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 (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (------) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part9)

I forgot to attach the text file. It is attached now.

I intend to get part 7 done by the end of the month, but it is possible that I will post it during the first couple days of September. This story has been a joy to write and I want to make sure that the last part is not rushed and gets properly edited. 

With this sixth part, this story clocks in just short of 40K, the most words I've ever written in one month, period. And when I post part 7, the word count will go above 40,000 officially making "The Tails of Graduation" a novel! I'm already calling this experiment a success. 

I think it might be fun to try to write a whole novel as a Patreon Short once a year now that I know I can actually pull it off. Anyway, if I'm thinking about doing this again, I'll let you guys vote on it vs other possibilities.

Bicanca and Linnette struggle with the implications of Nicole’s damning image and then Linnette undergoes an unexpected transformation that changes her life forever. But that doesn’t stop them from having some incredible sex.

The Tails of Graduation - Part 6

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

Linnette's place was a library that was in the shape of a small two-bedroom house. Medium brown well-used wooden bookshelves, with glass doors to keep the dust out, lined the walls. On them was a perfectly-ordered array of books divided into neat little sections. Just like in a library, not every shelf was completely full and book ends had been used judiciously to give each section room to breathe. The fact that every nook and cranny of her house wasn't filled with books was a testament to Linnette's self control: she was able to say 'no' to her impulses.

Well, not all her impulses. The Tail Virus had seen to it that her need for sex outweighed her inhibitions and, as we sat at her round wooden dining room table dipping our grilled ham and cheese sandwiches in our bowls of split pea soup, she smelled increasingly of vanilla and salmon. I felt for her when she sighed and set down her sandwich so she could scoot back from the table and free her dick from her skirt. It was so big it easily cleared the table top.

I tried not to stare, but I wanted that thing inside me and I was so hard my cock was rubbing against the underside of the table. 

As she picked her sandwich back up, she said, "Has a mind of its own."

"Tell me about it!" I said as I moved my chair back and pulled back the lip of my sweatpants and released my dick from its confines. Then I picked up my sandwich and dipped it in my split pea soup.

Linnette giggled and then breathed to stop herself from breaking into laughter, but that tactic failed and she ended up making this huge belly laugh. I stared at her, wondering what was going on the whole time.

When she recovered, she said, "Sorry, it's just...look at us. We're sitting here having a nice dinner with our rock hard erections out for all to see. Never, even in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine a situation like this."

"Isn't it kinda nice, though? Like, we're comfortable enough with each other that we can just let our dicks get some air if they need it." I smiled.

Shrugging, she said, "Not exactly my definition of quaint, but I don't feel embarrassed and that's nice."

"Well, I'm a bit embarrassed." I grimaced. "I'm so wet that I'm worried I'm gonna leave a puddle on your seat."

She groaned as pre beaded at her tip. "Don't say things like that. I want to at least finish eating before we try to fitting me in there again."

I moaned at the mere mention of her fitting inside me. "Sorry, I've been thinking about it all day."

After eating another bite, she said, "Don't be sorry, I've got the same problem. It's why my penis interrupted dinner."

"It's gotta fit, right? Look at me, I'm, like, four inches taller than I was this morning," I said.

"We'll see, I don't want to get my hopes up. I've resigned myself to the possibility that no one's pussy can fit this thing."

I reached across the table and grabbed her hand. "Even if I can't fit it, there's some big mosaics out there, taurs even. You will get to try it out someday."

A tiny hopeful smile curled at the edge of her dragon muzzle. "I guess you're right."

"And who knows? Maybe you'll fit in me tonight. We have lube and time and I'm wet as can be."

Her pointy ears drooped. "Is it bad that I still feel guilty about fucking a student to take care of my sexual urges?"

"No, I think feeling bad about that is healthy." I gave her hand a squeeze as my stomach clenched. 

"You okay?" she put her other hand atop mine.

"I need to tell you something, but we should finish eating first," I said.

