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Written by: Elara Singlais

This month got very difficult because I (and my system) was helping Tiliquain move back to the midwest. This included going through a mountain of old stuff from before I started transitioning. I spent hours upon hours on this cleanup, trying to make sure I got it all done before I flew back to New Mexico. Lots of this old stuff brought up powerful emotions, including immense grief over losing my best friend, who spent all of middle and high school with me, to a car accident in 2014. (I found stuff from his funeral while going through my old stuff.)

I've now made it back to New Mexico and I'm doing pretty good. Even while working on helping Tiliquain move, I managed to get writing done and work on comics with Quip. I'll be posting stuff over the next week.

I'm putting a hiatus on trips for a few months being because my relationships in LA are all doing great and I need time to focus on writing and collaborating with artists. There's a small chance an emergency might come up that leads me to need to fly back to LA and I'll let y'all know if that happens.

Thanks for being here during what has been a very tumultuous time in my life. Splitting into four personalities after starting HRT is probably the most disruptive thing that's happened in my adult life. I'm astounded that I was able to keep this Patreon going during it, but I guess that just means writing sexy stories is at the core of all four of the herms that share this body.


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