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Another perk for being a Patron. You'll see how things turn out for Core before anyone else.


Core’s Opportunity—Chapter 10

by Zmeydros

In the dream he has just before he wakes up, he's on stage with that shark fucking her while stroking both of her cocks. She's moaning a lot like the way Millie did when he saw her masturbate. 

He wakes up to his cock throbbing and rubbing against the bed while he lies on his stomach. Millie's not there, but he hears her moaning down the hallway.

In his groggy state with that dream still fresh in his mind, he wanders over to the guest bedroom and opens the door. Millie stops shoving her vibrator in and stares at the bulge in his pajamas. A dark corner of his mind tells him to just get it over with since Millie's probably the only person he'll ever have sex with. And the only reason he feels safe having sex with her is that she accidentally found out about his secret.

He pushes back at those thoughts and thinks about leaving, but he's so sick of masturbating alone, of having these fantasies where he's finally having sex with another person. If he keeps running away from it, he'll never get what he actually wants. Yesterday, he fell into his old pattern of fear and worry and it screwed everything up.

As he walks up to the bed, Millie says, "Are you actually going to join me?"

He nods unable to admit to himself what he's actually doing. Gritting his teeth, he pulls off his pajamas. He's sick of himself, he's sick of all the things he tells himself he can't do, he's sick of everyone getting to enjoy sex while he hides himself from the world. There's no other way for him to get what he needs. He should just accept what Millie's offered him so many times and force himself to get over his fear.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

No answer comes to mind. He's feeling desperate, horny, and hopeless. He just wants to feel someone hold him and touch him and enjoy his body. Someone touch him in the way he wants to be touched and not like the way awful horrible Rudy did. His desperation drove that woman away from him like he was a monster. Facing his fear is the only way forward. "I'm just really nervous." He can't get himself to smile so she knows it's okay. What's wrong with him?

"Are you sure you want this?" She asks.

His face won't cooperate. Instead of the confident smile he wants to project, he's wearing a bullet-proof frown. Why isn't she just going along with it? It's what she's wanted since she met him, isn't it? Why is he still wearing that goddamn frown!? Why can't they both just get on with it!

Millie grabs him and hugs him, "You look like you're about to cry, are you okay?"

Just thinking about crying makes the tears flow. He sniffles as he cries softly. He can't even have sex when he makes up his mind to do it. All the trauma of the last few months comes flooding back as he cries in her arms. The whole time she just holds him and rocks him slowly. Touch feels so good. So nice. The feeling of her scales against his fur is comforting beyond words. 

He's never been held like this by her. It's completely different from her predatory sexual ways. Thinking about all her kindness and how much she's tried to help him only makes him cry more. Damnit!

Eventually, his tears slow and he just leans into her comforting embrace. She starts petting the back of his head. She says, "There. There. It's okay."

A few minutes later, he lifts up his head and sniffles before saying, "I'm sorry."

"I cry sometimes, too. I actually cried a bit just now."

"Why?" he asks wrapping his arms around her.

"I care about you and seeing you like this reminded me of the time Victoria ran over someone's pet cat. She came over to have sex, but ended up just crying in my arms. She was devastated." 

"I'd feel the same way, it must have been awful." He sniffles.

"It took her months to fully come to terms with it." She lets go of him and looks into his eyes. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

He tries to start talking about it, but tears up and has to stop.

"I'm going to get you something to eat, how about you try to tell me about it after breakfast?" She gets off the bed.

He nods and then lies on his back. His mind drifts as he stares at the ceiling not really thinking about anything. That strange numbness that comes after a lot of crying has a firm hold of him.

Millie comes back with an omelette and some toast. He sits up and uses the napkin she hands him to blow his nose before trying the omelette. It has too much onion and not enough ham, but he eats it anyway not wanting to criticize what she did out of kindness.

She sits on the bed next to him as he eats.

After he's eaten it all, when he tries to talk about last night, he doesn't tear up instantly. "I went into the club last night to check it out since I'll be working there and I bumped into a herm. She knew I knew her secret because she'd gotten hard watching that shark—"

"Oh, that shark's name is Denise and her stage name is Denise Danger. We call her double D. I'd been meaning to tell you about her. She started a couple weeks after you visited me at my club."

"She was really fun to watch," he says. "Anyway, the herm I mentioned bumped into me and her, you know, stuck me in the leg when I was trying to steady her. Then she ran out and I chased after her. She thought I was stalking her or wanted to hurt her and freaked out when I unintentionally cornered her. I was freaking out too and I tried to tell her that I was a herm and hadn't met another herm in person and really wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't even tell her that, so she just stood there terrified. Even the bouncer thought I was doing something wrong." He shrugs, "So, that's how I blew my chance of ever talking to her again and I hate myself for it."

Millie thinks for a moment. "If you see her again, why don't you just hand her a business card or a little note that says you're sorry about chasing her and that you just want to talk with her and that she can—"

"Would you respond to someone who chased you like that even if they gave you a nice note? Aren't first impressions the most important?" He sighs.

"Well, it might make more sense to her if that note tells her that you're a herm too and couldn't get yourself to tell her that time," Millie says.

He thinks about it for a moment. If he wrote it on a piece of paper, he wouldn't have to say it. He could work up the courage to write it down and then wait until he saw her again to hand it to her. The idea of telling her still terrifies him, but if it's the only way he can explain what his intentions actually were, it might be worth it. He frowns, but that still wouldn't work. "I think she'll run the moment I try to hand her something, this is hopeless."

"She's probably a fan of Denise, so you might see her again under better circumstances." Millie shrugs. "Even if you don't see her again, herms aren't quite as rare as you think they are. Lots of them are in hiding. The Seattle area has like four million people, I bet you there's herm support groups or meetups in the area where you could meet others like you."

