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Charlemagne's Stolen Secret - Part 6

~A Persephone and Tritonia story~

by Zmeydros

(Edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

As my Lyft drove me past Alphonse’s repair van, I spied the rented car that had brought Persephone, Abrams, Pepper, and Tsubumi to the area parked on N Hermosa Drive. All the houses in this area were big and had large lots. Green, tan, and brown were in a luxurious blend with bushes and palm trees sticking out over the short walls that hid most of the properties. Structures in this area blended in with the rest of the arid environment and took many of their color cues from the parched mountains in the distance.

Getting out of my Lyft and then giving the driver a good tip for acting like it was completely normal for women to be seven feet tall and a bit equine, I approached the gate to Mark Brin’s property. Flanking the gate were tiered blocky cube-bricked walls that formed square niches which held desert plants. On either side of the walkway were desert rocks, sand, and desert bushes. Most of the other houses in the area had grass even though water was scarce in California.

The black dome of a security camera sat on the top corner of the wall the heavy-hinged gate doors were in. A fob reader was next to the gate. The latch buzzed and Mark Brin’s voice said, “Come on in. I’m currently in the kitchen.”

As I entered, Abrams' voice came through my earpiece. “We’re gonna neutralize the guard on the far side of the pool. See if you can make eye contact with him so he’s not looking where Pepper’s going to come from.”

On the other side of the gate there was a concrete breezeway with square holes cut into it standing on thin steel supports. Straight ahead of me was the main door to the house and to my left was the pool and just beyond that was a guard who had a black goatee, a black baseball cap, and circular sunglasses. I waved at him.

As he waved back, Pepper dashed out from behind the house and reached around him slapping duct tape on his mouth. She then pinched his nose so he couldn’t breathe and he tried to grapple her. He got her fingers off his nose by twisting out of her grasp. She grabbed one of his wrists and threw him to the ground before sitting atop him with his face against the large loose pebbles that surrounded the pool. Then she duct taped his wrists together. After doing the same to his ankles, she dragged him back around the corner.

The house itself was made out white-painted concrete, floor-to-ceiling brown-metal-framed windows, and perfectly rectangular columns of thin flagstone slices. The roof was ever so slightly canted and met in the middle making a very flat M shape.

I kept walking down the walkway as if nothing was wrong.

“Make the guard just inside the door come out to meet you,” Abrams said.

The guard just inside the door was a woman with her long blonde hair pulled up under her hat. She had a big sidearm and a neck mic. Her demeanor was that of someone who had been in spec-ops. As I approached the door, I pretended to trip and fall on one of the spaces between the concrete slabs that made up the walkway. I bruised my hip and got a scrape on my hand from the concrete as I fell onto my side, but that was the price of a convincing fall.

As the female guard raced to cross the fifteen that separated me from her, Boom came from around the corner, slapped duct tape over her mouth, and threw her to the grass. It happened so fast that all the woman got to do was make a muffled yelp of surprise. The woman had her wrists and ankles duct taped a few seconds later and then Boom carried her away at a blistering run.

“Persephone is going to shadow you in the door. Just walk slowly and she’ll come around the corner,” Abrams said.

I hit the talk button at my side twice to let them know I heard them. It wasn’t something I could do if eyes were on me, but I figured I should do it when I could.

I heard Persephone come up behind me as I walked down the hallway past a bathroom and a bedroom. The wall to my right was the pillar of flagstones and had a very nice texture to it. Persephone ducked into the bedroom as I turned to walk through the living room so I could get to the kitchen that was on the other side of it. The whole room was open and the living room simply consisted of a luxurious dark brown leather couch. A flat screen TV was fit into a wooden nook that held records and a professional recording rig from the late forties. It was a huge, industrial-looking steel contraption with turntables, analog needle readouts, and clunky brown knobs.

Mark Brin grabbed a plate of sauteed mushrooms off of the long white marble counter next to him and tossed half of them into the omelette he was making. Surrounding him on the left were fifties light teal cabinets with straight metal handles. He closed the omelette he was making and flipped it over. I smelled fresh garlic, basil, brie, grape seed oil, and marsala wine. 

Glancing behind himself, he said, “Are you a fan of mushrooms?”

His casualness had caught me completely off guard and it took me a couple seconds to answer, “Yeah.”

Plopping the omelette onto a teal plate that matched the color of the cabinets, he said, “Then, this one’s yours.” His grey eyes twinkled and his dark hair shined in the light from the wall of glass that led to the pool. The long-sleeved blue-grey T-shirt he was wearing went well with his aged black jeans. He still looked too thin.

