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I just realized I forgot to put up the PDF version including Ironmane's comic up on Patreon. Sorry about that.

The first part of the Patreon short will be up later today. This short is gonna be loooong, but I'm enjoying writing it and it tell a really neat story arc. If you liked the emotion in Core's Opportunity, you'll probably like what I've got in the pipeline for "Brady's Conundrum."



Yeah I like this version of the story with pictures from the comic. I am still waiting for the continuation of the comic and to see when Sam realizes that she has a tail.


Ironmane plans to continue the comic, but he's been caught up in work life and hasn't felt very creative lately. I spent nearly a decade in that territory, so I totally get what he's going through. I've been chatting with him about where the story goes next and we have a plan. We've decided that whether he continues the comic or not, I'm going to write more chapters of Sam's story. I hope to write a new story about her within the next month.


I'm working on catching up on reading through your legacy content. This was a good read, I enjoyed it. A little worried about Sam's alcoholism though, that was a lot of booze she she went through in a short amount of time haha. The transformation sequence was really good. The comic pages looked great! I'm curious to see if you'll revisit this, seems like there are some more shenanigans Sam can get up to in this world.


If Ironmane does more of the comic, I plan to eventually do another chapter for this story. I love the characters, atypical for what I normally write.