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For the sex scene, Persephone + Pepper was the clear winner with Persephone + Charlemagne as a strong runner up with nine votes!

Seeing that both these options were very well liked, I got an idea. What do y'all think about having Charlemagne in the room with Persephone and Pepper? It would add some awkwardness and exhibitionism, and it could lead to some fun characterization.

If Charlemagne being in the room wins this vote, she'll be trying to stay professional and encourage them to calm down. But the characters have no idea how long they'll be trapped and their self control will start to erode until Charlemagne is seeing some extremely sexy stuff going on right next to her while she tries to keep her cool.

In case this option wins, here's a bonus question: Do y'all want to see her satisfy her curiosity or do y'all want her to fight to keep her hands to herself the entire time?

Even if Charlemagne gets involved, I won't break her character. She's the sort that fights hard to have self control and that's why I'm going to have fun with her in this series. If not now, definitely later.

The story would work fine without the three of them being trapped. It's just something that I thought up and wanted to see what y'all thought of it.



Under the assumption that this is a series that will go on for a few chapters, I voted to keep Charlemagne on edge to allow for a bit of a character development moment that can express itself later. I got the impression that it would take getting hit by a mountain for her to lose her cool, so I figured this would be the first chink in her armor.


Yep! I'm going to be careful with her character no matter what the vote ultimately ends up being. It being nearly tied, or tied, is actually quite good. A lot of conflict between her professionalism, curiosity, and sexuality is going to set things up nicely for later. ^_^