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(------) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part9)

(I don't know how many parts there will be of this story because it's a big project. I'm rather certain there will be at least four parts.)

Graduation. A time of great stress, goodbyes, and transitions. When your school suddenly suffers an outbreak of the mysterious human tail virus it gets much much worse. Particularly when it turns out that tails are only the most visible attribute. As the virus progresses, individuals start growing cocks and get an increasing number of animal traits.

For Bianca and her classmates that have all been held back a grade, this graduation is the most important thing that's happened to them. Some of them got too rowdy for their own good, some of them had their lives blow up in their faces, and now they're finally at the finish line, finally ready to start the next phase of their lives.

But their troubles are far from over because during the week before graduation, the Human Tail Virus finally hits their High School, and hard! 

When Bianca gets infected, her first thought is to protect her friends, but the insatiable lust the virus causes soon puts her on a collision course with all of them. With Bianca and her friends all growing dicks, fur, scales, and tails, the biggest question is: Will they ever make it to graduation?

The Tails of Graduation - Part 1

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

Our high school library was huge! I always felt like a time traveler whenever I entered it because nothing in it had changed since the eighties. Yellow-stained wood, beige blow-molded plastic, and comforting rounded corners were everywhere. It wouldn’t have surprised me if the shelves, books, chairs, tables, and fluorescent lamps were all still original from when Guthrie Oxford Jr. the third, or whatever his name was, donated the money to build it. I didn’t mind the look, really. Everything was so eighties that I’d been able to film a throwback infomercial for one of my pre-college film classes in it.

However, the best thing from the MTV era wasn’t the retro decor, it was Linnette. Our resident librarian was a cute yet elegant film buff. Today, her simple white top was being accompanied by a wavy leaf-green cardigan that looked like something a French indie film actress would wear to the Cannes Film Festival. Linette had helped me get my hands on films from every era of cinematic history and taught me to embrace my curves and not diet myself into a coma. I owed her a lot and that’s why, with graduation just around the corner, I was about to give her a gift.

Looking up from the bizarre half-circle of desk she worked at, she said, “Good afternoon, Bianca!”

“Good afternoon to you too!” I spread my arms to offer a hug.

Staying behind her desk, she said, “Sorry dear, I’ve got chills and I don’t want you to catch whatever’s brewing.”

“Are you coughing or sneezing?” I asked.

“No, actually,” she furrowed her brow.

“Well, then I declare you huggable.” I spoke in a thick British accent and stared down my nose at her to feign royal authority.

With a chuckle, she got out from behind her desk and circled around the front so she could give me a squeeze. Her tummy was as soft as her bosom which made for a soothing embrace as I hugged back.

Pulling out of the hug, I said, “You got any plans for this weekend?”

“It's gonna be a mess since my sister wants to see the canal museum and some other stuff before she heads back to Vermont on Saturday. And on Sunday, I'm helping out at the parrot shelter in the afternoon and then going to a friend's barbecue party. How's your Wednesday night looking? You got one last film you want to see before graduation?” She leaned on the waist-high ledge of the desk where students set their books as they asked her questions.

“Wednesday night works fine. And I got two films actually. My dad bought 'Un Chien Andalou' and ‘L'Age d'Or’ off my wishlist as a graduation present!” I bounced excitedly.

“Wait, is that two of the early films Salvador Dali made?”

I nodded. “He teamed up with Luis Buñuel to make both. Two surrealists working on both films. Expect a wild ride.”

“I’m terrible, I always forget that Buñuel was involved in Dali’s early film work. Dali’s star power obscured so many of the people he worked with...” She shrugged. “But that’s a conversation for another day.”

"I'm going to use them as editing references for my Huntwell Film Society Scholarship. They said I could pick any era of film to model my 'This is what college means to me' short film and I'm aiming for 1930."

"Oooh, right during the rise of talkies. I think that's a marvelous choice," she cooed.

"It might be my favorite era..." I squeezed the oblong box that her present was in, waiting for the right moment to give it to her. “Love your outfit, by the way.”

She shook her head. “Nonsense, I look like a gooey lettuce-wrapped mozzarella stick.”

“Hey, no bad mouthing your curves!” I scolded playfully.

She laughed. “You’ve got to allow me some self-deprecation. It’s how I cope with being single and almost forty.”

“You know, after I graduate, you could move to a bigger city and find someone worth your time.”

