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K im like SO unconfident with comics rn like my style is NOT built for comics and it feels like every homework assignment ever that you present and just feel like shit about it the whole way through. Im looking at my page drafts and like.... its there but im not there?? and so I think I need to get 4-5 pages done before I can feel confident enough to share ??? I know this sound so stupid but like idk this is my first time doing comics and Im not feeling good about it AT ALL sooo, not gonna post the pages tomorrow, im gonna work on finishing up to pages 4-5 before I make a decision on whether I like it or not, thanks for understanding!



Totally understand. I am excited to see what a gasaiv comic looks like, though. Do you have a trusted art friend confidant that you could show it to and maybe get some advice? No man is an island. We all need feedback in order to grow, and no one starts out perfect.


Prend tout le temps qu'il faut


Take your time and only show them off when you are happy with them! Don't feel stupid for trying something new.


for sure, I've reached out to a few and I also have a huge folder of manga and comic references and tips I've been reviewing, its just hard to apply, my art style feel like its meant to stand alone and meant for fullbodies so when it gets to expressions, portraits, or body parts it feels super cringe and bare >.< workin on it tho


Don’t feel like you have to do it at all. Really. If it’s not something you feel good about, we could find/suggest something else. It’s not worth it if you don’t feel good about it. The reward should be something you’re excited about doing. I’m all for you having fun with the reward.