"Huh, I've never thought about that." He hugs her not sure if any of it will work. At least he has things to try.

She hugs him back and then says, "So, I thought you were going to join me back there and I'm still confused about what happened. I know you were upset about this. Were you going to have sex to distract yourself from it or something?"

He shakes his head. "I'm not sure what I was thinking. I'm just sick of being so nervous about sex and I wanted to get it over with. I also thought I'd never be able to tell anyone about my p… pussy and I'd never have sex with anyone unless I did it with you."

"That's dark," she says.

"I'm so pathetic!" He holds his head in his paws.

"No, listen, lots of people that stay virgins until they're in college, or even older. They often feel like they have to take what they can get because no one wants them. That mindset is really destructive. I don't want you to have sex with me because I'm your only way to ever have sex, I want you to have sex with me because you think I'm sexy and you want to share your body with me." 

He feels like he wants to cry again. "So, you don't want to have sex with me after all?"

"That's not what I meant." She trails her fingers over the fur on his chest. "I know you'll find someone even if you don't fuck me. Thinking of me as your only option sells you short. It operates from the idea that no one else will ever desire you. We already know that's not true. Besides Hanz and Victoria, there's a third of my staff that would have sex with you even if they knew you were a herm. Close-minded people don't do well at my club." She shrugs.

"A third?" He blinks.

"Yep, probably, well less if you count the ones in exclusive relationships, but my point still stands. The rest of them would turn you down because you're not their type or they're not attracted to herms. If I have anyone on my staff that actively dislikes herms for being herms, they're keeping that to themselves."

"That's hard to believe," he says.

She chuckles. "I know, just bear with me on this. The population in general tends to be uncomfortable with the idea of herms, mainly because they've never met one and none of their friends know one. But my club isn't the general population and I had a herm dancer years ago that made friends with nearly everyone at my club. She was dancing back when I was and we had a blast."

His ears perk up at the mention of a herm on Millie's staff. "Is she still around?"

Millie shakes her head and looks at the sheets. "No, she got an aggressive type of lymphoma and passed away a couple years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that." His ears droop as he puts a hand on her shoulder.

She puts her hand on top of his. "I still miss her sometimes, but I'm okay."

"She must have been awesome," he says. "I wish I could have met her."

"Oh, you two would have had a blast. She was legendarily nerdy."

"Are you calling me a nerd?" he asks with a slight grin.

Millie scoffs. "You have a Minecraft sticker on your laptop and a Triforce keychain hanging from one of the loops on your backpack. If you're not a nerd, you're choosing the wrong accessories."

He laughs.

She chuckles. "Anyway, my club is one of the safest and most accepting places you could be and everyone knows I would come after them if they let your secret out," she says. "I'm definitely not the only person who you could have sex with."

He nods. "I'm still having trouble believing that, but I don't feel as desperate now."

"Good, so, let's table the sex for now and come back to it if it's really what you want later on. I think we had way too much of an emotional rollercoaster to do anything right now, anyway."


"I must warn you that if we have sex and we both have fun, I might go back to my predatory ways and pounce on you from time to time." She boops his nose.

He laughs. "Roger that."

* * * * *

The first part of his school day goes well, but over lunch he thinks about what happened after he woke up. Does he actually want to have sex with Millie? The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes the answer is "yes." He's never felt safe being naked with someone like that and she's an amazing person. Plus, she probably wouldn't make his first time all that awkward.

She said if he wanted to have sex with her because he thought she was sexy and wanted to share his body with her, she'd want it. He gets a boner as he thinks about the way she bent over while she was wearing no panties the other night. Was she teasing him? Wait, does he actually like it when she teases him and tries to bring out his feral side?

The part of his mind that he's always battling calls him a pervert and chides him for his lack of control, but instead of feeling embarrassed, he feels frustrated. He growls softly as he tells it "no" for the first time in his life. No, this one time he's going to try doing what his body wants and needs. Carrying around this self-imposed sexual frustration is sucking the joy from his life.

And this morning, when he tried to finally get over all this and have sex for the first time, he ended up crying because of how nervous and frustrated he was. But, now that he thinks about it, he did really want her in that moment. 

Yes, there were other things tangled in his mind, but deep down he wanted her for the exact reasons she called out. This one time he's going to try it. He has to see if sex with her is as amazing as he imagines it will be. He's going to shut up that part of himself and have fun. By the time he's done with his lunch, he feels more relaxed than he's felt in ages.

As he goes about the rest of his school day, Millie's plump pussy, firm breasts, toned ass, and long tail parade through his mind. He has to stay a bit after his last class to get his cock to go down. Was that dark voice in his mind right?

He tries to push the dark thoughts away, but they haunt him as he struggles to control himself on the drive home. His erection sprouts over and over as he thinks about feeling Millie ride his cock. She didn't seem intimidated at all by his size after he'd played with his item. How amazing would that feel?

He's losing control. He shouldn't think about this stuff. He's going to turn into a slut and fail out of school and ruin his whole life. 

No! If he doesn't do this, he's going to think about fucking her over and over and get horny over and over and feel awful about himself. He's tried not being sexual, he's tried denying his own deep needs, and now he's losing his mind over it. He's split in two. One half is full of fear and the other full of lust. He can't go on like this. It's torture. 

He growls at his mind as it tries to pull itself apart. Fuck this! Fuck his fear that he'll lose control, fuck never being able to give someone else pleasure, fuck the part of his mind that's telling him no one will ever truly accept him, and fuck the anxiety attacks that happen every time he thinks about this stuff.

