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(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (Ch. 6) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (------) (Ch.14) (Ramda Dakimakura)

UPDATE: Changed this chapter slightly to set up a plot arc that will show what Ramda's dealing with while all the stuff with Amelia is going on. The first change is near the center of the chapter while the second change is at the very end. If you only want to see the changes, I've included them in an attached TXT file. Also found a bad typo where Amelia's name is mentioned instead of Aeidou's.

Amelia's dinner with Aeidou, Ezzie, Luke, Hosannah, and Julia leads to a couple revelations about Amelia and her situation. Then, to take Amelia's mind off things, Aeidou and Ezzie have a rather revealing threesome where Amelia discovers she wants far more than just both sets of parts.

Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 13

by Zmeydros (Elara Singlais)

(Edited by Tiliquain, Ramda Singlais, and WolfLeah)

Ezzie, Aeidou, Luke, and Hosannah went from talking to each other to looking at me as I felt the color drain from my cheeks. My chest tensed up, I forgot to breathe, and I stared out into space. My hands were flat on the table on either side of my plate as if I was bracing myself for an earthquake.

"Hey, hon, what's wrong?" Ezzie asked, the new green scales on her partially-formed muzzle glistening from the overhead dining room spotlights.

"They scheduled a haircut appointment tomorrow at a Miramanna-owned salon." I felt like my head was hovering above the floor while I spoke. My whole body was numb. "They're calling it a Dress Code Compliance Appointment."

"They can't leave anything alone, can they?" Hosannah scoffed. "I just realized our bosses are just bad replacement parents. We have almost no privacy, we're treated like we can't do anything ourselves, and we're drowning in expectations to the point that figuring out who we actually are is near-impossible."

"I'm so proud of this one." Julia reached across Hosanna's shoulders and gave her a squeeze, her blue-furred fox tail hugging Hosannah as she did so. "She was only one trans girlfriend away from figuring herself out."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I've only just started figuring myself out, hon." Hosannah was blushing while sporting a crooked, wry smile.

"Fair, but figuring out you're a lesbian who likes girl bulges is huge." Julia kissed Hosannah's cheek.

Hosannah blushed deeper.

"Girls with bulges are the best kind." Aeidou winked at Julia and then turned to me. "Your workplace seems like a daycare for adults. The difference is that they keep an eye on you outside of work too." Aeidou tilted her head as her ears fanned wider. Arcs of white light shimmered on her round, pink and red scales due to them being slightly convex. They looked kinda like pink and red gems. "I saw a guy in a casual suit that was far too nice for just standing around outside . He didn't appear to have any place to be and was sitting too alertly on the benches outside the main entryway to be someone just waiting for their friend to come out."

"If you think that's bad, you should steer clear of Trinity Stronghold. The only time I ever felt truly alone growing up was in my bedroom or the bathroom of my house. Otherwise, I assumed someone was watching me because, nine times out of ten, I was right." I shivered. "They probably already know I've been dressing up as a girl."

"From what I've seen, you're not dressing up as a girl, you are a girl, like me." Ezzie pointed at me and then herself as she spoke.

"I guess you're right." I felt like a girl, but not like her. She had actual breasts and a pussy and I was sitting here with simulated breasts and no girl parts.

"No guessing. You're every bit as much a girl as I am and I think you'd benefit from some estrogen." Julia smiled.

"Oh?" I tilted my head.

"Most of my anxiety and depression was just my body trying to run on the wrong hormones. Trans people very often have the wrong receptors for the main sex hormone their body produces and that causes brain fog, dissociation from one's body, and a mountain of physical and mental stress." Julia made a cage with her hands as she mentioned stress. "When you get the right hormones, everything in your life, even just remembering what you had for dinner yesterday, gets easier." She opened the cage she'd made.

"That sounds amazing. I've only ever thought about getting augmented or doing what Ezzie's doing. I never thought about being on estrogen or anything." My heart was still beating fast and my chest was tight, but I was feeling overall better.

