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I often tweet out my appreciation for support but I don't often here and I should.
so I just wanna say a real thanks for all the support! I often sit here and just take in how appreciative I am for how amazing you guys are and all the support you give me , even if its stressful at times thank you for everything.

I never expected to be anything in life and I didn't have to grade to become an architect like I always dreamed of so I would mentally settle with the idea of being a single lonely self employed carpenter that would probably work of his rented garage or something. And that isn't a bad thing, infact I would still settle for being a carpenter now but it just wasn't what I truely wanted to do and was a let down of a thought for me , kinda like I failed at reaching architect standard. I never ever thought I would become an artist until my friend made me draw with them on Sunday afternoons. Seven years later I continue this as my full time job and its all thanks to your collective donations here on Patreon and so I thank you so much for providing this opportunity. I have lots of things I want to do in the future with this so im not slowing down anytime soon.

As for you guys, I hope you guys are all doing well. Please stay safe , social distance and stay home as much as you are able. Look into your state/province funding opportunities if you need to supplement lost income. Know that just like me in grade school, things can be rough now and you might even feel like there is no future or that this hardship will last forever but things do get better and opportunities do come around. I had NO intention or thought of art until my friend told me to draw with them, that random event changed my life forever I've had many other similar occasions like that afterward so stick around and keep a positive attitude.

This went from a simple appreciation post to a mediocre inspirational speech and idk how but ... thanks :P XD  



Aw. This was like, so sweet. What a wonderful message to see. I'm happy to be able to help support artists during this time even if I do it for slightly selfish reasons ;)

Muju Sey

thank you for your hard work. it is a pleasure to support you, and i can't wait to see what's next :) ! Your friends made us lucky when they invited you to draw with them :p !