After he parks, he walks swiftly to Millie's apartment hoping she's there. For the first time in forever, he's finally pushed his fear to the back of his mind. It's time to have fun! Hot, sexy-panting-pleasurable fun!

The door to Millie's apartment is locked when he gets there and his heart sinks. Of course she wouldn't be home the one day he finally got up his courage. He calls out, "Millie? Are you home?" hoping that she locked the door out of habit or something.

He sighs when he gets no response. Why did he think she'd be home? His cock is throbbing, he's wet, and his whole body is hot. How can he keep up this energy until she gets home? Would he survive doing that? Hours of being needy and hard and wet and--he shivers as he thinks about spending the whole time he's waiting for her getting himself hornier and hornier… Crap, he has homework due tomorrow and a reading assignment for his class. He's already done most of it, but if he spends all evening teasing himself, he won't have it ready.

With a frown, he goes to the fridge and makes himself a turkey and avocado sandwich. After that, he works through the reading assignment while his naughty bits ache to be used. He's not erect, but he keeps getting slightly hard from just changing his seating position. As he's opening his backpack to get his homework to finish, an unwanted thought creeps in saying that Millie doesn't actually want to have sex with him, that she was just teasing him because he's a herm and she secretly hates them.

Why does he think these sorts of things? It can't be true, but maybe she won't want him when she gets home no matter how needy he is. Maybe no one actually wants him and they say those things because they feel sorry for him. He starts feeling sick to his stomach. 

Closing his eyes, he tells that heckling part of himself "no." Millie would have rode him in her office if he hadn't run out. If she just pitied him and had no interest, she wouldn't have worked so hard to tempt him.

He opens his pants and pulls down the hem of his boxers so he can touch his sheath. He fills his mind with memories of Millie; her plump breasts on either side of his cock while she sucked on his cock head, her pantiless back end taunting him during dishes, her feeling up his cock in the coffee shop, and her inviting him to come fuck her when he found her masturbating. Wishing once again that she was here, he strokes his cock as it emerges from his sheath. Moaning, he feels the head of his prick, his uninflated knot, and his balls thinking: "She wanted this and so did Victoria." Pre forms on the tip and he thrusts into his hands. 

If Millie doesn't come home soon, she's going to miss out. He bites his lip, can he hold out until she gets back? There's only one way to find out.



Core’s Opportunity—Chapter 11

by Zmeydros

After a half hour of teasing himself, he lets go of his shaft and sighs. She's not here and his hands are tired. Not bothering to pull his pants and boxers back up, he goes back to homework. His erection goes back into its sheath, but every so often his mind fills with desire and his erection stirs.

The moment he's finished all his homework, his cock spills out of his sheath and he tears off his clothes panting with one thought in his mind: he has to get off. He's feeling a lot like he did on that night when he made a mess in the bathroom at his work.

Her scales felt so good against his cock when it was huge like that. His body goes on autopilot and soon he's walking to the guest bedroom to grab his magic item off of the dresser. Casting the magic is easy now that he remembers every step. He moans and his prick bulges pushing longer and thicker making him feel like he's going to cum just from it growing. His pussy soaks the fur of his inner thighs as this happens from the feeling of his balls growing bigger and pressing against his pleasure button.

He takes his cock in his hands and strokes it when it reaches a monstrous sixteen inches. Its growth has halted and his balls are aching to cum. He strokes his cock as it gets slicked up by his pre moaning and thrusting. There's no way he'll make it till she gets home. The need to get off is overwhelming.

Gasping and writhing on the bed, he strokes himself hard and fast just the way he does when he's trying to get off quick. Yips in triumph when an orgasm finally hits him. He gets ready for cum to gush out, but then he feels this need to wait for Millie. He doesn't want to cum now, he wants to cum inside her. He needs to cum inside her.

But, he needs to cum! He puts his mouth on the head of his cock the way he did before. He's not quite as big this time, so he has to bend a bit more. He swallows his pre and starts fucking his own muzzle groaning around his cock. A few minutes later, he feels like he's going to cum, but again nothing happens. He goes faster and tries to get more of his cock in his mouth. Maybe he can trick his body into thinking he's fucking a pussy.

This time when he feels like he's going to cum, he grabs beneath his knot hoping to trick his cock, but it doesn't work. All day he was fantasizing about fucking her, deep down he doesn't want to cum from just masturbating. He needs her scales pressing against him, her breasts against his chest, and her pussy clench around him as he fills her with his seed. Nothing else will do.

He pulls his mouth away and strokes feverishly, stuck just short of orgasm. He's only getting more horny, more needy. There's no way he can wait any longer, he has to cum and he has a way, something he only does when he's in heat. He slides a finger into his pussy and rubs his nub with the paw pad on the palm of his hand. Feeling something in there causes him to squeal and yip. 

He closes his eyes overwhelmed by the pleasure and slides another finger inside himself. This always feels so lewd, so forbidden, good. And it's only when he's desperate to get off that he has the courage to do it.

Pleasure floods him and he gasps as he brings his pussy to climax in record time. He times his play with his shaft so that his pussy and cock will cum at the same time. His pussy squeezes his fingers as his cock pulses.

No cum! He tries again having no other ideas desperately trying to get off and when his pussy cums this time, he hears Millie say, "Do you need help?"

He turns his head to look and almost can't believe she's there. He blinks and then looks again to make sure before barking and whining at her. It takes him a moment to push against his needy feral-instinct-overridden mind before he manages to get himself to nod.

"Fuck that was hot!. Yip again, whine like a feral fox, and I'll help."

He blushes at how easy it is to obey, to whine and yip and beg. She rubs at her pussy through her jeans as he does.

