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Ezzie and Rho are at the hot spring for some relaxation and conversation. But with Ezzie's raging libido in overdrive and Rho's free spirited attitude toward sex, they end up getting some good exercise instead.

Forked at the Hot Springs

~~An Avery-were tie-in story~~

by Zmeydros

(Edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

It was a delightful fall day on the west coast. The heat of summer had been tempered by the changing of the seasons. It was both the perfect temperature and time of day for a visit to the hot springs. Everyone was too busy finishing the last bit of business that needed to be done during daylight for rest and relaxation.

As Rho and I ascended the steps to the the single-story cherry and beige entrance building for the hot springs, a tall thin man with dark hair ogled our naked bodies. His eyes spent a rather long time on the darker green spots that were scattered across my lighter green scales. Then, he stole glances at my breasts, my sheath, and the sizable balls that hung below it. Normally, this wouldn't have gotten me riled up, but I'd been having to focus to keep my libido in check all day and I had to concentrate to keep the head of my equine prick from leaving my sheath.

The moment he trained his gaze on Rho, she said, "See something you like?" in English as she paused so she could squeeze her breasts together.

The man responded in the local dialect, "Sorry, I don't speak English."

I translated what she'd said for him as we got to the top of the steps.

He blushed. "You two make quite a pair. Do you have to pick her up to kiss her?" he asked me.

After chuckling at his remark, I replied, "We're not a couple, just friends."

"My apologies." He bowed his head. 

Rho looked up at me, her orange-scaled head coming up to just under my breasts. "What's he saying?"

After translating what he'd said, she groped my ass, "Tell him I'm calling you a liar. We're totally a couple."

"What?" I balked while my sheath started to tingle. It was incredible how badly I wanted to be touched.

"Don't you want him to go home and get off thinking about us together?" she said squeezing my ass harder.

Stifling a moan, I pretended to clear my throat. Then I pulled Rho's hand off my ass so I didn't lose containment of my erection. Rho had been expressing interest in me since we met a day ago, but this was downright overt. "She's calling me a liar. We're a couple and I do pick her up to kiss her. It's just embarrassing, you know? Everyone is so curious."

He cringed. "Sorry to have made you uncomfortable."

"It's fine. You have a good day!" I said as I passed him and dragged Rho into the entrance building before she could find other ways to tease me in front of an audience.

"Did you tell him?" she asked after taking in the beautiful stained dark red wood interior.

"Yep!" I raised an eyebrow. "Do you plan to keep teasing me?"

"If you tell me to stop, I'll stop. Otherwise..." She bent down and slipped her forked tongue into my sheath.

"Haaah! What are you?" I grabbed one of her bifurcated horns to pull her away, but the rush of pleasure was stealing my strength.

The busty gazelle behind the counter couldn't decide whether to watch us or look away to give us privacy. I avoided making eye contact with her as Rho got all fourteen inches of my double-knotted equine shaft out of my sheath. Her tongue coiled around it, she suckled, and even bobbed her head lightly giving me a proper blowjob. Her muzzle wasn't nearly deep enough to take all of me, so she used her hands on the rest.

Then Rho just pulled her mouth off and said, "Whoa! You're huge!"

Hard as steel and blushing deeply, I asked, "Why?"

"Why what?" She tilted her head.

"Why did you do that?"

"Not sure? You said your society was like mine when it comes to nudity and sex. I figured there was no reason not to."

"Then why did you stop?" My prick wasn't calming down. It was just sitting there, bouncing with my heartbeat.

"I realized we're not even in the hot spring yet." She was blushing now, her orange cheeks a shade redder. I knew she was impulsive, but it was oddly birdlike of her to be surprised by her own impulses. "Hey, what's it feel like having two knots?"

"It's marvelous! I can tease people with the second one while popping the first in and out." I said this quietly so the gazelle wasn't forced to be party to our lewd conversation.

Rho ignored my attempt at a quiet conversation saying, "I've had a cock before, but never an equine one or one with two knots. It looks like a lot of fun."

The conversation wasn't helping me gain control of my erection, but it was always nice to be complimented in this way. "Oh, it is. I tried out a lot of designs before I settled on this one." 

"Well, you did good! It's a gorgeous cock!" Rho reported to the whole room.

The gazelle's ears were even more heavily tinted by a blush now.

"Aww, thanks," I said as I went up to the counter only to find that the coin I'd brought with me to pay our entry fee was no longer in my hand!

