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(The first edition of the CYOTF project is in the editing stage and should be out soon.)

I have this idea for a furry anthro alien character that's somewhere between a tiger, a kangaroo, and a dragon who has two pussies in addition to hir cock.

Since shi has a lot of room due to hir kangaroo-like legs and big tail, the pussies fit fine one after the other.

Shi'll be showing up in a story sometime soon and I'm wondering if this is too strange for y'all. It's not something I have to do, just something I got a cool idea for.

What do you think about this?


Esten Rye

Question, are they two separate fully functional pussies each with its own womb? Or are they both connected to the same womb?


This is an important question. Separate wombs would give a species an evolutionary advantage as they could potentially carry twice the amount of young to term. Two pussies to the same womb isn't very realistic exobiology, but is nonetheless pretty hot.