"Good foxie!" She grins as she pulls off her light-blue-blouse with frills and a tight-fitting pair of jeans. When she takes off her thong and throws it onto his face, he whines at how much he likes her scent. Taking a deep sniff, he continues to thrust into his hands. 

With a deep chuckle, she takes it off his face and climbs onto the bed. "Like my smell?"

He yips and wags his tail unable to get a handle on his instincts. Words are so far away right now.

The moment she's close her scales glow and his cock shudders in his hands growing larger: seventeen inches, eighteen inches, nineteen inches. He gasps feeling like he needs to cum yet again only to have nothing happen.

Pre streams down his shaft and Millie licks it up. His balls feel more and more full as they reach the size of peaches. Twenty inches! Twenty-two inches! When his cock is two feet long and his balls are the size of large grapefruits, the magic stops flowing. 

"Two feet is more than enough--" Millie puts his magical item back in its box. "--to test my limits."

She starts licking his shaft up and down. Eventually, when she is groping his gigantic balls, she looks at him in the eye and says, "These are so fucking big, everything's so big!"

He squirms thinking about what's about to happen.

"Think about how tight it will be, what it will feel like to stretch me over your huge tool." She licks her lips.

He whines as his cock twitches. Her attention goes back to his balls. She lifts them in her hands and licks at them making him claw at the sheets and gasp. They're so sensitive and they're rubbing against his pussy as she does this. When he thinks he can't take anymore, she hugs his penis and pins it between her breasts before stroking it with her entire front. He gasps at the feeling of her scales against his cock pushing back an orgasm as pre forms at the tip. He doesn't want to cum only to have his seed not come out again. She catches his pre in her mouth and swallows. “Mmm.”

“Ngh!” he groans when she licks the tip of his cock. Why did he wait so long to do this? It feels fantastic when lets his lust take over, lets his feral side take the wheel.

She keeps licking and using her breasts to play with his cock. Her tail gropes his ass as he feels down her back and neck encouraging her to keep going. When he's getting close to orgasm, he works hard to focus and push words through his sex-crazed feral mind. "Please, I can't cum unless it's inside you. I've tried so many times."

"Hottest thing you've ever said." She stands on the bed and suspends her cunny over his cock. 

He stares at her with his eyes bulging. “There’s no way it'll fit.”

“I’m a dragon, honey, the impossible is our domain.” She spreads her wet and puffy pussy lips and then sits on his tip.

His whole world spins as he feels her hot wet cunny take the tip of his gigantic cock inside. Nothing he’s ever done compares to the feeling of her pussy stretching around his massive prick. His body spasms in pleasure as more and more of her impossible tightness descends upon him. He feels like a sex god.

She only has about a fifth of him inside her, but his girth already has her moaning and yelling nonsense. She bites her lip as she slides a few more inches in.

Her tightness is almost painful for a moment before he feels her stretch even more. He struggles to find words. “You--aaah!--don’t have to take it all.”

“But I will!” A look of lustful determination forms on her face as she starts falling onto his cock. 

Inch after inch disappears into her. He can see the outline of his shaft in her belly. Her beautiful form is writhing as she keeps taking him in. It feels like he’s entering an endless pussy. 

"Don't cum till you knot me!" About six inches to the bottom she cums hard. “AAAH! FUCK!”

He grits his teeth as her slick walls caress him and try to milk him for his seed. Pre gushes from his length and he gets even to the edge as she squirms atop him. No, he has to hang on, obey the sexiest woman he's ever met! All his hours of masturbating where he challenged himself not to cum are paying off right now as he somehow manages to hang on. Just a bit more and he can knot her and fill her properly. That's what he wants to feel, that's what his body and pervy mind crave.

When her orgasm is over, she runs her hands over the bulge his cock's made in her tummy. “Oh, I’m falling for you, you managed to hang on even in a situation like this.”

“I, uh, heard that women like men who can go for a long time.” He blushes.

“You heard right.” She starts sliding down again, moaning and rubbing her clit.

His whole body shakes with a need to cum and his balls start to burn. When she hits bottom, he grips the sheets in his paws. He waits out the need to cum taking deep breaths. Her body has stretched so much without pain or damage. How is it that he's all the way inside her?

She rubs her clit and arches her back a little. “This is the largest thing, I’ve ever had in here! EEEEYEEEEAAH!” Her cry of triumph is almost comical. “Okay, hottest fuck of my life, let’s bounce!”

Gripping the sheets and grunting, he pulls his hips away from her and then shoves back into her. The paw pads on his feet burn from the immense pleasure. She screeches as he starts pumping in and out of her amazing pussy. His mind is once again lost to words as he moans and yips. The smell is amazing. Her arousal and wetness are on a level he can barely comprehend. He's never smelt female musk this strong. It's making him want to cum all the more.

His nipples and ears start to feel hot. He knows a monstrous orgasm is coming. His enormous balls are rubbing his nub and pussy lips driving him wild. With his tail is thumping on the bed, he watches her breasts bounce, her mouth cry out, her tail squirm, and her hand as she rubs her clit.

When she starts playing with one of her nipples, he reaches up and starts to fondle the other breast. Her body feels so hot and soft. Heat rushes up his belly to his chest and he gasps. She removes her hand from her breast and puts his free paw on it. Now he has both of her heavy scaly orbs in his hands. If she wasn't so tall and voluptuous, they'd be too big for her.

Her movements start to become more urgent. She shakes her hips and moans louder. Thats when he feels his knot start to swell. Soon she’s bumping against it, sending sparks of pleasure shooting all throughout his body. A tingle at the base of his tail tells him he’s at his limit and he growls before thrusting harder.

“Shove it in! Fill me up till I'm nice and round!” she yells.

