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 Charlemagne is gonna gain a special ability as a result of her unique transformation and some plot stuff. You get to decide what ability she gets! (Voting ends on February 28th at 9PM EST)

Hulking out: Charlemagne ends up able to Hulk out and gets stuck in doorways sometimes. If she gets worked up, it's harder for her to keep her size and strength in check. She can go from tall and strong to unreasonably tall and strong. Every part of her would get larger proportionally *eyebrow waggle*. This fits inner struggle to control her urges and her deep wish to overpower all opposition while protecting her team. 

If you want to see Charlemagne in a Bruce-Banner-like struggle with her inner fury and lust, pick this one! Under special circumstances, she can give others this ability temporarily. It's a secret that I'll reveal if this is picked. ^_^ (So things don't go utterly chaotic, I'd have her retain most of her personality (like Professor Hulk) and she wouldn't be nearly as indestructible or strong. Clothing is gonna get destroyed and unlike the Hulk, her pants aren't gonna magically survive! Pants-destroying TF and embarrassing erection reveals ho!)

Accelerated Healing: Charlemagne has accelerated healing and her breast milk temporarily bestows this ability to others! Problem is that getting her milk suckled makes her frustratingly turned on and happy, even though she'd hate to admit it. This fits with her stubborn determination and inner wish to nurture her team. 

If you want to see Charlemagne with an action-hero-like ability to just soak damage and keep on going and have her getting hard and horny despite her best efforts to clamp down on her urges, pick this one! (You're gonna get to watch Charlemagne struggle with having sensitive lactating breasts and needing to get off after she's bestowed her healing powers upon others. Embarrassed, blushing Charlemagne and amusing awkward team heals, ho!)

Don't worry, whichever one of these doesn't win will very likely end up being incorporated into the story, eventually.



Reminds me of the "Lactaid" ability from Nuku Valente's Flexible Survival. Totally my vote. :D


I'm odd in that I love TF and somehow haven't gotten around to playing that game. I've heard a lot about it, though!