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Okay so about comics, Im not going to do comics for Patreon.

I did try, I have pages fleshed out even finished 2 but I wont show them cuz idk.. I just really really dont like how it all turned out, but thats not the issue.

This past month I've been planning to work on basically 2 more Patreons. One is for KodoGasai because I REALLY want to get that running for Kodo to get him to be full time in this creative field AND I really really believe in that product and its been very exciting so far. The other.. is a secret and you'll see soon.

BUT.. with these projects being planned I've accepted the fact that I will be finally maxed out with art production, I as one artist will no longer be able to produce more than whats needed.. atleast until I get the flow of things.. so that means no comics.

This being said though, I want to make 2 things clear. I in good faith believe that the rewards I deliver on Patreon are still quality and worth the tier cost. The comics were never meant to be a valued promise but more a bonus to the rewards. Two, with these new projects my patreon rewards will be unchanged, I will still do 3 and maybe the occasional 4 (like we've had a lot of this year) Patreon sets/image packs so do not worry

I just wanted to come here and say that I've made my decision that I just can't deal with doing the comics right now and my explanation why. If lets say in december or something, february, march whenever, I find time and motivation to churn out a quick 8 page comic then lets do that but I just want to let you know I can't do the monthly 1-2 pages and I hope you understand
But thats just a prefix. I want to say that the comics are just not going to be something im going to do. I would love to .. if I find time, churn out a whole comic as like a bonus thing  but this past month I've accepted

As always I really appreciate your support and I want to say again.. nothing is changing, Im just retracting that goal I had set for 450 patrons. Thank you!



I appreciate that you tried, and rather than let the quality of all the other things you do degrade, you acknowledge your limitations. It takes strength to face up to those. thank you for letting us know.


It's all good


You're already doing a lot of work! 😅 I'm honestly impressed about how active, passionate and hard-working you are! 😍 Lucky to be your Patron! 🥺


Hey man, as a content creator, you absolutely get to choose what content you want to put out there. If you believe in it, it'll be better for us consumers than if it's something you're not feeling good about. Thanks for being transparent with us.

Penguin Glutton

Don't worry bro. We understand! You're a awesome creator and hardworking ❤👏you do what you think is best. We here for ya always


Don't fret about it! I'm here for your art in whatever form it takes.