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(Part 1) (------) (Part 3) (Part 4)

I learned two things writing Part 2. Number one is that I love this story and really enjoyed writing it. Number two is that I made a mistake when I thought the story arc could be finished in two parts. It needed a three-act structure from the beginning and I just didn't see it. Apologies for that. I try to do what's best for each story and sometimes that means having to fix my own mistakes. I already have part 3 plotted out and will be doing a vote to see if everyone wants me to finish New Year's Deer next month.

Now that Emma knows her transformation is part of a larger plan, she has to work with Ezzie to try and thwart Professor Aumont. Things don't go at all according to plan. Emma and Ezzie have the hots for each other so bad that they can barely get any work done before Ezzie is called off to help with another emergency leaving Emma to try and keep everything moving forward alone. Professor Shelein has made sure it's not going to be easy and Emma might be out of her league.


New Year's Deer - Part 2

~A Mingling Universes Story~

by Zmeydros with contributions from SecretSkunk

(Edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

Ezzie fucking Singlais was in my bed! One of the most cited, most respected, and quite possibly the most ingenious individual in my field was cuddling against my side while we ate kettle corn off of my magic shield. The light blue glow from it was reflecting off of her nice round bust, equine dragon muzzle, her swooping ivory-colored horns, the toned muscles of her arms, and the lewd bulge in her jeans. Her long tail was draped across my tummy dangerously close to my own bulge. I kept wishing she'd move it so I could feel the muscles under her green scales twitch against my sheath.

But I couldn't bring myself to grope or flirt with her even though she'd been signaling that she was pretty open about sex. 

An anthro bombshell like her probably got all the attention she needed and she barely knew me. If I offended her with unwanted advances, two days of serious effort on my part would all be for naught. It had taken forever to fill the couple cube shelves I bought with my Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, gaming dice, linens, old computer peripherals, materials for making magic items, and my board game collection. I'd even framed and put up my Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy II movie posters.

While I was eating the last handful of kettle corn off of my shield, Ezzie said, "How in the world did you think to use your shield as a plate? Never, in my entire long life, have I ever thought of using a shield that way."

With my ears blushing at Ezzie's compliment, I said, "Well, laziness is the mother of invention. At least, in this case. The shield part actually came second. I wanted a plate that I could just eat on and not have to wash, so I made a bracelet that projected a magic shield that I could orient however I wanted. When it gets dirty, I just deactivate it." I gestured toward the black trash can beside my dark brown computer desk with my left hand. Once my shield was over the trash, I snapped my fingers and it flickered out of existence dropping all the remnants of the kettle corn in.

Ezzie watched intently, her tail twitching in my lap. "How much would you charge to make me one?"

I balked. "What? You want to buy one?"

"Yeah! I'll pay more if you make it able to shift into a bowl and work as a protective shield as well." 

"Oh, it can already do that."

"Okay, now I'm even more sold." Ezzie grinned.

I didn't want to charge her much for it. I'd only ever made one and I'd learn a lot from making a second one. But some of the materials were rather expensive. "Is four hundred fifty too much?"

She curiously poked at the shield with a claw and it clinked like porcelain. "No, not at all. I'll set aside some money for it."

"It might take me a while, I'm working on my senior thesis this quarter," I said.

"That's fine, I'm quite patient," she said as she traced a claw tip along my side just barely grazing my bust.

Shivering at her touch, I looked her in the eye to see if she knew what she was doing. 

She gave a not-so-innocent grin. "So, I've been waiting to give you a bit of bad news. I got lab results back this morning. It's good you like being a herm deer because l still have no clue how to change you back." Her eyes darted down the slight rise in my lacy black skirt.

Just having her eyes on my crotch made blood rush down there. And her hand had started brushing the side of my left breast. "Were we right about there being some sort of distributed magic device in my blood? Those tiny little crystalline magic computer thingies Professor Aumont gave a presentation on?"

"Yeah, I think she referred to it collectively as magi-computational particulate. It's self-replicating, so removing it is near-impossible."

"What? It is?"

She nodded. "Yes, and I don't know how to stop you from being contagious. We tested condoms and barriers and the particulate goes right through them. Though, if we could set up a level five ward on your genitals, they might be hindered."

I sighed. "I don't have a week to kill and we don't even know if it would work, so, I'm thinking that's not a good plan."

"I have one piece of good news, though. We now have proof that the particulate ignores people who are already anthros." She gave me a hug pressing her breasts and crotch up against my side more firmly than she had during our lazy cuddling. "Sorry I can't be of more help. But it's not all bleak, I'm still hoping someone from Shelein's lab will get back to me."

I knew she meant to console me when her tail hooked around my side to hug my hip, but now it was running right over my sheath. "That will help a lot." I hugged her with the arm that was pinned under her upper torso.

"This is really nice. Thanks for letting me laze around on your bed." Her tail twitched making me squirm.

She smelled so damn good and her scent was only getting stronger. It was hard not to press my deer nose against her and drown myself in it. "No problem. I wish more people were this comfortable just hanging out and cuddling."

"I'm comfortable with far more than cuddling." She nuzzled against the crook of my neck.

My heart doubled its pace and I bit my lip trying to keep my erection, and a moan, at bay. Was she coming on to me? We'd gotten further and further into each other's personal space ever since yesterday afternoon and now the arm hugging me was going right over my voluptuous chest. I could feel her breath puffing on my neck through her equine nostrils. No words came to me. Thinking with my aroused nethers instead of my head, I put my right hand on her ass and dug my fingertips in.

Then she took a deep whiff of the crook of my neck with her wide equine nostrils. "Mmm, I was wondering when your actions would match your scent."

She wasn't telling me to stop. Blushing, and getting a hard on that was pressing against her tail through my skirt, I pulled her toward me so the bulge in her jeans was firmly against my hip.

"Oooh, that's more like it. We've done all the strategizing we can for now, I think a short break is in order." She ground her broad equine cock head against my hip as she licked at my neck with her powerful forked tongue.