"Oh, is it bad?" She looked into my eyes. "It's bad isn't it?"

I gulped. "Yeah, it's pretty bad. But we're almost done eating, let's just pretend everything's fine for a few more minutes."

"Things do seem less ominous on a full stomach." She scooped a bunch of soup onto her sandwich and took a big bite.

"Exactly," I did the same as her and enjoyed the way the perfectly melty cheese mixed with the soup as I chewed.

We twisted the ends of our tails together enjoying the quiet. I pushed back against the dread and tears that wanted to drown me. I had to believe things would work out. Linnette deserved to be happy and well paid and it would break my heart if our relationship screwed that up for her. I was the one who had encouraged her to do stuff with me, after all.

She ate the tiny corner of bread that comprised the last bit of her sandwich."Okay, out with it, you look like you should be filmed in muted colors."

After swallowing my last bit of soup, I said, "Nicole has a picture of our orgy from yesterday."

Linnette sat up straighter. "How!?"

"She cracked the door open and snapped a picture." I frowned. "I noticed the door cracked open, but I thought I was just misremembering whether Crystal closed it."

"Why would Nicole do that?" Linnette asked.

"She's had a problem with me ever since I didn't go to her eighteenth birthday party and I think she was using you to get back at me." I shook my head. "That doesn't mean I understand the way she thinks. Blackmail and dosing people with the Tail Virus is pretty damn sinister."

Linnette looked like she wanted to bite something--hard. "Wait, are you saying Nicole was the donkey that handed me that latte? That I drank her--her--blech!" Her rage was now disgust.

"She used her milk," I said. "If that makes it any better."

"Maybe a teensy bit?" She looked a bit less like she wanted to vomit. "How do you know?"

"Crystal, Violet, and I figured out it was Nicole and then I followed her after school and caught her on video milking herself into a latte."

"You have evidence?" Linnette's mouth hung in surprise.

"Yeah, and when she confronted me, I told her that I'll show it to the cops if she shows her photo to anyone." I bit my lip regretting that I hadn't managed to steal Nicole's phone.

"I don't know, it might be better if we show the cops anyway. My job isn't worth other people being her victims," Linnette said.

I cringed as I imagined Linnette losing her job. My boner was gone, so I pulled my sweatpants back up. "Crystal, Violet, and I will be staying after school to make sure Nicole doesn't do it again and we're going to tell her that she can't do it to anyone else or we'll go to the cops."

Linnette winced. "But I don't think you should be engaging in blackmail at all."

My heart pounded in my ears as my neck tightened in anxiety. "Yeah, but I can't let her ruin your life. It's not your fault you got the virus. And I seduced you even though you said it was a bad idea for us to have a sexual relationship."

"Bianca, you can't wash away my guilt like this. I made the decision to have sex with you and your friends. I won't let you put all this on yourself."

"And I'm not going to let Nicole destroy your career," I countered.

She rubbed her scaly hands across her cheeks trying to calm herself. "I'm going to give my two weeks notice tomorrow."

"What?" I tilted my head.

"As long as I stay working at the school, she can hold us hostage." Linnette put on a pained smile. "Look at the bright side, this is forcing me to get off my ass and look for a better job in the city."

Feeling utterly helpless, I said, "This isn't right. You're not my teacher, you're my best friend. Why does it matter whether we have sex or not? We've got the Tail Virus for Christ's sake."

"It's just the way things are." She reached across the table and grabbed my hands. "And quitting is the best damage control I can think of. What we did isn't illegal, so my job is the only thing Nicole can hold over our heads, and when I'm off the payroll, you can go to the cops and stop engaging in blackmail." Her lip was quivering as she tried to stay strong. I could tell she was holding herself together and trying not to freak out in front of me.

I squeezed her tail with mine. "You shouldn't have to do that."

"No one in this town wants a fat middle-aged lesbian working for them, anyway." Tears pooled in Linnette's eyes.