He can feel her clit bumping against his knot and she’s practically screaming every time he thrusts. His body throbs as he makes one long hard thrust and they both watch as her pussy stretch wider and wider. She says, "Come on! Get in there!"

He yips and whines, his muscles are so tired, but he has to knot her!

"Growl with me!" She snarls and wiggles and bounces as the thickest part slowly enters.

Growling with her, he pushes even harder. His eyes go wide as her impossible scaly flesh opens up a tiny bit more and the thickest part of his knot starts sliding in. "Oh wow!" Millie exclaims as the tension in her flesh pulls the knot right in.

She cums arching her back, growling, moaning, roaring. Her hands grab his ass so she can pull herself down and get that one last millimeter of depth. No part of her body can seem to keep still as he fills her.

As his body writhes on the bed and he feels pleasure fill every part of his being, he feels like he’s on top of the world, the hottest stud that ever walked the planet. This release is by far his biggest. The most beautiful being he’s ever seen is milking his cock for his seed and he can see her belly bulging out from the sheer amount of it. The feeling of filling her is almost indescribable. He feels like their bodies are so close that she's a part of him. He feels like he’s just won the Nobel Peace Prize for sex. Sex is wonderful.

Sex is fun, exciting, and feels amazing. The only other thing that felt this good was some of the best times he had with his friends, but those times missed the extreme closeness he feels now.

She looks down at him and smiles. “Looks like you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

He nods. “You were amazing.”

“Right back at you!” She leans forward causing him to moan from the way his cock shifts.

“Oh, Millie. Thank you so much.” A tear runs down his cheek as the sheer mountain of wonderful things she’s done for him add up in his mind. Then there's the feeling of her cum-filled tummy pressing against his front. Pride wells up in him and he wags his tail--he did that!

A warm smile forms on her face as she rubs his chest. “It was my pleasure. Someday, I hope to be the first to show you the glory of your female side.”

Core thinks about the large vibrator she was using on herself. There’s no way that will be going in during his first time. He blushes fiercely as he thinks about Millie using her tongue on his cunny. The fear that he’s had since he was young comes back and he gulps. Even though there’s no real reason for him to be afraid of her suddenly not accepting him or anything, his mind and body don’t know any other way to feel about someone touching him there.

“It’s okay, whether you choose to let me be the one or not, I’ll still be your friend--with benefits, even.” Her tail plays with his toes. “One step at a time. You can’t put all your fears to rest in one day.”

“Yeah, but I feel better than I’ve felt in ages.” He laughs at the way her tail tip is poking his foot pads.

“That’s good. Just wait until you start working for me. I think you’ll love the other employees.” Millie stretches.

Still lost in the feeling of being inside her, he says, “The ones I've met so far are really nice.” His ears are picking up her breathing and heart beat and at the same time he’s feeling them through his cock.

“I only hire kind people,” she says, gently stroking the large bulge in her belly. “Let’s cuddle till you’re ready to pull out.”

He holds out his arms. “That sounds great.” The base of his penis bends with her quite easily and he moans a bit from the feeling of his cock moving slightly inside of her as she leans toward him. When she’s against him, he feels the bulge from his member and his cum inside her more clearly and blushes. He’s still having trouble believing it all fit in there.

She kisses him and nuzzles, pressing her bountiful bosom against him. He kisses and fondles her scales, while his hands play with her perfect ass. It’s firm, but cuddly at the same time and he loves the way it feels when he rubs his paw pads on it. He gets a few murrs out of her and even gets a moan when he grabs the end of her tail and licks it.

His knot shrinks as they cuddle and eventually Core feels like he can pull out. “Ready?” he asks.

“You’ll help me do the laundry, right? This is going to be quite a mess." She smirks. "One that I won’t regret one bit.”

“Sure, I’ll help you. I’m wondering just how much is in there.” He watches the place they are joined intently with his ears pointing straight up.

“I’m pretty curious myself.” She leans back so that she can lift herself off. Then, she slowly stands up. A sharp moan comes from both of them before a sucking ‘pop’ sound. Then cum floods out of her.

Both of their jaws gape at the sheer amount of it. There could easily be a gallon of spunk covering his crotch and the bed. He’s soaked to the bone in his own product. The thought causes him to laugh. This is crazier than when he had his episode in the bathroom at work.

Millie laughs for a moment. “Pretty unbelievable, right? Isn’t sex awesome?”

He grins. “I can see why you work so hard to have lots of it.”

"I think this might be the kinkiest sex I've ever had. I didn't even know my body could do that." She rubs her belly.

"You didn't?" His mouth hangs open.

She shrugs. "Well, I thought you'd fit in, but I didn't know you'd cum that much!"

"Me neither. This is the biggest I've ever been." He blushes.

“This was well worth the wait. I wish the world hadn’t tortured you so much beforehand, though.” Shaking her head, she covers a finger with his cream and tastes it. “Mmm, you even taste good.”

“I do?” He tilts his head and one ear droops adorably.

She giggles at his expression. “Of course you do, you’re a super stud.”

“Super stud to the rescue!” He puts his arms at his sides in a superhero pose.

She laughs as she uses the sheets to clean his seed off of her before getting off the bed. “Let’s get the covers off the bed and in the hamper before it soaks down to the mattress.”

After he’s used the sheets to wipe off enough of his cum so that it won’t drip off of him, he gets off the bed. He helps her get the sheets off and they’re both happy to find that they caught it before it soaked through the mattress liner.

She takes all the bedding from him and says, “I’ll meet you in the shower.”

“Okay,” he says before stumbling toward the master bathroom. His balls are so big that they're interfering with his normal gait.

"Lift those babies up! Show them some love." She chuckles.