I moaned and fidgeted as my panties were stretched to their limit by my tapered cervine prick. "D-do you just have sex with everyone you meet?" I realized the poor phrasing the moment I said it and cringed. "Sorry, that didn't come out--"

"It's fine. Only those who interest me. But people who think I'm hot almost always interest me." Nipping at my ear playfully, she shifted her hips back and adjusted her prick in her jeans so it was pointing up. Then she shoved it against me.

Nuzzling her neck I lost myself in her grassy aroma. In a way, she reminded me of Val, who'd just hopped on my brand new deer dick the moment she saw it. But that's where the similarity ended. Ezzie had an air of calm sensual confidence that electrified me. So much so that I had no choice but to escalate things, my cock was out of room. Reaching down to the waist of my skirt, I pulled it down with my panties until my prick sprung out and slapped my belly.

Ezzie dove toward it like an eagle catching salmon. Its entire length vanished into her muzzle and throat before I even realized what was happening. Then I was groaning and moaning and thrusting as she bobbed on it at a breakneck pace. The hand she didn't have around the base of my cock, she used to remove her jeans and panties. When I saw her titanic equine dick with huge scaly balls dangling below it, I nearly came. She must have smelled how wet I was because she reached under my balls and speared my pussy with two fingers. The curve she made with her fingers caught my clit in the space between them as she slid them in and out.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Ezzie was servicing me like I was a queen and she was my trusted advisor. It had only been a couple minutes and I was about to cum right down her throat. How she'd mastered her gag reflex, I wished I knew. Because there was no way I could give her the same treatment she was giving me. Inside her maw, I was fucking the coil of her tongue. If she'd been squeezing me any harder with it, it would have been painful, but instead it was heaven.

"I'm--" is all I got to say before jizz erupted from my prick and spilled down her throat. 

Not missing a beat, she swallowed it all down while continuing to finger me. The moment she had my entire load, she pulled her mouth off and straddled me. Then she kissed me sharing my cream while hotdogging my sensitive spent prick between her thick equine pussy lips. I moaned into her mouth feeling her cock slide up under my dark green blouse and leave a trail of pre on my white-furred belly. Wanting to feel her breasts, I started pulling off her blouse and bra. She broke the kiss and helped me undress her and then she helped me out of my upper garments. 

"Oh God! Ezzie!" I cooed as I felt her feminine nectar seep into my fur. I grabbed her cock with both hands and found it even more amazing than I'd thought. At the base were two big knots, the second larger than the first.

"Just a taste of things to come," she said as she reached behind her and grabbed my shaft. Sliding back onto it, she took it inside her. I was softening and still very sensitive, so she was gentle with her inner muscles. I loved being buried in her warmth and was wishing I hadn't just cum.

I stroked her shaft harder using her pre to lube my efforts. She thrust into my grasp a few times before moving my hands to her breasts. Then she gripped my breasts, tweaked my nipples.

When my cock was back in my sheath, she asked, "Think you're wet enough for me to fit?"

"Yes!" I squirmed under her thinking about having that amazing cock inside me.

She pulled off my skirt and panties before rolling me onto my side and spooning behind me.

"What are you--AAAHH!"

She shoved in while cuddling against my back. I was so relaxed in this position that she entered easily, which was good because she was fucking enormous! I kept gasping, feeling my snatch stretch to fit her. She slowed when there was some resistance, but I yelled, "More!" to encourage her to keep going.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" she bellowed and then gave one big push where she buried the rest of her shaft and her two uninflated knots.

My eyes rolled back and I groaned feeling wonderfully full. Her medial ring had found a special pleasure spot in my snatch, the head of her cock was touching places no cock had ever reached, and her knots were stretching the extremely sensitive area just inside my entrance. I thought she was going to rail me and slap my ass with her heavy balls, but instead, she cuddled against my back while making long slow thrusts. Magic started pouring into me making me feel giddy and warm. Sex really put me into touch with magic energy these days and I loved the sensation.

She was so damn thick that the sensation from this cuddle fucking was off the charts! I couldn't believe she was inside me, I couldn't believe she was moaning into my ear over how good my pussy felt, and I couldn't believe I'd never tried this position before. It was so intimate and gratifying.

I kept expecting her to speed up, but she actually slowed down. Her thrusts became surprises as her hands explored my front. Soon she was admiring my hefty balls with her hands, tugging on my furry sac, and squeezing just enough to make me moan. Just as I was wondering if she'd become fixated on them, she said, "You have the most perfect balls. Glimmer, they're turning me on so much!"

"Glimmer?" I asked between moans.

She let up a bit and answered, "It's an object of immense magical power, older than civilization, possibly the planet itself. It holds immense magical power and is revered and loathed in equal amounts by people in Rishkaum."

I knew so little about Rishkaum, the parallel reality that all the magic came from. So many questions were now in my mind, but only one of them was relevant to this moment. It was related to something she was famous for. "You're a shapeshifter, right?"

"Yep!" She gave a quick thrust reminding me we were still fucking.

"Have you ever used your shapeshifting for sex?" I asked.

"Am I boring you with all this nice cock snuggling?" She nipped at my neck.

"Ahh! No, I was just curious, honest," I said clenching around her.

"You're just curious, huh? I think you're bored and could do with a little demonstration." Her cock thickened inside me.

"GAH!" I twitched against her as four new nipples formed below her breasts and pressed against my back. The bed creaked as her body got hotter and heavier. "What the hell?"

Her voice was deeper. "Did I say little demonstration? I meant BIG demonstration." As her balls swelled larger along with her cock, so did her new extra sets of breasts.

Unable to catch my breath due to all my moaning, I simply wiggled in her grasp. Her body was quickly getting longer than mine and her arms were cracking and popping as they became forelegs. I was starting to feel small. Her dick was now so big that I was at my limit. Every millimeter it moved gave me orgasmic pleasure.