"Before you start getting hybridized, if you're looking to do some sort of gender change, they start you on hormones to figure out what your body needs. That way, they're able to work through any medical issues related to hormonal changes as well as make sure your new parts will produce the right hormone levels. They can also figure out how much hormones will change your body's shape so that they know how to set up your hybridization better." Ezzie's quick speech and animated gestures radiated with excitement.

"Huh, that makes a lot of sense." I put my index finger just below my lips as I tried to get my head around starting hormones. Why was I so bad at being trans?

"If you weren't in Miramanna, after seeing you really start to come into your own as a woman tonight, I would've recommended you go see a gender specialist. But with all their surveillance and the ability to send you back to Trinity Stronghold, I have no idea what to recommend." Aeidou sighed, her ears drooping. "Until we find a good way to free you from them, we need to be really careful."

"This is all dumb, why am I even wearing a dress?" I sighed. "They're waiting for me to screw up enough that they can send me back, they're not going to let me be a girl."

"Just because you can't go further in your transition yet doesn't mean you should give up on the things you're able to do." Hosannah reached across the table and put her hand on mine. "Right now, they're trying to psych you out by making you get a haircut. It's way easier for them if you just stop on your own. They don't want to devote resources to proving you've breached your contract or fabricate reasons to send you home. If you just get your haircut and keep things more private for a while, they'll lose interest in you."

"Miramanna doesn't follow us outside their own district and they don't have surveillance access to most independent businesses, especially ones like that Lezveioan restaurant you went to. I don't know if the government works with them, but there's always the possibility of sympathizers or spies working in law enforcement." Everyone jerked their heads in Luke's direction. He'd been eyeing Ezzie and Aeidou over and over while seemingly oblivious to the conversation.

"Those are good points. I guess I'll just have to wear wigs for a while and maybe bring a change of clothes and some makeup with me when I go places. I've already made a point not to put anything on social media." I squeezed Hosannah's hand.

Ramda has gotten trans Trinity people out of fixes like this, but it's always tricky and she's trying to develop a better way than doing a witness protection sort of thing to them where they just have to up and leave everything so they can't be found. Ezzie sent this as a message to me so no one could overhear. That tactic is really legally tricky even though she makes it very hard to prove she's doing it.

That's a nuclear option, for sure. Wow. I blinked, not sure what to think about it.

"Amelia, where's your anger? Why are you being so chill about them basically controlling your life? You're being treated incredibly unfairly." Julia's jaw was set and her eyes were much more intense than before. "Do you know what happens to trans people who don't get the help they need? There's a reason the suicide rate amongst Miramanna employees is so high. I'd be furious at this situation, looking for any way I could ruin their plans for me and disrupt what they're doing."

"I guess I never thought about it that way. My whole life, I've had to watch what I said and did. It's just the way things are." I shrugged, letting go of Hosannah's hand.

"But now you know your life can be different and I don't have to tell you how wrong what they're doing is." Julia thumped the table for emphasis. "Don't just wait for someone to save you from this, start looking for your own way out. From everything everyone's said about you, I gather that you're really smart. Start looking for loopholes and ways you can get help beyond Ramda and everyone here. Start fighting for the girl you want to become."

I blinked. Then I started to say something, but I forgot the words just as I opened my mouth.

"She's right, you should be angry and looking for loopholes. I've lived under their regime as long as you have and I'm furious. Every picture anyone takes of me and Julia is something I have to be concerned about, I can't ever bring her back to my place, and I have to think about where we go and who might see us. I've been scrutinizing our code of conduct and every other related document I can find to see if I can get out of this hell. I haven't found much yet, but I'm not good at reading legalese." Hosanna's eyes widened. "You've put more energy into helping everyone else around you than you've ever put into helping yourself. If you fought as hard for yourself as you fought for Cuber, just imagine what you could accomplish."

"Amelia doesn't let herself get angry at people on her own behalf. She always makes excuses for them no matter how bad they treat her." Luke ran his finger through some of the curry sauce on his plate and then licked it up as he looked me in the eye. "Do you have any good excuses for what Miramanna is doing to you?"

"No, I guess I don't." I suddenly had a headache. Why didn't I stand up for myself? What was wrong with me?