Getting out of my chair, I dashed to her side and wrapped my arms around her, sympathetic tears beading at the corners of my eyes. "Hey! You're not fat. You're cuddly and have the perfect amount of extra weight."

"It's just--It feels the same as when I was a kid. I'm not strong enough to weather the glares and whispers when I'm at the supermarket and people giving me side-eye on the sidewalk. And all of it is just because I'm a dragon. If I become known as that teacher that became a mosaic and couldn't control herself...I just can't!" Now she was crying, crying harder than anyone older than me ever had in my presence.

"We both gotta get out of this town." I gave her a squeeze sniffling and trying to hold my tears back.

The way she was crying, with growls and groans, I could tell she was deeply frustrated. I cried a bit too because I couldn't bear to see her sad. During it all, I stroked her hair and the scales on her cheeks while she pressed against my shoulder and her tears soaked into my blouse. Eventually, she said, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

I pulled her head away and stood her up so I could give her a hug. "How many times have you let me scream my teenage angst into your shoulder? I am glad I can be here for you just this once."

She kissed me, tears still falling from her cheeks. Returning the kiss, I held her tight and groaned as I felt familiar tingles on my tongue. When I got a twinge down the center, it forked like hers. A similar tingle ran through my bones as I gained enough height that we had to change the angle of our kiss. Random changes had occurred so many times already that neither of us stopped kissing to observe what was happening to me. And we didn't mind the clumsiness that came with my changes. We lingered in that moment, in that slow exploration of each other's muzzles, for so long that my tongue was still sticking out of my mouth and my eyes were closed when she pulled away.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a gorgeous smile on her lips. "We definitely should live close to each other."

"Right next door," I cupped her ass with my hands and pulled her groin against mine.

"Oooh, did all that kissing get you a bit riled up?" she grinned.

"Nope, seeing you smile did." I rubbed ground the clothed wide head of my prick against her crotch just above her sheath.

She blushed as her cock stirred. "It's so strange to have someone care about me this much."

"Well, it shouldn't be strange. You care a lot about me." I grunted as our dicks got erect enough that they were pushing us apart.

"You know, you keep treating me like a mentor, but I feel like you're far wiser than me," she said.

"And I think you're the reason I'm this wise, so we're at an impasse." I reached down and gave her shaft a squeeze.

"Ngh! Dang it! How can I be this horny and cuddly at the same time?" she complained.

"I know the feeling." Pulling Linnette's skirt and panties down to reveal the six inches of dragon prick that had already made it out of her sheath, I said, "I got double penetrated for the first time today."

"Well, that explains why you smell so strongly of Crystal and Violet." She chuckled as she pulled my sweat pants down.

"We did it in the Geography room," I said as I walked toward her bathroom.

"Oh? How did you end up in there?" she asked.

"It's where I hid after my little scuffle with Nicole," I said.


After grabbing a towel, I said, "How about we sit together and I'll tell you all about it?" I laid the towel down on her light brown couch.

"Sure, but no clothes. I want to be distracted from the worry I feel about all this." She helped me out of my top and bra and then I helped her out of hers before we sat side by side on the couch.

We just held each other while I explained what happened with Nicole, but when I started recounting my time with Crystal and Violet, our hands found each other's cocks. By the time I got to Violet knotting me, our scents were filling the room and Linnette's pre was running down the underside of her shaft.

Catching her pre with my hand, I licked it off enjoying Linnette's unique salty sweetness. "I've got a surprise for you. Violet and Crystal made a video for us. You want to put it up on the big screen while I try out your ottoman?"

"Try out my ottoman?" Linnette raised an eyebrow.

I blushed. "I, uhh, I may or may not have had a dream where you fucked me while I was laying atop your ottoman."

"May or may not?" She smirked.

Getting up and going over my camera bag, I said, "It's possible I imagined you barely fitting inside me and cringing whenever I clenched around you."