Rolling so I was under her with my butt held high, she fucked me into the bed using her massive feral body to its full potential. I came after three thrusts yelling and grabbing at her forelegs.

She didn't even pause, she just kept going saying, "Poor little deer caught by a dragon, how many times will she cum before I do?"

The answer was six, I came six times while she blew my mind with her feral form. Then she leaned in, head supported by a longer neck, and bit my shoulder. She popped both knots in making me cum again right on the spot, and let loose a deluge even her giant feral balls couldn't have prepared me for. I lost sense of everything except her pulsing length and a heady sensation of fullness. I felt like I was going to break in half when her knots swelled to full size. My belly was round from all that she'd stuffed me with. I'd taken some big cocks and big loads since I'd transformed, but I had no idea I had enough capacity for what she'd just done to me.

Mixed with all this bliss was a magic upwelling. I felt downright vibrant.

Grabbing me and rolling us back on our side, she said, "I originally developed this form for sex with Ferwalik dragons, but it's fantastic at combat and travel, too."

"Don't you think your balls and breasts are a bit big for combat and travel?" I chuckled.

"They distract the enemy."

I balked. "What? You can't be serious."

She laughed bouncing both of us. "No matter what form I'm in, I flatten my breasts and retract my balls when going into combat. I've been hit in my genitals before and decided that wasn't something I wanted to tough out if I didn't need to. I pack things away for travel too. Having stuff bounce all over the place while running is inefficient and distracting."

"I wish I could retract my balls sometimes. They flop around when I'm dancing in the nude," I said.

"Once we figure out how to change you without you reverting back, I can give you a transmuter that allows you to stow your male equipment whenever you like." 

"That would be lovely. I can discount your shield to compensate you for it."

"No need." She held my hips and pulled me against her shoving her knots a tiny bit deeper while parking her balls more firmly against my backside. We both let out happy gasps. "You're undercharging for the shield and I make transmuters all the time. That one's relatively simple."

"Cool!" I tightened around her prick.

"Mmm, this is just what I needed," she said as she played with my breasts.

As my nipples hardened against her palms, I asked, "How did you even fit in me? Like, I thought I was at my limit before you transformed."

"Anthros tend to have far more capacity than humans. I think it might be a response to the higher variability in anthro cocks." Now she was pinching my nipples.

"Haah! Are you trying to make me hard again?"

One hand moved down to my sheath. "Yes." As tip of my prick emerged, she started stroking it between her fingers.

"Well, it's working!" A strange pride welled up in me as my erection filled more and more of her grasp, I'd taken everything she'd thrown at me and still wanted more.

It took only a few minutes for me to reach full hardness and then Ezzie stopped saying, "Time to go to your bathtub and pull out."

"The bathtub?" One of my ears fell in mild confusion.

"Trust me, there's more than you want to try and clean out of your sheets."

Pre beaded at my tip and I moaned as I thought about how much she'd cum inside me. As I gasped and quaked in the grasp of one of her forelegs, her tail, and her knots, she walked across my room on three legs and then opened my door.

Val was sitting on the couch watching Netflix in the nude, her small curvy herm deer body on full display. Tiny teapots, spider webs, and even a TARDIS were amongst the charms on the silver charm bracelets she'd wrapped around her antlers. Her nose ring glinted in the light from the lamp in the far corner as she jerked her head to look at us. "What the everliving fuck?! Is that...Ezzie?"

I couldn't meet her eyes, I was too embarrassed and fully erect.

"Yeah, we got a bit carried away, " Ezzie said.

"Well, that explains the bone-shaking roar I heard," Val grinned. "If you guys want to add to the party, count me in." The pink tip of her deer dick slid out.

"We'll keep that in mind," Ezzie said as she got us to the bathroom. Then she closed the door, and turned on the fan.

I sighed in relief no longer being on display. Val was someone I didn't want to see me vulnerable and slutty. She already demanded we fuck twice a day.

"Did you want to include her at some point? I'm fine with it," Ezzie asked as she pulled the shower curtain aside and moved us into the tub.

"I want to keep you to myself, for now," I said.

"Don't get along with your roommate?"

I shrugged and then spoke quietly to make sure the fan noise and Netflix would conceal what I was saying. "Before I transformed her and we started fucking every day, she was a terrible roommate. We've worked some stuff out, but I keep feeling like she's gonna slip into her old patterns and I'll have to start arguing with her to get her to pull her weight again."

"Sex is keeping the relationship bearable, then?" Ezzie's knot started to soften.

"Kinda? I do like her and I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but there's a lot of history to overcome." I looked toward the area where our bodies met. "Do you have control of your knots or something?"

"Full control." Both knots had now reverted to their uninflated state and she was pulling back. We both grunted as the first one popped out. When the second one came out, it was like a water balloon bursting. Her cream poured out of me splashing into the tub. My erection surged back to life as she extracted herself. When we were finally disentangled, she laid on her back filling the bathtub with feral equine dragon and said, "Straddle my tail and show me what your dick can do."

I sat astride the underside of her tail, my prick throbbing so hard it hurt. Then I lifted her impressive, grapefruit-sized balls out of the way and shoved inside her bestial equine cunny. As I thrust into her, neither of us could stifle our cries of passion. I could be as rough as I wanted with her because her sex was plenty big enough to take me, well, when she wasn't using her powerful internal muscles to make me squirm. Fondling the six gropeable breasts on her long torso, I rocketed toward orgasm. Even my snatch was getting stimulation from gliding across the underside of her tail.

Worried I was going to cum first, I stroked her big clit with my left hand and worshiped her balls with my right hand. She hissed as she tried to hold back. Then I couldn't stop myself and slammed in all the way, screeching as I filled her clenching scaly muff with my seed. She roared as she came, rattling the window and the hooks for the shower curtain. I just laid atop her after that, enjoying her three sets of breasts resting against me as we dozed in afterglow.