“Wow, Mark, this smells really good,” I said.

“Well, you’ll have to thank my husband. Without him, I’d only be able to boil water and steep tea.” He laughed as he cracked eggs into a bowl.

“Could I get a fork?” I asked.

“Drawer second from the end on the peninsula,” he said as he scrambled the eggs.

As I opened the drawer, I looked through the big windows on the other side of the dining area and marveled at the piano-shaped pool beyond. I pulled out a fork and tried my omelette. “Oh God! This is fantastic!” The mushrooms had been sauteed in garlic oil and marsala wine, the slight bite to the brie went perfectly with the sweetness of the marsala and the basil cut through the fattiness of the ingredients bringing everything together. My sense of smell was better than ever, better than it had been yesterday, even. Picking out all the ingredients was easy.

“Glad you like it,” he said as he poured the scrambled eggs into the big cast iron skillet. “There’s more of you than there was a few days ago.”

“I came into contact with NPO 6295-370-6 and am taking on some equine traits, apparently including their size,” I said.

“Don’t wait for me, eat while the cheese is still melty,” he said.

I took a bite, still standing and holding the plate in my left hand. If I didn’t pace myself, this whole omelette would be gone before he finished making his.

He added brie, basil, and then mushrooms before closing up his omelette and flipping it. “You were a big woman before, but now you’re likely big enough that air travel is a problem.”

“Oh, it’s awful,” I said.

“At least you get a luxurious tail out of it.” He chuckled.

“It’s not much use to me other than maybe a tiny bit of help with balance and a reason to put an extra hole in every pair of pants.” I took another bite.

“Who did that incredible braid?”

“Tsubumi,” I said through my mouthful.

“That girl can do anything she sets her mind to,” he said as he put his omelette on a plate.

I nodded. “She’s a real asset. Genuinely nice person too.” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Boom grabbing a guard who was walking the periphery of the pool and pull him out of view with lightning efficiency. Then there was an odd click on the coms and the line was more silent than normal. There was nothing I could do about it, Alphonse would have to fix whatever technical problem had just occurred.

As Mark turned off the range, I noticed the oven was set to warmer mode.

“Is something in the oven?” I asked. Dread filled me as I felt blood rush toward my crotch.

“I’m expecting company after we have our chat. I have enough sauteed mushrooms for five more omelettes,” he said.

“Well, they’re going to be quite pleased.” I shivered and angled my crotch away from him as my prick swelled in my compression shorts.

“I hope so.” He motioned toward the big round dining table where there were five plates were already set out with silverware, water glasses, and teal placemats. The last two table settings had everything except plates. In the center of the table was a stainless steel pitcher of water with ice. “Shall we have a seat?”

“Yes, thank you.” I walked over to the table and sat in one of the wooden chairs, threading my tail through the back.

After setting his plate down, he said, “Ice or no ice?” 

“Ice, please.” The head of my cock was reaching down my pant leg and my balls were swelling, taking up more space in my crotch. Not letting the mix of discomfort and pleasure onto my face was a real challenge.

He filled my glass and then his own before sitting down and using his fork to cut off a piece of his omelette. “Is it rough turning into a hybrid?”

“It’s incredibly distracting and scary,” I said.

He pointed at my nose with his fork. “Well, I don’t mean to alarm you, but your nose is flattening a bit.”

I reached up and touched my nose. It felt tender and was indeed flatter. “Shit!”

“What do we do? This is completely outside my experience.”

“There’s nothing we can do.” I sighed as my dick surged larger reaching toward my knee. This heist needed to be over quick or I’d have to make a trip to the bathroom to jack off. “Why don’t you tell me what led you to want to run for president while I try to eat my omelette before my transformation gets in the way.” 

Every bite I took of this delicious omelette made me want to like Mark more. If he was trying to win me over with food, it was working. That didn’t mean I didn’t want to see his face when he realized we’d stolen the NPO back.

“I was diagnosed with cancer two months ago.” He took a bite of his omelette.

I ate another bite giving him space to continue. He’d just delivered an emotional payload that cooled my libido and explained why he’d looked less healthy the last time I’d seen him. That was one mystery down. But another mystery had my full attention: why hadn’t I heard from Abrams or anyone else on the team?

“Now that just makes you wonder more why I’d want to run for president. Well, if I die, I want to at least popularize issues that need to get fixed and plans to fix them. I’ve got economists, policy wonks, thousands of people from different walks of life, and other forward-thinking CEOs all putting in their two cents. I want a system where artists don’t starve and students don’t work the rest of their lives paying off their education like a second mortgage. I want plans so good that everyone is salivating to implement them,” he said.

