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 (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (------)

Bianca and Linnette have a meeting with the principal that veers way outside their expectations. Then, at a family breakfast, Bianca recieves a life-changing letter.

The Tails of Graduation - Part 9

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

The graduation ceremony was cancelled and the school had a legendary fight with news sources trying to make sure the graduation day orgy stayed a rumor. Over seventy percent of my classmates were now mosaics. They were a stunning array of species and patterns.  We all got asked to keep it to ourselves and in the words of the assistant principal, "None of you will benefit from the public knowing what occurred. If you are asked why the ceremony was canceled, simply blame it on the Tail Virus outbreak and decline further questions."

I had no clue whether their attempt at a cover up would actually work, but I was more than fine with keeping things secret. What I wasn't fine with was a meeting with the principal Linnette and I were about to leave for.

That is, if we could get out the door. She was suckling on my left nipple while using her tail on my pussy and I used my tail to jack her cock. I'd started lactating a few days after the orgy and Linnette and I had been playing with my breasts ever since. My milk tasted like creamy chamomile tea and both of us were a bit addicted. Our intimate parts were raw from all the sex we'd had and this last tailing was the end of our little celebration over me graduating. My diploma was going to arrive in the mail any day now.

She bucked her hips and groaned as her flare and knot expanded in the coil of my tail and she blasted her new water-proof sheets with thick cum. Feeling and hearing her get off, I orgasmed around her tail, astounding pleasure centering around my left nipple as she swallowed the last bit of milk I had. We'd gotten waterproof bedding for a reason: we'd made pearly white lakes on her bed yet again.

After that, we washed up, got in my car, and drove to the school. We'd bought a harness Linnette could wear that would safely allow her to be strapped into the back seat. It made me far less nervous driving her around.

"Did the principal say anything to you about why he asked for this meeting?" I asked as we turned onto the street that went all the way to the school.

"He said he needed to discuss a private matter," Linnette maneuvered her tail so it was in my lap.

I caressed it with one hand while driving with the other. "Yeah, my email was equally vague, but it makes me really nervous that he asked for both of us."

"Me too," Linnette said.

I tried to think about reasons the principal could want both of us but every reason I could think of centered around him knowing about my relationship with Linnette. My heart was pounding in my chest by the time we got to the school and when I started unbuckling Linnette, I had to take a moment to breathe. Poor Linnette, I had likely ruined her life. I'd been using all the sex to put it out of my mind, but I had to face it. This meeting could only be about what we'd done, the line we'd crossed. I'd wanted more of a Hot Fuzz ending for us where we triumphed over all our obstacles, but I felt like we were trending toward Thelma and Louise.

Once Linnette got out of the car and saw my face, she said, "Hey now, worst thing that can happen is I get fired before my two weeks are up. Whatever happens, we can work together to figure it out, okay?"

I nodded, not knowing if I could speak without crying.

She closed the door with her tail and then hugged me. "I don't blame you for anything, hon."

I forced back tears. "But I blame myself. I seduced you, I didn't stop Nicole from infecting--"

"Stop that. You did the best you could with what you had while you were going through something like a second puberty. Both of those choices included me, I could have said 'no,' but I agreed with you at the time. Crystal and Violet went along with everything too, so that's three people other than you that helped make these decisions. They could have discouraged us getting together, they could have said we needed to go to the cops right away. Everyone would change things in retrospect." She pulled out of the hug so she could look me in the eye. "That said, no matter what happens in there, I will not regret having sex with you. Never in my entire life have I been this emotionally satisfied. You are my heart, the kindest, most wonderful person I've ever met."

I grabbed onto her and started bawling into her shoulder. I didn't deserve her, no one did. She was a big pillar of love shining for all to see. She was the best friend anyone could ask for. And she believed in me more than I believed in myself. In the back of my mind, I realized my crying might make us late, and that helped me calm down. My emotions had been stressed to their limit and I'd needed to shed tears to avoid exploding. It was so good that Linnette always made me feel safe enough to cry whenever I needed to. As I pulled myself back together, I said, "Ditto on all that, love."

"I meant every word, love." She kissed me tenderly.