Smiling, he reaches down, he takes one of his balls in each hand and hefts them. Feeling the weight in his hands, his jaw drops. It's unreal! If he wasn't so spent, he'd be getting hard again. "They're so heavy," he mutters to himself.

"If you danced for me, I'd introduce you as the best hung stud on the west coast."

"Really?" He blushes.

"As far as I know, it's true." She winks and then walks out the door.

Then he walks toward the master bathroom holding his balls up out of the way of his legs. When he needs his hands to open the shower door, he lets them down and groans from the feeling of them shifting in his sac.

After getting the water to run warm, he hobbles into the shower. He gets into the shower and starts getting the sticky mess they made out of his fur. That strange pride comes back as he thinks about how much cum he produced. As he washes his enlarged balls he moans softly. There's no way these would be concealed by a pair of pants. People might not even think they were balls. They'd wonder if he stuffed a couple grapefruits down there.

When Millie gets in the shower with him, she kisses him on the cheek and turns a little knob that stops the flow. Then she takes over the task of shampooing his fur. Her hands massage him as she lathers him up and he ends up closing his eyes. Her caress is more like a deep sensual massage.

He yips when she lifts his balls and cleans the sensitive flesh behind them. She is gentle and he finds that he very much enjoys the way that she touches his female parts. Her hands relax him rather than arouse him. Their extremely energetic sex has put him in a luxurious state of afterglow.

After she’s rubbed every inch of his body, she turns the valve back on and goes over him once again to rinse every last bit of shampoo off. By the time he’s clean, he feels like he’s just drifting on a warm cloud. Millie moves him out of the water and steps in. She gets each part of herself wet before turning off the valve. Then she puts body wash in Core’s hand and he starts massaging her as best he can. He’s so relaxed that he’s hardly thinking about what he’s doing, but Millie’s satisfied smile suggests that he’s doing a good job.

He blushes when he massages her large breasts and the blush continues to grow as he rubs her toned tummy and thighs. When he reaches her pussy, he feels a tingling in his own. Her sex feels so inviting and it has somehow recovered from his gigantic cock. When he moves on to her tail hole, he is very careful. He can see that she’s blushing by the time he’s done with her nethers.

When he lathers up her tail, he marvels as just how thick and long it is. He gets a happy sigh from Millie as he massages his way down to the tip. When he’s washing the tip, Millie moves it to make things harder and he laughs as he tries to catch it in his soapy hands. After she's had her fun, she lets him clean it. He finishes up by massaging her legs and feet. She murrs when he’s rubbing the bottoms of her feet.

Rinsing her off is pretty easy since she’s covered in scales. When he reaches the end of her tail she giggles and wraps the end around his thumb. He tries to get his thumb free, but she pulls him toward her with her tail and kisses him before he can get loose. She lets go of his thumb so he can hold her as she holds him. The kiss is sweet and playful. Each time he tries to use his tongue to play with hers, her tongue dodges. 

After the kiss ends, Millie turns off the water and hugs him. “Mmm, you’re exactly what I needed. A sweet and sexy friend.”

He hugs back. “My first time was perfect. Thanks.”

“You can thank me by having sex with me again sometime.” Millie lets go of him and winks.

“I don’t think that'll be a problem.” If there’s one thing he’s sure about, it’s that he wants to do this again. She may not provide the long term relationship he wishes for, but they are a perfect match in bed.

“Good.” She smiles and gets out of the shower. The dryer dries her quickly and then she steps to the side so he can use it.

After he finishes his shower and gets dry, Millie calls after him from the bedroom. "I want to take you clothes shopping tomorrow morning, my treat."

"You don't have to, you already got me some clothes," he says as he opens the door to the bedroom.

She's looking at her phone in the nude, breasts hanging down as she leans a bit forward. He wishes he could take a picture of her idle nudity as she says, "The stuff I bought at Wal-Mart isn't going to cut it. When you're working at my club, you represent us. I don't want you spending all your money on clothes right after I scooped you out of boiling water. Plus, I have a gift card I keep forgetting to use."

"Okay, but I'm going to pay you back, anyway." He sits next to her on the bed.

Throwing an arm over his shoulders, she says, "Only if you promise to wait until you're financially stable."

"I promise," he says.



Core’s Opportunity—Chapter 12

by Zmeydros

When Core wakes up next to Millie, he blushes. Her back is pressed against his front, and her voluptuous ass is against his humongous morning wood. Instincts are clearer than his thoughts when he's this groggy and before he really thinks about it, his left paw has found a breast.

She groans as he explores her supple flesh with his paw.

A shock runs through him. What is he doing? He takes his hand away.

"Mmm, Mr. Fox, I could use some morning lovings. Get that hand back over here," She says.

"Umm, weren't we supposed to go shopping?" he asks trying to back away so his shaft isn't pressed up against her.

"With me getting wet and you sprouting a two-foot boner whenever I bend over to get something off a low shelf? That sounds fun, but more my sort of fun than yours."

He's not a slut, he just had sex for the first time last night. There's no way he should be horny now. "Actually, I just really need to go."

She raises an eyebrow.

He dashes off to the bathroom and struggles to get his erection to cooperate. It takes a lot of deep breaths and thinking about boring stuff from his classes. Eventually, he's no longer hard and can finally empty his bladder. By the time he's out, Millie's dressed in a black and white art deco blouse with a black miniskirt.

He says, "I should get my cock back to normal size."

Millie nods. "Yeah, but bring your magic thing. I want to get a couple things you can wear that look even better when you're packing extra."