After everyone helped with some cleaning, we were all gathered at my front door. Luke was still paying more attention to Ezzie and Aeidou than the rest of us. Julia and Hosannah were pretty preoccupied with each other. Ezzie and Aeidou were closer to the dining table than the door, looking like they were in no hurry to leave.

"We best get going, we have some cuddles planned and it's getting late." Hosannah opened the door.

"Oh, so we're only cuddling tonight? Kinky." Julia snickered at her own joke.

Hosannah rolled her eyes and then grabbed Julia's hand before playfully dragging her out the door.

Luke wandered toward the door, glancing back at Aeidou a couple times. He was obviously padding for as much time as he could and even put his shoes on noticeably slowly, looking Ezzie over three times as he did so.

"I just sent you my contact information. If you want to learn about our culture, anatomy, anything, I'll be around for two more weeks before I go back into space." Aeidou smiled at Luke.

"And I just sent you mine in case you want to learn about the genetic hybridization process or anything." Ezzie smiled.

"Thanks! I am really glad I met both of you." Luke tied his shoes and then stepped out the door.

"Likewise." Ezzie waved.

"Looking forward to next time." Aeidou waved and then shut the door.

Ezzie and Aeidou looked at each other and then me. Then they both started talking at the same time.

"You go first, Ezzie." Aeidou's shark-like muzzle had an amused smile that curled the edges of her lips.

"So, Ramda just hired a woman from Los Angeles to be the new head chef on the Pixie and she's a lot of fun. LA is really easy to get to on the train and you could totally go on a weekend trip. We're thinking you might want to meet her before she joins the crew." Ezzie scratched at a patch of scales that was growing in on her forearm.

It was hard to pay attention because I immediately started wondering why I wasn't hearing this from Ramda. Ever since she'd sent me the toy, teased me some, and then told me I needed to be patient about getting out of Miramanna, I hadn't heard much, at all, from her. No news from the Pixie, no videos of her gorgeous herm parts, nothing.

"Where's Ramda?" I grimaced, realizing my internal dialogue had become external.

Both Aeidou and Ezzie tilted their heads for a moment at the sudden change in subject.

"She's been really busy with something because she asked me to conduct the final interview for her new head chef and told me that she'd handle onboarding a new biomekeeper." Aeidou's smile had lost a lot of its curvature.

"Don't you find it odd that she didn't mention anything about the previous ones? Both had been there at least six years." Ezzie was frowning. "Ramda's always been glib with bad news, but the lack of communication here is a bit ridiculous."

"Yeah, I have no idea and I hope nothing happened to Delia or Ms. Hayashi." Aeidou sighed.

"So, yeah, Ameila. Ramda's honestly not always great at staying in touch and zipping around the galaxy makes it all worse. One reason why I'm scared of you relying on her too much." Ezzie was looking at the plank-like dark gray molding where the wall met the floor.

"I just wish I wasn't always the one that had to reach out." I felt bad for killing their mood.

"People, in general, are bad at staying in touch. It's best to just reach out whenever you're thinking of someone because, even if they care about you, they get wrapped up in their own lives or fool themselves into thinking that everyone else is busy and would prefer not to hear from them." Ezzie stroked my shoulder soothingly.

"I'll try to remember that and I'm sorry about derailing the conversation. What were you two saying about Ramda's new cook?" I smiled, trying to lighten things.

"No worries. We're concerned too." Aeidou's ears were relaxed, but she was still frowning.

"Yeah, it's fine. We were saying that you should meet her because she's pretty easy to get to from here and it would likely be a very fun trip." Ezzie pressed up against me more firmly.

"If you want someone to go with you, I'm happy to go this coming weekend." Aeidou took my hand, smiling warmly. "Ramda had me taste test Natasha's dishes and it was well worth the trip."

"That sounds like it could work, but is there a reason I should meet her? I'm not exactly the best at social stuff." I felt the circular scales on the back of Aeidou's hand with my thumb.