I returned the kiss before standing at her side and taking her hand in mine. We walked into the school and stopped holding hands when I opened the aluminum and glass door to the office. The air inside smelled like toner and hand sanitizer. I was scrunching my snout as the secretary who was wearing a red top and matching red lipstick said, "Go right on in, Mr. Agolini is expecting you."

Linnette followed me as I entered the principal's office. It wasn't huge, but it had a big tan wooden bookshelf, a coffee maker, a microwave, and a couple yellow-upholstered chairs. Mr. Agolini looked tiny in his executive black-leather rolling chair. The bald top of his head shined above buzz-cut light brown hair on the sides. His perfectly round glasses complimented his angular face. To his left, in a simple steel chair, was a slender man with a narrow dark blue tie and a pristine matte black business suit. Everything about him screamed, "lawyer."

Mr. Agolini's flat expression was partially obscured by the steeple he was making with his hands. He said, "Have a seat," and then looked at Linnette and said, "Or, umm, whatever position makes you comfortable?"

I moved the second chair out of the way so Linnette could sit next to me and then sat in front of the principal's monstrous tan wooden desk.

Mr. Agolini pulled apart his steeple and gestured to the two stacks of paper in front of him. "Before we can discuss anything other than the weather, I need you two to sign these non-disclosure agreements Mr. Kingsley kindly drew up for us."

Linnette and I looked at each other for a moment and then Linnette said, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to read them first."

Mr. Kingsley said, "Of course, and I'm available for any questions you may have."

We grabbed the NDA forms and started reading. None of it seemed all that scary and I was raising an eyebrow half way through because it seemed mainly concerned with the privacy of "The Agolini Family" and any legal information we were given during our talk.

"Just to make sure, this NDA will not stop me from pursuing legal action against the administration of this school, right?" Linnette asked.

Mr. Agolini winced.

"I'm not planning legal action, dear. I'm just trying to get a handle on my rights," Linnette said.

"Ahh, okay," Mr. Agolini gestured toward Mr. Kingsley.

"No, this is solely about legal and other sensitive information given to you about the Agolini family in this room, today. None of Mr. Agolini's history with you is under the NDA," Mr. Kingsley said.

"Good, good," Linnette said as she went back to reading. When she was finished, she signed and dated it and put it back on the desk.

I did the same, afraid and curious of what was going to come next. My concern that Linnette was going to get fired was still looming, but I also had a sliver of hope that this was about something else. In that moment, I also realized that if she was going to get fired, it was odd I was there too. We'd missed that fact in all our worrying.

Mr. Kingsley collected the papers and looked at our signatures. "All's in order, Mr. Agolini."

"There's no easy way to say this, but my daughter is mentally ill. She has always been unstable and difficult to work with. I've tried to keep all this in the family, but this latest incident has the government breathing down our necks. Since I know you two are victims of her antics, I want to make an appeal to you." Mr. Agolini sat up straighter.

"By her latest antics, do you mean contaminating lattes with the intent of infecting people with the Tail Virus?" Linnette asked. "A federal offence?"

My jaw dropped. Apparently Linnette was no longer gonna pull punches.

Mr. Agolini grimaced and then frowned. "Yes. She was caught at work milking herself into a customer's latte the day after graduation." He put his head in his hands. "I still can't believe it."

"But that isn't enough for you to guess we were victims," I said.

He sighed. "No, she bragged about that when I confronted her about what she'd done at work."

I clenched my fist. To think that she'd brag about infecting us, it was maddening!

"Do you know she was the cause of the graduation day incident?" Linnette asked.

Mr. Agolini jolted upright and looked Linnette in the eye. "No!"

"Yes!" Linnette crossed her arms. "Bianca was suspicious of the coffee Nicole brought to the band room and when she tried to take it away Nicole fought with her and even admitted to contaminating it within earshot of me."

It made sense Linnette and others had heard her, she'd been yelling compromising information at me when we were fighting. I never wanted to be on the other end of Linnette's sharp wit. She was making Mr. Agolini sweat.