When we finally got around to washing up, fitting in the shower with her was like a circus act. We giggled and teased and got soap all over each other while stealing kisses.

Back in my bedroom, clean and satisfied, we snuggled quietly on my bed.

Ezzie broke the silence with, "One more kiss before I revert back to my anthro shape and we get back to work?"

Grabbing handfuls of her dark green mane, I pressed my lips up to her big muzzle. She returned my kiss softly at first, but when I added tongue she went all in. By the time the kiss was over, we were moaning and groping each other.

Both of us had every intention of getting back to work. But that never happened. Instead, we fell asleep in each other's arms, cum dripping from our pussies, muscles burning from exertion. 

Maybe an hour later, Val woke us up with a knock at my door. She tried to have a conversation with us about some sort of event she was planning, but we were too out of it to give feedback and she soon gave up.

The next morning, we burned up some of the magic energy we'd collected through all our sex by practicing some magic crafting. I showed her part of the process of making one of my shields and she showed me a couple things about making transmuters. Then we had a quiet quickie after breakfast that lasted until noon because we took our time licking and caressing each other's balls. I was fascinated by the sheer size of the ones on her feral form and she adored the nice round shape of mine. Around lunch, we extended our quickie and turned on some music so we could be as loud as we wanted. An hour later, we were starving, so we ordered in Chinese and fucked while we waited for it. I had Ezzie's spooge trailing down the insides of my legs while I was in my housecoat paying the delivery driver. We thought we'd just eat and then transition to more strategizing, but somehow we ended up sixty-nining for dessert. 

Not every moment of our time together was active, we spent a lot of time inside each other while Ezzie caught up on Dr. Who or we did some crafting.

I had a feeling Ezzie had desperately needed a vacation before she'd visited me.

During some mutual oral, Ezzie's phone made a Star Trek: TNG red alert sound and she pulled her tongue out of my snatch.

"Hey!" I complained.

"Sorry, I've gotta respond to that." She reached over to my bedside table with her humongous tail and grabbed her phone. Then she moved it to her forepaws and unlocked the screen. "Oh! Good news! The grad student I contacted from Shelein's lab is going to grab the files on the TF serum and then meet us here at six."

"Oh! That's awesome!" I said.

"Other grad students and postdocs at the lab never responded. I was starting to worry we'd have to wait until the government started going through Shelein's lab."

"With them and the Mage's Council expending all their resources trying to contain the outbreak, who knows how long that would take? They seem more interested in maintaining the campus quarantine than anything else at the moment."

"Yeah, Shelein's got everyone scrambling to keep up," Ezzie agreed.

I tilted my head. "Hey, why do you call Professor Aumont by her first name? Do you know her or something?"

She sighed. "It's a story from when I was young and naive. Something I'd rather not get into right now."

Though I was really curious what that story was, I wasn't going to pry. She seemed distraught by whatever she was remembering, so I lapped at her pussy to change the subject.

That's all it took for her to get right back into eating me out and we lost hours to sex again. Now we were just waiting for the grad student to arrive with the data and neither of us was willing to stop. I'd never had this much sexual chemistry with anyone and the more we did, the more magic poured through me. She was like a mana geyser. I'd never been this energized. There was so much magic that it was helping our bodies endure the sexual wear and tear. Not that I wasn't exhausted. We'd have to stop eventually.

While I was sprawled out under her, my cock delivering its latest load, her phone made the TNG red alert sound twice. The moment she stopped writhing and clenching around me, she picked up her phone. "KABLIEZ KIZT!"

"Something wrong?" I asked, still trying to catch my breath.

"You're going to have to meet the grad student. I have to go." Ezzie pulled off of me and started transforming back to her anthro form.

"Wait, what?" I sat up and turned down the music.

"People are going to die if I don't stop a fight." She grabbed a towel we'd been using for cleanup and wiped at her sex while her tail shortened and her forelegs cracked as they shifted back into arms. "I don't have time to explain."

"Do you get called away like this often?" Had she just dropped everything when she got the assignment to help the U of Chicago and me?

"Way more than I'd like. I made my body so it could go toe to toe with powerful beings. And now I'm the first person the Mage's Council thinks of when they're scared." She put on her shirt and laid on her back, her pussy pointed toward me. Looking me in the eyes, she blushed deeply and spread her legs. "Could you lick me clean?"

"S-sure," I got my face down there and licked at her trying to get enough so she didn't drip. She coaxed me to turn around so she could do the same for me. I made sure to lick up the mess that had made it down her thighs too. The taste of my own jizz and her wetness went together like lavender and thyme. It was a treat I'd gotten to enjoy many times since we'd started fornicating.

A minute later, she said, "I think that'll do." Sliding out from under me, she stood at the end of my bed. "Any spots I need to wipe off?"

Hopping up, I licked some cum off of her chin and shoulder before saying, "Not anymore."

"Thank you so much!" She put on her herm-friendly panties and then her jeans. "Donovan, the grad student with the data, is going to arrive in a bit under a half hour. I'm hoping to be back tomorrow afternoon."

I frowned. "Are you sure Donnovan's going to be okay meeting me? He probably has no idea who I am."

She kissed my cheek. "You'll do fine, okay? You're a charming and honest person and I'm sure he'll warm up to you. And if you do run into trouble, don't hesitate to call me." 

"Alright," I said feeling like I'd been dropped into the ocean during a squall. I was awkward around new people. Ezzie hadn't seen that since I'd been fangirling over her ever since she arrived.

Putting on her backpack, she said, "First thing I'd like you to do once you get the data is make a couple copies of it. Please also put it in an online repository and share me a link to it."

"Sure thing!" I said trying to sound confident.

When Ezzie opened my door, I heard moans and heavy breathing over the music. She laughed and flicked her tail as she shut my door behind her. New scents that reminded me of Val and myself had come in while she'd had the door open.

