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I'm pretty sure people are going to want to see some of these ideas return. Vote for as many as you like so I know which ones to bring back. Next month's voting will include some stories that nearly won previous polls.

Brady's Conundrum: Something odd has happened to Brady. All these years, he thought he was okay just being a guy, but Jade's shown him there's an option he hadn't considered. Growing up is partly about doing what's best for yourself despite society's expectations, and after saving a fortune Brady's ready to take a drastic transformative step to be in a body that fits him better. Living as a horse-dicked human male has been fun, but he can only imagine how fabulous it will be to be an anthro herm horse. Even though he's certain his family will be against it, he's about to break it to them because there's no way he'll be able to hide the changes. Will he have the courage to go against his family's wishes and find a deeper happiness in his life? Find out in this heartfelt tale about a guy whose species and gender don't match his true self. (If you like feels, sexy M to H TF, equine bits, equine herm on naga herm sex, and you want to see more of Jade and Brady, vote for this story.)

In Loving Symbiosis: When the Strallinths came from the sky, they changed the course of human history. They, plus the humans that willingly allowed them to cover their bodies, became beings much greater than the sum of their parts. Blake has just gotten his license to commune with a Strallinth colony. When he steps into The Great Reservoir, hundreds of thousands of tiny beings will cover his body and become a suit that will empower him to do fantastical things. The problem is that Blake's a bit of a perv and has always wanted to try out the full sexual spectrum. He's also quite genderqueer. When the Strallinth enhance him, he becomes a being able to grant the sexual wishes of just about any lover. (If you like symbiote suits, M to H TF, and the idea of a suit made of thousands of little fibre-like aliens that can change the body encased by them, you'll really like this one.) 

It's Always Harpies: The small town of Bort's Harbor is experiencing the worst harpy infestation in centuries. A haphazard wall now divides the town preventing the harpies from corrupting more humans and expanding their ranks. Yazka, the head brood mother of the harpies, wants to breach the wall and claim this costal region for hir kind. Tressi is a human who's loved harpies since she was a child and is sympathetic to Yazka's cause. When Yazka makes Tressi the offer of a lifetime, Tressi sets into motion events that will change Bort's Harbor forever. (If you like mass TF's, F to Herm TF, M to F TF, egg laying, and feathered booballicious humanoids, you're gonna love this one.) 

I'm thinking I'm gonna give the harpies in this story feathery dragon tails just for fun. Comment below if you'd rather have standard bird tails.

The Economics of Hypertown: With arousal as a currency, things get hot and heavy really fast. Follow Francesca, the most savvy person in town, as she makes the deal of a lifetime. Problem is, not even she can handle the levels of arousal she's given to carry around, and arousal in this town has a catch: the more aroused you get, the bigger your equipment gets, and, if it goes far enough, the bigger you get. Can Francesca hang on to her arousal before she gets it to the bank? Find out in this thrilling tale of edge-case economics. (If you like hyper herms and strange societies, this one's for you.) 

Vote for as many as you like. ^_^



The hypertown one might be a bit more entertaining with a thief, or band of thieves.


Imagine street “brawls” just breaking because people see someone who’s “loaded”