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Hey guys! Just wanted to give an update cuz I bet my output feels all over the place for some. heres lots of WIPs. I have been working on finishing most of March rewards BEFORE February. I know that sounds weird and the logic is weird to but basically I can finish the visual bulk of 3 drawings faster than I can finalize, organize and save the images of February AND that would mean I can advertise for March as well so that I don't run through the month with nothing to advertise for rewards. I know its weird but it happens when im behind and is kinda needed, trust.
REGARDLESS im getting close to finishing it all and you guys will always get the rewards you pay for .. and probably more because I go ham on variants too frequently XDDDD   

Also regarding personal life/businesss time things. I've had 3 "projects" (idk a name for what I work on to be) that are either wrapping up the bulk of the work I've been doing, or cancelled which means I have more time to CATCH UP on everything and run a tight ship again which I look forward to doing. Sadly none of these "projects" are anything exciting I can show for like they arent a visual novel or anything hahaha so dont get excited at that word, its been stuff I've been working on for others for example one is my parents retirement project, stuff like that. Not things that help me and my GasaiV endeavors but rather just things in LIFE that need to get done whether it helps me or not XD. But yea, basically I fully intend and look excited to catching up .. in fact I really want to go BEYOND and work one month in the future so that i have rewards for you guys that are clear, completed, and ready RIGHT at the end of the month. I know appasart does this and I always envy that so much and look forward to one day becoming that!! one day soon!! I appreciate all your guys support and sticking with me through the thick and thin!!   

I got lots of sexy ideas and motivation for the future.. like a comic or two! So thanks for being here and cheers to more!   
working on finalizing Feb and March now! 