Not wanting to chance me getting a horse muzzle while I was still trying to eat my omelette, I ate quickly while he talked. Then as I tried to respond, my jaws pinched and my ears tingled. Once those sensations passed, I said, “Some people are going to be wary of your sudden change of heart.”

He swallowed his bite and then said, “They have every right to be. I’ll just have to show them through action.”

Something was off. Mark kept looking at the large door that led out to the pool and he was eating his omelette too slowly. It felt like he was waiting for something.

It was time to put him off balance. “Is your cancer why you stole 1756-442-5?”

He set his fork down and looked into my eyes. “Yes.”

“You could have just requisitioned it,” I said.

He laughed. “And wait months for the paperwork to go through?”

“Surely you can afford cancer treatment,” I said.

“It’s aggressive pancreatic cancer,” he said. “Without that NPO, I will be dead in three months. With it, I can live indefinitely.”

I hadn’t shaken him at all. I needed a new tactic. “Yes, but, you could have asked me to help you expedite the paperwork.”

“Until you ate that omelette, you didn’t give a shit whether I died. You’ve never liked me. You think I’m just some white-collar asshole who’s using his money to play Risk with world powers.”

“What evidence do I have to the contrary?” I asked. “How do I know your cancer story isn’t a fabrication you made up to convince me?”

“If I can’t convince you that I’m on the level now, even after sharing the truth with you, what play do I have left!?” He leapt out of his chair and growled in frustration, his eyes wet. “I don’t want to die before I get the chance to make things right, Charlemagne. I’ve driven companies out of business, stifled innovation by tying good ideas up in court, and helped to gut our government of people who have empathy. There’s people in Burma who are permanently disabled because I was counting pennies instead of showing human decency.”

I stood up and made a fist. “And integral to your plan to save the world from the things you’ve done is to steal an NPO and jeopardize the integrity of an organization that is literally keeping the world from falling into chaos! If you want to start being a decent person, start asking for things instead of taking them.”

“But I didn’t have time!” He flung his hands toward me, palms up, pleading with me to see reason.

“Using your wealth and power to take things without asking is exactly how you built your mountain of regrets. How is doing the exact same thing a change of face? I don’t understand.” An ache shot through my jaw.

“No, you don’t understand.” He shook his head, his fury having turned into sorrow. “You’re being even more selfish than me and you can’t see it. Ask yourself, how is me surviving cancer less urgent than rolling back your transformation into a hybrid?”

My eyes went wide as my breath caught in my throat.

“We’re done here.” He walked over and opened the door that went out to the pool. “Bring them in!”

A single-file line of eight guards in full combat gear came through the gate with Alphonse, Abrams, Persephone, and Pepper in cuffs. They entered the dining room, lining up in front of me. My team looked ashamed and couldn’t meet my eyes. Walking out from behind the line of guards was Francesca.

“You are obstructing an international governmental body.” I glared at Mark Brin, Francesca, and the guards. My right fist ached from me clenching it so hard. This was the worst possible time for me to change more, but my nose and neck were itching.

Francesca whispered in Mark’s ear.

He nodded and then said, “We’ll be apprehending Tsubumi soon and then I’d like all of you to leave my home and let me keep the means to save my life. I promise I will go through proper channels from now on and I will make good on the promises I made about funding for your program. I hold no ill will toward you or your team. Everyone was just doing their job.”

Boom’s voice came through my headset while Mark was still speaking. “Back away from the guards.”

I kept my face neutral and took a couple steps back and put my hand on the back of my chair as if I was trying to steady myself.

“So, can we call a truce?”

From outside the house, on the other side of the wall, we heard ping, ping, ping, ping, ping like metal striking something really hard and then gunshots and another ping.

Mark swore and crouched down as all the guards looked behind them. Francesca drew her desert eagle and aimed it at the door.

I picked up the steel water pitcher while everyone was distracted and threw it at Francesca.

As Francesca moved to dodge the water pitcher, Boom raced in through the open door and rammed the left-most guard with her shoulder. I heard a crunch as his body armor got compressed by her devastating blow. There was so much force that that guard was flung into the one standing next to him, like dominos. 

As the first two guards fell toward the ground, Boom grabbed the third one and ran her knee into the woman’s stomach. The guard cried out in pain and was still falling toward the floor as Boom grabbed the next guard’s shoulder. As the water pitcher clanged across the floor, the guard on the end pulled out his gun. Boom lunged toward him and grabbed his gun, but part of her hand was over the barrel and when the shot was fired, the bullet went through the side of Boom’s hand.