Rho slapped it on the counter saying, "Two for the hot springs, please."

The gazelle titled her head and then took the coin. "Thank you," she said very unsure of her English vowel sounds. "Please use a towels to clean up after yourselves if you make a mess."

"We will!" I said walking through the heavy wooden doors to the hot springs. The tiered pools of steaming spring water were broken into sections by low rock walls. A giraffe was peering over one of those walls at my half-hard erection and that got my blood rushing again. To distract myself, I asked Rho, "When did you grab the coin?"

"You dropped it when I was playing with this." She wrapped her forked tail around my prick and gave it a squeeze.

"Hngh!" I froze in place.

She let go so I could move again.

"So are you gonna just keep teasing me?"

"That depends, do you want me to only tease you?"


"Awesome!" She bounced happily on her avian-shaped feet making her bust jiggle.

As we commented on the beauty surrounding us, I led her to my favorite pool. It was in the middle of the temperature range. Hot enough to feel good, but not so hot that one couldn't stay in long. And there was a ledge on the east side that made sitting in the water really comfortable. 

"I feel a bit out of my element. Normally, I'm the one that tempts others toward public indecency," I said as we entered the pool. The steaming water felt marvelous as it enveloped my feet and then my thighs.

"I love being nude in public. It reminds me of home. And I feel so damn sexy today!" She struck a pose half way into the pool leaning back to emphasize her ample cleavage.

Kneading her chest, I ran my cock, which was back at full size, right up into that cleavage.

Licking pre off the broad tip, she nibbled on the ridge that ran around the equine head. I shuddered as I made tiny thrusts. "Fuck! I was hoping to just chat and get to know you better, but my damn libido got in the way."

She released me and then sat on the ledge, the clean clear water now up to her neck. "You are getting to know me. I have a thing for herms."

I chuckled. "Well, that's good because I have a thing for curvy dragons."

Her face scrunched in concern. "You don't think I'm a bit too curvy?"

"Fuck no!" I grabbed the little bit of extra weight around my middle for emphasis. "I can choose any shape I like, and I prefer a bit of padding. I think it only adds to one's attractiveness."

A big beautiful smile spread across her muzzle. "Come, sit in my lap."

I turned around and started backing up.

She laughed. "No, facing the other way, silly."

I turned back around and straddled her legs. The water swirled between us on its way to the far side of the pool where it spilled into the next pool. My breasts hung above her head and my prick was against the bottom of her chin without her even having to bend down. My massive balls sat happily cradled in the space between us. "You're grinning, you've got plans for me, don't you?"

"I wanna try something Avery really likes."

"Oh? What is--AAAH!"

Her forked tail pressed up between my legs and into my mare pussy as she took my dick into her muzzle. She'd made a double helix by winding her forks around each other and I'd never felt anything quite like it. Each coil that entered bumped my thumb-sized clit and toyed with my entrance.

I grabbed my breasts and squeezed as she did the same, making a plush tunnel for me to fuck while she tailed me. My snatch came just after half of her twisted tail ends entered me. As I thrashed and my cunny convulsed, she shoved more of her tail inside me setting off another orgasm before the first had even finished. The whole time she was sucking down my pre and moving her maw in time with my thrusts.

She was tiny compared to me and yet she'd captured me in endless bliss. I knew she liked having me at her mercy because she was fucking me so hard with her tail that I could hardly catch my breath. And her mouth, she was sucking and using the coil of her long thick tongue to drive me right up to the edge.

Not satisfied just being the fuckee, I found her pussy with the tip of my tail and shoved inside. She hadn't been expecting me, so she clenched at first, but then she spread her legs a bit and moaned around my prick.

With my mind partially occupied by manipulating my tail, I was able to hold back my shaft's orgasm and let it build. Oh, how much fun it would be when I finally came!

I made a corkscrew with my tail and matched her pace. She must have had some big lovers recently, because over a foot of it fit inside her. She was determined to impress me, and to that end, she wrapped one fork around the base of the other creating a makeshift knot inside me. Then she guided the rest of that fork back out of my pussy and started going to town on my clit. To make sure I'd be unable to hold back, that I'd cum, she squeezed my knots with her hands.

