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This is the penultimate chapter of Core's Opportunity. The next chapter will conclude Core's story with some really fun sexy times. I plan to offer up some side stories and such as potential Patreon shorts that can be voted on later in the year.

Core completes his portal research and creates something that he and Petra use for very naughty purposes. 

Core's Opportunity - Chapter 28

by Zmeydros

The mid-afternoon sun is casting narrow shadows on his kitchen floor. The last bit of his leftover beef stroganoff sits off to the left of his new laptop on a plate as Skype's odd overly-cheerful ring echoes throughout his apartment.

On Core's kitchen table is the culmination of months of research and false starts. One of the items is a wide-mouthed wooden mug with seven magic focuses in the lip making a ring. The other is a harness, almost like a frontless pair of underwear, that can be worn under panties or boxers that positions a matching ring of magic focuses so it surrounds the wearer's pussy.

Petra's smiling face appears on the other end of the Skype call. "Hey, sexy!"

"Hey, beautiful!" He grins.

"So, how's your Tuesday?"

"Good, I guess? Just a normal Tuesday."

"Same for me, unfortunately." She smirks.

"Did you get my package yet?" he asks, tail wagging.

"No, I think it's gonna arrive tomorrow. Last time I checked there was a delivery delay of some sort." She shrugs. "You know, you don't have to wait for me, why don't you try out your newest toy while I watch?"

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Heck yeah! Think about it, you can be at the center of your own herm sandwich. You invented the Portal Fuck 1000. You should be the first to enjoy it."

He laughs. "Is that seriously what we're calling it now?"

"Yep. PF1000 if we're in a safe-for-work situation."

"Wow, okay." He smiles.

"How about this, you try it out now while I watch and then you pay me back by randomly using my portal while I'm at work."

One of his ears flattens against his head in confusion. "Randomly? Without warning you?"

She nods. "I can just excuse myself to the bathroom if I'm risking getting in trouble."

His pants are feeling tight already. "Won't you get hard?"

"You think I've never gotten a boner at work?" She licks her lips. "Don't pretend you haven't gotten one at school. Was it last week you were daydreaming about me inside you while in class or the week before?"

"Both." He blushes as he's forced to unbutton his pants or have his length squeezed to death.

"Wait, I know that look. Are you getting slutty thoughts?"

"Nope, I never think slutty thoughts."

"Out with it." She narrows her eyes.

Of course she'd make him say it out loud. "I was thinking about when we start having our heats together, about how me might lose control and do something worse than what we did in that restaurant."

She reaches under her kitchen table and murrs as she makes no effort to hide that she's stroking herself too. "That would be super hot!"

"Remember, you don't have to be good around me." He thrusts into his paw feeling wonderfully hard.

Moans come from her as she reaches her other paw down to aid in her manual stimulation. "Fuck, I love you!"

"Love you too!"

"Put your Portal Fuck 1000 on, I wanna see you knot yourself." She growls.

"Gotta move this stuff to my bed, one sec." He stands up and pulls off his pants and boxers.

"Oooh, you're looking very stiff," she says.

He chuckles grabbing the mug and harness before bringing them to his bed. Then he comes back and unplugs his laptop. Holding the power cord in one hand and the laptop in the other he carries it into his bedroom.

While he's setting up his laptop so the camera has a good shot of the bed, Petra's doing the same in her bedroom. After he removes his shirt, she does the same. Her skirt and panties are gone by the time he has his bottle of lube in his hand.

Before he can start lubing himself, she says, "Put the harness on and lick yourself some first. I bet you've always wondered what you tasted like."

His ears blush bright red as he grabs the harness and puts it on. He modified a pair of boxer briefs because they had a good amount of support for keeping things centered. Getting the sewing right was one of the hardest things. 

When he grabs the mug, he says, "So, to open my portal, you hit cyan, black, and then white."