She growled in pain and rage as she elbowed that guard so hard that his head snapped to the side and he fell limply to the ground. She grabbed the guard next to him and used her speed to push him right through the huge glass window. As shards of glass were still falling, she grabbed the guard’s baton and threw it at the guard who’d been holding Alphonse. It hit him right in the nose. Then she slid across the floor and swept the feet out from under the last two that were standing. One of them grabbed onto Percy to try and stay upright, but Percy was caught by surprise and fell down with him, yelping in surprise. As she fell, she put out her arms to break her fall and her left arm landed in glass from the window.

Boom had been moving so fast that her wound whipped blood all over the place. Her blood was splattered on the ground, the walls, and the floor. Pepper, Alphonse, and Abrams all looked on in shock while Mark Brin cowered and pulled at his hair. My face, teeth, nose, and jaws hurt. I needed that NPO.

My heart was racing so fast that my chest felt numb. Francesca was in deep concentration as she moved to get a clear shot. The three guards that had been thrown to the floor at the beginning of the scuffle had rolled onto their backs and drawn their guns. Everyone was concentrating on lining up a shot which accounted for Boom’s speed.

I yelled “STOP!” as Francesca pulled her trigger. Boom looked at me instead of in the direction of the bullet.

The shot hit her body armor, knocking the wind out of her. She gasped for air on the floor as my nose started aching. I could feel my nostrils moving apart, enlarging, as my vision got interrupted by my face pushing out.

Mark Brin yelled, “STOP!” and all the guards just stayed on the floor. I was sure at least five of them had broken bones.

“You can have the damn NPO—GAH!” My jaws pressed forward against the skin of my face as my teeth moved in my gums, pinching them. “Ith’s noth worsh ish.” Controlling my tongue was very difficult with it growing longer while I was speaking.

“Francesca, uncuff us so we can tend to the wounded,” Pepper said, straining her voice.

In a daze, Francesca walked over and helped everyone out of their cuffs. Abrams was kneeling next to Boom making sure she was okay, he was the last one to get uncuffed.

Tsubumi, Pepper, and Francesca looked over the guard’s wounds. Alphonse looked like he was going to faint seeing all the blood and injuries, but he followed orders from Francesca to get a first aid kit from under the sink. He then helped Abrams clean and dress Tsubumi’s hand and Persephone’s profusely-bleeding arm. Everyone made good use of the first aid kit tending lacerations, broken ribs, broken noses, and broken limbs.

Mark came over to me, a worried crease in his brow. “Are you okay?”

“Y-yesh.” I said as my jaws kept pressing outward. Fur was spreading up my back and stomach. A coat was coming in on the backs of my hands too.

“Do you need a doctor?”

“Nothing they cansh tho!” I said as I sat in my chair.

Mark watched me change, his mouth half open. My ears pinched as they got longer. I ran my hands over my face, massaging at the tightness in my jaws and skin. More and more of my vision had a muzzle in it. More and more of my skin itched as I got fur.

My nipples perked up as fur spread across my breasts. My tongue felt like I’d hung a weight on it as it got longer and my teeth felt like they were getting wiggled as my jaws changed. Fur was swiftly traveling up my neck and down my arms to join the fur that had formed on the backs of my hands.

I kept getting glances from my team, but they tried very hard to stay focused on trauma care.

When paramedics arrived, one of them came over to me and said, “Do you need assistance?” She had long black hair that was pulled back and was wearing a medic hat. Her professionalism was shown in how well she hid her surprise at what was happening to me.

I shook my head.

“She’s going to be fine,” Mark said, sounding unsure.

The female paramedic said, “Alright,” and went to help the other paramedics tend to the wounded.

Once her right arm was mummified in bandages, Persephone came over to me. “I’m so sorry.”

My jaw clicked and I opened and closed my mouth. My horse muzzle was complete, it seemed. I tried speaking for a good thirty seconds before I managed to say, “I’m athraid to look in the mirror.”

Mark reached across the table and grabbed my hand. “Don’t worry about what you look like now. You can have the NPO. I’ll give it to you.”

Percy shook her head and blinked.

I tilted my head. “What?”

“You were using it to keep your identity and if I don’t give it back, you will have died in a way,” he said as he let go of my hand.

“But you’ll die,” I said, wanting to believe that this change of heart was false, but knowing it wasn’t.

“Friends and family won’t recognize you. You won’t recognize yourself in the mirror. Photos taken of you, memories, will all be of someone you don’t look anything like. You might have dysphoria for the rest of your life. And airplane flights will be murder.” He smiled, but there was no confidence in it. “I think I gave up too soon. With all my money, I may be able to pull off a medical miracle.”