"And I might have thought about bouncing you on my lap while we watched movies together tonight." Linnette grunted as she stroked herself.

"Well, I didn't daydream about you knotting me so tight that we were stuck there for an hour just cuddling afterwards." I bent over my bag as I pulled my professional camcorder and an HDMI cable out of it.

Linnette grabbed my tail and lifted it out of the way and, as I gasped in surprise, she pressed the head of her cock against my scaly pussy lips. "And I totally didn't think about doing this the moment you bent over!" She shoved her hips forward and popped the head of her girthy prick inside me.

I dropped the HDMI cable on the floor and grabbed at my breasts as she grabbed onto my left shoulder and pressed more inches inside me. It was tight, almost painful, but also pleasurable beyond belief. I could feel every little detail of her dick in full, especially her barbs. "FUUUHHHH!" was all I managed to say, loving this pleasant surprise.

"This is marvelous!" She moaned and shivered as she got a third of herself buried inside me. "And reaaaallly tight. You okay?"

"MORE!" I begged.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed as she got to the half-way mark.

"Ungh!" There was this amazing pressure inside me making me feel oh so full and a heat radiating down my legs. I was also having a lot of trouble staying upright due to the intensity of the sensations.

She stopped after getting a couple inches deeper and said, "I think this might be all that fits for now."

"While I do love this, the position isn't ideal. Maybe pull out and I'll get the video set up and then I can lay on the ottoman?"

"And I'll go get a blanket so our mess doesn't get in my carpet." We both grunted as she pulled out.

My pussy winked several times in a row to complain about its new favorite cock being taken away as I hooked the camcorder up to her wall-mounted HDTV and got the video ready to play.

When she came back to the room with a thick blanket, I helped her lay it over the ottoman and surrounding carpet. Then I laid atop her nice big ottoman holding the remote for the camcorder and lifting my tail high. "Put it back."

She got a twinkle in her eye. "Put what back?"

I wrapped my tail around her cock and squeezed. "This!"

"Hooooh!" she bellowed as I manhandled her dick. The moment I let up, she stepped up to my backside and put her right hand on my shoulder blade for support as she guided her shaft in.

Once she'd gotten herself half in again, I started the video. 

Crystal addressed the camera saying, "Hey Bianca! Violet wants to show off her first lesbain makeout session, don't you Violet?"

Violet hid behind Crystal and peeked over her shoulder.

"Okay, I can take a hint. I'll just shut it off, then." Crystal reached toward the camera.

Violet whispered in Crystal's ear.

Crystal grinned. "Sure! I'll take the lead till you're horny enough to speak up." She turned around and pushed Violet onto the bed before climbing atop her. "You see, Violet wants to be recorded, she's just shy." Crystal pulled off Violet's top while pressing her knee up between Violet's jean-clad legs.

We moaned in unison with Violet as Linnette's prick got past half way. I bucked my hips to thrust my dick in the space between my scaly belly and the ottoman, gasping in delight. My hips, legs, and back felt like someone was slapping hot packs on them and as I was hit by a sudden orgasm out of nowhere. As I came around Linnette's shaft, the tightness in my pussy waned and I my torso lengthened causing my skin and scales to slide across the ottoman.

Linnette said, "Not yet! Not without knotting her!" and kept herself completely still.

My prick and nipples buzzed sympathetically with the ecstasy pouring out of my spasming pussy. Meanwhile, Crystal pulled off Violet's jeans and panties while making out with her. The camera had a good angle on the action and I grunted as I watched Crystal slip two fingers inside Violet.

Then Linnette, noticing there was more room inside me, dug her fingers into my shoulders and shifted forward. As inch after inch tested my capacity and kept me orgasming, Crystal stopped making out and made a show of undressing for the camera. Linnette and I both gasped in approval as Crystal's perfect bust fell free of her bra. We gasped again when she removed her skirt to show off her balls and alligator prick.

