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sorry this month is literally the latest ever I feel terrible. I just finished a 7 page private comic commission that was a year old so thats why im so late on everything but at the same time I'm the most caught up on commissions I've ever been in 3 years haha.

Anyway im gonna speed through Jack and Ike and not in a less quality way just in a I'm gonna spend all my time on it so they will be appearing soon. Also , for Jack I will have a few reduced anatomy versions since I know hes not this muscled in the movie

thanks for your support ! stick around for the next day if you want your pledge to go through 




some might enjoy those reduced version i however look forward to the large cock you might gift him with :P


Damn, he looking mighty fine! *respects the bulge


Looking forward to this, he got a good bulge. Will enjoy his plus size and who knows maybe even plusser ;3