Mr. Kingsley broke in when Mr. Agolini tried to respond. "Let's not address the graduation day incident. I'll have to do some research on how best to handle a possible case from that incident. We can have another meeting to discuss all that, and once this meeting concludes, I can gather some information from everyone here to start my inquiry."

"She needs help, that's not at issue. And, like I said, I just want to make sure she gets it." Mr. Agolini took a deep breath.  "Would you two be willing to testify about my daughter's instability? Appeal to the jury that she needs therapy and not decades in jail?"

"Yes, absolutely," Linnette said.

"As long as keeping a close eye on her while she's being rehabilitated is part of the plan, I'm fine with it," I said with a smile. This was far better than I expected.

Mr. Agolini's stern expression softened. "Oh, thank you, thank you! This is such a relief."

Mr. Kingsley was smiling warmly. We'd probably made his life way easier.

"Is that all?" I asked wanting to be away from all this stress ASAP.

"No, unfortunately." Mr. Agolini leaned forward. "Now that that's over with, I'd like to address the illicit sexual relationship between you two."

"Oh dear," Linnette said as I nearly crawled out of my chair so I could get in the fetal position on the floor.

Mr. Agolini said, "This school is already having a PR massacre and a teacher having a sexual relationship with a student is a yet another headache we don't--"

"I'm so sorry, it was all--" I said.

Mr. Agolini held up his hand. "Let me finish." 

I bit my lip and trembled. The urge to prostrate myself in front of the principal and beg for him to punish me instead of Linnette was overpowering. Linnette was wringing her hands in anxiety.

"You two need to calm down and just listen." Mr. Agolini held up his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "I understand that when it comes to the Tail Virus it can cause normally manageable urges to become unmanageable. My daughter is an example of that, after all. And I have no plans to put any mention of your relationship official records. In fact, I want to ask you to sign one more NDA so we can drop this matter for good." Mr. Agolini motioned toward his lawyer. "Mr. Kingsley?"

Opening his briefcase, Mr. Kingsley took out two more forms and handed them to us. "This NDA asks that you maintain that your sexual relationship started after Linnette left her position. and that you do not talk to the media or submit any public testimony that you two were in a relationship before Linnette left her position. There's also a lot of verbiage about how this NDA would affect other proceedings and agreements."

I was sick to my stomach from the emotional barrel roll. Linnette seemed as nervous and excited as I was as she read through the NDA. As far as I could tell, everything about it was legit. There was even a part where the principal had signed off that he wouldn't disclose anything about our relationship or take any legal or administrative action regarding it. Seeing this promise in writing got my smile back.

Linnette turned to me and said, "Does it all look good, hon?"

"Yeah! Let's sign it and get out of here," I said.

Once we handed the signed NDAs to Mr. Kingsley, he asked us a few questions about the graduation day orgy and then he and Mr. Agolini offered handshakes. Before we left, Mr. Kingsley asked us for our contact info and handed us his card saying, "I'll be in touch. It's all a bit early right now, so you might not hear from me for months. I'd plan on needing to take time off to testify around February. I'll give you a clearer date the moment I have one."

"Sounds good," I said.

Linnette and I ran out to my car practically skipping. After I opened the back door for her, Linnette brushed my hair out of my face, grabbed my muzzle in her hands, and gave me a deep kiss. I kissed her back caressing her dragon muzzle and ears for the minute and a half we decided to risk being seen.

After our lips parted, I said, "With that NDA thing, I'm assuming we should be careful kissing in public before you've officially quit."

"NDA's like that are often unenforceable, but I'm looking forward to not having to worry about it regardless, and to having free time to figure out where I'm gonna go from here." She stretched her lower half like a cat.

"I'll be here to help you figure all that out," I said sharing one more hug before we got in the car to go back to her place, my second home.

* * * * *

Mornings at my house had been strange ever since I'd graduated. I got up in time for school that I was no longer attending. It was a bit like the start of summer break, but it had a different feel because I knew I'd never have to walk the halls of my high school again. After this summer break, I wouldn't even see my parents when I got up in the morning. I found myself missing the routine I'd had since I was a toddler even though I hadn't lost it yet. I also had some mixed feelings. My parents and I hadn't talked about Linnette since we'd had that fight on graduation day and part of me hoped we'd never resume that conversation.