After tapping the magic focuses on the lip of the mug that match those colors, magic swirls on the inside of the mug like luminous threads of cotton candy. Orange, yellow, and bright blue sparkly flashes give way to his pussy.

He turns the mug toward her so she can see, a shy smile on his face.

"Whoa! That's awesome!" She says, leaning in to get a closer look. "Now lick yourself."

He's never been this close to his own scent, his own heat. With a shaky hand, he brings his pussy up to his face. He smells sharp, spicy, maybe a bit like nutmeg? When he presses his pussy up to his wet nose, he gasps and feels his own breath blow across his natural wetness.

As he takes his first lick, Petra murrs on the other end. He ends up murring with her as he simultaneously senses the way his tongue is separating his inner labia while he feels them press back against his tongue. His nose brushes his clit and he yips as he wiggles his hips.

"Hot damn!" Petra exclaims before grabbing a condom out of her bedside drawer.

He presses his tongue in moaning and fidgeting madly. The taste is so sharp, so tangy and salty. Like other pussies he's licked, but with his own scent. His passage compresses the thin sides of his canine tongue as he shoves it in deeper and deeper. Using the instant feedback he has, he finds all his most sensitive spots in seconds. It's odd, but he swears some parts of his snatch are more sour or more salty than others.

Other pussies he's licked had textures inside them, like being rougher in the back than the front, but now he's feeling both sides of the texture. There's the resistance his tongue gets going over the rough areas, then there's the smoothness and contractions of his tongue as it travels over those areas.

Heat courses through him making him twitch and clench and vibrate on his bed. No matter how much he licks, how deep he delves, he can't find satisfaction. It's fascinating, fantastic, and unfathomable.

Then he's forced to lap down his own natural lube as an orgasm hits out of nowhere. The rhythmic clenching of his pussy twists and bends his tongue like a boat in a squall. Crashing waves of bliss travel through his body tossing him about on his bed. Petra's cries accompany her filling that condom like the stallion of a lover she is. As his orgasm subsides, he watches her last few spurts.

She pulls the condom off, saying, "Haven't cum like that since I was visiting you."

After a couple loving licks of his muff, he pulls the mug away saying, "I didn't know I tasted that good."

She laughs. "Since I couldn't see inside the mug, my mind toyed with the idea that you were just licking out the cup after having some rather amazing hot chocolate. I would have cum sooner, otherwise."

He laughs. "So, is that what you're going to be doing when you're bored at work? Use the portal to lick yourself out?"

"Maybe?" she draws out the word not sounding innocent at all.

"Just gonna tell people you have really good hot chocolate?"

Petra squirms on the bed. "Stop giving me ideas."

"No," he says.

She scrunches up her face in fake anger making her eyes so squinted that he doubts she can even see.

He chuckles.

"I'm going to dump this condom out and then grab a toy so we can watch each other stuff ourselves." She hops off the bed and disappears from the camera's view.

While she's gone, he rolls onto his back and relaxes into his afterglow. It's not a very deep relaxation since his prick and pussy are throbbing at the prospect of what he's going to do next, but that doesn't stop it from being pleasant.

When Petra's back, he grabs his bottle of lube and pops it open. His chest tightens with excitement so potent that it almost feels like anxiety. As he's lubing his prick and his pussy, Petra says, "We better remember to bring bottles of lube with us wherever we go. We'll want to lube each other up when we're gonna use the portals."

"Yeah!" he says as he closes the bottle and sets it aside. He wipes his paws on his discarded shirt before grabbing the mug. "Okay, here goes."

"Hold on." Petra finishes lubing her knotted equine toy and then says, "Ready!"

After taking two deep breaths, he brings the mug down to the tip of his cock. He moans as his most intimate parts radiate heat at each other. The closer he brings the portal to his shaft, the more intense the heat gets. Then he's rubbing the throbbing head of his prick against his throbbing clit. "HaaaaAAAH!" he cries. The two most sensitive parts of his body are in contact and it's almost too much.