As Crystal lifted her balls out of the way to show off her pussy, Linnette's knot kissed my snatch. Then she collapsed atop me saying, "Oof, I feel strange."

"Oh? Does it not feel good?" I asked finally able to speak again.

"It feels wonderful, better than I imagined." She shuddered. "But something's happening to me.

"Wh--AHH!" I said as her prick throbbed larger inside me.

"Whoa, that feels weird...and good!" Her breasts moved further up my back accompanied by a popping sound from her spine.

While I was wondering what the hell was happening with Linnette, Crystal moved the camera to the side of the bed. Then she hiked up Violet's legs and shoved inside her. Violet made this titillating grunt-moan and arched her back. Crystal looked right into the camera and said, "Wanna bet she likes it rough?" before making slow-but-hard thrusts. Violet grabbed at the sides of her head and yowled in ecstasy.

Linnette's breasts were now against the back of my head and lumps were pushing out of her torso and pressing against my rib cage. She was saying, "Oh dear, oh dear, oooh! OOOOH DEAR!" as pleasure and shock overwhelmed her.

I stopped the video. "Holy shit! You're turning into a taur!"

"A TAUR?!" she yelped.

Her cock stole my words because it got even longer! Panting and moaning under her, I learned what it felt like to be taken by a real live stallion. By some miracle, I was still growing and she was barely fitting inside me. Those lumps growing out of her were feeling more like feet as her torso continued to elongate.

"H-how will I drive to school? How will I find pants?" Linnete said in a panicked voice.

Reaching behind me and stroking her sides, I said, "Hey, it's okay! You're not the first. They make stuff for taurs."

Her back arched more and more as her front lifted off me. She took hold of my hands saying, "I'm scared."

"I'll help with anything you struggle to do, I will be here for you." I squeezed her hands and clenched around her dick.

"Unf! Do that again!" Her prick surged inside me.

As I tightened around her again, she moaned sharply, "Yes! More!"

For the next minute or so, I hugged her shaft inside me while she closed her eyes reveling in the intense intimacy we were sharing. Tightening around her felt ridiculously good on my end too and I was preing on the blanket that was pressed up against my front. When she opened her eyes again, I started the video back up and watched as Violet had a fit over a bulge that was forming just above her pussy. As Violet's canine tip poked out of her forming sheath, Linnette's new forepaws started reaching down the sides of the ottoman.

Toying with Violet's sheath and tip, Crystal said, "Oooh, I bet you're gonna grow a nice big doggy dick!"

"Ha-AAHHHHH!" Violet thrust into Crystal's fingers.

Linnette's entire tauric half was covered in beautiful ruby red and lavender scales. Scales I marveled at as I ran my claws over her forelegs. There was just so much of her! Especially her cock, which was now large enough to challenge my bigger frame. She groaned above me as her lower half took on a feral dragon shape. "Oh God, Linnette, you're blowing my mind." I wiggled my hips feeling small in a very satisfying way.

As she tensed her muscles so she could stand on her new legs, she said, "This is like flooring the gas pedal. I feel so damn alive! GAH!"

"What?" I rubbed her new legs, which was much less awkward than reaching behind me to touch her taur belly.

"My balls are--HNNGGG!" She thrust into me. "They're getting bigger!" Pulling out and jamming back in hard enough to make us both cry out, she continued, "And I need to cum!"

"Do it! I can take you!" I rolled my hips so she had the perfect angle to shove more in.

"No!" She pulled almost all the way out and lifted herself off me a bit. "Flip over, I want to feel your cock against me."

After pausing the video, I started turning onto my back. It was awkward because I had to make sure my legs didn't get tangled in her back ones. We moaned, grunted, and shook. Once I was facing her scaly feral belly, she used her powerful haunches to stuff me with everything up to her knot. Resuming the video, I bucked my hips fucking the front of her belly. My prick was already aching to cum. I wanted to feel my flare and knots inflate in the space between us as I gave us a cream filling.