“Hmm, you know what? You’re right. I’ve been at this for over a decade and I’m due for better pay anyway.”

“That’s the spirit!” I brought the shiny light blue box in my left hand to my front and used my other hand to start recording with my smartphone. “I know I didn’t have to, but I got you something.”

“What? You’re giving me a graduation gift? That’s not how graduation gifts work. You’re the one graduating.” She took it from my hand. “It better not be expensive.”

“It’s a going away present. After all you’ve done for me, it’s the least I could do,” I said.

“But you’re not going away yet.” She found the end of one of the loops of the silver bow that was keeping the box shut and pulled. “We still have another week.”

“If I gave them to you when I left, I wouldn’t get to see you enjoy them.” I held the phone close to the box so the viewer would get a larger sense of discovery when it was opened.

She pulled the top of the box off to reveal the silver glasses case inside. “Glasses? Am I really that old?”

“You’re going to ruin your back leaning over your laptop all day. My dad just had to get reading glasses and he’s only a few years older than you.”

I pointed the phone at her face to catch her expression as she opened the glasses case.

“Well, okay, I admit I’m having to squint a lot.” When she opened the box, her eyes widened as she got this perfect open-mouthed surprised smile. “Oh! They’re lovely!”

“Try them on!” I said.

Setting the shiny half-moon-shaped reading glasses on her nose, she said, “How do I look?”

I laughed. “I don’t think you’re supposed to wear them like spectacles. You need to slide them down your nose a bit so you can look through them when you’re looking down at a book or a screen.”

“Are you trying to make me look like a stereotypical librarian? Am I going to be a character in one of your short films?” she chided. The light metallic-blue frames of her new glasses glittered in the light as she pulled them down her nose. They were perfect!

“It’s a good look!” I protested.

She sighed and then looked at the floor with a sentimental frown on her face.

"Something wrong?" I stopped recording because I got the feeling she was about to say something personal.

"It's just." She poked at a rut in the carpet with one of her bright white sneakers. "Two years ago, before you showed up, I was still torn up over my brother's death and had isolated myself from everyone I knew. Then you arrived in this library asking about films I'd never heard of and, I don't know, actually cared that I was a real live person? I don't think you realize how you opened me up to the world again. And I just realized I never really thanked you for that." Looking into my eyes, she said, "Thank you, Bianca, you are an absolute treasure."

Hugging her, I said, "Having to restart senior year was worth meeting you."

After setting the box for her glasses on the desk, she hugged me back. "Aww, I still think your old school shouldn't have expelled you and your friends for that prank, but--WHOOOA!” She nearly lost her balance.

I tightened our hug to steady her. “What was that?”

“A hot flash?” She let go of me and started taking off her cardigan. “It’s not going away, so maybe it’s not a hot flash? Can fevers be instant?”

Giving her room, I said, “I don’t know, maybe we should get you--”

“Oh dear!” She turned away from me and gripped the desk to hold herself steady.

Something was pushing the waist of her jeans away from her back. My heart started pounding. How had she gotten the Tail Virus? Sure, it was the most contagious and unstoppable thing to ever afflict mankind, but it was sexually transmitted and Linnette often complained about how she wasn't getting any action. I was happy she'd finally got some, but sad she'd gotten this affliction. 

"Linny, you're getting a tail!" I said a bit too excitedly as I aimed the camera at the action and started recording again. Never had I dreamed I'd get a real live transformation on film.

"Gah! It's kinked!" She grimaced.

Setting my phone down on the desk, I grabbed the waist of her jeans with one hand and fished out her growing red-scaled tail with the other. Then I grabbed my phone and made sure I got a good angle on it.

"Of all people, why me? Like I needed things to get more complicated right at the end of the semester." She sighed. "And I liked my clothes! Now I'm going to have to get all my pants altered to have tail holes."

"At least it's gorgeous! Every scale is like a little red gem." I panned the phone across her foot-long tail so the sunlight coming in through the wide windows up on the wall made the scales twinkle. "I can't believe I'm getting this on video!"

She looked behind her and her tail curled, still gaining inches. "Damn it!"

"Sorry, do you want me to stop recording?" I asked.

"No, I'll probably want to watch it later--AAAH!" Wincing, she leaned over the desk.

My heart lurched in my chest. "Are you okay?"

"I'm too okay, FUCK this feels good!" She arched her back.

