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Recently a patron unpledged to my patreon page but while doing so they sent me a message explaining why . I really really appreciate these kinds of gestures as long as its not hateful. Understanding your thoughts , concerns, favourite parts of , etc toward what im doing here is the most valuable feedback I can recieve.

SO , if you are planning on deleting your pledge or leaving in the future , if you think that your reasoning would be constructive for me I would really appreciate if you would be vocal about it.

Examples :
-My style changes and you dont like it anymore , maybe pecs are becoming too big , etc
- My characters are no longer appealing too you
- less fanart than I use to draw
- feeling like theres not enough engagement
- Characters are too bara
- Rewards are too much or too little

Its just something to consider, one thing that makes me sad is when I see a pledge deleted with no exit survey or reasoning , It leaves me wondering what the concern was so when patrons message me letting me know their current feelings or situations , I appreciate it and take it as a critique, even if its one person or if its a personal preference ( minority reasoning) .

Obviously this being said if you're just needing to save money or you're boycotting patreon or something thats not a reason that I can change from  but there are plenty of reasons I can take as a critique :T

Just thoughts ! thanks for listening !


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