With a twitch of his shaft, pre jets out against his clit. Panting from the sheer amount of desire, he aims his member at his waiting snatch and enters. "FUCK!" he cries as his inner labia are spread open by his own dick. 

Even with ecstasy jolting through his body, he can't seem to stop. He has to have more, he has to get all the way in. His pussy feels fucking amazing! No wonder Petra liked it so much. It's so tight and somehow it's still stretching to accommodate him. The sensation of his cock bending to to match the shape of his tunnel and the delicious resistance to it from his hot passage are amplifying each other, driving him crazy.

Petra's eyes are fixed on her laptop screen as she watches, jaws slackened in awe, her toy forgotten as she strokes herself madly. In her eyes is the predatory glimmer of someone who desperately wants to shove inside him.

This only drives him more mad with passion. He shoves the portal onto his length claiming his own flesh. Before he can even get his uninflated knot in, there's a rhythmic twitch in his depths. A bliss-filled blast of heat expands out from his snatch consuming his whole body in a fraction of a second. Gripping his own phallus with the velvety walls of his sex, he howls in pleasure.

Then he's gritting his teeth determined to keep his seed from bursting forth. The fact he hasn't knotted himself yet makes it possible to hang on.

There's no doubt about it, his cock is bigger than Petra's. Maybe not by much, but he's going to have to stretch himself to the limit to get it all in.

He goes slow, pressing more and more of the bulge at the base of his shaft in. His breath catches as he gets the last bit in. Somehow, his body still aches for more, aches to be knotted. Pulling the portal half way off his prick, he jams it back in. Once he's fallen into a nice rhythm for fucking himself, his knot starts to swell and hot tingles from his pussy start zipping through his body. He whines, begging himself for his own knot.

"Damnit Core!" Petra cries out as she loses control and starts filling a condom she put on while he wasn't looking.

Seeing her cum while watching him causes his need to cum to skyrocket. His knot swells and he slams it against his entrance over and over bumping his clit and stretching his pussy lips. Then he growls, unable to hold back, unable to stop, as he shoves that aching bulbous sphere into his cunt. It feels like he's too tight, like it's an act of futility, until it suddenly slips in.

As his knot expands to lock itself inside him, he feels that familiar tension directly behind his balls and the pulsing of his shaft. He can't believe he's about to cum inside himself. As the first spurt of his own seed splashes against the back of his pussy, it orgasms along with his prick.

Milking his own shaft, he gasps and moans and yips. So much cum, so much pleasure, twin orgasms he can feel both ends of. 

Petra fucks herself hard with her toy as she watches, but he's barely aware of her. He's too busy writhing on the bed while watching his belly get round from his massive load.

Once he's spent, he's lying there, mouth agape in disbelief of what just happened.

"Pretty great being a herm, huh?" Petra says.

He's never felt like more of a herm. He literally just fucked himself and it felt unfathomably good. "I-I think I love being a herm," he says, astonished by his own words.

"I'm so happy! Now you know how I feel every day," she says.

He smiles, eyes a bit wet with joy. "You're so lucky."

"Someday, how you feel about yourself right now will be the way you feel most of the time."

"I hope so."

"You've grown so much in the time I've known you. I know you'll get there." She smiles.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

* * * * *

A couple days later, Core's going through his morning routine when he gets a text from Petra. "So bored! I can't do anything because a Windows update fucked over my computer and I have to wait for tech support to come and fix it."

"Aww, so you're just sitting there?"

"No, I'm browsing Pinterest on my phone looking at ritzy hotel lobbies and bathrooms. Oooh! This bathroom is made of broken mirror shards. It's so SPARKLY!"

He goes into his bedroom and throws his clothes off before opening the drawer containing his portal mug and harness. Taking the mug out, he taps the orange, black, and white magic focuses on the rim. Magic swirls in the mug as his prick exits his sheath from just thinking about what he's going to do.