I'd never heard her say the f-word and something about the way she said it made me blush. Blinking and unsure what to do other than keep recording, I watched her tail reach two feet long. The whole time she was making gasps and soft moans that worsened my blush. At least she was enjoying it! That had to be good, right? 

The truth was, I didn't know how to react. Things felt too intimate, like I was spying on her while she was looking at porn or something.

"Oh wow!" She spread her legs as her tail reached two and a half feet long. The scales on the underside were a nice shade of mauve that went perfectly with the red scales elsewhere. "Hngh!"

"Are you in any pain?" I asked while ignoring the tingle in my nipples from hearing her enjoy her changes so much. Watching women or men orgasm was the only type of porn that did anything for me. I'd never heard anyone who sounded quite like her and was a bit worried. She was gasping and groaning and making low sounds far more than I was used to.

"No," she shook her head and then her eyes went wide. "Wait! Okay, that smarts a bit. Can you--" She grimaced. "--look between my legs? At my right pant leg?"

I kneeled on the coarse blue rug with retro yellow and black geometric shapes in it so I could get a better look. There was something trapped between Linnette's inner thigh and her jeans, something cylindrical and lengthening. Something that surely didn't belong on her. I gawked at the shape, my brain completely shutting down for a moment as I tried to believe what I was seeing. After five seconds that felt like five years, I finally decided that this was indeed reality. I swallowed nervously as I tried to find a gentle way to break it to her.

Well,” I croaked, “umm, I think you've got a hermaphrodite-causing strain of the Tail Virus?" Hearing them out loud, I decided those were probably not the words I should have picked. 

"What?! I'm getting a cock?!" she cried out.

"Y-yeah." I felt guilty now, recording each inch of her new prick as it made a longer and longer bump down her pant leg. But I couldn't stop, the composition was perfect: an unseen object taking up more and more room, transforming the play of light and shadow. Something life-changing, but hidden from view.

"Ow ow ow!" Scrambling to unbutton her jeans, Linnette said, "It's pinching so bad!"

As she pulled her pants down, I kept recording while feeling stuck between not wanting to have a recording of my best friend's body sans clothing and wanting to catch her transformation on film. I was blushing with my eyes so wide my face hurt. The base of Linnette's tail fit in nicely between her two round ass cheeks. I thought it would look odd as a part of her, but I liked all three feet of it. My attention was brought away from her tail when she dropped her pants to the floor. 

Against Linnette's leg was a thick eight-inch barbed dark purple cock with ridges that went well with her dragon-like tail. Her prick looked downright mythical and my mind was treating it more like a fantasy dildo than something that was attached to her. What made it all too real was that it was gaining girth every time it throbbed. This had me panting in shock. I'd never been in a situation like this. I couldn't tell if I was turned on, disgusted, or experiencing the thrill one gets from staring into the unknown. Wonder and panic were balled up in me so tight I felt like doubling over.

"Fucking fuck! They're slicing my dick off!" Linnette's prick was trapped between the edge of her right panty leg hole and her thigh. Her panties had caught on one of her cock barbs.

Her cry for help cut through my panic and I set my phone down as I realized what needed to be done. "Turn around."

Clumsily, and with a groan, she got herself turned around and put her palms on the desktop to support some of her weight.

Taking deep breaths so I didn't freak out, I reached for her cock with my left hand and her panties with my right. Holding her shaft against her thigh, I guided her panties over the semi-soft dragon barbs along the side of her length. The whole time she was writhing and moaning like she was in heat.

No matter whose moans I heard, they always got me wet, and this was no exception. 

I bit my lip as I finally freed her new anatomy. Just below it was a scaly sac hadn’t been filled with testes yet. I wanted to touch it to see what it felt like, but I was frozen in place by shock and secondhand embarrassment for Linette. And yet I couldn't get myself to let go of her dick. It was pulsing, warm and so dang hard. Such a pleasing object to have in my hand. A solid sensory anchor in my state of overwhelm. 

Attempting to stand only got my legs shaking and my breath rasping. My stomach tickled with an anxiousness that nearly had me mewling like she was, and I didn’t have the excuse of a foot-long dragon cock leaking precum on the floor!

"Bianca, you better move!" Linnette warned as a knot at the base of her shaft swelled. She was making tiny thrusts into my grasp and kept trying to say more but was whimpering in delight too often to be understood. She was immobilized simply by my hand grasping her throbbing new flesh.

