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Hey guys, February rewards are coming they are just a little bit delayed. Because of school I haven't finished Link yet so I am working on him now BUT also my internet is out for a week so im slow at responding and all the files still need to be transferred from my tablet to my computer which will take a couple hours on a local coffee shops wifi. On top of this, school is still VERY hectic and Im going to school to work 8 hours everyday so thats 8 hours im not working on link right .. so I go home and work on rewards for another 5 hours but its slow so Im working on it all in the next 2 days And will deliver it Thursday or Friday ! This probably makes 0 sense but  yea basically im just super busy but they are coming ! 



Thank you for the update. Your art is well worth the wait!=)


Not to worry! Take your time and don't burn yourself out. We'll be patient and grateful ^_^


Thanks for the update! Also, don't worry about it being delayed. I think everyone understand the struggle of school and work at the same time! :P keep up the good work


No worries. Do what you need to do for school


Ya its fine take your time. school is important too