"Oh! I forgot to mention all the reasons we think you two might click. She's Russian, openly trans, really kind, and is kinda an honorary Lezveioan after working in Lezveioan restaurants for six years." There was a twinkle in Ezzie's eye that I couldn't quite figure out.

It wasn't just Ezzie that seemed a bit off. They were both smiling a lot and their voices were full of encouragement. Something was going on.

"Her food was absolutely delicious, some of the best Lezveioan-human fusion food I've ever had." Aeidou grinned. "And she's incredible in bed. She sucked on one of my cocks while shoving the other in me when she noticed I was a bit excited after our interview. Didn't even hesitate to help me 'settle down' as she put it."

I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing. It was going to take me a long time to get used to Lezveioans' openness about intimacy.

"Are you sure the sex didn't weigh your opinion of her job worthiness more than her food?" Ezzie chuckled.

"Yes, I'm sure." Aeidou bopped Ezzie's ass with her tail, interrupting Ezzie's laughter. Then she looked at me. "Her dishes were even better than the place I took you, Amelia."

"Oh, wow!" My neck tightened as I realized what this weird energy from Ezzie and Aeidou might be: were they trying to be matchmakers? Thinking I'd "click" with this girl romantically?

"Yeah, she's really creative. To replace that fermented crab filling you didn't like, she used nutritional yeast and nuts to make something equally creamy and umami-rich. I liked it as much as I like the original filling. It's a really tasty, vegetarian alternative." Aeidou's ears fanned open as she recalled the food.

"Speaking of umami rich, I want to try my new forked tongue on your pussy sometime before you go back into space." Ezzie stuck out her tongue, showing it off again.

"You know, we could satisfy that urge while helping Amelia take her mind off of things." Aeidou looked into Ezzie's eyes and then at me.

"Oh, that's a delicious idea." Ezzie licked her muzzle with her forked tongue while the intensity of her stare made me feel like I was naked.

I stood there, blushing. The way they were looking at me was making my whole body warm.

"No pressure, though. We can go back to my place if you don't want to partake in a threesome tonight." Ezzie cupped my ass with her tail.

"You two don't have to include me. It's okay if my unmodded body bores you." Blood rushed to my groin.

"You don't have to have a modded body for us to make you moan." Aeidou stepped over to me and cupped my simulated tits with her hands before lightly pressing her thumbs into the nipples.

Feeling her touch through the simulants, I gasped and my dick throbbed.

"You're a girl with a dick and I happen to love girls with dicks." Ezzie groped my ass through my dress.

I let out a long moan as I got fully hard, tenting my dress.

"I think she likes being the center of attention." Aeidou chuckled.

"N-no." I shivered with arousal.

"You're right, you don't like being the center of attention, you love it." Ezzie leaned in and licked my neck as she squeezed my ass even harder.

Aeidou rubbed her thumbs in circles on my nipples as Ezzie spoke.

"Oh fuck!" My precum was wetting my panties.

They both shared a look and then Ezzie got my dress off while Aeidou pulled down my panties and took my dick into her muzzle. Ezzie helped me out of my bra and then sucked on a nipple. It was amazing how clearly I felt her tongue and the wetness of her mouth. I was completely at their mercy and was a moaning, twitching mess within thirty seconds.

I got a brief reprieve when they pulled off their clothes, exposing their pert nipples and cocks to the air. Ezzie had some scattered patches of green scales on her torso and tits. I could've sworn her balls were bigger than the last time I'd seen them and the shiny equine sac they were in looked so beautifully plump. Aeidou's raspberry-red-splotched pink scales and pert tits were as gorgeous as ever. When I looked at her long, twin prehensile cocks, she made a heart shape with them.

Ezzie was in the middle of stroking her cock suggestively when Aeidou did this and started laughing.

"Anyone ever tell you how beautiful you look with tits and that thick cock of yours?" Aeidou smiled, showing her pointy, double-set of canines.

"N-no?" I resisted the urge to hide my erection with my hands.

"Well, it's about time someone did." Ezzie stared at my cock as a bead of pre formed at the tip.

