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Since it's been quiet here for some time I think y'all deserve an explanation.

Some of you may probably noticed my life updates on Twitter. Long story short, I'm renting a room at my friend's place. Due to the unfortunate events he brought on himself he's now making my life a torture. Currently, I'm working hard to figure out how to move from this place along with my girlfriend. That's why the updates got delayed and I'm very sorry for that.

Another friend suggested that I should start a Ko-Fi donation goal and thanks to the community I'm making a lot of progress, slowly getting right back on track.

That means I'm working on games again!

So here's what you can expect in the following weeks/months:

-An update for House Party! This time we reached the goal of 5k followers on Twitter, so as I promised in the next update I'm gonna add Wolfmom Sex Update. Expect sex. And vore.

-Hopefully, within a month or two, I'll release a finished game project I'm making with my friends. This is going to be an Undertale Fan Game with Toriel as the main character. It's gonna be a short game but with music, ambient, wonderful arts made by my friend Nuh, and VOICE ACTING! Oh and vore, there's vore in that game. (yes, this is a screenshot from the actual game)

-I'll try to be more consistent with updates again, can't guarantee that because life is kicking my butt hard, but I'm not gonna abandon this project. After the Sex Update, expect to see a new pred in town!

-I am working on a comic from the House Party universe, a small lore drop to explain how vore stuff works in this world. Not sure when I'll drop the first page but be sure that y'all will see those pages before anyone else. Something fun to read between those game updates.

And that's it for now. I wanna thank you all for your patience and for being here with me. Since doing art is my only source of income, this platform is giving me a glimpse of stability in these crazy times. I wouldn't be there without you all. Thank you so much <3

