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Here's a piece I commissioned from Nasusbot on FA. I'm putting it up on Patreon first.  About a week early.

This is the main character of a new episodic series about two universes that are merging. It tells the tale of Ryan Singlais, a travelogue author. He meets someone that transforms his life. Saying any more would be spoilers! :D

Attached is the full resolution version.




It's like the anthro version of the 'Zorse' creatures in a novel I'm working on. The name might need some work.


If they're a non-anthro version of this, they're going to be beautiful! "Zorse" is fun to say. If you want it to be a species name, I think another syllable would help. Maybe just adding something to the end, "Zorsek," for instance.


The idea was simply a lizard horse, I'm still playing around with them, tweaking them to see what works and what doesn't. It's for a SFW novel where the main race is that gryphon species I told you about on FA


Oh! Okay! I was trying to connect this username with someone I knew on FA. I remember that discussion! :)


Yup ^^ I just need to get my gryphon picture up here on Patron, I've just been lazy.