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I've been cooking up a few story ideas. I'm looking forward to writing any of these options! I'm going to ask for suggestions for next month's voting after Christmas, so be on the lookout for that post if you have an idea you want to put out there. Or just DM me the idea on Patreon. That's how the first story idea was sent in.

Here's the story ideas you can vote on, vote for as many as you like! (The titles are working titles. I might come up with a better title while I'm working on the winner.)

A Couple's Coherent Enhancement - A bunny's dragon girlfriend encourages him to try anal play. He discovers that his cock takes on the shape and size of anything he puts inside himself. His girlfriend discovers she can enlarge his magic cock with her high-capacity pussy. This leads them to lots of sexy experiments. (A straight couple having some kinky fun! There will be cock growth and hyper in this one.) (Suggested by a Patron)

A Naga's Pornstar Crush - Remember how Jaden couldn't get a certain naga pornstar out of his mind in "Too Much Naga Porn" and how he ended up looking like her? Imagine what would happen if he met her in person. (Lots of herm naga sexy times. Two twin-cocked naga herms with pornstar proportions. What more could you ask for?)

Mile High Doggystyle - A werewolf couple flying home from Europe can't stop their transformations while they're over the atlantic ocean. And if that wasn't bad enough, their transformations leave them far too horny to think straight. (M/F werewolf sex...on a a plane! TF and horny wolf instincts + a captive audience.)

Tentacle Monster Problems - Amy is the best long-jumper on her track team. Problem is that she's a were-tentacle monster and she's very attracted to her teammates. She avoids sex with other girls because any woman she fucks turns into a furry herm. Find out what happens when her crush flirts with her when the whole team is showering! (Tentacles, tons of females becoming herms, and an epic shower orgy. )


Door matt

wow some tuff choices this month. I would like to see 3 of them.


Yay! I hope it's a hard choice for all. Some of the top contenders may come back in another poll sometime next year.

Merv DeGriff

I agree, the whole list is great ideas. :)


Darn, caught between the tentacle monster and the naga clash.


LOL, Now three of them are tied! Well, I'm glad so many options are good. I'll have to bring back the losers for another round.

Lucifer Diavolo

I want to tie them all! They're all REALLY good options.


Hehe! Well, I definitely will bring the losers back for another vote later on!