"Oh wow!" I stammered as I grabbed my phone and focused on what was happening to her scaly sac. My curiosity was finally crowding out my nervousness, and I could see two orbs pushing into it as she made orgasmic sounds. They were big orbs and because my attention was on them, her cock scared the daylights out of me when it jumped out of my hand.

"No! NoOOOHHHH!" Linnette cried as her apricot-sized balls dropped fully into their sac and her spunk hit me right in the nose.

Immediately, I closed my mouth and guarded my face with my left hand hoping that would keep me from getting any of her virulent cum inside myself. There was nothing that could be done about protecting my face, however. Her first spurt had caked so much white goop on me that I could feel it dripping off my chin.

As she continued to coat me in jizz, her new dragon claws tore through her white sneakers making an awful ripping sound. I had no idea if I was recording it all, but my right hand was still holding my phone. After her fourth shot, she managed to aim away from me and her last two shots hit the metal leg of a nearby study table hard enough to make it ring. I held my hand in front of my face while smelling the rising bread dough and raw egg scent of her mess so strongly that my eyes were watering. There was another scent laced in it, something like brand new leather, that made me shiver from the top of my spine to the tip of my clit.

Falling onto my ass, I felt the same as I did the first time I tried out the high dive: like a useless bundle of nerves. And I was sopping wet between my legs with no explanation as to why.

Suddenly, there was a tissue being shoved against my face. I put my hands up to push Linnette away only to stop when I realized she was trying to clean me off. That wiping caused the taste of her cream to seep into my mouth. Salted salmon with a hint of vanilla soft serve: tastes that somehow went together in this context. I pushed back against my instinct to try and taste more of it. That's how people ended up with the Tail Virus and I wasn't going to risk it.

The whole while Linnette was taking care to get me cleaned up, she was saying, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me. I hope you don't catch it too."

The moment I thought it was safe to speak, I said, "It's my fault, you tried to warn me." I grabbed a tissue from the box she'd set next to us and started wiping off my left ear. "And I'm probably fine, none got in my mouth." Well, a teensy tiny bit did, but I wasn't going to tell her about that and worry her needlessly. Surely, it wasn't enough to infect me. My immune system was good at its job, I rarely caught the flu when everyone else had it.

"We should probably go to the nurse's office and file a report." She put a hand on my shoulder.

Shaking my head, I said, "Nah, there's nothing to tell. It's par for the course for the Tail Virus." I didn't need this in my life. The deadline for the Huntwell Film Society Scholarship was the Tuesday after graduation and I needed to write another two pages, get some more clips for the short film, and edit everything before then. It would be best if I just forgot about all this and kept my focus.

"Please don't make me go alone. I can't even get back into my pants because they've got no room for these." She indicated her large scaly balls.

Her cock wasn't quite back in its sheath yet and it was still quite a sight. "You've got a point." I grabbed her cardigan and said, "Hold this in front of you and I'll walk behind you."

As she grabbed the cardigan, she caught sight of her feet. "Aww, no! I loved those sneakers," she pouted.

"Who needs shoes when you've got badass dragon claws?" I nudged her. I needed everything to be normal again, like I hadn't just watched her grow a dick.

"I know you're trying to cheer me up." She leaned on the desk with one hand while she pulled her ruined sneakers off with the other. "But I liked the few pairs of shoes I had quite a bit."

"Maybe you could add a splash of color with anklets?" I offered.

"Hmm, that could work, I guess." Picking up the phone on the desk, she dialed the nurse's office. "This is Linnette at the library information kiosk reporting a Tail Virus incident at my desk. Infectious fluids are scattered about the nearby area and need cleanup." As the person on the other end spoke, her face reddened. Looking down at her transformed lower half, she said, “No, no. It was--It was me.” 

I could tell that took a lot out of her. It forced her to acknowledge that this truly bizarre event had actually happened and that she was the cause of it. My mind hadn't fully accepted what I'd just seen with my own two eyes. It felt impossible, like it was a jumble of post-modern surrealism. 

"Mmmhmm,” she continued, “a student was present during the episode and both of us will be heading to the infirmary promptly...Yes, we'll be walking straight from the library to the infirmary." After a couple more affirmations, she hung up the phone.

"They're preparing to lock down the hallways?" I asked.

