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Just posting to say August rewards have now been sent out. If you didnt receive them and were expecting to, let me know either by commenting or DM'ing me and I can help you figure everything out. The GIF's and video will come tomorrow btw!

But now we move into September. Zagreus is winning the poll so I assume rewards ill be start will be Zagreus, Diluc, and Jake Long x Dragon Jake. Also gonna start Endeavor, Zhongli, and Scorbunny or G'raha for a bonus pack ill have details on when it comes out but ill share WIP's here with you guys as I do them! Thank you for the support !!! 



Hello, on the 8th I had just joined and where can I see that? It will sound very beginner, but that's what I am😅


Merci tout bien reçu et c'est super


August rewards are only for August patrons so if you joined on the 8th, you'll get September rewards which are Zagreus, Jake, Diluc. These will be delivered to patrons on October 7th, I will be working on them throughout the month and posting when done! If you would like AUGUST's rewards, DM me and we can work something out


im excited for more of our catboy, he needs a name tho


SO much more on the way I wish I could tell you. His name is now Kit!