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Not all corporations are amoral. There are corporations that offer free education to those in need, provide life-saving implants to people who can't afford them, and heavily fund efforts to preserve the earth's ecosystem. Some of these corporations outweigh good deeds with bad ones, but a good number of them have a net good result.

These corporations are operating against the incentives in a winner-takes-all financial system and that's why they're so notable. 

A lot of my hacking was an attempt to rein in the worst corporations by holding their public image, or data, ransom. My employers and I did this to force these corporations to adopt new incentives.

Though we managed to destabilize many giants, I'm not proud of the calamities I caused. I don't want to be publicly lauded as a hero. 

Revolutions are messy and, no matter how just they look from an outside perspective, people's lives are destroyed. All one can hope for is that the end result is a system where there's less suffering than there was before and that the suffering caused as a direct result of the revolution is worth it.


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