“What’s going on?” Persephone asked.

“He was using NPO 1756-442-5 to roll back the advancement of his pancreatic cancer.”

Percy covered her mouth. “Oh, shit.”

Mark’s equivalency didn’t work for me. We’d both still be alive if I let him have the NPO. “You can keep it. I’ll finish the transfer paperwork when I get back.”

They both balked. Persephone asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I think I showed that I didn’t deserve it,” Mark said.

“I didn’t believe your rhetoric about trying to be a better person until you offered to give up the NPO.” I leaned back in my chair. “All your life, you’ve lived with great distance between yourself and the consequences of your actions. Seeing people bleed due to one’s decisions can be a huge catalyst for change. I should know, my stubbornness played into this too. Being an equine hybrid is going to be extremely inconvenient, but I’m willing to deal with it if the alternative is letting someone, who’s just starting to redeem themselves, die.”

Mark started crying tears of relief. “Thank you! Oh thank you!”

I waited for Mark to recover before moving my hoof above his dress shoe and stepping on it. As he winced, I said, “If you make me regret my decision, I am going to come at you like an angry three-thousand-pound draft horse. Understood?” I applied more pressure.

He winced as he nodded.

Pulling my hoof away, I said, “Good, now, I’m still hungry and I want you to get out one of the omelettes you’re storing in the oven while I check on Tsubumi.”

“How did you know?” he asked.

“About the omelettes? You always think things are gonna go your way. So when I saw the extra table settings and that you were keeping your oven warm, I figured you thought I’d call my team off after our chat and we’d all have a nice happy brunch together.”

Percy laughed.

Mark pointed at me. “You are scary.”

“That’s the way I like it,” I said, getting up from the table and going over to Tsubumi.

Her face lit up when she saw me. All the other more injured guards had already been taken to the hospital and she was laying on a gurney near the pool.“You look awesome!”

“I still haven’t looked in the mirror,” I said.

“Well, you should quit your position and become a hybrid fashion model.”

I blushed. “Let’s not go too far.”

“Please tell me you’ve decided to stay this way. When my hand heals, I wanna try new braids.”

Speaking softly so it didn’t carry too far, I said, “Turns out Mark Brin’s life is being saved by the NPO. I can’t, in good conscience, take it away from him.”

“Whoa, are you okay with that?” she said.

I shrugged. “I’ll live. Why are they taking you in?”

“Oh, they’re not taking me in. I’m actually waiting for Ben and Alphonse to pull up in the car. I don’t want to ride in the ambulance. Seems like a waste when I can walk just fine.”

“I’d do the same in your position,” I said. “What do they think about your hand?”

“They think it’ll be okay, but I’m supposed to get an MRI and let them do stuff for the puncture wound,” she said.

I leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Make sure they use dissolvable stitches. You heal a bit faster than the doctors expect.”

“Hand’s still gonna be out of commission for a couple weeks.” Boom frowned. 

“After the comic-book-level shit you pulled, you’ve earned some R&R,” I said.

“It was pretty cool, wasn’t it?”

“And terrifying.”

She laughed. “Yeah, especially for them.”

As Abrams and Alphonse walked up, I asked them, “So, how did you all end up captured?”

Abrams frowned. “A private army came after us. I was worried when I spotted drones flying by. Then we were all grabbed at the same time.”

“But I got away because no one was prepared for my speed,” Boom said.

“Did you just hide in the bushes or something?” Alphonse asked.

“I ran four blocks away to get out of range of their drone surveillance. Scared a couple people walking their pets,” she said. “Then, I grabbed an aluminum baseball bat someone had laying around in their back yard. I came back holding it out and got a whole line of them right in their helmets. Then I threw the bat at a couple of them when they tried to shoot at me, jumped over the wall, and ran in the front door.”

“Why didn’t you use your gun?” I asked.

Persephone and Pepper walked out of the house, traveling toward us.

“I didn’t have a kill order and figured I could save lives by just using my speed,” Boom said.

“That was risky, but the right call,” I said.

“I still can’t believe how quickly you took out the guards holding us,” Alphonse said.

“Yeah, that was brutal,” Abrams said.

“Bet everyone wants to know why an army of guards showed up,” Persephone said.

“Yeah, where did they all come from?” Boom asked.

Percy said, “Francesca and I shared a lot of contacts over the years and many of them are quite loyal. When an unknown thief suddenly contacted them asking about stealing something they’d just helped Francesca steal, they sensed foul play.“

“And ratted us out,” Abrams continued.

“Yup,” Pepper nodded. “They told Francesca everything.”