Magic poured into me as I reached that point of deep relaxed focus I always hit during good sex and my prick flared. The warm water contrasted by the cool air, the feeling of her lap against my balls and butt, the sensation of her pussy clenching around my tail just at the edge of cumming, all of it was as clear and effervescent as the water surrounding us. My knots filled her grasp, my prick thundered between her breasts, and my jizz flooded her maw. I threw my head back and roared as my snatch milked her tail for the third time.

She was adamant about swallowing my entire load, even though she had to struggle to do so. I didn't want her to choke, so I was less rough with her pussy until my last spurt had been fired. But then I surprised her with the same tactic she'd used on me. I bent my tail over itself and popped the end back out so I could rub her clit.

She threw her head back, strands of my spooge trailing from her lips, and squealed as her whole body shook under me. Her pussy clenched rhythmically and her legs fidgeted in ecstasy until she fell silent. Then she was just staring at the sky as if she was seeing it for the first time. I was staring too, just enjoying the sensation of being filled by her tail while keeping mine buried inside her.

My mind drifted until I realized something and my eyes widened. "Oh goodness! Are you and Avery a couple? I should have asked before taking you to the hot springs when I was so hot and bothered. I can be a bad influence."

"If Avery has a problem with it, I'd never know. She says we're not a couple. Just friends with benefits, but I think she's just avoiding reading between the lines."

"Oh, that's frustrating." I frowned.

Rho shrugged. "Ehh, it's fine. My life has always been chaotic. I just take what I can get. Maybe she'll tell me she loves me someday. Or maybe I'll finally get frustrated enough with her that I move on."

"It's still sad." I trailed my finger along the underside of her muzzle.

She gave me a lazy smile that didn't include her eyes. I could tell she was making light of it just for my benefit. "Hey, I get to travel to places I've never even imagined before. See shiny things that are better than any I've dreamt about. And I know she cares about me, even if she has trouble expressing it."

"Well, I encourage you to bring it up to her. I've been in relationships where my significant other never expressed their love aloud. It can really mess with you."

"Sure, I'll do that," she said too cheerily for me to believe. Then she extracted her tail from my depths. "Let's do more sexy stuff! Sit on the edge of the pool, I wanna taste you."

My tail was long enough that I could leave it inside her and still follow her directions, so I did. The rocky edge of the pool was nice and warm and so was my body from being submersed in the spring. The chill in the air was refreshing. I leaned back and lifted my big balls out of the way getting aroused all over again.

She took a long lick of my puffy equine pussy lips. "Your pussy tastes so good! Like sweet grass!"

I smiled wide. "Spread your legs more, I wanna see if I can get my tail even deeper."

She did so and I stuffed a couple more inches inside her as she started licking me out. Her tongue was much smaller than her tails had been, but she was talented at flicking it in ways that made me squeak. And she wasn't shy at all, she was pressing her muzzle right up against my snatch and she didn't mind me grabbing her horns so I could grind my clit against her scaly snout. My tongue was hanging out the side of my mouth while hers kept finding ways to surprise me. 

It was so good that I started getting hard again. Her tail soon found my erection and started stroking it. The water in the pool flowed around my lower legs as I moaned and cried out, not caring who heard me. Avery was so lucky to have her. I hoped she knew that.

Just before I was about to cum, she stopped. "You can transform other people, right?"

"Yeah?" I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"How about if I get you off again, you give me a cock like yours. Would that be a fair trade?" She tilted her head as if she was still trying to evaluate the trade she'd suggested.

"Only if you use it on me afterwards. Deal?" I grinned.

"Deal!" She dove between my legs again and put in even more effort growling and humming to vibrate my clit and drive me wild.

I fucked her pussy with my tail so hard and fast that I interrupted her cunnilingus by making her cum. She gyrated while clumsily trying to keep licking me out and squealed so sharply that my ears hurt. The moment she recovered, she licked as deep as she could and hummed at just the right frequency.

As I came, I got myself in the chin and mashed my sex against her snout. Every part of me tingled with hot flashes of pleasure as even more magic filled me. Grabbing at my breasts and writhing in ecstasy, I regretted that Rho and Avery had come to me because they were trapped in my universe. I hoped Rho would stick around a while, even after I helped restore Avery's magic so they could travel again. 

And Avery? Well, she seemed pretty cool despite the few qualms I had about her. I'd likely have had a better impression of her if she'd been between my legs instead of taking an afternoon nap, though. 

That's when I got an idea: just how fun would it be for Avery to wake up to Rho having an erection just like mine? Our fun was only just starting!


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