"Yep, but it's after hours, so we can just start heading there. They have security on their way already." She tried to tie the cardigan around her waist, but the sleeves were too short, so she just held it in front of her crotch. Stepping away from the desk, she said, "Okay, follow close behind and glare at anyone who stares at my ass."

After the first couple steps, she said, "Walking with balls between your legs is so bizarre."

"I've always wondered how men put up with it," I said attempting to sound normal when I was blushing fiercely. The mere mention of her new parts brought back the memory of her balls dropping into her sac and her prick gushing like a turkey baster. I think some of her spunk had gotten up my nose because I was catching hints of bread dough and salmon even now that we were passing through the library's double doors.

Following her out of the library, I was the one who seemed unable to stop staring at her ass. It wasn't like I was into her or anything, she had a three foot dragon-scaled tail hanging off of it! And it was twitching and moving as she walked, as if her brain was trying to figure out how it worked. When we entered the main hallway, there was a security guard standing about halfway to the nurse's office that was scanning doors to make sure no one ran out into the hallway or poked their heads out to get a better look. Many teachers just closed their classroom doors while some stole glimpses before closing them.

The grey lockers lining the walls had been touched up with a less-faded grey and looked like the locker version of zombies. My school was so ugly that I was going to use it to film a post-apocalyptic survival movie someday. Well, when I did that, I was going to have to bring in some trash because it was spotless and, even though everything looked worn out, somehow most of it worked just fine. Probably Geoffrey's doing.

When we got to the nurse's office, Daren was waiting for us. His tight black curls never strayed more than a half inch from his scalp: a hairdo so perfect that I often daydreamed that he was an android. Every school now had at least one male nurse to combat the spread of the Tail Virus. Men could carry it, but they didn't get tails, or the powerful urges that led people to infect others.

The three beds in the room were separated by curtains that could be pulled across and everything was stark white or gray. The fluorescent overhead lamps in this room were making it bright enough that I was forced to squint until my eyes could adjust fully.

Daren closed the door behind us and handed each of us a yellow shopping bag. "First off, please put any contaminated clothing in these and wash them immediately once returning home."

"Aww, dang," I said when I looked down at my coral-colored blouse. There were specks of Linnette's cum all over it. Pulling it off, I shoved it in the bag. Keeping my back do Daren, I asked, "Can I get something to wear so I don't have to go home in my bra?"

"Of course!" Daren assured me. "What size women's T do you wear?"

"Large." Medium was always a bit too small for my bust.

"Here you are." He handed me a our highschool T-shirt which was black with a light tangerine logo on it that had been blatantly ripped off from the Thundercats. It was a lawsuit waiting to happen. 

As I got the T-shirt on, Darren said, "They're now recommending that anyone who has been in contact with the Tail Virus take a course of antivirals. Shall I write you a prescription?"

"Nah, I didn't ingest any of it or anything." Worrying my parents when there was such a slim chance I'd get the Tail Virus would cost me a lot of time and I had stuff to do. It was for the best for everyone if I didn't risk them finding out about what happened today. Plus, this week, all the news outlets were reporting that the antivirals were having no effect. It made sense, the government was always trying to stay one step ahead of the virus and they'd try anything, even if it had barely any chance of working.

"Are you sure?" Linnette asked. "It's just a precaution."

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Stop trying to play mom. I'll be fine."

She chuckled. "Okay."

Daren pulled out a clipboard. "Could you two describe the incident?"

We only gave him the details he asked for, stuff about how fast the transformation took place, what sorts of sensations Linnette felt before the changes started, and finally, "Linnette, I'm going to be asking you about how you acquired the Tail Virus. I'm assuming you'd like Bianca to step out of the room for this part."

"No need, I have no idea how I acquired it. Honest, I haven't engaged in sexual activities with anyone or come into contact with anyone's sexual fluids for at least the past three months." She frowned. "Well, until today when...when I…I'm so sorry Bianca!"

I ran over and took her hand in mine. "It's okay! It's not your fault."

"I know, it's just--"

"No more apologising. I am going to be fine." I looked into her eyes. "Okay?" 

Her feeling bad about it made it so much harder to deal with. If I could just move on and not have to think about it anymore, I figured I'd be way better off. And it would have been great if I'd also been able to stop glancing at her sheath, balls, feet, and tail.

"Okay." She gave my hand a squeeze.

