the girth is already stretching your cunt. Everything about her cock, she got from you, and your cock is huge. 

You gasp and spread your legs more, bending a bit more forward, wanting her in deeper. Her tail wraps around your waist, giving her more leverage. You moan as she grunts and stuffs more inside you. The vibrations levitating you two are making it feel like her dick is a powerful vibrator. You're glad your cries of pleasure are being swallowed up by the sound surrounding you because you'd be embarrassed otherwise.

Her right hand grabs your breast and her left hand grabs your prick. As she works to fill you with her whole length, she strokes you while squeezing at your ridges and knot to drive you crazy.

You're close to orgasm by the time she gets two-thirds in you. The only thing stopping you is not wanting to disappoint her. You just barely hang on as she pulls all the way out and shoves back in over and over preparing you to take all of her. The feeling  of her ridges dragging against your inner walls is making you squeal every time she pulls out. You're so wet and she's so hard that jackhammering your pussy is easy.

When she buries her uninflated knot inside you, the added stretch makes your tail curl. 

She bends you further forward, puts your tail up over her shoulder, and slaps her balls against yours, jostling your clit. You can feel your ass jiggle every time she connects. 

Because you're both suspended in the air, she's forced to use her tail, along with her grip on your right breast and your cock, for leverage. Her firmly-squeezing hand is flying up and down your shaft, using your pre as lube. Both your knot and hers are expanding. Every time she pulls out, it tugs at your elastic scaly pussy lips and every time she shoves back in, you hope she'll finally knot you and cum inside you. There's a bright burning ball of pleasure in your groin, an explosion of ecstasy waiting to go off. If she teases you any longer, your cock and pussy are going to burst. 

Your heart is racing, you're barely able to keep up with your breathing. The unknown sits waiting: your first orgasm from getting dicked.

Granting your wish, she shoves in one last time and does not pull back out. Reaching behind your knot, she squeezes, knowing this will set you off immediately. Her knot swells inside you, stretching your snatch to its limit as her prick thunders from base to tip. You rumble as your prick does the same. As your pussy rhythmically grips her shaft, your cock spurts thick ropes of cum.

Twin peaks from your pussy and cock are colliding, making you feel like a very lucky herm. The forceful flash of your shaft's orgasm is a bright shining beacon, illuminating the tidal wave of bliss from your snatch. It's like chocolate and vanilla, a delightful swirl of outstanding.

In time with yours, her dick delivers a deluge of cum. The first spurt forces your pussy to stretch and by the time the fourth and fifth come out, your belly is starting to round. The more she fills you, the more intense your orgasm gets. Those balls definitely weren't for show. You can't believe how productive you and her are. Wiggling your hips, you tug at her knot, making both of you roar.

At the end of your shared ecstatic peak, she gives you a firm love bite on the neck and then shoves her knot as deep in you as she can. Your pussy cums again, making you tremble from head to claw.

After that, she just holds you, nuzzling your cheek, as you both fall into a deep relaxation. While she waits for her knot to soften, her hands explore every inch of you. You're completely calm and content by the time she's ready to pull out.

Grabbing your hips, she pulls away, stretching you open wider and wider until her knot pops free and flood of her cum streams down the insides of your legs. You two share a parting kiss before she makes a circle with her hands.

"Please remain still as Amira leaves."

The door starts to open and she spirals away from you and closer to the door. When she reaches the bottom of the sphere, she blows you a kiss and walks away as her scales revert back into skin. The door closes the moment she steps off the ramp.

>>>What happens next?<<<

-->I'm not done yet, I wanna suck myself off! 

-->I made sure I'd be an egg factory and Amira just gave me my first clutch! 

-->Take me back to the beginning so I can try out a different TF. 

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