Violet howled in pleasure as Crystal fucked her senseless never relinquishing her grip on Violet's canine prick. The high-pitched wails from Violet accompanied by Crystal's throaty grunts of effort put me on edge. Then Violet's knot popped out of her sheath and her balls fell into her sac as she thrashed on the bed. Her dick jumped as if it was going to cum, but nothing came out and she started growling in frustration while thrusting frantically into Crystal's right hand.

As Crystal pummeled Violet's pussy, Linnette did the same to mine. Linette's balls were so big that they were swinging to spank my ass even though her knot wasn't making it all the way in. The sensation of being wrapped around her cock, being stretched so taut every time she entered me, got me to cum again before she could even knot me. Convulsing underneath her, I fucked the space between us with my dick as my equine cunt milked her for all she was worth.

Violet screeched as her dick became a geyser and Crystal tried to catch some in her mouth. The moment she got a taste, though, she was all business. Taking hold of Violet's buttocks, Crystal leaned into her thrusts moaning sharply with each breath. This only made Violet's canine fountain spurt more as she came around Crystal's shaft.

With a luscious deep moan, Linnette laid into me shoving her knot against my entrance. My eyes widened as I felt myself spread so far open that my large clit was rubbing against her cock flesh. When her giant knot passed its girthiest point and popped inside me, my orgasm spilled out of its container. My own knot swelled along with my flare and I christened her feral half with my jizz. 

Then her knot expanded inside me to lock us together and her prick contracted along its length. "Oh! OH! BIANCA!" Linnette clawed at the blanket with her back feet as her dick flooded me with thick spooge.

"AAAIIIEEEEE!" I had zero control of my screams as she filled me so full I was getting another orgasm just from the immense warmth that she was giving me.

Crystal made her last thrust and came while Violet's tail wagged between her legs. After a few hollars of bliss, she collapsed on top of Violet and held her tight. 

Violet clutched Crystal in her arms, her hips gyrating wildly as her orgasm hit another peak. After they stopped moaning, they shared the quiet afterglow just like Linnette and I were doing. About five minutes later, they were whispering sweet nothings to each other. I couldn't even do that, I just sat there with Linnette inside me feeling my niples and prick rub against her underside.

Crystal gasping as she pulled out of Violet brought my attention back to the screen. "You're gonna get hard again."

"What?" Violet asked.

Putting her head between Violet's legs, Crystal took Violet's prick into her mouth.

"Gah! Aaah!" Violet cried as she grabbed Crystal's hair and thrust her hips.

Linnette was watching intently and I could smell how wet she was, so I lifted my tail up and prodded at her snatch with the tip. As she looked down at me to say something, I speared her passage. Her breath caught in her throat as her depths twitched around me. The more I gave her, the wider she spread her legs. Her feral snatch was massive and I had two feet of my tail buried in her before I reached the end. By that point, I was stretching her entrance wider than her own knot would have and I was adoring the wet heat that encompassed my muscular appendage.

Pulling her mouth off of Violet's shaft, Crystal straddled Violet's hips and lowered herself toward Violet's lap.

Violet clutched at her uppermost set of breasts. "YES! OH YES!"

"You like that, huh?" Crystal dropped all the way down impaling herself on every inch of Violet's length.

"HAAAAH! You're so warm!" Violet exclaimed.

Lifting herself up, Crystal said, "Oh, it gets even better." She dropped herself down and got into a rhythm. 

Violet's mouth stayed wide open while Crystal bounced on her hard enough to make the bed squeak.

I fucked Linnette with my tail using Crystal's tempo while experimenting with all the different shapes my tail could make. Rolling waves and a loose helix seemed to make Linnette moan the loudest, so I used those with slight variations trying to keep her on her toes. Her haunches moved in counterpoint to the curves of my tail adding to the friction.

"You gonna knot me, bitch?" Crystal picked up the pace and groped Violet's second set of breasts. This got Violet thrusting upwards to meet Crystal at the bottom of each bounce.

