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Okay, before we get into the poll I want to let you know what is happening this month . This month is really hectic for me, I am a student as some of you may know and my thesis has been absolute hell this entire year, they kept getting me to change what im doing all the way up to the last 2 months and now Im in the last 3 weeks and its changing again and its just absolutely ridiculous. SO basically I hav SOOOOOO much thesis work to do . like 200 hours of it this month which leaves me not a lot of time for patreon and yes I could close up shop for a month but I really don't want to do that because I don't like to STOP business completely like thats just not me, I like the routine so I won't close patreon BUT I will only be doing 2 sets this month instead of 3. The set I am choosing to do .. or WAS choosing to do was Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball which Ill post the sketch of soon because it came out nice BUT I don't know if you guys want marshall lee x gumball like maybe i can change them to be something more .. popular LIKE ike x ranulf, not them but something like that , maybe a fire emblems three houses or like a pokemon blue x red ??? idk im still thinking on it but yea .. March will be that pairing set + whoever wins this poll.

Basically all im saying is march will be a little bit less , still worth your pledge and I do hope you stick around but I just want to give a heads up. My thesis is due on the 23rd so Ill still have that last week to pump art out but yeaaa .. okay onto the poll, sorry for rambling

Here are the poll options, based on $5+ suggestions so thank you for those, here are the 12 I picked from them 



Good luck with your thesis, that is a great feat. If it is the same as here, getting a doctorate :3

Enlightener of Cryptozoology

Best of luck GasaiV with your thesis! Also I am glad someone suggested Luka/Viperion! I completely forgot about him and for me too to suggest!❤️I love the Miraculous show and I remember Luka is in my top favorites of characters (With Cat Noir and Adrien being #1)


Oooo, for once the ones I went for are winning! Feels good!