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So here it is. I already received some bug reports from y'all. So looks like my game is enjoyable even if it's just a small alpha release uwu

Let me tell you about my future plans regarding this project.

I'll try to update this game monthly, depends on how much support I'll receive in upcoming months, rent won't pay itself you know...

Right now I'm working on visual updates, more art, more scenes, exterior vision of a wolfmom with a player inside. Also, I already started to work on some extended "playtime scenes with Wolfmom, but only on paper. I have to code, draw, and put together the entire scene so it will take a little bit longer.. hopefully it will be implemented this year but I cannot guarantee that.

What's coming next month will be a visual update for vore scenes when the player is inside Wolfmom. Also, I'll try to fix bugs and typos I've made on the way.

Once again thank you all so much for your endorsement and support, It means a lot to me <3


Sony Antoing

Question it will be possible to be able to translate the game ?


At some point I'll try to implement translation but it will take time