"Yes! I'm wanna cum inside you!" Violet grabbed Crystal's hips and started pulling her down. Her breasts swelled bigger as her body thickened. "Faster!"

Now they were sprinting, an erotic blur, and Violet's body was gaining husky fur while her feet were cracking and becoming paw-like. And Crystal's feet were taking on alligator traits, but they were too busy to catalog their changes. They just fucked like animals barely able to keep up with their breathing while popping Violet's knot in and out so fast and hard the mic was picking up their wet smacking sounds.

Linnette was pinching her nipples and looking into my eyes as she panted and gasped. Now that she was loosened up, I gave her another couple inches and she hissed in ecstasy.

"AAAH! You're getting bigger! YEAH!" Crystal arched her back. "I'm close!"

"CUM! I want to feel it! PLEASE!" The desperation in Violet's voice made me bite my lip.

Then their bodies came together and didn't part again. Violet fidgeted on the bed squeaking like a broken toy as she lost her load in Crystal's alligator pussy. 

Crystal threw her head back and screamed, "YEEEESSSSS!!!" As she came, her feet continued gaining scales and claws. Grey fur spread down Violet's legs to meet the fur growing up from her changing feet. 

Watching them cum got Linnette off almost immediately. Her cavernous cunt kneaded my tail. I gasped and wiggled under her as her orgasmic motions moved her knot inside me. Focusing on trying to make this as good for her as possible, I kept manipulating my tail to stir her cumming muff.

As Violet and Crystal recovered, Violet's hands started darkening on the palms while fur spread across them. She played with Crystal's breasts saying, "Do you like the paw pads?"

Crystal groaned and pressed back against Violet's fondling, "Mmmhmm!" For once, Crystal had run out of words.

Being knotted to Linnette was the most satisfying cuddling I'd ever experienced and I was in danger of drifting off to sleep. It seemed we both were, there wasn't one tense muscle in Linnette's entire body. The video ran a full twenty minutes before Crystal pulled off of Violet's softening shaft and tiredly waved goodbye as she shut off the camera. During that twenty minutes of video and for a half hour afterwards, Linnette and I silently stroked each other, gave each other tail hugs, and teased each other by tightening our pussies or making tiny thrusts.

Linnette broke the silence with a sigh. "My balls feel huge and my cock better not be over two feet long."

"I doubt it. Though, if it is, you'd be hung like a draft horse." I patted her side.

"That's bragging rights I don't need." She furrowed her brow. "How do you know how long a draft horse's cock is?"

I blushed. "Uhh, I was looking up stuff in case I turned into a taur and...got distracted?"

She smirked. "Do you have a thing for horses?"

"Not until I got a flared cock."

Now she was grinning. "That's not a 'no.'"

"Do you have a thing for horses?" I asked.

She cringed. "Ever since I helped out at my aunt's ranch."

"You must reaaally like my equipment, then."

Blushing, she said, "Would you mind staying another hour or two?"

"I could get hard again." I grinned. "Do you want to pull out?"

"Nope." Linnette said.

"Feels too good?" I smiled.

"That and I don't even wanna know how much man butter I put in you."

"Man butter?" I giggled.

Shaking her head, she said, "My first boyfriend was a dork."

"Oh? Was he a good guy?"

She chuckled. "Funniest person I've ever met. It would have worked out if either of us had known anything about relationships, but we were teenagers and I cheated on him."

"Oh no!"

"The thing people don't realize about fat girls is that we--

"You're not fat!" I protested.

"I know,when I think about it logically, I know I'm not fat, but when I was growing up, I thought everyone was supposed to look like a fashion model. And girls who think they're fat are starved for compliments and when a hot guy at a party takes a liking to us, we feel like it's an opportunity we better not pass up. Plus, I was drunk at the time and I'm one hell of a depressed drunk. So, I had sex with that hot guy who liked full figured women and got ten minutes of bliss that ruined my relationship with the first boyfriend."