Within a couple seconds, Petra's pussy is staring him in the face.

He texts her, "That sounds really cool. You find any other neat stuff?" Now he can surprise her while she's texting him back!

First, he just kisses her pussy lightly touching his wet nose to her clit. Then he starts licking across it from bottom to top.

His phone buzzes with a text. "There was one place thds w3 OH Yes! MOre!"

Every time he's played with someone's pussy before, they were already horny. This time he's seeing her become aroused first hand. As he licks, her clit is getting bigger while her muff warms up and becomes moist. It's fascinating and really fun!

"Oh god coreyou are a saint!" she sends. "Sorry cant type well while youre asdd pleasekeepgoing!"

Now she's so wet that he can't resist tasting more of her. Not holding back, he gives her his whole tongue. Experimenting with twisting, rolling, and wiggling his tongue, he makes deep laps into her while stroking his prick nice and slow.

He's not sure how much time has passed when she texts, "Pleasepleasplease stop teasing need core cock"

He stops for a moment to text her. "Are you still at your desk?"

"Yes," she sends back. "Easier to type when your tongue isn't inside me. XD"

"Such a naughty snow kitty!"

"Fuck now I'm preing."

"If you lean forward, you can put your cock between your breasts and catch your load in your mouth."

"Oh God! Like actually cum at my cubicle? What if the tech support arrives?"

"Just face away from them and lean forward while holding up a finger. You know, the way people do when they're doing something really important, like drinking their own cum." His heart is racing. In a way, he's getting her back for her stunt at the restaurant. But mostly he's just choosing not to try and rein in his kinky side.

"You're worse than me! I just had bend down to catch a spurt of pre."

He grins. "It's good practice for when you cum nice and hard from giving yourself a breast job while I fuck you."

"Core, fuck me, fuck me right now!"

He brings the mug down and just starts shoving into her pussy. No stopping, no letting up, he just fills her in one solid push. It's been ages since he's been inside her and he bites his lip to avoid cumming on the spot.

Once he's in all the way, he backs himself down from his peak while giving them both time to enjoy his full penetration. She's tight around him, like she hasn't had anything his size inside her for a while. Steeling himself so he can try and last for her, he starts pulling out and plunging back in.

By the time he's worked up to to fast hard thrusts, her pussy is already twitching along its length, speeding toward a blissful finale.

He's not doing much better. The squeezing along his prick as he drives in over and over has him panting and yipping and begging himself to let loose inside her.

Then, the magic happens, the twitching of her snatch takes on a rhythm that he knows it won't recover from. That's when he jams his knot inside and erupts inside her. He howls at how good it feels to finally be locked inside her.

He lets go of the mug not needing to hold it anymore and lies back on his bed as he fills her to the brim.

A few minutes later, while he's staring at the ceiling with a smile on his face, his phone chimes.

It's a text from Petra. "So, the guy showed up while I was cumming in my mouth and I held up my finger as I got the last bit down. He didn't seem to understand what was going on, but was a good sport about it. I decided not to tell him that I came even harder because he was there."

Core's eyes go wide. "You actually just stayed at your desk the whole time?"

"You kinda got me so horny I thought it was a good idea," she responds.

"Well, I'm glad nothing bad happened." he sends.

"Me too. He never asked what I was doing directly, but he did ask me if I was a herm and I told him the truth. Somehow, even though things were a bit awkward between us, we had a nice conversation. We're gonna get together sometime to grab a beer."

"Aww, who knew cumming in your mouth in the middle of work could help you make new friends?"

She responds, "Yeah! It's like the cherry on top of the amazing fucking you just gave me."

"Wheew, I'm really spent. That was awesome."

"You made my day."

"It's not over yet, when I pull out, I'm going to get you all nice and clean. <3" he sends.

"Perfect! Thanks, love."

"It'll be my pleasure! ^_^"


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