“That explains the twenty soldiers and half dozen drones I saw flying around,” Alphonse said.

“Hey, can you guys get me to the ER? I need some of the good stuff. My hand is killing me,” Boom said.

“Sure thing,” Abrams offered his hand to her uninjured hand and helped her off the gurney.

Abrams and Alphonse ushered Tsubumi to the car. Were they both chasing her tail? Is that why all three of them were together so often?

Persephone said, “Let’s get you in front of a mirror so you can see the new you.”

She and Pepper led me past Mark, who was working with a maid to clean up all the blood, to the nearest bathroom. It had tan tiles and a white tub and sink. I was almost too tall to look in the mirror without bending forward. My hands went immediately to my muzzle. “Oh wow!”

“Do you see why everyone is so into how you look now?” Persephone asked.

My muzzle wasn’t as long as an actual horse’s, it was the perfect length for the shape of the rest of me: Long, but not out of place. My breasts, hips, bulge, and the bay sabino fur pattern were all spectacular. My blonde hair gave way to blonde mane running down the back of my neck. There were streaks of red in my hair, some hand-sized splotches of my fur pattern had more bay, some more white and they were all mixed with the other color. That was what made sabino patterns so striking and why I thought Arcturus was the most beautiful horse I’d ever seen. Now I was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. And I had such a big package, embarrassingly big.

“Hnnggg!” My prick started testing the elasticity of my compression shorts and uniform. 

“You okay?” Pepper asked.

I grabbed her and pressed her up against the wall as my cock extended down my pant leg. I could smell their excitement mixing with my own. It was like a bit of cinnamon in the air. My mouth went to her lips, smothering her with a deep kiss. Her tongue was no match for my equine one and I dominated her with it. My prehensile horse lips moved along with the kiss too, teasing at her face. This was so abnormal for me that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I’d never wanted to have sex simply because I felt sexy and was overwhelmed with joy about my own looks.

My dick was undergoing another growth spurt, it was more than half way down my thigh now. And my balls were along for the ride too. 

Percy rubbed her pricks against my ass as she stifled moans.

My nipples leaked into my bra as I reached into Pepper’s pants and dug a finger into her cooch. She became putty in my hands, writhing against the wall.

Suddenly, Persephone stopped and then gently pulled Pepper and I out of our kiss. “Hey, we really should, you know, get a room.”

“Yeah, and I wanted to help Mark clean up a bit and have more of his omelettes,” I said.

“Well, you’re gonna need to calm down, a lot, to do that.” Pepper said, tapping my ten-inch-long erection.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

“Like that’s gonna work.” Pepper unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down with my compression shorts and undies. Then she nuzzled my cock before taking the end into her mouth.

I leaned on the wall as Pepper sucked me off and fingered herself. Persephone fidgeted until I reached down and tugged her cocks out of her pants. I stroked them with my right hand as she gasped and grabbed at her breasts.

Pepper was using her hands for the several inches she couldn’t fit in her mouth and making sure to tease my medial ring and sheath. I puffed out air as I tried to be careful not to thrust her head right into the wall. Percy was rubbing her cocks all over each other as I stroked them and struggling to keep quiet.

We were going at it so hard and fast that I was grunting constantly and got up to the edge within just a couple minutes. As my cock flared and I knocked my plum-sized balls against Pepper’s chin, I grabbed a hand towel and held it under where my dick met her face. Air puffed out of my nostrils as I breathed out a whinny to try and suppress it. I shot so much jizz that she simply couldn’t swallow it all, the hand towel soaking up the excess.

Meanwhile Persephone let loose a strangled screech as she tried to keep from alarming everyone in the house. Her pricks shot salvo after salvo at the pink shower curtain. I was glad she didn’t let her dicks go into sprinkler mode because we would have been cleaning the bathroom all night.

Just after I finished making a mess in Pepper’s mouth, she grabbed my balls, lifted them up, and pressed her face up against my cooch to muffle her orgasmic cries. My clit throbbed harder and harder as she licked and sucked and lost herself in licking me out while she came.

Pepper refused to stop playing with my mare pussy even after she was done. I bent my legs and tilted my hips so she could get her face in there better. Then I just closed my eyes and rode out her passionate exploration while my wetness got all over her. She’d been storing up all this desire while watching me and Persephone go at it and she was an absolute fanatic. Percy grabbed my hand and made me put fingers inside her. She humped against my arm as she watched.

Hot flashes of pleasure radiated out from my clit and the stretchy opening of my pussy as Pepper reveled in pleasuring my mare cunt. Persephone came around my thick fingers, grabbing onto my massive arm to keep herself steady. She let out a shrill breathy squeak as she did so. The way her snatch pulled at my fingers made my cock rise again.