After putting on my housecoat, I opened my door and peered outside. Ten herm deer were in the living room. A painter's tarp had been put down to cover the floor and all of the furniture. Herm deer were going at it everywhere. I clenched my fist as my cock and pussy responded to the orgy with excitement. This was bad, so very bad. There's no way I could bring Donovan here if he needed to talk. I needed to find Val, she wasn't amongst the copulating cervines in the living room or the kitchen.

To get to her bedroom, I had to step between bodies smacking balls against each other, deer sixty-nining, deer fucking each other over the couch, the table, and against the wall. Under other circumstances, I might have joined in, but today was a shit day for this to happen and Val hadn't given me any warning.

Surrounded by piles of half-organized PS4 games and anthro erotica novels was Val. She had two deer in there with her, a busty plus-sized one and a short wide-hipped one. The busty one was penetrating the wide-hipped one while the wide-hipped one licked Val out.

As she met my eyes, I said, "You gotta cancel the orgy."

She gently pushed the deer licking her out away and got off her bed. "Look, I tried to involve you in planning this, but you were too busy with Ezzie to give me the time of day."

"So this orgy is what you were trying to talk to us about last night..." I mused. "Well, someone's delivering data on Aumont's TF serum and I don't want to have to drag him through an orgy."

"He's an adult, he can handle it. And I'm not doing this just for the sex, I'm connecting all the herm deer that have been part of the outbreak so they can network and have sex partners that won't become new victims," Val said, her cock still throbbing. It was as big and attractive as ever and her short curvy form was buzzing with energy.

"That's a good idea, and I can't deny that I totally want in on it, but tonight's not the right time. Can you please call it off? Just tell them your roommate is sick or something," I pleaded. "We can schedule it for the same time tomorrow, even."

"Take him to a coffee shop or the study lounge on the fourth floor or chat in the entryway. I don't care. Everyone's looking forward to this and there's herms lined up down the hallway waiting for their turn. I don't know if there'll be the same spark if I reschedule. Just let me have this, please?" She made adorable puppy eyes looking up at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Oh, come on! The campus is under quarantine and classes are cancelled. You could get this whole crowd back without much effort. Heck, you could still have the orgy tonight by just moving it to someone else's room."

She glowered at me. "I felt really left out when Ezzie was here. Even if you guys didn't want to include me in your sex rampage, I could have helped you figure out what to do about the outbreak. What happened to us being a team? I don't want to go back to when we hated each other and never hung out."

I took a deep breath to compose myself. "I'm sorry, Val, but I don't have time to analyze our relationship. That guy's coming in like twenty minutes and I need to clean up before I go down to let him in. And then, I need a place to talk to him in private."

Val went over to her chibi penguin backpack and pulled out her keys. Handing them to me, she said, "Here, use my car if you need to. I don't even know if I could get everyone out of here soon enough, anyway."

"Urgh! I can't believe this situation!" I tightened my grip on her keys and stormed out of her room.

When I looked in the bathroom, two slender herms were going at it against the wall of the shower. "Really?!" I cried in exasperation.

"Yeah! FUCK ME HARDER!" the one who was getting dicked yelled. Both of them were going at it even more excitedly now that they had an audience.

I put my head in my hands and growled in frustration before wetting a hand towel in the sink and then going back to my bedroom. I did the best I could to get cum out of my fur without access to the shower. Then I got dressed in my lacy black skirt and a short-sleeved light yellow top.

Once I navigated my way to the coat closet, I grabbed a fleece jacket and headed to the entrance for our building.

An orange street light flickered in the frozen January dark as I walked down the steps that led to the front entrance. Crossing my arms, I sat on the low concrete wall that the handrail for the steps was attached to. The winter breeze was cutting right through my fleece jacket and making me shiver. I'd been spoiled by having a short coat of fur and should have realized that, even in combination with my fur, the fleece jacket would not be enough for below-zero gusts. After about five minutes of freezing my tits off, I went back inside and continued waiting in the entryway.

A short, skinny man with an earnest expression walked up to the door. Creases of exhaustion were under eyes that darted around as if he was expecting me to stab him. When I opened the door, he rushed in and pulled it shut behind him. "You Ezzie?" he asked.

"No, Ezzie got called away. I'm Emma, the person who's gonna hold down the fort until Ezzie gets back." I reached out to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Don? Or do you go by Donovan?"

"Don." He kept his hands stuffed in the pockets of his tan khakis. "Listen, can we get somewhere less exposed?" he asked pointedly.

The insides of my ears blushed as I thought about the prospect of going back to my room. "Umm, why would we need that? You just want to hand over the data, right?"

"No, there is a problem. Doctor Aumont is no longer in custody and I need to speak to Ezzie. Can we please go to your room?"

I straightened and my ears shot straight up. "What? She got out? How?"

"No idea...The lab is locked down. Not even security gets in and I always leave the lid to the centrifuge closed. But I found it open when I got to the lab."

"Maybe another student left it open," I suggested.

"Doctor Aumont and I are the only people that have access to the tissue samples. No one else has enough clearance to get into that room," he explained.

My stomach churned as I hoped he was wrong. "Were you her right hand man or something?"

"Ezzie knows all the details. Are you sure you can't reach her?"

I considered calling Ezzie, but she'd told me that I could handle this and I didn't want to let her down. "She said people might die, so I'm assuming she'd rather not be contacted."

"She takes on way too much responsibility. I should have known this would happen." He sighed. "Well, I've said all I'm gonna say before we get somewhere private." Motioning toward the stairs with his head, he said, "Come on...where to?"

"Would talking in my friend's car be acceptable?" I asked and then bit my lip. It sounded far seedier out loud than it had in my head.

"What the hell?" He tilted his head. "Why can't we go to your room?"

I grimaced. "My room's kinda...ugh, okay, there's a herm deer orgy going on in there."

"Huh?" he paused for a moment, probably not even knowing what that meant. "Doesn't matter. We need to move now."

