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My mate Tiliquain helped me design the Paitishek and has some concept sketches that I'll share here first. This one won't be going up elsewhere for another week or two.

Fun fact: The crests were the last thing we added. We tried horns at first, but they just didn't look right, especially when considering this species is semi-aquatic. 

Crests that can show emotion is something we've always liked. Our pet cockatiel expressed herself quite well with her yellow crest. She was a wonderful bird <3.

Does this look like a Paitishek to you? Let me know what you think in the comments.




I honestly pictured them more spacy, a touch more slender with a wider hand and longer fingers instead of weabbing, I also thought of the crest more like a frill, though I agree it looks a touch odd. I seem to have imagined a longer snout and muzzle.


Designing them was tough. We tried to make them not look like any specific anthro species and be a bit alien. The head we were kinda going with was slightly based on anthro orcas because of them being semi-aquatic. Hybridizing traits is always hard, I I think this looks pretty good. I'm curious to see what other artists do with this concept in October or November. We've got a few more concept sketches we're going to do before we have others take a crack at it.


That's cool, it'll be interesting to see how they evolve as they go through the artistic critiquing blender.