I took deep breaths, preparing to stifle my whinny, but I completely failed when the time came. My pussy winked repeatedly, pressing my clit right into Pepper’s nose while slathering her face with my juices. My nipples leaked milk profusely as I whinnied so loud, I could feel the wall vibrate due to the sheer sound pressure.

I stumbled when all the muscles I’d been clenching finally relaxed. Pepper emerged from between my legs with my nectar wetting down her hair and dripping from her chin. Persephone wet the hand towel I’d caught my excess cum on and worked to clean up Pepper’s face.

Pepper’s hands were busy stroking my cock to hardness again. She pulled her top and bra off and then hurriedly helped me out of my clothes. Her lust was infectious and the moment she had me hard enough for me to penetrate her, I grabbed her and lifted her right off the floor before pressing her up against the wall again. She was so wet that half my prick slid inside her as I lowered her onto it. Pushing me back a bit, she took my right nipple into her mouth and started sucking. I gasped as I slowly shoved the rest of my cock inside her. It was a very tight fit.

Persephone came over to my left breast, pulled it toward her, and started sucking. Her pricks came out of her slit as she eagerly drank from my tit. I gasped and slammed into Pepper, her pussy making a squelching sound. She was moaning as she suckled and I was trying not to think about the fact that I was doing this in someone else’s house. The only thing making it barely acceptable was that it wasn’t technically my fault. Pepper, the one of us that didn’t have the excuse of being a hybrid, had caused this sexual typhoon.

Letting go of my right breast, Percy got behind me and lifted my tail. I shivered with excitement as she pressed one prick against my tailhole and the other against my pussy. Then she grunted as she slammed inside taking both holes at the same time. My prick shuddered inside Pepper as it grew even larger. I would have cum on the spot if I hadn’t just cum in Pepper’s mouth.

Soon I couldn’t get in all the way and my balls felt even heavier. Pepper came right as her pussy got so tight I was considering pulling out. As her pussy tried to get my prick to deliver the goods, I bit my lip. I was close, but she was so tight it hurt a bit. She smothered her yelps of pleasure by continuing to suck at my nipple. Percy gave me every inch of her pricks nice and hard slapping her balls against me. Having both of my passages stimulated at the same time was strange, in a good way. I could feel her dicks rubbing at each other on either side of my vaginal wall. The pleasure was more brutal, especially when combined with the sensation of my tight tail hole getting stretched.

The moment Pepper stopped cumming, I pulled out to find my dick was a foot long and still growing. She switched nipples and dug her fingers of her left hand into my right breast as she sucked on my left one. I sandwiched my shaft between us and thrusted, feeling her breasts bounce against my chest.

My horsecock flared and contracted as I bellowed deep delighted sounds. Then my prick turned into a geyser drenching the underside of Pepper’s breasts and then getting just a bit longer so it was actually wedged between them. The next two shots got Pepper’s head and hit the wall behind her. Persephone grabbed me round the middle and growled as she smacked our bodies together so hard my breasts and buttocks bounced. She then filled me with her thick spooge. The convulsions of my pussy tried to pull her cock clean off as I whinnied loud enough to wake the dead. My snatch’s orgasm hit so hard that my whole body felt sparkly and my prick shot another volley over Pepper’s head.

There was a knock on the door. “Are you three dying in there?”

“We—” I put my breast in Pepper’s face to stop her from showing our hand.

“We get aches and pains from our changed skeletal and bone structure and need to get them out. Can we use your shower to loosen some muscles before we head out?” I said.

“Sure, but don’t take too long, the food is waiting.”

Pepper hugged me. “That was amazing. Too bad you got too big near the end.”

“Yeah, I wonder if I’m too big for most people now,” I said.

“Percy and I are gonna start a training regimen when we get back. We’ve got a goal now,” she said.

“Hell yes, we do!” Percy gave Pepper a high five.

I blushed, feeling self conscious about my apple-sized balls and fourteen-inch prick.

Persephone pulled out saying, “Let’s get cleaned up so we can get back some of the energy we just expended.”

It took us a good fifteen minutes to get ourselves, and the bathroom, cleaned up. After that, we got dressed and headed out to enjoy Mark’s cooking. We sat down at his dining table and had omelettes that had been held at the perfect temperature in a moist oven so that they didn’t dry out. Mark seemed a bit shaken by events earlier in the day and appeared to be using the meal with us as a distraction from it all. The meatiest part of the conversation was when we talked about the heist Mark had pulled. Fracesca sat in on it and confirmed that Persephone was right about everything she’d done. When I finished my third omelette of the day, I realized that my larger size likely meant I’d be eating an extra meal’s worth of calories each day.