"Aww, that must have been awful." I pressed my cheek against her.

"I got over it eventually." She hung her head. "Though, now, I'm starting to get those feelings again because I'm a freak of nature. I'm going to get looks no matter where I go. I don't even know if there's a good way to cover my gigantic balls and sheath. Do they make pants for taurs?"

"Yeah, there's specialty garments for taurs, but I think the most comfortable option is one of those horse skirt things," I said.

"Oh, that would be nice, actually."

"And you'll get looks, heck, I'll get looks just for being tall, but you already want to move to the city and there's a lot of mosaics there. There's enough taurs there that I think people wouldn't treat you too much like an outsider."

"You know what I'm gonna do?" We both gasped as she backed up to tug her soft knot out. Then, while her spooge started streaming out of me, she continued, "I'm gonna start seeing a therapist again. This is all too much for me and I gotta be proactive about seeking help."

"On that pamphlet we got handed in the nurse's office, it said you can get three months of therapy for free if you're a Tail Virus victim." I groaned as she pulled out further.

"I'll have a lot of time for it after my two weeks are up," Linnette said.

"You still want to quit?" I asked before extracting my tail from her, enjoying the way her passage twitched.

Linnette waited till my tail was all the way out and she'd stopped moaning to say, "It's not like I don't have savings and I want some time to deal with this." She indicated her taur body with her hands. 

"Yeah, I get yo--OOOOH!" As her prick popped free, a legendary volume of jizz poured out of me. 

We both stared in awe at the mess we'd made until she started laughing.

"You okay?" I asked.

She held up a finger as she continued to laugh. When she recovered, she said, "It just caught me off guard. I was expecting a lot, but that is like the work of two horses."

"Well, it does fit with your softball-sized balls."

"Soft-ball sized? Really?" She tried to find a position where she could look at them, but she was still clumsy on four legs yet and nearly fell over. "Can you snap a picture for me?"

Grabbing a corner of the blanket and holding it against my cum-dripping pussy, I opened my purse and pulled out my phone. After snapping a couple shots, I held the phone up for her.

"They're gorgeous! Too big, but still gorgeous!" Her smile was so big that her eyes had nice creases beside them.

"See? You're a bodacious. All the mosaic girls are gonna fight over you," I said.

"I'm gonna get me a busty horse one." Linnette put her hands on her hips and took on a playful confident pose.

"With a dick that's at least as big as mine. Because you deserve it," I said.

"I love you so damn much," she said.

I blinked. "I, uhh, you do?"

She held up her hands. "I didn't mean like a significant other. I meant the friend way, like being such good friends that--"

"I love you too." I hugged her pressing my tits against hers. "And I know what you meant. If we weren't so far apart in age and you weren't working at my high school when we met, we'd be a couple."

She hugged me back. "Exactly. I'd totally date you if I was in high school."

"Me too!" I nuzzled her neck and then bit it as my erection pressed out of my sheath. I stopped when she started moaning. "We'll help each other find the kindest, most open-minded, and best hung, girlfriends out there."

"Yep, and we'll live next door and have sexy times as much as we want!" She groped my ass.

I pressed my cock against her. "I'm about ready to see to that leak you got under your tail."

"You're too good to me," she said.

"Nope, not possible." I licked her muzzle. "And you can say you love me as much as you want because I really do love you too."

She sniffled. "You are the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

"Ditto," I said as I pulled her into a passionate kiss and wrapped my arms around her waist.


I’d like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

 (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (------) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part9)


Door matt

You must be having fun with this story. They are coming out fast. Reminds me of a phrase I once heard. You will not ever work a day in your life if you do what you love. Keep it up.


Thank you for this comment. I am absolutely thrilled to be writing these stories. Writing this TF novel in one month has been a blast! I wasn't sure I could pull it off, but I wanted to push myself an see what happened. ^_^