"Bianca, I'll need you to wait outside while I examine Linnette's new anatomy to make sure it's healthy and in good order." Daren cut in.

"I'm feeling a bit shaken and would prefer she stay." She looked at me. "If that's alright with you?"

"Sure, I'll just turn my back so you don't feel embarrassed." I walked away from the side of the bed so Daren could inspect her.

"Thank you," she said.

"It's what friends are for." I flashed her a smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Daren did a visual examination of her feet, the scales on her ankles, her tail, and then her balls and sheath, all while lightly touching and asking if she had sensation. It seemed like he was checking for nerve damage or something. Then, he asked her, "Could you lift your balls for me? I'd like to make sure there's no problems with your female anatomy if that's okay with you."

The whole time I was watching, a stubborn blush sat on my cheeks. And when she lifted her balls, I closed my eyes and told myself not to look only to lose yet another battle with my curiosity and watch while keeping my head turned away. What I saw brought back the feeling of overwhelm from when I'd been watching her transform.

Her pussy was full, like every part of it was big. The lips were plump, the slit was long, and her clit was as thick as the end of my index finger. On top of it all, she was so wet that her mauve scales were glistening. I shuddered as I rubbed my thighs together, my pussy throbbing so hard I didn't know what to think of it. Then I realized that I really needed to pee. All this time I'd been distracted and forgotten I had a bladder. "Sorry Linnette, but I really gotta go," I said.

"It's fine, I'll be here when you get back," she replied.

"Bathroom's around the corner on the right," Daren said.

The bathroom was larger than I expected, an eight foot by ten foot room with tan tiles across the floor and half way up the wall. Across from the toilet and sink was a faucet at waist height with a couple feet of green garden hose attached to the spigot. Below it was a two-foot-square four-inch-high basin with a mop and bucket next to it.

Walking to the toilet, I pulled down my pants and panties. When I sat down, I gasped. "What the fuck?"

My panties were sopping wet and I didn't have the urge to pee anymore. I put my head in my hands thinking I'd wet myself, but when I got the courage to look more closely I found that it wasn't enough liquid. It had only just started soaking into the crotch of my pants and my whole pussy and inner thighs felt damp. Reaching between my legs, I found slick fem juices everywhere. Having my hand down there, my mind finally processed the overwhelm I'd been feeling and I started rubbing madly at my sex.

My body shook as I groaned and Linnette's transformation played through my mind. The way her tail felt when I grabbed it, the way her balls fell into their sac, her feet cutting through her shoes, and her cock growing down the side of her leg. And I could still smell her so strongly!

Masturbation had never felt like this. I'd never been this into anything in my life. It was as awesome as it was unexpected. My clit had never been this easy to find! Had I never gotten fully aroused? Did I simply not know what that felt like? At this rate, I was going to cum in less than thirty seconds!

Fuck! I thought Linnette was hot with a dick! I couldn't unknow that...Oh God, I was such a pervert! She was twice my age and I was going to cum thinking about her. Nothing could get my mind off what I'd seen, not taking deep breaths, not pulling my hand away, and not trying to tell myself that it made no sense to be this into her. When I tried any of that, tried to slow myself down, pent up anxiety started to take my breath away. My feelings were so strong, I had to express them, I had to--

The reveal of her large scaly snatch took center stage in my mind as I arched my back and came like I'd never done before. The toilet seat complained as my hips bucked so hard I thought I was going to fall right off it while I put my free hand over my mouth and attempted to muffle my screams of passion. When the second wave of orgasm crashed over me, I stomped my feet on the floor and thrashed until I was exhausted. And the whole time, I was thinking about Linnette's muff and how much I wanted to stick something in it.

As I came down from orgasm, my eyes widened. I wanted her, I wanted her so bad. How could that possibly be true? We weren't even in the same generation. Was it just because I liked women with cocks? What the hell was going on with me?

Shaking my head, I decided I was going to put all that away. Maybe I'd just gone too long without masturbating since I was working so hard on scholarship applications. I froze as my thoughts went to a bad place. Maybe I'd caught the Tail virus!

No way, no, there's no way the universe would do that to me. I had more than enough on my plate. And it made sense I'd get excited after seeing a transformation like that. I was just pent up and had gotten some free real life pornography.