I got a call from Alphonse that confirmed that Tsubumi would be fine and that they were going to head back to the hotel soon.

Just before we left, Mark handed me a desert-camo professional camera bag. “This is the NPO detector. Range on it is about ten meters. The company that made it is extremely secretive and I think you should look into them. I just got an off feeling whenever I was dealing with them and I couldn’t get a straight answer as to whether they sold to the US military or not.”

I opened the bag and saw something that was indistinguishable from a military-grade GPS mapping and targeting system. “Huh.”

“Yeah, design isn’t flashy at all. I’m not a fan,” Mark said.

“Oh, I think the design is meant to hide it in plain sight,” I said, picking it up. It was heavier than it should have been by at least a pound. I put it back in the bag and zipped it up.

“I think you’re on to something there.” Mark rubbed his chin. “Well, it’s your problem now.” He grinned.

* * * * *

The dark beige of my hotel room would have been boring without the burgundy and yellow accents in the furniture, curtains, and abstract triangular art on the walls. I was between Persephone and Pepper as we nakedly lazed about on our backs staring up at the near-featureless white ceiling of my hotel room.

Pepper was idly stroking my balls. She had a fascination with their sheer size. “I’m kinda jealous of you two.”

“You wanna be a hybrid?” I asked.

“I’d definitely like to try it for a day or ten,” she said.

“You just want a cock.” Persephone chuckled.

“Tail, ears, muzzle, scales, fur, shark skin, hooves, paws, whiskers, a dick...I’d try all of it if I could,” she said.

I noticed something that stopped my entire train of thought. “Your voice is better!”

Pepper’s eyes widened and she sat up. “Oh my God! It is! And my throat doesn’t feel raspy anymore.”

“I thought the healing was supposed to be really gradual. Didn’t Gillon say something about cartilage taking a really long time to heal?” Percy said as she sat up and pulled her tail out from under her.

“I’m just glad it’s better.”

Percy inspected the gauze wrapped around her arm. Blood had soaked into it from the cuts she’d gotten from the shards of glass. “You know, the pain’s completely gone. I wonder...” She pulled back the gauze covering her hand and then rubbed at the dried blood on one of her cuts. “What!?” She unwrapped her arm frantically, checking more of her cuts.

“Do you need to go to the emergency room?” I sat up and pulled my tail out from under me before looking at her arm. Under the dried blood was nothing at all, no evidence she’d been injured. “Both of you healed within the last two hours. It’s an uncanny coincidence.”

Persephone said. “And you only just fully transformed due to a wish-granting NPO, so maybe having sex with you—”

I put my hands in front of me pushing that whole idea away. “No, nope, uh uh. I don’t want magical healing cum.”

“Actually, I was the only one that got your cum in me since you fully transformed,” Pepper said. “But we both drank your milk and that’s around when I first started feeling the constant itch in my larynx get better.”

I looked at my hand. “Huh, I got a scrape from when I prat fell to get the door guard to come out. And it’s completely gone.” My ears flattened in confusion. “There’s just no way.”

“Hey, I would have said the same thing about a diving suit turning me into a shark hybrid,” Percy said.

“Deal with it, girl, your milk is better than a first-aid kit.” Pepper bounced excitedly

“Okay, I’ll admit that it’s possible my milk has healing effects, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I said. “When we get back to base, I’ll get Gillon and Septimus investigating this. It might be best for you two to refrain from drinking my milk until we get back. We don’t know if it has other effects.”

“Aww.” Pepper and Percy frowned.

“Yep, you’ll just have to settle for drinking my cum.” I grinned.

They laughed.

Hormones from my recent transformation still had me feeling a bit crazed. Or maybe this was just how I was now, doomed to loose an hour of every day to sex. If I didn’t learn to control myself, I might lose even more of my time to it. I looked at the two women waiting for me just outside the bathroom door. They could see the hesitation and worry on my face even though I was hard as a rock. Was this me? Was I a slut? Had I always been one? I took a deep breath.

Fuck it, my hesitation to express my sexuality is what got me to break a cucumber off in my cooch. I reached down with both hands and grabbed a handful of each of their asses. If I was going to survive my new libido, I had to deal with it head on.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (------)


Arkona Kothe

This series is turning out amazing. Can't walt to see what's next!


More please, Charlie is great, I love these characters and this setting.


I'll definitely be doing more of this next month. I'm trying to lay a good foundation for the CYOTF project this month. Glad you like this series. I love working on it.