"Okay." Part of him really likes that thought and another part shames him for liking it. As he gets his magic item, he tells himself that it's a perfectly sensible suggestion. He's had times when controlling his size wasn't guaranteed. It takes a bit of doing to get his hyper features under control, but once he does, he feels a lot less needy.

He puts on a T-shirt and the pair of jeans that Millie bought him on the worst night of his life. Then heads out with Millie. They go to Morty's for breakfast before they end up at at a little store that seems to be completely full of things Millie approves of. She enjoys seeing him try on clothes and he feels awesome in the things she picks out for him. 

She somehow manages to find a pair of dark bluish-grey jeans that fit him perfectly without being tight. Even he notices how sexy he looks in them. A thin purple shirt with a V-neck is his other favorite piece of clothing they pick out. It just looks cool for some reason that his non-fashion designer mind can’t figure out. He likes the other three shirts and second pair of pants they buy as well.

The second store they go to is a store for hyper furs. He blushes deeper and deeper as they walk in. The moment they're inside, Millie grabs a pair of jeans with lots of room for a package and leads him to the dressing room. 

Millie whispers into his ear. "Can I watch it grow again?"

He gulps and nods before letting her come into the large dressing room with him. His hand fumbles a bit as he gets his magic item out. The fact that she's already getting wet is clear from her scent and he hasn't even pulled his pants down yet.

"Can you hold this?" He holds out the magic item.

She takes it and examines it closely as he gets out of his pants and boxers. When she hands it back to him, he guides the magic until he pops an erection and feels that amazing pressure he always gets as his flesh expands.

She kisses him to help muffle his moans and he presses into the kiss loving the feeling of being touched as he transforms. Each throb, each stretching pulse, fills him with lust. The fur of his balls tickles his thighs as they hang lower and lower. He feels his cock slide up under Millie's shirt and across the scales of her tummy until the tip bumps the bottom of her breasts.

Shifting her stance, she gets the tip of his member to slide up into her cleavage. As pre starts to dribble from the tip, she pulls off her blouse and bra. He can smell how wet she is, he can feel her warm scales slide against his prick. 

Breaking the kiss, she says, "Lets get you off." 

Sex again, already? Maybe he is a slut. He's so hard it hurts and there's no way he's going to be able to get this thing to soften now. Not with Millie here offering to go at it again.

Wait, they're going to do it here, in the dressing room? He can't believe this is happening. Trying to snap himself out of it, he looks away as she pulls off her skirt and panties. But, her wonderful spicy scent makes him even more desperate and his eyes wander over her curves.

She gets on her hands and knees on the bench and raises her tail. "I bet you're dying to try doggy style."

Having a plush wet pussy presented under a raised tail is like a siren to his most base instincts. He growls as he rushes forward and drives his member in. Her belly rounds out at the sheer size of his prick. Before he realizes it, he's balls deep inside her.

This is the perfect position for thrusting and he finds he can drive it into her hard enough that she squeals. He'd worry about other people hearing, but he's not thinking right now. This is more intense than last time, rougher. She cums after only ten thrusts, but he can't stop, he has to keep going, he has to breed this dragon!

As he gets close to his release, something bristles inside him. He curls his lips and growls.

"Yes, go feral with me. Show your teeth! Knot me!" she begs.

His growl gets more fierce as he gives her three more powerful thrusts. On the last one, his knot is so big that he can't get it in all the way. He growls again as he leans down and bites her neck. Something deep in his mind stops him from breaking the skin, but that something doesn't stop him from jamming his knot inside her and filling her with another gallon of cum.

As her belly gets more round, she moans louder. The stretching sensation seems to make her orgasm harder. She's such a naughty dragon! He nips and nuzzles her neck as he continues cumming inside her. She presses back against him gasping until she roars in her last, and most extreme, orgasm.

After they come down from their insane peak, Core frowns in worry, "Oh no! Did I hurt you?"

She looks back at him, gasping, "No, it was phenomenal."

"But, I was so rough and couldn't control myself." His ears droop.

Her tail give him a hug. "If I asked you to stop or cried out in pain, I know you would have been able to stop."

"I don't." He looks away.

"Core, look at me."

He meets her eyes.

"Then trust me. I can take just about anything you dish out. You can learn about this side of yourself with me and learn to trust it before you find your own special someone."

He grins at her. "You just want more rough sex, don't you? Naughty dragon."

"You caught me." She chuckles.

His tail wags as he leans in and feels her cum-stuffed belly. He did this? He did this! So much cum... it's still unbelievable. He feels a soothing warmth radiating from where their bodies are connected. "What are we going to do? Do you think they heard us?"

"Think about hyper furs and what's likely to happen when they're trying on clothes. Bigger bits rub on more things and are harder to contain when they're excited. If people couldn't get off in the dressing rooms, how would they ever try stuff on?" she asks.

"Do you know other hypers?" he asks.

"Well, I know Hanz and I also know a tiger that is two-thirds as big as you when you're like this. They both recommended shopping here." she says.

"Oh, okay, umm, what do we do about the mess when I pull out?"

She smiles. "Have you noticed anything strange about this dressing room?"

If he wasn't so horny before, he would have noticed that the whole space is tiled with grey tiles, there is a shower head with a flexible hose on the wall and shelves to set clothes on. There is even a vacuum-cleaner-like hose on the wall that says, "hot air."

After cuddling against her back for a few minutes, his knot is small enough to pull out. When he does so, cum floods out of her and falls to the floor. He blushes seeing the mess he made. Did he really produce that much last night too?

Washing up and drying is easy and soon he's able to try on the pants they picked out. "I think my bulge stands out too much in these."

She shakes her head. "You worked hard to get that big, didn't you? Why not show off the hard work?"

"Because it's lewd?" he offers.