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. You're gonna see more anthro dick, pussy, and breasts than you've seen in your whole life," I said.

"I don't care as long as your bedroom has a functioning door."

"It does and Val knows better than to let anyone use my bed," I replied as I led him down the hallway and then up the stairs. As we got closer to my room, there was a line of seven herm deer waiting to get in, all with big tents in their pants and skirts. When I got up to the door, the one in front said, "Hey! No butting in line!"

I stared her down saying, "This is my room too!"

She said, "You're Val's roommate? Wanna play?" She lifted up her skirt to reveal her pre-dripping shaft.

"Sorry, not right now," I said as I opened the door.

Don nudged her to the side as he walked in, eyes hesitantly tracking her prick.

I grabbed his hand so we didn't lose each other in the sea of undulating bodies. When we got to my bedroom, the two deer who had been with Val were now on my bed. "OUT!" I yelled.

They looked at my intense expression and immediately stopped what they were doing. Don got a clear view of all the herm parts he could ever want to see as they disassembled from missionary position.

Don tried to look down and away, but the stiff puffy collar of his coat prevented him from doing so. As they left the room, he unzipped his coat. "Listen, I can't just give you the USB hard drive the data's on and then leave. I might have to install the decryption software if you don't have it and I'll have to enter my password. And the moment it's all decrypted, we need to put it up online as a public repository."

Pulling off my jacket, I asked, "Upload it somewhere public? Like on Github?" 

He pulled the matte black portable hard drive out of his coat pocket. "Sure. Or Mega or whatever. Don't care. Every second that this is the only copy is a second that we are the easiest way to plug the leak and eliminate all opposition," he said as if he'd been thinking about this for hours.

I smiled. "How about you just use my computer to do all that?" I grabbed my laptop off my dresser, unplugged the charging cable, and opened it.

He looked at me concerned for a moment and then began to walk to the door. "Actually, you know what? This data was supposed to go to the Mage's Council. The leak wasn't even supposed to be traceable back to me."

"Well, maybe we could use a VPN or the Tor network?" I offered.

"No, the longer I stay here, the more danger I'm in. I'd be safe with Ezzie, but you're just a student. Have Ezzie contact me when she gets back. Until then, I'm going to disappear." He grabbed the handle of my door.

"Hey! Wait, I know magic engineering and stuff. Ezzie even commissioned one of these from me." I put on my shield bracelet and snapped my fingers. The shield flickered to life in a small fraction of a second.

"That's not gonna help. Do you even know what Doctor Aumont is capable of?" he said as he opened the door, only to be knocked back by a pair of deer who'd been humping against the door.

I deactivated my shield and narrowed my eyes at him. "She turned me into a contagious herm deer without my consent. I know what she's capable of first hand."

He kicked the door closed to lock the humping deer out. "Turning people into sex-obsessed herms is tame compared to what I saw her do in the lab. She got shut down because she'd been testing transformation fields that could work on entire groups of subjects at the same time without caring that some of the people in those fields ended up in an ambulance. This isn't some game to her. The sex is not a gift she is giving. She wants the new anthros to be unable to control themselves. You're the only victim I've seen today who has any idea how to restrain herself." 

My eyes widened as I realized there was an orgy going on outside and many of the herms had looked like they needed it, like they were finally getting enough sex to satisfy them. And Don didn't know how rambunctious I'd been with Ezzie. "But what good does making people so sex crazed do? The TF would spread plenty fast if people just had above average sex drives."

Now he looked outright frustrated. "The faster it spreads, the less time there is to stop it. The fact that her victims have such a strong desire for other anthros is a mistake in her eyes. She hoped her victims would still mostly be attracted to humans so the transformation would spread like wildfire. The data I have on this drive proves she was working on correcting that mistake."

"Well, give me the drive so we can get that data to the authorities." I reached out my hand.

"You know what? You're right, I've got to stop thinking only about my own livelihood." He glanced at my bed and the floor. "Could you clean up the semen on the side of your comforter and move that semen-soaked towel lying next to the bed?"

I felt like hiding under my covers in sheer embarrassment. "Yeah, sorry about that." Getting off the bed, I used the hand towel I'd cleaned myself with to get the cum off the comforter and then put it, and the towel, in my hamper.

Before I could even get back to my bed, there were screams from outside. While we were still shellshocked and wondering what had just happened, there were solid thunks in my bedroom door. The ends of knife points were now poking through it.

Someone on the other side yelled, "CLEAR THE ROOM, NOW!" There were more screams and more thuds until there were eight knives in the door. Each new knife made my heart beat faster.

The door opened of its own accord to reveal Professor Aumont. Short as ever, menacing as ever. Her whiskers and her tall bunny ears twitched as she strolled into my room. Two chef's knives sat just above her shoulders, suspended in the air. Behind her, a herd of herm deer was running out the dorm room, not even bothering to put their clothes back on.

One of Aumont's knives went for my throat and I snapped my fingers to activate my shield. I got it in the way of the knife just in time and it knife bounced off landing right next to my pillow. "RUN!" I yelled at Don as I aimed the edge of my shield at Professor Aumont's face, and launched it at her faster than the eye could see. 

Don made for the door.

Instead of hitting Professor Aumont, my shield just hung in the air while she made a flurry of flashing hand gestures that I couldn't follow. The second knife went for my throat. I scrambled backwards until I was trapped between her knife and the headboard. When it pressed right up against me, I got my shield back, but it was too late.

Professor Aumont called after Don. "If you leave, you two will die within three minutes of each other."

Don stopped abruptly at the door, paralyzed by fear. He slowly turned to look at Professor Aumont saying, "Y-you're bluffing."

"Sure, I'm bluffing." She moved her right hand making a circle with her index finger and her thumb.

The knife cut my neck and I screamed because I thought she was just going to off me and then try to get Don. A spike of adrenaline accompanied the searing pain shooting down my arms. "D-don't listen to her, run and try to--AHH!!" She cut me deeper and the pain went from searing to sickening.