They shared a glance. Then Aeidou helped me step out of my panties before ushering me to the bedroom. Ezzie groped my ass, digging the tips of her fingernails in just enough to make me wince.

As I got on the bed, Ezzie playfully knocked me flat before straddling my legs. Then she lay her equine shaft atop the cleft between my buttcheeks and her big balls settled in against my ass. Aeidou sidled up next to me and watched with a delighted smile on her face.

Leaning over me, Ezzie spoke in a low, seductive voice. "I've noticed the way you look at me and other hybrids. So, I want to try something that might be fun." She grabbed the top of each ear between her index fingers and thumbs. Then she gently tugged. "Imagine you have longer, pointier ears: feline, canine, equine, or any other animal you identify with."

Because the only hybrid ears I'd touched enough to really remember were Ramda's, I imagined having wolf ears. Somehow, I got both more horny and more relaxed.

"Ears with fur, or scales, or maybe even little feathers." Ezzie stroked the back of my ears the way one would stroke soft fur.

That feeling of having wolf ears grew a thousand fold and I could swear I felt my ears moving the way a wolf's ears did. I wasn't sure a wolf fit me, but it was better than my human ears.

"Wow, I don't know if I've ever seen her this relaxed." Aeidou cooed, stroking her fingers through my hair in the direction it grew, as if I had fur on my head like Ramda.

"Now, imagine a tail rooted right here. Maybe a cute deer one, a fluffy fox one, or a thick dragon one like me and Aeidou have." Ezzie lifted up her dick and rubbed at my tailbone with two fingers.

I moaned and grabbed the sheets as my imagination ran wild.

Leaning in close to my right ear, touching my back with her breasts while still rubbing at my tailbone, Ezzie spoke softly, deeply. "Tell me, Amelia, what kind of tail do you have?"

"A-a thick prehensile one." I moaned. I had no firm reason why my mind was envisioning a tail like Ezzie's and Aeidou's, but it felt incredibly right to me.

"Ooh, what are you doing with it?" The excitement in Ezzie's voice gave it a higher pitch.

"I'm bringing it around."


"And teasing your--" I blushed and hid my face against the bed.

"Teasing my what, dear?" Ezzie pressed her balls more firmly against my ass.

"--pussy with it." I hid my face again the moment I'd spoken.

"Are you feeling her wetness on the tip? Are you impatient to shove it in deeper?" Aeidou used her blunt claw tips to add some extra sensuality to her teasing of my scalp. I felt Aeidou's tail move across my leg, closer and closer to Ezzie's equine pussy.

"Y-yes!" I thrust against the bed, unable to control my hips. I imagined Aeidou's tail was my tail, that I could feel my own tail moving against my legs.

I heard a wet schlick as Aeidou's tail entered Ezzie's pussy and then Ezzie's hips trembled as she gasped.

"NGH! Fuck! Amelia, you're so good with your tail!" Ezzie thrust atop me, her rubbing at my tailbone faltering.

"HAAAH! YES!" I cried out, humping against the bed with my rock hard dick. All they'd done was tease me and I was about to explode all over my sheets.

"I can't take it anymore, I need something inside me too!" Aeidou shuddered as I heard the wet slippery noises of Aeidou curving her dicks around and shoving them into herself. Then she grabbed my right arm, which was sprawled out on the bed, and got my wrist under her balls.

I screeched as I felt Aeidou's dicks moving in and out of her pussy, the muscles inside them tensing and releasing rhythmically as she fucked herself.

Aeidou's tail was now openly railing Ezzie and Ezzie started sliding her huge cock against my back and between my butt cheeks. She'd dribbled so much precum that she just spread it around and the friction of what she was doing completely disappeared. I could feel the warmth of her cock and balls against me, how incredibly hard she was, even her medial ring was thicker with arousal. One of her hands was on my shoulder and the other was pushing down on her length so it slid more firmly against my skin.

"Oh, Amelia! Your pussy is so tight!" Ezzie thrust against my back harder, smacking her heavy balls against my ass.

