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Heres a quick piece from KodoGasai. Loveeeeeeeee me some Zoro!




Gotta say, when you first started this endeavor, I was getting some serious uncanny valley vibes from the faces, but as time's gone on they've gotten MUCH better. I think it's because they've started looking more... deform-able? IDK, the malleable quality of skin is really evident in the bodies, but it's taken a bit longer to make it to the faces, which made them look out of place. I can still see the difference, but it's getting less obvious with each piece. Of course, I can't draw for shit, so what do I know? As long as you're enjoying yourself it's good enough for me.


good inight! its definitely a very new practice for me and I can feel myself learning and changng the process a lot with each drawing so im sure they are getting better! Whos to say what'll look like in a few years too. Oh and also Kodo is getting really good at the models too so cant let that go unnoticed either :P

Enlightener of Cryptozoology

Such a sexy Zoro!❤️ that body, his package (looks like he has 4 swords instead of 3 🥰🥰😆)