After taking off my shoes, I got off the toilet, walked over to the basin, and got the water to run warm. Picking up the ivory bar of soap in a soap dish next to the spigot, I lathered up my hands and washed Linnette's scent off of my face. Then I started washing off my extreme wetness. I tried really hard not to bump my clit, but it was still quite engorged and I couldn't avoid it. The soap made things nice and slippery and I started to rub again because it just felt so damn good! I was bucking my hips while leaning on the wall in no time, then I was thinking about Linnette cumming in my mouth so I could taste her wonderful seed and feel it run down the back of my throat.

Deciding I needed to get it out of my system, I used my hands in all the right ways to get myself to a second orgasm. I even shoved three fingers inside myself once I'd washed off the soap. It felt so damn good to just give in and let my imagination run wild! In my mind, I was picturing Linnette taking me up against the wall. When I imagined her shoving her knot inside me and cumming, something incredibly hot and so very wrong happened. I imagined her teasing me, telling me that she was purposefully making sure she came inside me so that I'd get the Tail Virus and grow a nice big cock.

My legs wobbled as I breathed out to try and soften my orgasmic wails. I sounded like I was sobbing as I fell to my knees in the basin, but I was actually experiencing a hideous amount of pleasure. Hideous because I felt like trash for having such a bizarre kink and cumming my brains out to Linnette's misfortune.

After I finally stopped spasming, I washed, turned off the spigot, used paper towels to dry off, and then put my clothes back on sans my soaked panties. I just threw them in the trash not wanting to deal with with being seen carrying them back out. I unlocked and opened the door hoping that I'd gotten it all out of my system, that everything would return to normal.

That hope was shattered when I saw Daren putting a condom on a banana. "See? You have to make sure you start from the right side so it can--"

"Daren, I'm going to say this one last time, I have put a condom on a cock before. I know how it works. Please stop the sex-ed class."

"But you've never put one on your own penis," Daren protested.

"There shouldn't be any difference," I explained. 

People like Daren were the reason no one listened in sex-ed. He was trying his best, but he was making things so awkward. The best sex-ed instructors made it personal and talked about it more like a dinner topic than something that needed to be explained to the idiot masses.

"But the statistics show that people are not properly educated about condom use." With that, Daren had crossed the threshold from someone who was helpful and meant well to total tool.

Pointing to herself, Linnette said, "I am not a statistic, I'm a single point of data in the properly educated section of the graph."

I didn't have time for this, I had to get home and work on my scholarship applications.

Daren grabbed a card from a pocket on his scrubs and handed it to Linnette. "Well, if you have any questions or run into any problems, like how to properly apply a condom, you can call the twenty-four hour Tail Virus helpline or use the website." He handed me the same card, and before I could protest that I didn't have the virus, he continued, "Also on the website is an anonymous survey where you can answer questions about your specific strain of the Tail Virus to help the CDC map out characteristics of the different strains."

Linnette rolled her eyes when Daren focused on me. As he spoke, my patience finally ran out. "If you experience any symptoms, call the Tail Virus help line and they will help you--"

"Figure out how to put condoms on bananas, got it!" I grinned.

Linnette laughed so hard she started snorting.

He sighed. "Just, please keep the card, will you?"

I put it in my pocket. "There, I'll have it until my jeans go through the wash."

Daren put his head in his hands.

Walking up to Linnette, I gave her a hug and then said, "I gotta get home and start working on stuff. If you need me, I'm only a call away."

"Okay! See you on Wednesday if I don't see you before then."

"And, just to make sure, are you going to be alright? You just got a bomb dropped on you."

"Honey, I was the bomb. I exploded." She blushed as the head of her dragon dick came out of her sheath. 

I was too busy staring to laugh. Some of her seed had definitely gone up my nose because I was still smelling her and that was making me wonder what a full blast from her would taste like.

She continued, "Damn, I'm so confused. I've always felt like my femininity was a big part of who I was and...I don't know whether or not having a cock will change how I feel."

Snapping myself out of it, I said, "Some of the most feminine and nurturing people I've ever met are men. Heck, my dad's been more of a homemaker and shoulder to cry on than my mom. I don't think the equipment matters."

"So true." She smiled. "I'll give you a call if I need more of that quick-witted wisdom."

"Let's just plan to check in on Sunday morning," I said, feeling like I was getting feverish. "I'm sure you'll have a lot to talk about."


I’d like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(------) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part9)


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