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Hey guys! just wanted to say that March 2021 rewards have been sent out as of now. If you were expecting them and haven't received the Patreon message with the download link, let me know and we can work to figure out why that is and/or figure out a solution. If you have any other comments, questions, or concerns about the rewards or anything else , let me know as well.

Moving onto April! looks like Alex has won the poll! Since this is a close repeat character, I will try my best to do sketches of the 2nd and 3rd place winners who are Sett and Ban .. although even they are close repeats as well lmfaoo.. but ill still try and do it.

Thank you so so sos ooososososososososo much for the support as always! you guys hopefully know how much it means to me and Im SO fuckin grateful for it and that it allows me to produce art monthly because I honestly couldnt do 90% of this production without your guys support! I hope to expand much into the future with some exciting projects so I hope you stick around! and speaking of, we are close to a STABLE 450 patrons which will unlock 1-2 fully coloured comic pages per month as a rewards which upon completion would be posted publicly a month later at a lower res. I have some ideas for that already!

I hope you guys are doing well these days and keeping safe as well! 


Night Haunter

Is the March reward for a specific tier? Cause my inbox is still empty 😓😅


Hey Night, looks like you Joined on April 5th which is not March, however, we can work something out if you'd still like March's rewards. Ill DM you


Oh, well, the fact that Alex won the vote is great! And glad that you have ideas for upcoming rewards. Good luck