This morning with sunlight pouring through the frosted glass in our front door and song sparrows chirping outside, I was hoping for another quiet breakfast filled with meaningless family small talk. 

As I was drinking the remnants of my honey nut cheerios with the last bit of milk in my red glass cereal bowl, seconds from being freed from the breakfast table, my Dad said, "We're sorry."

I set my bowl down cursing my luck. Linnette, Crystal, Violet, and I were planning to go to a mosaic support group for the first time later today and that was going to be stressful enough already. My parents apologizing never led to an easy discussion. They were just too perceptive and intellectual for anything emotional to be simple. I loved them for it, actually, but today I was considering asking them if this could wait till tomorrow.

Dad, just then, realized that I had no idea what he was apologizing for. "We're sorry about how we reacted to the news about Linnette."

There it was. The subject I'd been avoiding. They seemed relaxed and open, so I decided to see where they were going with this instead of making an excuse and leaving the table.

Mom nodded, "Yeah, we did some reading on the sorts of relationships that happen due to the Tail Virus and what happened to you is not as unusual as we thought."

"Thank you," I smiled. "Thank you for trying to understand me."

"We always want to understand you if we can, champ," Dad took my hand.

"It's basically imagining what people would do if their sex drives were thousands of times stronger. I read yesterday that poly relationships are twenty times more common in female mosaics and fifty times more common in herm mosaics." I sighed. "I'm destined for a bizarre life."

Mom took my other hand. "Who cares? You've got enough on your plate being a mosaic. Do what works for you."

"Yeah, and we'll support you however we can," Dad said.

"I actually could use your help with something." I said, "I need you two to maintain that I wasn't intimate with Linnette until the end of her two weeks notice. I don't think the principal knows that you know and he'd probably ask you two to sign an NDA if he did."

Mom nodded. "I thought they'd try to do some PR damage control."

"Yeah, that's probably for the best." Dad thought for a moment. "Are you two going public after her two weeks are up?"

I blushed. "No, we're just not going to be as careful when we're in public. We're still gonna try and help each other find girlfriends. Though, I'm thinking we'll be in some sort of intimate relationship for the foreseeable future."

Mom looked like she was going to say something, but then she took a deep breath. "I have to be honest with you. It's going to be hard for me to accept the conditions under which you met her and the age gap. It makes me nervous, I keep wanting to give you advice, I keep thinking of you as my little girl making scary decisions that I understand intellectually, but don't understand emotionally."

"All I ask is that you try, mom. It's scary to me too." I looked at the table top feeling like I was under the magnifying glass again.

Dad said, "It's hard for me too, but I'm going to try as well...How does she feel about it?"

"How does who feel?" I asked.

"Linnette," he replied.

"She's uncomfortable for the exact same reasons we are." I shrugged.

After a brief pause, Dad said, "Maybe we should just invite her over for dinner?"

Mom nodded. "That's a great idea!"

"Yeah! Maybe later this week after her two weeks are up," I offered.

While we were going back and forth with Linnette through text scheduling a family dinner, the mail arrived. Dad got up to get it and then brought back a fancy-looking letter addressed to me. My breath caught in my throat when I saw it was from the Greenbriar School of Film and Fine Art--the school Linnette helped me apply to.

"What is it, champ?" Dad asked.

"It's from Greenbriar!" I said.

Mom handed me a letter opener, "Well, let's see what it says."

I steeled myself realizing it could be a rejection and opened the letter. Unfolding the thick luxurious paper, my heart sped up. Then I was reading while holding my breath until I saw the words, "We are happy to announce that you have been accepted…" Happy tears spilled down my cheeks as I finally breathed out.

"Oh, I'm sorry, hon," Dad rubbed my shoulder reassuringly.

"Oh Harold, she's crying because she got in, silly!" Mom ruffled my hair.

As I sat there feeling weightless from the elation of knowing all my hard work had paid off, I, for the first time since I got the Tail Virus, felt like my life was going to work out after all. Being a zebra-dragon mosaic was a burden I could carry and, from this day forward, I would carry it gladly.


I’d like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (------)