Don's face blanched and he walked back into my bedroom.

"Give me the drive," Aumont commanded.

Don held up the portable hard drive.

She moved her left hand. "Let go of it and don't come any closer."

Don dropped the drive as he stared at the knife at my throat. While my Professor's eyes were off of me, I grabbed the knife that had bounced off my shield.

The drive never made it to the floor, it simply arced back upwards and landed in Professor Aumont's left paw-padded hand. She pocketed it and reached toward me. "Give me the other knife."

"No!" I said.

"Okay, you can die, then." She applied pressure and deepened the cut she'd made to my throat. I yelped and dropped the knife. It flew toward Don chasing him until he had his face against the wall with the knife at the back of his neck. Now that both of us were being held hostage, she grabbed my laptop off the end of my bed set it in my lap. "Log in."

"I didn't put any data on--"

She slid the knife another millimeter across my throat, just enough to threaten me. "You think I'm gonna take your word for it? Log in."

I opened the laptop while nearly having a panic attack. My chest was so tight I felt like coughing, but I didn't dare cough because the knife would surely cut me open. Looking down without moving my head, I logged in. She grabbed my laptop and pulled up the terminal before typing a couple commands into the command line. I couldn't see exactly what she was doing, but I had a feeling my computer wouldn't be going back to its lock screen anymore. 

She took off her desert camo backpack and put my laptop and Don's portable hard drive in it. "Now, if either of you follow me before I get out the--" She sighed. "Val, I know you're casting something. Stop, or I'll kill them!"

Val said, "Okay, okay, I've stopped."

Don was visibly shaking. I would have been shaking, but I could feel blood trickling down my neck and I was using all my willpower to stay as still as possible.

"Good, now, as I was saying, if all of you stay still until I'm out the front door, you don't die. Just forget about me and my plans and live your lives. You're all bright young students and I'd hate to see you die before you can become established in your fields." She walked up to Don and grabbed the knife at the back of his neck. Then she made gestures with her right hand to telekinetically unzip her backpack and take a syringe out of it. With more gestures, the cap popped off and the syringe flew until it stabbed Don in the neck.

"No!" Don cried.

Depressing the plunger, she said, "You ever steal from me again, I'll inject you with bleach instead of my TF compound."

I tried to speak, but that made my throat move and worsened my cut.

The syringe floated back into Aumont's backpack while she strolled out of my bedroom on her big rabbit feet. On the way out of our dorm room, she detoured through the kitchen and took all the forks from the little wire utensil stand next to the toaster. She dropped them behind our front door as she closed it.

Val peered into the bedroom to see the knives fall away. Then, as she dashed toward our front door, but before she could open it, the forks rose up two by two and stabbed themselves into our carpeted floor so hard that their entire tines were buried. It sounded like a giant nail gun. "FUCKING FUCK!" Val yelled as she found the door wouldn't budge. Then she tried to pull the forks out only to find it was impossible to do without any tools.

Don grabbed a sock off my floor and sopped up some blood so he could inspect my wound. I hissed in pain.

Washing my wound and then getting it properly bandaged consumed the next fifteen minutes. Having the fire department come through our window and get the forks out of our floor took over an hour. Then we spent even more of our evening explaining the entire incident to the cops. They were a bit put off by the fact that naked herm deer kept coming to our room to pick up their clothes and other belongings, but they didn't charge anyone with indecent exposure. We told them that we were having a naked party when this all went down and that people had fled when Professor Aumont showed up. I didn't know if our explanation mattered, they'd likely given up on trying to police campus for public decency during the quarantine.

Don was watching the herm deer more and looking at me and Val more intently as time went on. He was so distracted by the time the cops were asking their last few questions that he was struggling to give one-word answers. I could see a bit of reddish-brown fur coming in just under his Adam's apple and was thankful that the police left when they did because Don's scent was starting to get to me. It was fantastic, like warm honey butter. We'd given the cops plenty to go on and I wanted to do more to catch Professor Aumont, but poor Don needed my attention first.

I sat closer to Don on the couch and gently grabbed his hand. "I wish we knew how to stop her TF serum. I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"Yeah." Don looked away from me, embarrassment reddening his cheeks. "About that...I, uhh, s-something is happening to me--" he gulped, "--down there."

I blushed. "It smells like you're turning into a herm."

Don nodded slowly as he gasped and his body shuddered. "I'm wet down there. Like, I think I already have--" he cut himself off.

The oblong patch of reddish-brown fur on his neck was bigger than a half dollar now and it was getting a white border. "A pussy?" The tip of my cock poked out of my sheath.

"It aches. Could you check on it and see if it is okay?" He bit his lip.

The tent in my skirt grew as I said, "Yeah, get out of those jeans and lay back." The couch was still covered by the painter's tarp and I wanted to make use of it. I was hoping he'd be okay having sex on the couch. Val walking in on us wouldn't be a downside. With how horny he was, I figured having help would be good. Every muscle in my body was sore from my romp with Ezzie. It felt like I'd spent an entire day at a rave.

He laid back and trembled while he slowly pulled his khakis down, exposing his loins. "What do you see?"

Just as I was about to look, I changed my mind and said, "Sorry, can I take off my skirt and panties first? Things are getting a bit tight."

"Sure." He nodded. His shaft was already darkening, getting thicker and longer. A rich musk filled the air as he pulled his pants all the way off and then lifted his balls.

Stripping my lower half was hard because I had eight inches of cock already out of my sheath. My erection grew to full size the moment I stared at the puffy cunt under his balls. It was indeed wet and it was only getting bigger. It looked about half the size it needed to get to fit me in it, though. I got between his legs saying, "It looks a bit equine. You have a huge clit and it's still changing. Want me to snap a picture so you can see?"

As soon as my face lowered to get an even closer look, he grabbed my antlers. Before I knew it, my nose was being pushed against his hot puffy labia as he shivered and moaned. "F-Fuck! Don't pull back please I need this!"