My eyes bulged in their sockets as I yelled at the top of my lungs. It was a high-pitched, girly yell that would've made me blush in any other situation. The sheets under my dick chaffed just enough that I couldn't move in the way I needed to to get off. But I didn't care because this was so incredibly hot. My whole body was tingling. I felt like I had furry ears, a tail, and somehow, I felt like Ezzie's dick was inside me. They'd unlocked my imagination more than I'd ever managed to on my own and I felt like a herm, a hybrid herm!

"Aeidou, DEEPER!" Ezzie begged.

The moment Aeidou complied, Ezzie's flare started to engorge.

"CUM, EZZIE! CUM!" I moaned out, wanting to feel her cum all over me.

Ezzie roared as her flare expanded along with her medial ring. As her shaft thundered, I felt her thick wet cream splatter all over my back, neck, and even get in my hair. My whole body ached to orgasm, but I just couldn't quite get there. That didn't stop me from writhing enough to rub my tits and shaft against the sheets.

After Ezzie made a monumental mess, Aeidou pushed Ezzie off of me and flipped me over, not caring about the cum that was all over my back. I stared up at her, Ezzie's cum soaking into the sheets. The nipples on Aeidou's pert breasts were sticking out beautifully while her dicks were going straight down out of her sheath and around the sides of her sac so they could both enter her snatch.

"Ready to cum inside me?" Aeidou wrapped her hand around my dick, which felt like a piece of structural ceramic with how hard it was.

"YES! PLEASE!" I yelped, shoving my prick into her hand as I shot a rope of pre that splashed on the underside of her left tit.

She straddled me and sank onto my length without removing her own. Hot gasps escaped her muzzle as she deliberately stretched herself. At first, it was painfully tight, but as she relaxed, it started to feel amazing. Each of her shafts ran up either side of mine, leaving the front and back of my shaft to feel the muscular texture of her Lezveioan tunnel.

"I don't want you to last." She grabbed the bottle of lube I'd left on the bedside table and put it on her already-Ezzie-slicked tail tip. Then she slid her tail between my butt cheeks and pressed at my pucker. "I want you to cum from your cock AND YOUR PUSSY!" She pressed her tail inside me and then rode me so hard the bed complained.

I would've made more noise if I'd had air, but I didn't. Feeling her enter me while she rode me made my vision fuzzy with white flashes. I shrieked the moment I had my breath back because her dicks were undulating as they throbbed along with mine. My body and hers were in perfect sync as we flooded her pussy with our seed and her pussy milked us. The dance of my hips was as erratic as hers, adding even more pleasure to this release.

Ezzie flopped over, put her scaly lips around my right nipple and sucked.

I screamed again, holding my head as if it was going to fly off. My dick shot so hard inside Aeidou that it felt like electric shocks were running up it. It was impossible for me not to imagine being a hybrid herm and when I was coming down from the insane orgasm I'd just had, tears spilled from my eyes. I'd never been this happy or felt this sexy in my entire life. The only regret in my mind, at this moment, was that Ramda wasn't here.

"Girls cry when they're happy sometimes. You're being such a girl." Ezzie kissed my cheek.

I cried harder.

"Aww, sweetie." Aeidou leaned down and nuzzled my cheek.

They stayed with me, comforting me until I calmed down. Eventually, I was staring at Aeidou's face as she looked down at me, my cock still half-hard inside her, her tail still buried inside me.

"I think you're going to be a hybrid herm someday." Ezzie stroked my cheeks as if there were whiskers there.

"Yeah, I'm starting to see that being human or a guy never really worked for me." I nuzzled against her fingers, smiling. My smile didn't get quite as big as it could've because the herm who set me on this path of self discovery wasn't here. I knew she'd be so happy to see how far I'd come. I missed her so much.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Ebook) (All) (Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5) (Ch. 6) (Ch. 7) (Ch. 8) (Ch. 9) (Ch.10) (Ch.11) (Ch.12) (------) (Ch.14) (Ramda Dakimakura)


talk show ghost

OMG! So, so glad to see you continuing to work on this story! I'm reading it right now while wrapped around my Ramda daki :3


That's the absolute best way to read it! There's more coming out this month, probably 2 more chapters.