"Nonsense. Stretchy jeans are extremely comfortable. I bet you'll grow to love them. And, if you show off at work, you'll get a lot of admirers."

"Admirers? I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet."

"Okay, okay, we'll get a couple pairs that don't show it off quite as much, but we'll keep this one for when you're ready, or for when you want to show off to a special someone."

He takes the jeans off. "I'm not sure I'll wear them unless I'm horny and waiting for you to come home, though."

"Or you can just wear them so you can admire yourself."

"Admire myself?" he tilts his head.

She nods. "It's something you'll do more of once you feel better about yourself. I wasn't good at it until my late twenties."

"With a body like that, it took you that long?"

She nods. "And I was dancing in front of people who paid me money to show my body to them. Body image has less to do with what you look like and more to do with how you feel about yourself. I didn't feel completely at home with myself until I was a businesswoman."

"I never would have guessed." He struggles to process what she said. How can she have felt down about herself at all?

"Self worth is a funny thing." She puts her clothes on.

No response comes to mind as he gets dressed. It's hard to imagine that he'd ever be as confident as her.

As they walk around the store, Core stares at some of the other bulges furs have. A nine-foot-tall female antelope has breasts that could smother a small army. He feels really short when she gives him a wink. Core silently wonders if Millie has asked this antelope to be one of her dancers. She does wave at her, but other than that, she seems more interested in finding him clothes.

After trying on a few pairs of shorts and a couple pairs of slacks, they find one of each that works well. As Millie pays, Core expects a comment from the cashier, but the tall meerkat acts like everything's normal. Core sighs as embarrassment about what they did in the dressing room dissipates.

When they get back to Millie's place, she goes off to work and he goes off to school. He's so relaxed during his classes that everything feels easy. Once he's home, he studies until Millie gets back. She stands in front of the couch and holds out her arms for a hug. He gets up and wraps his arms around her.

She says, "Want to do something until we go to bed?"

He blushes at the feeling of her hips and breasts against him. “I, uh, don’t know, were you thinking of something specific?”

“Sex.” She giggles when he straightens and then shakes her head slightly. “Gotcha!”

“Heh, I believed you.” Relaxing a bit, he puts his paws on her hands.

Letting him go, she says, “Want to play NBA Jam?”

“Sure.” He follows her to the couch.

Millie's amazing at blocking and he eventually gets good at getting rebounds and stealing. An hour and a half later, after a really tough game where they had to fight to win in double overtime, he sets the controller down and says, “Whew, I’m getting tired.”

Millie looks at him with puppy eyes. “One more game, please?”

He laughs at her expression. “Okay.”

They win the game by twenty-two points and both cheer when Millie’s player gets a three point shot on the final buzzer. He hugs her and says, “Great shot!”

They make out a bit before Millie says, "I'm gonna take a quick shower and then lounge around in my housecoat."

"I think I'll do the same, but in pajamas," he says while he follows her to the shower.

In the shower, something odd happens. For the first time since he met her, he can look at her body just from the aspect of beauty. Did having sex yesterday and today quiet his mind somehow? He's able to touch her and be touched by her without losing his cool. And it's awesome, because he can pay more attention to the smooth texture of her scales against his paw pads and how her fingers feel as they glide across the fur of his chest.

She does this thing where she kisses him here and there as she massages him and cleans him. He tries to do the same to her and by the time he's done, his sheath is starting to stir. This body appreciation thing has limits. For both of them, he can smell her getting excited as well. But they're both done with the somewhat quick shower by the time this happens, so they just dry off and go on with the rest of their evening.

Core works on his laptop to write a paper for one of his classes. The nearly-broken state of his machine only causes him a couple small problems. Millie offers to proofread his paper and comes up with some good edits.

In the position she’s sitting in while she reads his paper, her housecoat is hanging open enough for him to see one of her breasts quite clearly. A little tingle of arousal causes him to blush a bit, but he looks away and thinks about something else. He’s going to give himself a bit of time before he has sex again.

After she's done going through his paper, he makes the changes and sends it in. He starts on another paper that’s not due till next week so that he is sure he has time to work for Millie.

A while later, he leans back in his chair and sighs. How many times must he retype this sentence? It just never comes out right. He’s only a page away from the end... It’s time to stop. Looking at the time, his eyes widen. It’s almost midnight. At least he doesn’t have to get up early tomorrow. He heads to the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed.

With his teeth brushed, he yawns and stumbles toward Millie's bed. He lays on his side and stares at the wall blankly as he realizes it won't be long until he's having his first day at his new job. Until he gets to hang out with Victoria. The memory of Victoria’s tender, caring embrace fills his mind.

Joy envelops him like a thick blanket. She’s such a warm person. Working with her will probably be great. Well, he doesn’t know what he’s going to be doing yet, but he trusts Millie.

It’s going to be odd if he has to help Victoria with her wardrobe. If he ends up touching her naked fur and those three pairs of breasts. Blood flows to his cheeks as he imagines fucking her against a wall in her dressing room to help her get "ready."

His arousal builds--she probably wouldn’t mind him losing his professionalism... As his penis throbs to life, he tries to think of something else. He’s supposed to be tired. He’s had a long week. How is he going to describe 1920's animation in the paper? 

Thinking about his paper is like taking sleeping pills. He tries to make some headway thinking about it, but each time he gets an idea, his body feels heavier. Like his mind would rather turn off than try to figure it out. His head settles into his pillow a couple minutes later and his breaths become more slow.

Just as he's falling asleep, Millie climbs into bed and wraps her arms around him. She says, "Sleep well, Mr. Sexy Fox."

He murmurs something that could be gibberish for all he knows and falls asleep.



Growth is definitely one of my favorite kinks.