I gasped in surprise and then groaned in delight as I started to use my long and dexterous cervine tongue on his delicious honey-butter-tasting sex. Feeling his snatch gain in depth and width made my prick throb. My little deer tail waggled in excitement as he used his grip on my antlers to direct my oral attention.

Suddenly, he pushed me away, his cleavage showing through his shirt as his muzzle began coming in. "I need more!" He coaxed me onto my back with one hand while rubbing at his muff with the other.

"I don't know if I'll fit yet." I looked up at his needy pussy, his enlarging balls and dick. He was definitely going equine down there and his fur was taking on a giraffe pattern. "God you're hot!"

"Oh, he is at that!" Val cooed as she walked into the room. "Mind if I stick around?"

He straddled me and lined up his snatch with my slender tip as fast as he could, grabbing the back of the couch with his left hand to stabilize himself. "As long as I get something inside me right now, I don't care about anything else."

"Take off that top before your breasts start to hurt from all the pressure, then we can give your new pussy its first dick." I rubbed his thighs to try and soothe him. He seemed twitchy and overwhelmed.

He pulled his shirt off and then just fell onto my shaft, yipping as I stretched him open.

"Hoooh! You're so fucking tight!" I gasped and shook under him as his incredibly hot and wet snatch enveloped my tapered cock. When his chest got within reach, I squeezed and fondled his growing tits. He was getting curvier by the second and his hips were looking downright feminine.

Val walked over to my side and started stroking herself. I put two fingers in her snatch and she spurted pre across my breasts.

"YES! fuck yes!" he shouted as giraffe horns began to protrude out from his head and his nose flattened into his forming muzzle. He shoved himself down and clenched around my shaft. "Fuck! I need to feel you cum!"

Magic poured into me giving my worn out body some needed stamina. "Unf! You are so gorgeous!" I started bucking into him, feeling his equine prick get heavier and heavier against my belly.

Don, completely losing himself to his new herm giraffe urges, slammed down taking me to the hilt and was rewarded by his snatch's first orgasm. As his cunt bathed my cock in ecstatic turbulence, he stroked his hands over his equine cock head for the first time. He howled as it flared immediately and a torrent of cum jetted onto my chest and Val's thigh.

Wanting to make Don's first time as good as possible, I grabbed him and rolled him onto his back. Then, I thrust against him nice and hard giving his equine pussy the abuse I knew it could take. I growled from putting in so much effort. I wanted to cum with him, for him to feel the joy of getting filled. He deserved it, this awful day needed something bright in it, and I was almost there! Then, while his pussy was still twitching, I felt my shaft lurch inside him. Squealing in ecstasy, I filled his pussy full, my huge balls proving they weren't just for show.

As I was cumming, Val climbed onto the couch and shoved inside me. She'd been jacking herself the whole time and let loose a load inside my cunt before I'd finished filling Don. I whooped in pleasure as she made my orgasm soar into the stratosphere and magic pour through me, sweetening the bliss. 

After that, I was spent. I didn't have one more ounce of sex to give when I came down from my peak. I just panted stuck between Don and Val until we dismounted.

Just after we pulled apart, Don said, "Damn it! I need more!" His erection was quickly pressing out of his sheath.

Val turned to me and asked, "You want me to take this round?"

"Yeah, sorry Don, I need to take a shower and collapse into bed. You're welcome to join me if you want to sleep in my bed tonight," I said as I hauled myself off the couch and staggered toward the bathroom.

He was too busy enjoying the second cock of his life to reply. I'd fucked up big time, but at least Don seemed happy. I wondered whether he would want to start going by "she" when all was said and done. I knew almost nothing about him and hoped he wouldn't be traumatized if he had to stay a herm giraffe for a while.

I barely remembered showering and going to bed. It had been a day with far too much in it. In a way, I was lucky. I didn't have enough energy to be terrified of Professor Aumont and whatever she was planning. Clearly she was risking everything and knew she'd be on a most wanted list for her assault.

* * * * *

Giggling and the occasional moan coming from Val's room is what I woke up to. Groggily making my way to Val's room, I didn't bother to put on my housecoat. I figured it was safe to assume Don was okay based on how much they seemed to be enjoying themselves. But I needed to do something, I needed to say something.

When I opened Val's bedroom door, I saw Don taking her from behind. My sore, spent, and traumatized body got barely a tingle from seeing it. I didn't care whether it was the right or wrong time to speak my mind. I'd woken up feeling dread and defeat. With the wound on my throat aching like mad, I said, "I'm sorry, Don. You were right. You should've hid and waited for Ezzie to come back."

Don stopped mid-thrust and sighed. "Ezzie is the one that deserves an apology and both of us are going to have to give it to her. If I'd given you the drive right away, we might have been able to upload the data before Doctor Aumont arrived."

"Ugh, can't we wait until after our morning rut to talk about heavy stuff?" Val complained.

"She's right, if we don't take an active role in managing our libido, we'll fall even further into Doctor Aumont's hands." Don started thrusting again.

In that moment, Don reminded me so much of Commander Data that I would have laughed if my throat didn't hurt so much. Maybe I should have gotten stitches. Wanting some emotional closure, I asked, "Do you like being a giraffe herm?"

He paused. "It's quite the experience. I don't dislike it, but I'd rather not think about it more than that." Then he refocused on Val and went at it even harder.

My phone ringing in my room got me scrambling back to my room, my breasts and balls flailing as I ran. It was Ezzie. With my chest tightening and my heart sinking in my chest, I said, "Hello?"

"Hi, is everything okay?" she asked.

I wanted to tell her that we'd succeeded: provide proof that I could knock around with the likes of Ezzie and pull my weight. Instead, I was just a useless starry-eyed fangirl. 

Trembling and holding back tears, I said, "Ezzie, I fucked up."


I’d like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 1) (------) (Part 3) (Part 4)


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